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Nutrition Grad Guide

Author: Shahna Sarpi

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Are you a nutritionist or natural health professional looking to build a career and life you love? In this podcast I combine my knowledge with the knowledge of experts to guide you into the career of your dreams. With practical tips from diverse career pathways, I'm here to give you the tools you need for success.

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93 Episodes
With my first non-working holiday around the corner (and two other getaways before that) I've been in prep mode to get everything organised for my travels. When we have a business of our own we have many perks, but unfortunately not the perk of annual leave pay like we get when working a job. So in this episode I share my strategy for how I'm navigating my business while I adventure around Europe. See more of the BTS of my business and travels over on @shahnasarpi. I'd love if you reach out to say hello, share any of your key take aways or let me know if you like these kinds of episodes and want more of them.
In this episode, I share insights and lessons from a recent experiment I ran within my business. I ran a 31 day challenge called Motivation March, held in telegram that involved a daily training via voice note. Hear me unpack what I learnt, what I would do differently, what worked and many other valuable tangents that I'm led on. Watch all the behind the scenes of my other business and life over on @shahnasarpi. Be sure to send me a DM or a email if you enjoyed this solo episode and want to hear more insights into my biz and growth like this episode.
Saoirse Kelly is an Associate Registered Nutritionist with a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling. She is the face behind the business Building Balance Nutrition where she combines her love for food, holistic health and mindset to support her clients through 1:1 and group offerings. Saoirse believes in doing things differently and is paving her own path in the industry, making waves of impact as she goes. In this episode, Saoirse shares: Developing an eating disorder and how this led her down the nutrition path. Doing her postgrad in counselling. Investing in a business mentor straight after graduating. The structure of her business, including 1:1, programs and masterclasses. Getting employed as the Senior Nutritionist of a global company. Balancing her business with this new role. Making a greater impact and reaching more people. How she structures her 1:1 packages. Bringing mindset into the nutrition support. Building relationships with clients. Why she chooses to work with people for extended periods, rather than one-off calls. Behind the scenes of her program launch. Pushing the edge of putting her program out there and continuing to talk about it. Winging it and trying different types of marketing. Bringing her intuition into her business. Balancing the masculine and feminine energies in her business. Being okay with contradicting yourself, growing and evolving. Reinvesting in her business. Doing the systems, strategy and implementation, then bringing in the mindset side of it. The way business is a mirror for personal development. Learning to trust your voice, be authentic and stop comparing yourself to others in the industry. The importance of continuing to show up and being consistent. Seeing her hard work paying off. Having a support system and someone to guide you. Regulating her nervous system. Nailing her brand and creating visually appealing content. Making sure your bills are covered. The importance of being yourself. Networking and connecting with others in the industry. Launching her own podcast. And so much more! You can learn more about Saoirse and Building Balance Nutrition via her website and follow her journey on instagram @buildingbalancenutrition.
88. The Year of YOU

88. The Year of YOU


There's nothing like a bit of motivation to start off the year. In this episode I share my intention for all of us this year - that this is the year you go all in on yourself and your goals! Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: ⁠⁠ Social links to stay connected: Instagram: ⁠@nutritiongradguide⁠ Instagram: ⁠@shahnasarpi⁠ Facebook: ⁠Nutrition Grad Guide⁠ LinkedIn: ⁠Shahna Sarpi
Amy Mingin is a qualified Naturopath that offers holistic mentoring and mindset coaching. With experience in clinical practice, offering Breathwork, running NLP workshops and so much more, Amy has had a diverse and successful career. Amy makes her return to Nutrition Grad Guide to update us on her career and the evolution of herself and her business since she joined us for episode 26 back in 2020. In this episode, Amy shares: The evolution of her business and her life. Going on an inward journey with the exploration of how it gets applied externally. Teaching what she learns to embody it. Her experience training people in NLP and running educational workshops. Figuring out who she is at this new level. Shifting between a spiritual approach and a productive approach. Doing the nervous system work. Working on the self identity piece. Being human and getting taken off the pedestal. Doing things from a space of prevention. Making decisions from a place of empowerment. Learning to trust yourself. Overcoming overthinking. Using breathwork to flood your body with oxygen and start your day feeling great. Offering holistic mentoring. Running online masterclasses. Incorporating hypnosis into her practice. Helping people feel safe as the first priority. Going through periods of deep rest. Why having a foundation of good health is vital for business. Taking client sessions from the spa. A powerful ritual to infuse your day with intention. Bringing manifestation practices into your business. How she learnt to charge her worth and the revelation that helped her stop discounting her services. Detaching your self worth from money. Letting your offers choose what they want to be priced at. Being relatable and sharing personal stories with your clients. Shifting from intellectual knowledge to embodied knowledge. Embodying the information that you learn by utilising it and teaching it. And so much more! You can learn more about Amy via her website and follow her journey over on instagram @amymingin. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Jade Walker is a qualified Naturopath that specialises in Endometriosis and fertility. Through her business, Jade offers a go-to resource for people with endometriosis, called ‘Endo Care Collective’, practices as a clinical Naturopath, has a team of practitioners working alongside her and hosts her podcast ‘The Jade Walker Way’. By showing up authentically and sharing her story online, Jade has built an engaged audience and is making a massive impact with her work. In this episode, Jade shares: Starting her journey after going plant-based. Her original career as a journalist and her evolution into becoming a Naturopath. Working at the Happy Herb Shop and discovering natural medicine. Starting a tea business and her experience with that. Landing a recipe writing job. Not worrying about how many other people are in your niche, because nobody is going to do it your way. Working in a multi-modality clinic and gaining experience there. Her own endometriosis journey and how this led to her specialisation. Her experience sharing authentically and vulnerably online. Not listening to the negative voices in your head. The imposter syndrome that can come up. Allowing herself the time to adapt to being a new mum before getting back into her business. Being diagnosed with ADHD. Going all in in her business and making over 100k in that financial year. Navigating hardships while running a business. Bringing on team members and people supporting her in her business. Launching her endo course. Moving past her ‘upper limits’. Raising twins while growing her business. Noticing where distractions are taking away from your biz. Feeling like a totally different person than she was 6 months ago. The advice she would give her past self when graduating. Why you need to make your business start paying you from the early days. Up-skilling along the way. Showing up as yourself and keeping it real. Building genuine relationships with everyone. Supporting each other. Finding your niche. Her experience with her podcast ‘The Jade Walker Way’. And so much more! Her book recommendations are: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks Profit First by Mike Michalowicz Any of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s books You can learn more about Jade via her website and follow her journey via her instagram @jadewalkerhealth. Find her program Endo Care Collective here: - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
While I’ve been into personal development for around 12 years, I’ve seen exponential shifts and changes in my personal (and business) growth since working more closely with coaches and mentors. From the difference in confidence and how I show up in the world, to reaching my first 5 figure months with the help of a coach, it’s almost impossible to put into words the gratitude I have for my personal development and coaching journey. In this episode, I share: My experience with personal development. The difference between knowledge and embodiment. Why it’s so important to implement what we learn, not just learn more. The value of personal experience. Some of the modalities I’ve learnt along the way. The ways self love has helped me grow my business and become more authentically me. Not allowing yourself to get lost in personal development. Why business success is a combination of strategy, mindset and energetics. Various mindset and energetic blocks that may be getting in our way. Working with our beliefs, because our beliefs create our reality. Not getting caught in the busy-ness trap. What I love about in person events. Having more personalised support and how it can fast track your journey. The way other people can often see things about ourselves that we can’t always see. My experience in a mastermind and having a 1:1 coach. Knowing it’s about what’s going on inside, not on the outside. Switching from competition to collaboration. Seeing a correlation between my confidence and the growth of my business. The many benefits of having someone in your corner. Why overwhelm is the easy way out. An insight into my coaching and mentorship offerings. And so much more! Learn more about my coaching offerings (and the current relaunch special) via Book a 90-minute Clarity & Strategy session here: Apply for a 1:1 coaching container here: Book a 60-minute ‘Confidence Boost’ here: If you have any questions, want to see how I can support you, or check that we’re the right fit, book a discovery call here: - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Desi Karandaglidis is a qualified Nutritionist who’s passion for nutrition and food science came out of nowhere but has led her down a booming and promising path into a food science career. When the pandemic hit, she quickly realised she wanted more and wanted to utilise the nutrition side of her degree. After fixing her own issues with. Her period and seeing the power of nutrition in this, her aim is to help women fix their period (anything from painful periods, to missing periods, to wanting to come off the pill) by using the power of Nutrition and Mindset practices. She does all of this in her business, alongside working her full time job in the Food Industry. In this episode, Desi shares: Staring in the beauty industry before switching into nutrition and food science. Studying food science and nutrition. Going on to get a job in food science and work in various food manufacturing roles. Realising she wanted to start her own business. Changing her belief about what running a business meant and challenging the ways she saw her parents running conventional businesses. Starting to build a presence on social media. Combining her love for health and fitness with nutrition. Her own journey with her period and healing her menstrual cycle, including using her nutrition degree for this. Experiencing her first pain free period and igniting the passion to help others do the same. How she balances working full time and building her business. What it’s like working in food science, food quality and food manufacturing, including the two main paths you can go down. Different roles and responsibilities in her role. The qualifications you need to work in food science and quality. Some of the directions you can take this career and progression opportunities. The growing demand in the food industry and the increase of jobs that will come with that. An insight into her business and current offerings. Her love for presenting and being in front of large groups of people. Focusing on making people feel good. The ripple effect and how even when we’re getting started out and helping less people it’s rippling out to many more. Understanding that some people need to hear your message and prefer your style of teaching specifically. Knowing that what you put out there doesn’t have to be perfect. Taking the pressure off yourself. Her secrets to staying consistent and continuing to show up. Holding the vision of your dream life and knowing that it’s going to happen. Acknowledging the work that goes into becoming the person you desire to be and building your dream life. Being efficient with your time and setting boundaries. Her experience immersing herself in growth environments. Running the other way if people tell you something isn’t possible or realistic. And so much more! Learn more about Desi via her website and follow her journey on instagram - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Ryan Magic is a fulfilment coach with over 12 years experience in the coaching industry. Having spent a number of years as a business coach, teaching coaches to grow their business, and having grown his own multi-million dollar coaching business, Ryan knows his way around business growth. Throughout this interview, he shares lessons from his journey and potent insight into how we as Nutritionists can create the most fulfilling career possible. In this episode, Ryan shares: The life changing gift he received as a teenager. Writing his own eulogy and realising why he wanted to go after his dreams now, not wait. Investing in a $50k mentor. Going all in on his dreams and how it served him. Running weekly seminars and getting his first sale from stage. Making 1 million dollars in his first 10 months of his coaching business. Understanding how you work best so you can optimise your journey. Learning to love himself unconditionally and how it changed the way he approaches business. The importance of not giving your power away to other people and understanding there is no one ‘right way’. Using your own discernment when making decisions. Learning from ‘The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying’. Living for fulfilment, not for money or success. His definition of fulfilment and why it’s so important. Getting the right balance of giving, receiving and growing. Building his business into a 4-5 million dollar per year business. Growing and running a team of 20+ people. Selling high ticket offers and teaching others to do the same. Leveraging courage to build his business and why it’s such an important skill. Using common sense to grow his business, write his first book and more. Going against the limiting stories that people placed upon him and his desire to grow a business. Understanding and seeing that anything is possible when you put your mind to it. How his fear of not being enough and wasting his life was bigger than his fear of judgement and drove him to take the scary action. The importance of having a really strong ‘why’. Tuning in to your hearts desires, as opposed to your head attachments. Being compassionate with yourself and any fears that are coming up along the way. Developing a loving relationship with your inner child. Realising that things often aren’t as hard as we make them. His simple strategy that helped him write a 420 page book in 2 months. What he would do differently in that business now. Staying in alignment with your heart desires, not what will make more money, more quickly. Being part of a mastermind with multi-millionaires and some of his learnings from this time. Understanding that business is a long game and being patient. Why he advocates getting us much experience as possible before you think about scaling. The difference that having accountability makes. Trusting the finances will come through at the right time. Continuing to upskill and add to your toolkit. Why you need to back yourself and know that you are valuable. Knowing that all of your desires are possible. And so much more! You can learn more about Ryan via his website and follow his journey via instagram @theryanmagic. - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Sarina Coventry is a degree qualified Nutritionist (BHSc) and EFT Tapping Practitioner. She runs her own online practise, has a part time role as a nutrition coach and has recently joined The Seed Cycle as their business development manager. She takes a holistic approach that seeks to educate and empower women toward working WITH their bodies rather than against them. During her 1:1 online sessions, she teaches women how to have happy hormones, support their nervous system and process negative beliefs related to food, themselves and their body. In this inspiring episode, Sarina talks about: Exploring the relationship between food and mood. Switching from studying psychology to nutrition. Her experience studying at Endeavour. The life-changing power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and her experience becoming qualified in it. Keeping her EFT and nutrition services seperate. An insight into her online clinic. Supporting people with their menstrual cycle and teaching cycle syncing. Calming people’s nervous systems with EFT. Her experience working as the Business Development Manager at The Seed Cycle. The benefits of working and growing with small businesses. Keeping up to date with the latest research. Perks of being part of a team, alongside being a solopreneur. The importance of social media and getting comfortable online. Building good communication skills. The skills you need to succeed and grow in business. Why you need to have a support network. Her advice to fellow practitioners. Using cycle syncing in her business and some of the ways she does this. The benefits she’s noticed since she started Seed Cycling. How she keeps going, even when times get tough. Celebrating your wins and having other people to celebrate you. Releasing the pressure on yourself and learning to have trust. Taking the time to create balance. Trusting that the biggest breakthroughs come after things are feeling the hardest. Letting go of attachments or how you think things should look. Not being afraid to ask for help. Finding the sharks when you feel like a little fish. Tips for reaching out to people you look up to. And so much more! Sarina’s book recommendation is In The Flo by Alisa Vitti. Learn more about Sarina via or follow their journey over on instagram @sarinacoventry_. - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Katie Barron is a Naturopath and Physical Examination expert, who trains fellow natural health practitioners about how to properly examine their clients in-person and online. Having taught at Endeavour college, run a 7 city workshop tour and run many successful online programs, webinars and workshops, Katie is a wealth of wisdom in the physical examination space and has lots to share about growing a thriving business. In this episode, Katie shares: Following her dream and finding what she loved. Having two babies while studying and doing things at her own pace. Finishing her degree then going back to help as a clinical assistant. Working in private practice and enjoying it, but noticing that she loved the teaching more. Developing the ‘let’s get physical’ program for practitioners. The importance of having fun with what you do. Running a 7 city workshop tour around Australia. Refining her offer and her values. Her plans to take a group to Sri Lanka for training and to give back to the communities over there. Taking her business online during lockdowns. Creating a freedom based business that allowed her to spend a year travelling. Giving the profits of her trainings to an organisation that touched her heart in Indonesia. Integrating her personal values into her business. Looking at the light and the shadow. Giving everything a try. Allowing your business to evolve as you do. Understanding there is no right or wrong. Getting comfortable being visible. Doing the things that scare you. Asking ‘is this helpful’ and ‘will this help someone’. Finding your why. Why being vulnerable makes you a leader. Getting out of the comparison trap. The ins and outs of physical examination and how to differentiate in-person and online strategies. Enhancing your patients experience with clinical examination. The importance of knowing your limitations. Learning to trust yourself. How to navigate difficult cases in clinic. And so much more! Katie’s book recommendation is The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. You can find Katie via her website and follow her journey via instagram @katiebarronnaturopath and Facebook: Katie Barron Educator & Facilitator. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Matty Lansdown is a scientist, Nutritionist and an Emotional Eating and Self Sabotage coach that specialises in weight loss and self confidence for women and busy mother’s. Matty runs an online group program, has a successful podcast ‘How to NOT get sick and die’ with an impressively large audience and is an absolute inspiration in the emotional eating space. In this episode, Matty shares: His unconventional entry into the health industry. The exposure he had to natural medicine growing up, including his mum healing his childhood eczema naturally. Studying forensic science at university. Working for a company in nutritional epigenetics, focusing on hyper personalised nutrition.  Being part of a cancer research team for a hospital in Melbourne. Living a double life by working in western cancer treatment but researching natural and holistic cancer treatments in his spare time. Doing a lot of his learning reading articles on pubmed. Leaving the cancer business and moving into the nutrition world. His passion for behaviour change, mindset and supporting people with emotional eating. Growing a large following through the success of his podcast ‘How Not to get Sick and Die’. His journey starting the podcast and releasing an episode every week for the past 4 years. Getting burnout from trying to be on all of the different platforms. How his love for public speaking led to his mentor suggesting he start a podcast. Hitting 150,000 monthly listeners after releasing 100 episodes. The networking and opportunities that come from having a podcast. How to get out of the mindset of comparison, competition and scarcity. Mirroring your consumer behaviour with the kind of consumer behaviour that you want to attract. The importance of walking our talk and being the example for the people we work with. The reality of starting a business and the challenges that can come with it. Being a student for life and keeping yourself open to the lessons. His transition from full time work to going full time in his business quicker than he planned. Why marketing and messaging is one of the most important things that we can learn to do. The mindset shifts involved in growing a successful business. Putting the input in to get the output. Developing systems and outsourcing things in your business. Keeping business seperate from personal life & personal space. Mapping out a highly profitable business structure. Staying in your own lane and not getting swept up with what other people are doing. The importance of focusing and doing the one thing until it works. Succeeding in business without having or using social media. Learning that consistency is more important than frequency. And so much more! Matty’s book recommendation was ‘Story Brand’ by Donald Miller. Learn more about Matty via his website or listen to his podcast ‘How to NOT get sick and die’ via apple podcasts ( or spotify ( Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Jacinta Barbagallo is a qualified Nutritionist that specialises in skin and women’s health. Having built a thriving online clinic called Orenda Women’s Health, she shares her experience growing from solopreneur to having a team. Along with supporting clients, Jacinta also educates skin therapists about the intricacies of skin health from the inside out. In this episode, Jacinta shares: Her transition from working as a Sales Manager at a supplement company to going full time in her own business. Practicing out of her brother’s gym doing nutrition consultations. Working at a skin clinic and finding her passion for skin health. Running her practice while working 4 days at her job. Letting things go along the way. Transitioning from work to full time in her own business. Staying in your own lane and not focusing on other people’s journey. Adopting the mindset of it having no choice but to be successful. Asking herself ‘what would the future version of my clinic need?’. All about building a referral system with skin clinics and other modalities. Why you don’t have to have everything perfect before you start. The importance of building rapport with your clients. Educating patients and helping them understand why things are happening for them. Using the right language to improve client retention rates. The benefit of talking your client through the process and how your approach will help them. Going from having no social media or website to having an online presence. Creating her course ‘Advanced Acne Training’ for skin therapists, which led to passive income and also building her referral network. Speaking to a marketing consultant about how you can optimise different funnels in your business. Setting up your brand, your content pillars and offerings. Reaching a larger audience through social media. Introducing discovery calls. Hiring a patient advocate and clinic manager and how this has helped grow her business. Our collaboration on ‘Healthy Skin From Within: The Acne Edition’, a 6-week educational program with a 6 week meal plan. Going from a solopreneur to growing a team. Recognising where your strengths and weaknesses are and working in accordance with those. Her recommendation for growing your own online clinic. Why having a niche is important. Working on your personal things to ensure they don’t get in the way of your business. And so much more! Learn more about Jacinta via her website and follow her instagram @orendawomenshealth. Jacinta also has her own podcast, Periods, Poos and Pimples. Head over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Sam Gemmell is a health writer, marketing rockstar and content specialist. Not only does she provide health writing, marketing and content services, but she also teaches fellow natural health professionals how to succeed as a health virtual assistant. Having created an incredible course about how to become a health VA, Sam has helped so many people start to monetise their passion and get started in the health industry. Learn more about Sam’s course all about setting yourself up to become a successful Health VA by clicking here. *Sam and I originally recorded this episode around a year ago (when nutrition grad guide was meant to make a come back) but the advice, info and tips still ring so true! In this episode, Sam shares: Growing to full capacity despite being locked down in Melbourne. How she ‘accidentally’ ended up teaching student practitioners and other natural health professionals how to work as Virtual Assistance. The many things that a virtual assistant (VA) can do. Different types of VAs and how to find your niche. All about her amazing freebie and where you can get your hands on it. A great shortcut to cut down on your writing time. Her journey releasing online courses. The benefits of having a support network and team around you. Tips for growing your network. Investments she’s made on her business and how they’ve changed the game. The beauty of in-person connection and events. Things she does to help herself (and her business) grow. Perks of outsourcing things that are outside of your genius zone. How accountability can accelerate your growth. Some of her ‘failures’ and what she’s learnt along the way. Crafting her business around her life and to accomodate for her health. The amazing mindset shifts she’s had around parting ways with clients. Why she lives by the saying ‘this or something better’ Habits that she has created to support her business and her health. Ways that she stays productive working from home alone. Getting the basics right to set yourself up for success. Syncing her business to her cycle and why she recommends it. Not waiting for perfection. And so much more! You can find Sam via her website and follow her journey on instagram @samthehealthwriter. Sam also has her own podcast, The Successful Practitioner. Head over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen. - Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Earlier this year I ran my very first health retreat! A 3-day event that was one of my career highlights and such a fulfilling few days. Tune in as I share all of the behind the scenes of what’s involved in running an event like this, from the logistics, inclusions and organisational side of things, to the mental blocks, resistance and mindset related things that came up. In this episode, I share: The things that need to be considered and organised when running a health retreat. An insight into the way I ran the retreat, the schedule, structure and inclusions. About the content and resources I shared in the educational portion of the retreat. Getting facilitators involved to run various workouts and activities. Having brands on board to contribute products for snacks and the goodie bags. Putting together a goodie bag for the participants and other special touches. Vulnerable shares around the financial side of running an event like this. Mindset blocks and resistance that surfaced when planning the retreat. Things I learnt, what I would do again and what I might not do again next time. And so much more! Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
In the last episode I updated you about quitting what was once my dream job, so in this episode I thought it was fitting to update you on what I’ve been doing and the evolution of my own health business. In this episode, I share: The evolution of my business and what I’m focusing on now. Starting my business alongside working full time, then part time. Removing the stories around having to take the leap and jump into business, rather than building towards it. The different types of offerings I’ve had and continue to have in my business, including online recipe eBooks, meal plans, group programs, physical products etc. An insight into running group programs and the difference between evergreen / self led programs and live programs. Different ways I’ve launched group programs over the years. Other freelance work and types of opportunities I’ve had / continue to have. The importance of building up and not expecting it all to happen over night. Why consistency and focus is essential for success. And so much more! You can learn more about my business Project Nourish via and follow my journey over on @shahnasarpi. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
In this long overdue career update, I share all about my my time working at 28 by Sam Wood, including: How I got my role at 28. My career progression throughout my 4.5 years working there. Some of the highlights of my time at 28 and key career milestones. My experience being part of facilitating and coordinating retreats. Developing recipes for big brands in the health food space. Creating seasonal meal plans that focuses on minimal ingredients and less food wastage. Other cool experiences and opportunities I had while working on the 28 team. An insight into leaving my role as Head of Nutrition at 28 by Sam Wood. Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming to Nutrition Grad Guide. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
After almost a year and a half, Nutrition Grad Guide is coming back! And to celebrate, I'm throwing a party. If you live in or around Melbourne, join me and some other epic humans for a night of connection, networking and fun. You can grab your FREE ticket here: Be sure to sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date with all of the latest news, updates and special offers that are coming as part of the Nutrition Grad Guide relaunch. You can stay connected by adding your details here: Social links to stay connected: Instagram: @nutritiongradguide Instagram: @shahnasarpi Facebook: Nutrition Grad Guide LinkedIn: Shahna Sarpi
Emily Hazell is the founder of Serotonin Eatery, Exercise + Education Centre. If you live in Melbourne, chances are you’ve heard of Serotonin (and for good reason). This healthy cafe is one of the best in the business and Emily has optimised every single thing to help customers feel happy! This week, Emily shares the behind the scenes of bringing a healthy cafe to life. Find the full show notes and topics covered via: Learn more about Emily via @emilyhazellnut on instagram. Follow Serotonin Dealer via @serotonindealer and learn more over on the website
Katie Barnes is a qualified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Pilates Instructor who has combined her love of food and fitness! Katie is part of the nutrition team at 28 by Sam Wood, where we have the pleasure of working together. She also teaches reformer pilates at KX Pilates and Evolve. Katie is a great example of how to combine multiple passions to create a successful career in the natural health industry. Find the full episode show notes here: Learn more about Katie via her instagram @__katiebarnes.