Join Dan, Shelley, and Sid every week to chat about the sci-fi comedy The Orville. Watch the show every Friday evening at 9pm on SBS VICELAND or anytime at SBS on Demand and then listen along to the ORVILLELAND podcast for a ridiculously fun chat about that week's episode.

The Orville messes with the timestream this week. And that's okay in the name of love.

In the season finale of ORVILLELAND, the podcast crew dive deep on the final two episodes of the second season of The Orville. With time paradoxes aplenty, the team try to make sense of it all without being plunged into alternate 1985.


Should you dream of electric sheep?

In a brand new episode of ORVILLELAND we look at the latest episode of The Orville 'Lasting Impressions' and ask some serious questions about the ethics of raising the digital dead. Sure, Malloy may have fallen in love with a long-dead woman through her mobile phone video. But should he act on spending time with her hologram?


An old friend demands Malloy's trust

Malloy defends an old friend on The Orville season 2 episode "Blood of Patriots". Meanwhile the crew of The Orville podcast ORVILLELAND battle personal betrayals.


Will The Orville's best robot friend Isaac destroy them all?

Is it possible that Isaac and the other other Kaylons hell-bent on committing a human genocide could get away with it? The ORVILLELAND panel discuss the dramatic conclusion to Identity - Part 2.


The Orville deals with a deceptive friend in Identity - Part 1

On this week's ORVILLELAND podcast, Sid, Shelley, and Dan are gripped by what was a really tense episode of The Orville. It leads them to ask questions about a very specific character on the show and also how to deal with the rise of robots.


The Orville asks how to host a mystery in 'Deflectors'

There has been a murder on board The Orville this week, prompting an investigation into the who, why, and.... if? For the crew of the podcast ORVILLELAND, it takes a strange turn into a discussion about parlor mysteries, deep fakes, and high school reunions.


There's no new ORVILLELAND this week. So, here's what you should watch instead

There's no new episode of ORVILLELAND this week - but rest assured that we're not going to keep you in the lurch.


ORVILLELAND keeps a stiff upper lip

With Bortus growing a fine-looking moustache and Dr Finn dating the ship robot Isaac, the ORVILLELAND podcast crew have A LOT to discuss.


ORVILLELAND has its birthday cake and eats it too

In the episode All the World is Birthday Cake we welcome a new Security Officer to the cast and experience first contact with a new alien species. The ORVILLELAND podcast hosts Dan, Sid, and Shelley make sense of the issues raised in the show and go deep into a discussion on astrology (as spotlighted in the show).


Exploring catfishing on this week's ORVILLELAND

This week's The Orville has a lot to discuss: First Capt Mercer gets Catfished. But then there's also the cheeky nod to a competitor Star Trek show. We discuss that and a whole lot more in this week's ORVILLELAND podcast.


ORVILLELAND says goodbye to a beloved cast member

This week on the ORVILLELAND podcast we say goodbye to one of our favourite characters as Alara travels home in the Season 2 episode 3 "Home". Also on the podcast, Sid explains how much of an effect zero-gravity can have on astronauts. It's a fun chat, we promise!


The Orville star Adrianne Palicki beams aboard the ORVILLELAND podcast

This week on the ORVILLELAND podcast we interview series star Adrianne Palicki, watch ten planets ready to be gobbled up by a super sun, and tackle Bortus' sex addiction as ORVILLELAND tackles Season 2 - Episode 2 "Primal Urges".


ORVILLELAND Ep 1 - Ja'loja

Welcome to ORVILLELAND, it's our weekly deep dive into the world of The Orville. We kick off this podcast with a look at Season 2 - Episode 1 "Ja'loja".


Brand new The Orville podcast ORVILLELAND blasts off 31 December 2018

Join Dan, Shelley, and Sid every week to chat about the sci-fi comedy The Orville. Watch the show every Friday evening at 9pm on SBS VICELAND or anytime at SBS on Demand and then listen along to the ORVILLELAND podcast for a ridiculously fun chat about that week's episode.


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