OT Unplugged: Community of Practice Insights

Join in for OT Unplugged to hear about the latest news and emerging themes from the NDIS OT Community of Practice.

NDIS pricing, the pause on the draft legislation, and NDIA decision making.mp3

This week we discussed the NDIS pricing... or the lack thereof. The pause on draft legislation and the flaws in the NDIS decision making.


OTA Exchange Conference & NDIS Billable Targets

New graduate sessions referred to during this weeks podcast: https://sensationalstart-au.zoom.us/rec/share/PZx3mzbWF6LnWlGdh0WpV9jzyu2TNR3fQi7tRHCmGkZfSkiOwt-3woiNhvpF2FCK.KXabYyuX0OJRrCA2 https://sensationalstart-au.zoom.us/rec/share/ZC9y9wH2H3APR-qZMtsBVT6mrhvTzuyvi4Aj5r_hKdZBO74NJBHb82QjxpJ1mAUw.FakMBqecQkXKxHNu  


Exit planning, the role of AHAs and handling unusual AT requests

In this episode we discuss exit planning for your OT practice, the role of AHAs and handling unusual requests for AT prescription. Guide to Self-management referred to, please see page 17 - https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/using-your-plan/self-management


NDIS draft legislation, the role of PM and SC plus our NDIS pricing predictions

In this weeks episode we discuss some recent amendments to the proposed NDIS draft legislation, the email communication to plan managers and support co-ordinators.  Plus we give our predictions on the upcoming release of the NDIS price guide.  Article from Team DSC referred to in this episode: https://teamdsc.com.au/resources/government-amends-proposed-new-ndis-bill


Unearthing the notion of "intra-plan inflation" and collaboration with AT suppliers for best practice outcomes

In this week's episode we discuss the Public Enquiries in the NDIS draft legislation, unearth the notion of "intra-plan inflation" and discuss working in collaboration with AT suppliers for best practice outcomes.     Wheelie Worx with Justin Boulos - https://www.linkedin.com/safety/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fwheelieworx&trk=flagship-messaging-web&messageThreadUrn=urn%3Ali%3AmessagingThread%3A2-MjI3M2RjODgtZGYyMy00ZWVhLTg0OTMtMTFmMmYxMGYxZTQwXzAxMA%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_notifications%3B%2B2W4wCcET6yMFfz6BhxbpA%3D%3D   Article on intra-plan inflation - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/15/ndis-changes-to-close-costly-loophole-before-it-becomes-gaping-wound-bill-shorten-says 


NDIS approval delays, LAC caseloads and evidencing clinical reasoning / decision making

Link to AAT stats discussed - https://www.aat.gov.au/about-the-aat/corporate-information/statistics


NDIS wedding tax, paid student placements and assessment tools for clinical practice

In this weeks episode we discuss the NDIS wedding tax plus paid student placements for some undergrad programs.  We also delve into our favourite standardised assessment tools and their use in OT clinical practice.   Links below to articles on the first two topics: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-24/accc-taskforce-launches-to-investigate-ndis-overcharging/103625488 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-05/placement-poverty-commonwealth-payment-nurses-teachers/103807024


Expo and conference season - what's out there for NDIS OT's?

In this weeks episode we discuss our favourite expos and conferences including which one has the best freebies! ARATA conference - https://www.arata.org.au/eventdetails/19581/2024-australian-assistive-technology-conference ATSA independent living expo - https://expo.atsa.org.au/ OT Exchange conference - https://www.otausevents.com.au/otexchange2024/  


Navigating the NDIS Draft Legislation with guest Muriel Cummins

In this weeks episode, Sarah and Nikki sit down with special guest Muriel Cummins to navigate the key issues of concern in the NDIS draft legislation.     For assistance in making a submission, please access the form below:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/10m-8EFeltrADk5tZ1W624sIuuUqCnO1X/edit?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR33mV-t76VOgOud001RcX29bjlk0ojUTfu6KuePaNMKE6ZidaJy4TtHRhQ_aem_Af6DSzASdWdilTDCyYvkUamybqQM47ovLtvsSCGtemtmaL6uEm_D_I5se-sMo9xVEnqR6gBATVqyLn5y5cR09S0v


Proposed Mandatory Registration in the NDIS

In this episode we discuss further the proposed mandatory registration and what it may mean for NDIS providers and participants.     OTA survey on NDIS registration - https://lnkd.in/gqvFRrmn  NACRE Consulting Have Your Say form - https://www.nacre.com.au/mandatory-ndis-registration  Make a submission to the NDIS taskforce - https://engage.dss.gov.au/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce/      


Diving deeper into the NDIS draft legislation

In this weeks episode we take a deeper dive into the NDIS draft legislation and discuss the topics raised during the DSS (Department of Social Services) recent information session.  Further information sessions are being run in the coming weeks.    https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/9974-proposed-ndis-legislation-introduced-parliament    https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-department/news/68436 


Getting the NDIS back on track bill

This week we discuss the topic on everyone's mind, the draft legislation tabled to parliament to get the NDIS back on track.    Information session on the draft legislation: https://events.humanitix.com/getting-the-ndis-back-on-track-bill-information-session-1?fbclid=IwAR0j1uq1l9d1nYhD-yfeS1slj8Nm8naF-zrtLsiEdszHBGYqMZncyptS_48   Submit to the NDIA registration taskforce: https://engage.dss.gov.au/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce-make-a-submission  


The Workforce Dilemma - preparing OT students

This week we take a deep dive into the OTA workforce plan, discussing priority area number one relating to preparation of the OT new graduate workforce.  We also round up the latest NDIS updates including updates on NDIS payment delays and investigation of fraudulent plan managers.    https://otaus.com.au/practice-support/workforce-development-project 


Managing work life balance and the parenting juggle

This week we discuss the ups and downs of being a working Mum and explore what work life balance really looks like.  We also round up the latest NDIS updates including release of the OTA response to pricing and the governments progress update on the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission.    OTA pricing update: https://otaus.com.au/news/ndis-pricing-review-update    Progress update on the Disability Royal Commission: https://www.dss.gov.au/disability-and-carers-disability-royal-commission-taskforce/australian-government-progress-update-on-the-disability-royal-commission-0 


Unpacking the NDIS Review and Psycho-social Disability

This week we start unpacking the NDIS review by discussing the recommendations relating to supports for participants with Pyscho-social disability with guest host Muriel Cummins. We also round up the latest NDIS updates including NDS workforce census, registration taskforce and PACE rollout.   NDS Workforce Census - https://www.nds.org.au/news/nds-launches-our-2024-workforce-census  Introduction to PACE for NDIS OT's - https://www.trybooking.com/CQDBR NDIS Registration Taskforce call for submissions - https://engage.dss.gov.au/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce/ndis-provider-and-worker-registration-taskforce-make-a-submission/ 


An OT's scope of practice journey

In this weeks episodes we share our scope of practice journeys and the pitfalls of jumping in too fast and too deep. Plus we discuss the value of good CPD and how to find it...   Supervision and leadership training mentioned - https://www.trybooking.com/CPQIP Announcement of resignation of NDIS commissioner - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-27/ndis-commissioner-tracey-mackey-resigns/103516604 


Managing client expectations and the NDIS pricing review

In this weeks episode we discuss how to manage conversations with clients when expectations are running high. Plus we delve into the annual pricing review to chat about considerations for providers moving forward within the scheme before ending on a light hearted note discussing client visits gone awry. Links below for the NDIS pricing review papers and the NACRE consulting response template: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements/making-pricing-decisions/annual-pricing-review https://www.nacre.com.au/seize-the-day-allied-health-business-owners-responding-to-the-ndis-annual-pricing-review/?fbclid=IwAR3SewEE95dxzDPw35gpw2Da0zONkErytIS-Jowj1znaAn4-FOC3sBRQL3o


Approval delays, PACE and OT naming legalities

In this weeks episode we dig deeper to discuss recent approval delays, the rollout of PACE and impact on providers and participants.  We also chat about the recent OTA survey on OT naming legalities.  For more information on PACE - https://improvements.ndis.gov.au/


Recruitment, supervision and finding the perfect job match

In this weeks inaugural episode you'll meet podcasters Sarah, Nikki and Alyce as they delve into the trials and tribulations of recruitment, supervision and finding that perform OT match. Check out the free recordings available for choosing that next job and supporting the early career workforce. How to choose your next job – https://sensationalstart-au.zoom.us/rec/share/PZx3mzbWF6LnWlGdh0WpV9jzyu2TNR3fQi7tRHCmGkZfSkiOwt-3woiNhvpF2FCK.KXabYyuX0OJRrCA2   How to support your early career workforce https://sensationalstart-au.zoom.us/rec/share/ZC9y9wH2H3APR-qZMtsBVT6mrhvTzuyvi4Aj5r_hKdZBO74NJBHb82QjxpJ1mAUw.FakMBqecQkXKxHNu  


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