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Occupy Health

Author: Susan Downs, MD

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Occupy Health provides leading edge health information to allow you to take proactive steps towards optimal health. We help you look under the hood to find the underlying contributing causes to illness. We also interview health and functional medicine experts to provide answers to questions and to arm you with questions for your health provider. Tune in to Occupy Health, broadcasting every Friday at 11 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel.
160 Episodes
After reviewing over 100,000 lab values, 5000 biomarkers and epigenetics, he explored which biomarkers were predictive of optimal health and longevity..  He also has recommendations on how to improve each of these markers which improves and individual’s health trajectory.  These biomarkers are:   Hemoglobin A 1 C (HbA1c) should be less than 5 % This is a measure of glycation (sugar stuck to hemoglobin) within the body within the body. Fructosamine is a back up measure if red blood cells are destroyed quickly (e.g. By immune conditions) If it is less than 5, you have a 99 % chance of living ten more years   HsCRP. High sensitivity C reactive protein should be less than .5 This is a measure of inflammation Homocysteine should be less than 6 An all mortality marker This has a high correlation with all chronic diseases and is affected by methlation which is improved with folate and B vitamins Vitamin D levels This is correlated with the risks for chronic diseases including covid 8 oxy guanine a test of DNA damage and oxidative damage (less than 5)   Omega 3 index should be greater than 8   Digestive Transit time should be less than 18 to 24 hours This measures time from eating food til it reaches the toilet.  If this is too long, toxic components can be reabsorbed.  If it is too short, nutrients may not be absorbed.  It can be measured by taking charcoal and measuring the time until it reaches the toilet Morning Urine PH should be between 6.5 and 7.5 A measure of the body’s alkalinity/ acidity Russell Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN Dr. Russell Jaffe received his BS, MD and PhD from the Boston University School of Medicine i1972. He completed residency training in clinical chemistry at the National Institutes of Health (1973 – 1976), remaining on the permanent senior staff until 1979. He is board certified in Clinical Pathology and in Chemical Pathology.  As a physician and scientist who aspired to be comprehensive, objective, empiric and experiential, Dr. Jaffe started his career searching for deeper understanding, wisdom, evidence and insight in mechanisms of health. Through intense curiosity and learned skepticism, Dr. Jaffe sought to debunk the best-known advocates of a variety of health promotion and healing systems. What started as a journey to disprove holistic forms of care became a rich educational experience that transformed Dr. Jaffe into a student and then researcher in such areas a Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, active meditation, homeopathy, and manipulative arts.  
Dr. Hoffe describes his experience when he reported his medical observations which contradicted the government science.  He was persecuted and his office burned down in a village fire ( a fire that left many trees intact).  He lost his livelihood, his practice and his family after he shared his experiences with the community.  For patients who did not report any vaccine injuries, her reported that 62 % of these injury free patients had elevated dimer levels which indicates a risk for strokes.                                      
How do we decide on which vaccines are food for us?  Alix discusses the research showing that in animal models, specific diseases were created by injecting toxic metals along with the desired pathogen of the disease in question.  How do we know that the toxic metals in the childhood vaccine schedule  don't contribute to the growth in autoimmune disease seen in our culture   Is a digital totalitarian system in our future,  Digital IDs, social credit scores is that in our future?    Could vaccine passports be a pathway to such a future?   *correction in the recording she corrected the 700 million budget item to 700 thousand dollars*     Alix Mayer, MBA   In 1996, Ms. Mayer was running a worldwide research group for Apple Inc., when she got 6 vaccines for a vacation and became disabled, brain damaged and lost her career. Now substantially recovered, she is Chairman and co-founder of Free Now Foundation, one of the leading medical freedom law non-profits in California. A retired workaholic, Ms. Mayer volunteers 60 hours a week to help run Free Now Foundation.   Ms. Mayer is an in-demand speaker, and her lively presentations on 1/ The Legal Howdunnit of COVID, 2/ Digital Communism, and 3/ ABV: Anything But Vaccines have earned her recognition and accolades. "I know women in VP positions who do not hold a candle to this woman's sunlight," stated a commenter on a recent interview with Mike Adams, "She gives me hope that humanity still lives."    Ms. Mayer formerly served on the Children's Health Defense (CHD) board, co-founded & served as Chairman of CHD’s most successful Chapter in California, raising in excess of $5M, and served on RFK Jr’s Presidential campaign finance committee, raising hundreds of thousands for the campaign.    In 2022, she won the Golden Bear Award and a presentation she gave to Dr. Mercola was named a "Best of" interview. Ms. Mayer grew up in the Oscar Mayer family, and has degrees from Duke (BA) and Northwestern (MBA.)
How do we decide which vaccines we should take?  This is a polarized issue making it hard to get good information.   Chris Downey has formed an organization vaxcalc which compiles massive data which can guide us in making these decisions.   He states common mistakes parents make when. Making such decisions include ·      Falling for media scare stories, ·      Not knowing contents of interventions ·      Giving into societal pressures ·      Not thinking of oneself as an empowered consumer ·      Ignoring “gut “ feelings ·      Not belonging to a lifestyle community     Chris Downey, founder of VaxCalc     Chris is the founder and Director of VaxCalc Labs, the informed consent technology company. VaxCalc's purpose is to create a happier, healthier, more scientific and resilient world by empowering each individual to make their own vaccination decisions - with the tools, technology, planning capability, research and community they need to do it.   VaxCalc is the first business that celebrates vaccine hesitancy, providing a structured process, compassionate support, and a global online community for informed vaccination decision-making. VaxCalc expresses Chris's dream of creating a powerful force for good in the world by overcoming censorship, strengthening and spreading freedom, and creating community.   Chris has a strong background in databases and software development, having worked and trained at IBM's International Systems Center in Gaithersburg MD, built bank regulation software at the Federal Reserve Board, and consulted on Wall Street at DLJ.   He founded and ran an early dot-com company that made use of customized machine learning tools to identify important trends in online discussion such as discovering the first mentions of natural dog food at a time when the manufacturers were extending the shelf-life and still pushing the idea that dogs should eat corn.
Depression in the leading cause of disability worldwide.  Other than pain from arthritis, depression is the most disabled.  There are limitations in the conventional psychiatric model is its focus on managing symptoms rather than identifying and addressing the root causes of depression. This approach disconnects physical and mental health and seldom addresses bodily dysfunctions that may contribute to or cause depressive symptoms. Additionally, it overlooks the necessity of a whole-person approach to treating a condition like depression Dr. Stein and Silvia Covelli describe their 45 day depression recovery program.  Their program is founded on a 360 whole-person approach—a holistic method of healing the entire being: body, mind, emotions, and spirit—to foster a profound transformation in individuals.   They combine advanced Functional Medicine testing, medical assessments, cutting-edge treatments with lifestyle habit training, trauma and somatic therapies, psychological and mindset techniques, powerful meditations, mindfulness, and yoga & movement practices.      If you would like to participate in their program, you can contact htem at   Schedule a free call with Silvia or Dr. Stein at:      Dr. Achina Stein Dr. Stein is the Clinical Director at the Healing Depression Project. She is a leading expert in Functional Medicine Psychiatry and a best-selling author with 30 years of experience helping people recover from depression. She is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.  Dr. Stein's Amazon international bestselling book, “What If It’s NOT Depression? Your Guide to Finding Answers,” offers groundbreaking functional medicine perspectives, instilling hope and providing healing pathways for those facing chronic depression.    Silvia Covelli  Silvia is the founder of the Healing Depression Project. She is an honors graduate from Boston College and a former social science researcher at Harvard University. She pursued graduate studies in finance and business law, and dedicated her career to entrepreneurship, becoming an accomplished businesswoman.    In parallel with her thriving career, Silvia faced relentless and chronic depression, exploring over 60 different treatments without finding sustained relief. Her personal struggle, combined with her extensive background in human transformation and mind-body connection, led her to develop a program that remarkably eradicated 25 years of depression symptoms, leaving her depression-free ever since.
Underlying all health conditions are inflammation and oxidative stress.  These are all intimately interconnected.  For example, there is a high correlation between Epstein Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis.  This is particularly relevant as the spike protein has reactivated dormant viruses which had been under control in the body.   Healing approaches that attack each of these individually are not sufficient.   For example, while piecemeal approaches such as healing the gut, helping the liver detox, etc. are useful, these may be only treating infection manifestations rather than the underlying cause.  Finding the underlying source if the inflammation is essential. Stealth infections are often involved. Dr. Schwarzbach has a program with which the listener can fill a health form find possible underlying source of infection.  He then provides tests are offered to confirm the underlying steal infection. and herbal protocols.  More can be learned on his website  Also, von, a summary of this interview and his health questionnaire and proposed herbal remedies are provided.   Dr. Armin Schwarzbach Armin is a specialist for laboratory medicine and infectious diseases from Augsburg, Germany. He has been working in the field of diagnostic tests for Borrelia burgdorferi and coinfections for more than 20 years. Armin has tested more than 50,000 patients for different tick-borne diseases and multiple infections.  His expertise in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases is second to none, having tested over 20,000 patients.
As a democrat, I wonder why there is so much censorship of true information? Why did Congressman Adam Schiff censor my nutrition documentary? Why HHS puts out a memo that people who make the government look bad are considered domestic terrorists, why the government was advertising requesting folks to apply for federal positions to round up people for camps and for federal employees to manage these camps. What is this all about ? Why are there two divided groups in the United States who ferociously believe that the other group is destroying democracy? How can this divide be healed? What is behind this division? Is there something more sinister afoot? Is this a step towards a new economic system?
CBD and your health

CBD and your health


CBD has many health benefits with few side effects. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and reduces anxiety and depression.  It promotes bone growth and reduces nausea and vomiting. Learn about the medical uses of marijuana, as well, and how both CBD and THC can help you stay  healthy.
Naturopathy is a healthcare system that recognises the healing power of nature present in all living things. As a holistic system, it aims to promote and restore health by employing various natural treatment approaches that may include: naturopathic nutrition, lifestyle advice, hydrotherapy, physical therapy, naturopathic psychosocial support and other appropriate techniques. Naturopathic practitioners interpret presenting symptoms as the individual’s unique response to physical, emotional, environmental or genetic stress factors which can be identified by examining family medical history and various test results. The practitioner’s role is to identify underlying causes and to promote the inherent self-healing power within the individual. Naturopathy is also a way of life and the naturopath will help empower each individual through education about lifestyle, diet and exercise, and self-care. Naturopathic medicine and nutrition provide invaluable methods to identify the root causes of dysfunction in your body, the provision of essential nutrients to support life, and your ability to absorb them. Current research suggests that many of the common and chronic health conditions may be prevented and possibly reversed with a healthy diet and lifestyle, and stress management (e.g., mindfulness, gratefulness and journaling). He discusses diet, nutrition and their relationship with health both physical and mental. Website: Youtube. Instagram: 116426497_215710006449074_4247510528091082070_n.jpg Twitter. Tik tok. Link to his book Energize.
We know that persuasion techniques occur in advertising but what is the role os soial media in persuasion? What is cuasing the diviseness in s,ociety? Joel Dimsdale, a psychiatrist with extensive experience in these areas, will discuss these issues as well as his two books, Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media and Anatomy of Malice: The Enigma of the Nazi War Criminals
Schneider Self-Healing Method combines breathing, unique bodywork, movement and visualization techniques that can help anyone to become more aware of their own body and be empowered to take charge of their own healing. His method is effective to help people to see well (with or without glasses), get rid of computer stress syndrome, help overcome nearsightedness(myopia), teach to not need readers, prevent macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and others. Meir applied his Method of Self-Healing to help others who suffered from a wide range of degenerative conditions such as polio, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis, in a natural way. Through his methods, you can learn how you can improve your eyesight and how you can move better, prevent most illnesses with simple exercises. This can be done with simple exercises which can be entertaining and pleasurable. You will also learn how flexible your brain is and find new ways to bring out your body's resources in daily life. Other advantages of his methods include: • Reducing computer eyestrain • Overcoming the dependency on glasses • Improving joint mobility • Preventing all back problems • Getting rid of the nagging back pain • Overcoming headaches
Jason Christoff presents intricate knowledge about how the subconscious mind works and how it responds to suggested programming. Jason also reveals how to recognize and resist nefarious patterns of manipulation.
Upgrade Your Brain

Upgrade Your Brain


In our mental health, memory and intelligence are deteriorating. One in six children is now diagnosed with mental health issues, and anti-depressant prescriptions have sky rocketed. The incidence of Alzheimer’s and dementia, which are largely preventable, is on the rise. However, we can take action to stop this decline in its tracks. In Upgrade Your Brain, Patrick Holford, founder of the food for the Brain foundation, takes a deep dive into why this is happening and, more importantly, what you can do to improve your brain function. He unravels how and why our modern diet and lifestyle have inevitably led to this brain-health meltdown. More importantly, he discusses how turn these events around and improve brain health
There is a close connection between the psyche, the brain and the body. Some say that in reality they are one. Our bodies have an innate healing system. New German medicine (Germanische Heilkunde (GHK) is anchored in nature and the natural science in perfect harmony with other natural laws including spiritual laws. It allows us to know why the disease occurs. We can easily address chronic symptoms With GNM/GHK we can identify the causes of sx, accurately predict their development and recognize symptoms that need healing. Andi will discuss this biological science which helps us view dis eases with a different viewpoint..
We don’t age in a linear way. Aging accelerates exponentially, and virtually all plans that simply focus on eating better, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, hormone replacement, and supplements are a linear strategy to an exponential problem. Dr. Gladden discusses his multifactor approach on how to become fit, strong, mentally sharp, and relationally replete Dr. Gladden discusses approaches in the fields of longevity, health, human performance, and life energy.
n our strives to be healthy, most of us are dieting. Yet, the conventional dieting approaches make our health worse, not better. Also, the conventional dieting approaches do not work. Have you noticed that most of the participants in The Biggest Loser TV reality Show gain their weight back. Why is that? While most of us are overweight, what can we do to become healthier? Obesity is a major health problem in the Western world. Not only is obesity embarrassing and demoralizing, it is unhealthy. Excess weight is accompanied by inflammation, oxidative stress , metabolic disorders, a path towards insulin resistance and chronic disease. It is life shortening. Conventional weight loss approaches include reducing caloric intake, GLP 1 agonists, and bariatric surgery. While these conventional weight loss strategies may have short term success, most times, the weight returns after the dieting stops. These conventional weight loss methods impair health and shorten lifespan. They result in muscle loss and a preferential loss of subcutaneous fat over the more harmful visceral fat (fat surrounding organs). Typically 25 % of weight loss in these conventional weight loss approaches is from loss of muscle mass. The muscle mass is necessary to keep our metabolic rate and the ability to burn calories at a good rate. The remaining visceral fat adversely affects triglyceride levels, HDL and small LDL levels, fasting glucose and insulin levels, blood pressure, c reactive protein and uric acid levels. The weight typically regained after the use of GLP 1 agonists and is nearly all fat, not muscle. Hence, our preoccupation with caloric restriction, GLP 1 agonists, and bariatric surgery we are not losing the harmful visceral fat and the weight returns with our muscle mass lessened. When visceral fat loss is targeted, glucose regulation, insulin resistance, and inflammation all improve. Lean muscle mass is preserved, there is faster weight loss and no weight regain. In order target harmful visceral fat loss, Dr. Davis recommends not cutting calories, reduce food that trigger blood glucose and inulin increases. He recommends addressing nutrient that influence insulin resistance. – magnesium, vitamin D, iodine/ thyroid and omega 3s. He recommends lactobacillus reuteri and high collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, carotenoids especially astaxanthin. However there are some factors, lost in modern people that gives some control over weight and body composition. These include probiotics, collagen, hyaluronic acid and carotenoids.
WHO has a plan for you

WHO has a plan for you


Vanuatu is a small country in which its government stopped listening to its citizens but rather followed the dictates of the WHO. Citizens were frightened over the scourge of covid. The population was threatened with losing all societal privileges if they refused to get the vaccination. Yet, they did not have serious issues with covid which appeared like a flu, but there were serious side effects including death from the vaccines. Informed consent was violated as all requests concerning the contents of the vaccine were not answered. All information questioning the narrative was censored, People were threatened with the possibility of arrest if they spoke out against the narrative. Social media as well censored them. Their news media were paid to not publish anything regarding the danger of the vaxx. As they are a small country, they could easily see what was going on in their country They observed that WHO coopted their government and worked directly against the interests and the health of the citizens. Could this happen to the rest of the world?
Dr. Bjorndal will discuss a comprehensive naturopathic approach to mental health issues, rather than prescribe medications that have varying success, she takes a holistic approach. She embraces looking at root causes and provides insights that can help us all.
Most believe that curcumin, broccoli, onions and garlic are healthy. While that is true for some, it is not true for everyone. Teri has developed a system, based on many years of resolving complicated medical problems, based on three categories of poor absorption/ assimilation. She finds that the malabsorption of protein, fat and sulfur has become one of the biggest contributors to America’s collective current state of imbalance. With the help of genetics and patient symptoms, she tailers specific diets for people who fall into each (or a combination) of these categories. These patterns of malabsorption impact genetic expression, alter detoxification pathways and increase pathogenicity in our bodies. Learn about these patterns, how to identify them and about diets that will help each category.
Death of Death

Death of Death


Is death inevitable? In his book Death of Death with José Luis Cordeiro, David Wood postulates that the incontrovertible fact of death is no longer an absolute certainty. He believes that science and technology are preparing to tear down the final frontier: that of immortality. He provides insight into recent exponential advances in artificial intelligence, tissue regeneration, stem cell treatment, organ printing, cryopreservation, and genetic therapies that, for the first time in human history, offer a realistic chance to solve the problem of the aging of the human body. Major developments, initiatives, and ideas for eternal life are discussed Such breakthroughs may slow down if not conquer the aging process.