Oceanography (Audio)

93 Episodes
Birch Aquarium presents the September 2024 Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture with a conversation about ocean noise pollution and its impact on whales. Join Scripps Institution of Oceanography Acoustical Oceanographer Vanessa ZoBell for a deep dive into the importance of studying whale acoustics and how this research is being used to understand threats that whales are facing in the modern ocean. Learn how data-driven, creative solutions are being developed to protect these important animals. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 40327]
In the Bodega Marine Laboratory, UC Davis’ esteemed faculty and passionate undergraduate students are uncovering the secrets of the marine world.
Through our summer research programs, students get the unique opportunity to conduct independent research and make new discoveries alongside a community of environmental and marine scientists.
Follow students through a day of marine research and witness how evolution and ecology intertwine beneath the waves. Learn about the significant student research projects taking place under the guidance of professors at Bodega Marine Lab and the role of marine science in understanding our world's changing marine ecosystems. Series: "UC Davis News" [Science] [Show ID: 40180]
UC Davis researchers are exploring the effects of Klamath River dam removal on salmon populations and habitat restoration. Watch as we uncover the journey of salmon regaining access to 400 miles of historical spawning grounds. This study not only highlights the ecological benefits of river dam removal but also the cultural significance to Indigenous tribes.
Series: "UC Davis News" [Science] [Show ID: 40179]
Human activities can increase levels of harmful microorganisms and pollutants in our water systems that have the potential to make us sick or threaten our food supply. Join microbial ecologist Dr. Sarah Allard as she presents emerging research from Scripps Oceanography that sheds light on seafood-related food borne illnesses. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 40082]
Please join us for the annual Keeling lecture in honor of Scripps Professor Charles David Keeling’s life and invaluable contributions to climate science and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Tereza Cavazos's will present an overview of relevant climate drivers shared in the US-Mexico western border region, as well as their possible changes and impacts. From extreme weather to droughts, from the monsoon rains to the jet stream and El Niño events, these variations see no artificial borders; however, adaptation to climate change poses major challenges particularly south of the border. Delays in finding feasible and equitable actions can have severe consequences for present and future generations. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39650]
Over the last two winter seasons atmospheric rivers have impacted California and the west with extreme precipitation and the cascading consequences of these events. The meteorology that causes atmospheric rivers is complex, but scientists at the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) are working to help better predict them and understand what they mean for rainfall and snowfall across the state. Join CW3E Deputy Director Julie Kalansky to learn how scientists are researching the causes and consequences of these rivers in the sky, and are working to understand the impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of these amazing weather phenomena. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39649]
Join Los Angeles Times environment reporter and author of the new book California Against the Sea Rosanna Xia and Scripps Institution of Oceanography coastal resilience specialist Laura Engeman for a discussion on communicating the science and impacts of sea-level rise and California’s changing relationship with the ocean. Engeman will also discuss how Scripps Oceanography is advancing science and technology to understand sea-level rise across California and beyond. Xia will also do a reading from the book and be on hand afterward to sign copies and meet audience members. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39648]
Southern California’s giant kelp forests are ecosystems that are potentially vulnerable to the region’s warming waters, but unlike terrestrial forests, changes in these underwater ecosystems are largely invisible to most of us. Join biologist Mohammad Sedarat and artist Oriana Poindexter in an exploration of their collaboration on the aquarium’s new art exhibition, Hold Fast, an immersive journey through our local giant kelp forests. Learn how their unique perspectives are combined to provide visitors with insight into climate change through the lens of art. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39556]
Join Professor Drew Lucas from Scripps Institution of Oceanography as he delves into the intriguing phenomenon of red tides. In this enlightening talk, you'll discover the behaviors of Lingulodinium polyedra, the primary organism behind these glowing marine events. Professor Lucas's groundbreaking research, featuring tools like an underwater microscope and a wave-powered profiling device, sheds light on the 2020 red tide's secrets. Gain insights into the complex swimming patterns of phytoplankton, their nutrient uptake strategies, and the resulting effects on marine ecosystems. This program offers an in-depth look at marine ecology and underscores the vital role of technological innovation in oceanographic research. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39251]
Water on Earth sustains and connects us, but human activities can increase levels of harmful microorganisms and pollutants in our water systems that have the potential to make us sick or threaten our food supply. Join microbial ecologist Dr. Sarah Allard as she presents emerging research from Scripps Oceanography that sheds light on how natural microbial systems respond to these harmful contaminants in systems as diverse as freshwater river ecosystems and marine invertebrate digestive tract microbiomes. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 39249]
The confluence of the accelerating climate crisis, more frequent and severe disasters, widespread systemic injustice and oppression, and any number of additional coinciding crises paint a dark picture of our future. Climate professionals often feel inadequately trained to facilitate, navigate and lead communities through the transformative changes we all face. This program will offer directions on how these essential workers — and all of us — can grow the necessary skills and capacities to face and navigate our future. It is those very skills that may yet make us homo sapiens sapiens — “wise humans.” Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38692]
As humans, we benefit immensely from the ecosystems around us — including the ocean — in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. As climate change continues to affect these ecosystems, we must ask ourselves — what can we gain by safeguarding them? Join Bernie Bastien and Raiza Pilatowsky in an interactive talk that explores the need to recognize what we value about nature in order to find new and inspiring ways to protect our planet, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38691]
Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator (SOARS) is a unique installation that's changing the way oceanographers study and understand processes that occur at the boundary between the ocean and the atmosphere. Join oceanographer Dale Stokes for an insider’s look at this one-of-a-kind ocean research laboratory. Learn how SOARS allows scientists to simulate varying ocean environments by controlling winds, waves and more! Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38690]
Just a hundred miles to the east of San Diego, one of the largest inland lakes in the West is drying up as a result combined human activity and climate change. The exposed lake bed is rapidly turning into a source of dust, worsening the frequent dust storms that impact the people who live in the surrounding areas. Learn about the intersection of architecture and science in this stark but magnificent landscape in a conversation with Climate Scientist Amato Evan and Architect Gillian Shaffer Lutsko. Discover how collaborations with local activists, policy groups, scientists and indigenous communities inspired an architectural project that envisions how we can unite conversations around redevelopment, the climate crisis, public health and community-led design. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 38689]
Why is the ocean — and this team of researchers — looking pretty in pink? For science! Scientists at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography have launched the PiNC (Plumes in Nearshore Conditions) experiment to study the coastal zone where a river meets the ocean. Using a non-toxic, environmentally safe pink dye and a suite of instruments, researchers released the dye in the mouth of the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon at Torrey Pines State Beach near San Diego, California in the winter of 2023.
Rivers and estuaries play an important role in delivering freshwater and materials such as sediments and contaminants to the coastal ocean, but little is known about how these plumes of more buoyant, fresher water interact with the denser, saltier and often colder nearshore ocean environment, particularly as the plumes encounter breaking waves. This experiment enables scientists to track the processes that take place when small-scale plumes of freshwater meet the surfzone. Series: "Scripps Institution of Oceanography" [Science] [Show ID: 38739]
Increasingly frequent and intense wildfires in California and the western US are impacting communities across the state. Even areas not prone to fires suffer from degraded air and water quality – direct consequences of these extreme events. ALERTCalifornia combines a state-wide fire camera network with state-of-the-art sensor technology to support data-driven decision making before, during, and after wildfires. Join Dr. Neal Driscoll as he describes the scientific and technological expertise at UCSD that is being brought to bear on making California more resilient to climate change. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38459]
Ever wonder what lives in the deepest parts of the ocean? Curious how many species of fish swim under the waves? Collections like those at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) are a way for everyone to engage and understand the world underwater. Greg Rouse, curator of the Benthic Invertebrate Collection at SIO, shares how collections can effectively communicate with the public and make science accessible to all. He also discusses how programs like SeadragonSearch, a community-based research initiative with a mission to collect data about wild seadragon populations across Australia through underwater photography, can encourage citizen scientists and enable new discoveries. Series: "Exploring Ethics" [Science] [Show ID: 38410]
Scripps Institution of Oceanography marine biologist Stuart Sandin illuminates his work leading the 100 Island Challenge, a project that uses high tech ecological surveys to capture snapshots of coral reef ecosystems found in the tropical waters of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian oceans. His team uses large-area imaging and 3-D visualizations to make unprecedented detailed observations of how coral reefs are faring. While some reefs are struggling, others have been able to adapt in response to changing climate and other human impacts. By combining ocean observation with modern techniques like genetic sequencing and data analysis, Stuart and his team aim to elucidate which corals are surviving and how. By decoding nature’s incredible capacity for adaptation, these scientists are paving the way for using this new knowledge to aid coral reef recovery. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38458]
Coastal regions are susceptible to a host of threats to the natural environment and our quality of life as a result of climate change. Our beaches and coastal bluffs are being eroded by ocean storms and sea level rise, ongoing drought leaves us vulnerable to wildfires and habitat and wildlife loss, and our dependence on water from distant sources puts us at risk for severe water restrictions. Although climate adaptation and resilience planning already are underway in many communities, the threats associated with climate change make it increasingly important to design these efforts in ways that bring scientists, planners, practitioners, and community representatives together in planning processes. An expert panel is presenting how a cross-jurisdictional, interdisciplinary, collaborative approach leads to science-based and cost-effective strategies for building resilience in the face of climate change. Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 38381]
The ocean is a critical component of climate solutions. Not only does the ocean have the potential to provide food security, but it can provide critical minerals for the energy transition, species with biopharmaceutical and biotechnology potential, a source of income through sustainable tourism, and innovation of renewable power technologies. Samantha Murray, Executive Director of the Marine Biodiversity and Conservation program at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Amanda Netburn, Assistant Director for Ocean, Science and Technology for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, discuss how further exploration of the ocean may help scientists learn more about future climate solutions and improve biodiversity conservation. Series: "Institute of the Americas" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 38165]
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