Okay, Team! A Young Designer's Guide.

<p>Graphic Designers Mark Cela, Kristen Pericleous, and Dan Lawson discuss topics relevant to young Graphic Design students and professionals.</p>

Episode 21: Working on Group Projects (A Letter to My Pallbearers)

On this episode, the Team celebrates the start of season three by welcoming new, full-time host, Lauren DeMarks! Egg Timer News covers the launch and huge take off of artist-friendly social media site, Cara, along with our predictions for its future. We then dive into the dreaded world of group projects, focusing on working with other disciplines and their ways of problem solving, the importance of communication and speaking up, and also time management. We share tips on planning for successf...


Episode 20: The Okay Team! Lounge.

Welcome to a special edition as we wrap up Season 2; the Ok, Team Lounge! In this episode, your hosts will cover a variety of topics outside the world of design and discuss their passions. Buckle up, as the Team covers Dan’s new podcast, horror movies, video games, tv shows we’re loving, D&D, Nicholas Cage’s acting prowess, and Kristen’s favorite cryptid; Bigfoot. We also have a special announcement; Lauren DeMarks will be joining us next season as a full time host! Host, Producer, &...


Episode 19: Artist Nancy Nichols-Pethick

Indiana State University Professor Nancy Nicols-Pethick joins the team to talk shop and how she uses her unique experiences to push students to find passion in their work, learn how to address failures, and recognize how to aim for higher personal standards rather than settling for their current skill level. We cover mastering creative foundations, work/life balance, and, of course, her thoughts on AI. Join us and our wonderful guest as we discuss art, passion, and finding creativity in the s...


Episode 18: Accessibility and Design

In this episode, the Team talks about accessibility and design. Guest host Lauren DeMarks talks about user experience (UX) design and the spectrum of use cases for ensuring equitable experiences regardless of temporary or long-term physical disabilities. Show Notes:Overall, what does it mean to have accessible design? Lauren, would you like to give us a definition or overview? OVERVIEW Accessibility is the practice of making sure a product, environment or service can be used by...


Episode 17: Leveling Up as a Graphic Designer

In this episode guest host Lauren DeMarks joins the Team as talks about ways to level up as a graphic designer. Show Notes:What does it mean to “level up?”More than just software skills, aesthetic, or even becoming more efficientHigher level of performance, thinking, innovating, systems thinking, etc…Tangible markers of successful leveling up:PromotionTitle changeRaiseResponsibilities change/increaseOn reflection, softer markers like just feeling more confident in doing something you wer...


Episode 16: Contracts are Important, with Photographer/Designer Crystal Black.

In this episode, guest Crystal Black talks about issues related to doing design work for friends and the pitfalls of not using a contract. Egg Timer News: Canva buys Affinity!Host, Producer, & Editor - Mark CelaHost, Director, & Script Writer - Kristen PericleousHost, Social Media Manager, Social Media Content Creator, & Editor - Dan LawsonHost, Website Director - Lauren DeMarks


Episode 15: Life-Work Balance.

In this episode, The Team attempts to stay on task and talk about work-life balance for Graphic Designers. Show Notes:General OverviewWhat is work/life balance? Specific SituationsSchool vs. “Real World”Extra cirriculars, friends, social life, after-work events, side gig (??), hobbiesKristen’s advice: don’t take on too much directly out of school!!Traditional Agency (9-5) JobOccasional out of hours work requirements Additional learning/professional developmentTeaching in Higher...


Episode 14: The Wide World of Software Options.

In this episode, The Team explore different software used in professional graphic design. Show Notes:Today we’re going to address a question we get all the time:“There are SO many programs, what do I really need to learn?!”School won’t teach you everything, but it will teach you how to learn, where to find tutorials, what questions to ask, etc. You’ll also learn on the job! Some is experience-basedIn tech, based on security approvalLet’s cover some of the big ones:Canvas vs. Il...


Episode 13: Tough Questions During the Interview Process.

In this episode, The Team explores the graphic design interviewing process and the tough questions and situations that may arise during the process. Show notes:Interview Questions, Answers, and Etiquette.Not every question ever, just some of the hard ones! Tell us about yourself!What’s the weakest piece in your portfolio? Answering questions about team projectsWhy isn’t work from (X seen on your resume) in your portfolio? How to handle showing “real world” workIf you could...


Episode 12: UX Designer Lauren DeMarks.

In this episode The Team Interviews UX Designer Lauren DeMarks! Lauren talks about her time as a design student, intern, and Senior UX Designer.Show Notes:Working as a designer in a very specific niche and how I adjusted out of schoolapprehensive about diving right into edtech right out of college because it sounded kind of limiting on its face, but really it’s been a lot of funalso probably more common for designers to see than they thinkIt’s also just the reality for any designer that ends ...


Episode 11: AI and Real Human Designers

In this episode, The Team chats about the positive and negative influences of Artificial Intelligence on Graphic Design and Design Education. Show Notes:Where do we see AI right now in our industry?Photoshop, Midjourney, ChatGPT, Adobe Premiere… any others?Is Adobe getting too powerful? Will it kill the industry professional? Who owns the rights to AI generated work? Can I use AI generated art in my work in school? Can I use purchased graphics/Adobe library free images in my sc...


Episode 10: Answering Listener Questions.

In this episode, The Team answers listener questions, discusses ImagineFX Magazine, and finally answers the question, "Does Kristen own a tiara?"Time stamp information:(07:41) How do you overcome imposter syndrome when starting your job?(08:24) I'm going to be a new designer going into the field after getting married, my partners job often has us relocate to different states semi- often. How do I search for jobs and communicate my situation without making myself seem like a weakness/ li...


Episode 9: Salary Negotiating and Knowing Your Worth.

In this episode, The Team covers salary negotiating techniques, cost of living considerations, and how to calculate how much you should ask for when negotiating your salary for a graphic design job!Show Notes:Negotiate a SalaryKnow your worthTrack all your expenses for a month:Needs: Rent, gas, insurance, bills, etc. Wants: Dinner, dates, going out, Netflix subscription, clothes, etc. Saving: Are you saving? - now multiply each of those by 12 and add up = yearly expenses. ...


Episode 8: Cataloging Your Successes.

In this episode The Team explores how and why designers should catalog their successes in order to become more confident and well-rounded in their careers. Show notes:Purpose:Promotes Professional ConfidencePractice self-promotionBrag!Demonstrate breadth of experienceKeep public-facing spaces currentIdentify holes in skill or experienceDiff success hold diff value to every company, team, clientPrepare for hard interview questionsTypes of Success:Professional Formal:Jobs, Internships, Co-...


Episode 7: Getting Out of a Creative Rut.

In this episode The Team talks about what they do to overcome creative ruts, advice on coming up with unique ideas, and how the struggle to be original is actually positive for you. Show Notes:Let’s talk about something that I’m sure is on everyone’s mind, especially as we are getting closer and closer to the holidays: Getting in and out of a creative rut. Or even, just avoiding burnout. Creative rut/burnout and how most people find themselves in it. Generally, a rut can be jus...


Episode 6: The Freelance Episode

In this episode, The Team discusses what it's like to be a freelance Graphic Designer with cohost Dan Lawson.Show Notes:High Level OverviewHow you got started freelancingWhat your typical day or week looks likeDesign time vs business development Prospecting/getting new clientsmeeting/communicating with clientsDive deeper into the nitty gritty/less-glamorous sideTracking your timeInvoicesfinancials/taxes/getting paidMost Common Questions from Students:How much do I charge?Do I need a cont...


Episode 5: Education and Career Paths for Designers - Part 3

In this episode, The Team examines the career path to becoming a college-level educator in Graphic Design. We talk about degree requirements, expectations on the job, and just how easy/difficult it is to land one of these positions at various institutional levels!Show Notes:Deep Dive Educator Levels:Job Titles (Adjunct, Visiting Professor, Instructor, Tenure/Tenure Track)Level of Schooling Needed/Requirements to ApplyJob Description/ResponsibilitiesApplication: Differences in CV vs. ResumeInt...


Episode 4: Education and Career Paths for Designers - Part 2

In this episode the Team continues the discussion about career paths in Graphic Design, what makes each career path unique, and provides advice that may help you decide if a specific discipline is right for you!Buckets of Design Jobs: There are ways to drill down even further, but this is a high-level view of the different directions you can take your career!Branding/IdentityMore than just logo design. Create a system, entire look, feel, and tone of a brand. Can include developing color palet...


Episode 3: Education and Career Paths for Designers - Part 1

In this episode Mark Cela, Kristen Pericleous, and Dan Lawson begin a two-part discussion about education and career paths for graphic designers. The conversation covers the positives and negatives of higher education, and what types of degrees designers may consider for different career paths.Show notes:Is design education necessary?What it did/didn’t do for usDiscussion of different paths and how it’s up to each person to take initiative, dive deep, take the extra effort, tailor their educa...


Episode 2: That Moment You Knew.

In this episode, the team discusses the moment each of them knew Graphic Design was the correct career path for them.Show Notes:I saw something in the "real world" that made me realize "Ooooh, someone had to have designed that!"What was the moment you KNEW choosing art would work out for you? Advice for young artist, either just getting into their education or into the field. How to balance fine art with production art:Dan: until Procreate/Siege I said for decades that Graphic Desig...


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