On .NET - Channel 9

On .NET - Channel 9
Author: Microsoft
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The .NET ecosystem is continuously growing and empowering developers to create amazing applications. Join us as we take a look at the APIs, the tooling, and some of the interesting projects being created in the .NET ecosystem. You can follow your hosts, Rich Lander at @runfaster2000 and Cecil Phillip at @cecilphillip on Twitter. Use the hashtag #OnDotNET to let us know what you think about the show and even suggest topics you would like to see.
256 Episodes
In this episode, Jeremy joins Christos to talk about some of the features and improvements made to the Cosmos DB provider in EF Core 6.[00:00] - Introduction[01:29] - EF 6 overview[06:38] - EF Cosmos Demo[10:53] - Connecting to the Storage Emulator Useful LinksEF Core Azure Cosmos DB ProviderWhat's New in EF Core 6.0EF Core on GitHub
OData (Open Data Protocol) can be considered an extension to REST that that defines an additional set of conventions for building and consuming Web APIs.In this episode, Hassan Habib joins Jeremy to show us how we can easily add support for OData batch to our Web APIs[00:00] - Introduction[01:28] - What is OData?[03:20] - What is OData Batching?[09:07] - Setting up OData in an ASP.NET Core project[20:54] - Adding batching support in OData Useful LinksAll in One with OData $Batch Core OData on GitHubSupercharging your Web APIs with OData and ASP.NET Core
Mike Rousos is back again! This time Mike shows us how to inspect and diagnose large Object Heap churn in .NET[00:00] - Introduction[01:36] - What tools can we use to look into performance?[03:35] - Diagnostics Demo in Azure App Service[08:50] - Collecting diagnostic traces using dotnet trace[12:56] - Reviewing stats in Perfview[19:56] - Inspecting GC Heap allocations[22:16] - Reducing allocations ArrayPool dotnet-trace performance analysis utilityWhat is Application Insights?Analyze CPU usage without debugging in the Performance ProfilerKudu service overview
Stripe elements provide prebuilt UI components that enable developers to create beautiful checkout flows for your applications. In this episode, CJ Avilla does on to show us how to integrate Stripe elements into an ASP.NET Core project. [00:00] - Introduction[01:34] - Exploring a custom form[04:12] - Payment collection workflow[06:37] - Adding stripe checkout to your app[12:27] - Customizing the payment types[15:12] - Can you apply your own styles?[16:15] - How are taxes handled? Accepting online payments (Checkout) Building custom payment forms with Stripe (Elements) General Stripe linksRegister - Support - Social -
Investigating high cpu usage in your applications can be challenging. Our friend Mike Rousos returns to show us how diagnose our applications using a few tools.[00:00] - Introduction[03:30] - Investigating CPU usage in a Web App[05:33] - Reviewing the built-in monitoring in Azure [07:24] - Using the App Service Kudu tools[10:45] - Installing and using the dotnet-trace[15:14] - Retrieving the dump file through Kudu[16:45] - Analyzing the dump file[22:40] - RecapUseful Linksdotnet-trace performance analysis utilityKudu service overviewWhat is Application Insights?Analyze CPU usage without debugging in the Performance Profiler
In this episode, Software Engineer, Christopher Scott, join Jeremy to talk about the new Table Storage SDK for .NET.[00:00] - Intro[01:45] - When do I use Table Storage?[02:32] - What are the highlights of the new SDK?[04:46] - Exploring the GitHub samples[08:48] - Migrating from other Table Storage SDKsUseful LinksAzure for .NET DevelopersAzure Storage docsCosmos DB Docs
Stripe is a great service that makes it easy for developers to accept payments and send payouts globally.In this episode we’re joined by Stripe Developer Advocate, CJ Avilla, who shows us how to enable Stripe in a Blazor application.[00:00] - Introduction[00:54] - What is Stripe?[02:44] - Setting up Stripe.NET [14:35] - Understanding price data[16:30] - Using stripe.js in the frontend [20:21] - Learning about checkout sessionsAccepting online payments (Checkout) General Stripe linksRegister - Support - Social -
In this episode we’re joined by Maryam Ariyan, one of the Software Engineers that works on the Logging extensions for .NET. Maryam talks to us about some of the new enchantments that her team have been working on to improve logging for .NET applications.[01:03] - What’s new for console logging?[04:06] - SimpleConsole demo[07:54] - Changing the console log format[17:06] - Customizing your own log format Useful LinksLogging in .NETConsole log formatting
In this episode, Software Engineer, Mike Rousos, joins Rich to show can we can use tools like dotnet-dump and Visual Studio to diagnose memory leaks in our .NET applications, even if they're running on a different OS. [00:55] - What are memory leaks?[04:45] - Inspecting memory leaks cross platform[18:30] - Using dotnet-dump[21:35] - Inspecting dumps in Visual Studio[27:03] - Inspecting dumps with dotnet-dump Useful LinksThread pool exhaustionInvestigate performance countersDump collection and analysis utilitySymbol downloader
In this short video, David and Kendra diving into the deconstruction of non-tuple types. Useful LinksDeconstructing tuples and other typesCreating record typesTuple types.NET Videos
In this episode, David Pine joins Jeremy to show off this chat bot enabled demo that's powered by Blazor WASM and SignalR[00:00] - Start[01:09] - Why is SignalR and Blazor interesting together?[05:00] - Blazing Chatter Demo[11:54] - Blazing Chatter Demo Client[24:10] - Check out the demo appUseful LinksDemo CodeIntroduction to ASP.NET Core Blazor Getting Started with SignalR
Properties in C# is such a fundamental feature. We’ll learn all about them in this short video from James and Jayme Useful LinksProperties (C# Programming Guide)Properties (C# Concepts)First steps with C#.NET Videos
In just a few minutes, we’ll learn about the "in" Parameter Modifier with Brandon and Jayme Useful LinksThe ‘in’-modifier and the readonly structs in C#in parameter modifier (C# Reference)First steps with C#.NET Videos
In this short video, you'll learn about Immutable collections from Leslie and Brandon.Useful LinksImmutable collections ready for prime timeImmutable Collections in MSDN MagazineFirst steps with C#.NET Videos Get your questions answered on the Microsoft Q&A for .NET - Learn .NET with free self-guided learning from Microsoft Learn: #DotNet #Csharp
In this short video, Brandon and Jasmine walk us through the use of ValueTask in C#. Useful LinksUnderstanding the Whys, Whats, and Whens of ValueTaskUnderstanding how to use Task and ValueTaskValueTask Reference
In this short video, with learn how Exhaustive case guards work with pattern matching in C# from Cecil and David.Useful LinksPattern MatchingA Tour of C# What's new in C# 9 First steps with C#
In this quick video, Cecil and David walk us through positional pattern matching works.Pattern Matching Tour of C#'s new in C# 9 steps with C#
Learn about Null Coalescing Assignment in short video from James and Maira. Useful Links?? and ??= operators (C# reference)Nullable Reference typesUnderstanding Nullable Reference TypesFirst steps with C#
In this episode, Software Engineer, Mike Rousos, joins Rich to go through some ways to diagnose thread pool exhaustion in your .NET apps. Mike discusses and demos a collection of .NET CLI tools and techniques that can be used on Windows or Linux environments.[00:00] - Intro [01:23] - How does thread pool exhaustion occur?[03:18] - Inspecting diagnostics using dotnet-counters[09:07] - Collecting and analyzing dumps with dotnet-dump[19:42] - Switching to the async APIUseful LinksThread pool exhaustionInvestigate performance countersDump collection and analysis utilitySymbol downloader
.NET for Apache Spark empowers .NET developers to participate in the world of big data analytics. In this episode, Jeremy chats with Michael Rys to discuss some of the new features and capabilities available in this release[00:00] - Intro[00:55] - What is .NET for Apache Spark?[05:04] - How can you use it?[17:10] - What’s the performance impact?[25:04] - Other v1.1.1 highlights[27:00] - Working on .NET for Apache Spark v2.0 Useful Links.NET for Apache Spark™.NET for Apache Spark™ tutorial.NET for Apache Spark™ documentation
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