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On Point | Podcast

Author: WBUR

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Let's make sense of the world – together. From the economy and health care to politics and the environment – and so much more – On Point host Meghna Chakrabarti speaks with newsmakers and everyday people about the issues that matter most. On Point is produced by WBUR.
2202 Episodes
From Roots to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to Abbott Elementary, Bethonie Butler’s new book "Black TV" shows how TV series centered on Black characters have evolved over the past 50 years.
Indian prime minister Narendra Modi predicted his BJP party would win a commanding victory in recent elections. But India's 969 million voters had something entirely different in mind.
In this year’s European Union elections, far-right parties made gains across many of the EU’s 27 countries, including in France, Germany and Italy. What’s driving this?
George Stephanopoulos, host of ABC’s “This Week,” and co-host of “Good Morning America," speaks with Meghna Chakrabarti live at WBUR's CitySpace about his new book “The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents In Crisis." Plus, what he's learned from interviewing Donald Trump.
With two wars raging and dynastic power on the rise around the world, the post-1945 world order feels like it’s being tested like never before. British historian Simon Sebag Montefiore says its’s more like a return to normality.
On Point news analyst Jack Beatty has been reading "The Age of Grievance" by New York Times columnist Frank Bruni. He outlines the ubiquity of grievance in the U.S., and how Donald Trump has captured this to his advantage.
From "Soul Train" and the "Oprah Winfrey Show" to the blues and Afro Sheen, for decades, Black Chicagoans have shaped culture in the U.S. and across the world.
Humans have long been fascinated by of dreams, but what has science learned about them? Neuroscientist Dr. Rahul Jandial says dreams benefit us -- from helping regulate emotions, to processing trauma.
The COVID pandemic lockdowns. It was an approach endorsed by many public health experts. But could there have been a better way?
What happened to Etsy?

What happened to Etsy?


Etsy used to be the place to shop for quirky, handmade items from independent crafters all over the world. Now, it’s flooded with mass-produced products. What happened to Etsy?
In April, the U.S. military deployed a pair of high energy lasers to combat enemy drones. Now that the once-imagined weaponry of science fiction is reality, how will it impact the future of warfare?
On Point news analyst Jack Beatty looks into a correlation between news awareness and political leanings, and how that has inspired a controversial theory about democratic citizenship.
In China, Big Brother is most definitely watching. Estimates show up to 16 million Chinese citizens -- from university students to taxi drivers -- are political informants for the government.
Many Republicans in Congress are dodging the question of whether they’ll accept this year’s election results. What’s at stake in 2024 if only one party will accept defeat?
Other countries have social safety nets. The U.S. has women. In the new book "Holding it Together: How Women Became America's Safety Net," sociologist Jessica Calarco says it’s time that changed.
The power of solitude

The power of solitude


Being alone often gets a bad rap. But research shows alone time can actually boost overall well-being, increasing our emotional regulation, contentment and creativity.
Democrats are losing working-class voters at an alarming rate, despite the popularity of President Biden’s policies. A roundtable of working-class voters share what Democrats can do to win them back.
On Point news analyst Jack Beatty lays out the ways that President Biden’s Gaza policy has been, what New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof calls, “a moral, practical and political failure.”
Missing packages. Undelivered letters. If you've been having problems with your mail lately, you're not alone. The USPS is rolling out big changes across the country, from Richmond, Virginia to Santa Clara, California.
Oregon made history in 2020 when it became the first state in the nation to decriminalize small amounts of hard drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth. But last month – the state repealed it. What happened?
Comments (73)

cindy sergent

If you asked that question in any sport and one side refused to accept the outcome of the competition, it's disqualifying. Period.

Jun 10th

Marylou Domino

So, Biden can't get the facts out about what he's accomplished because of his antler problem and you spend so much time talking about his antlers! I'm glad you finally got to how this is comparing apples to kumquats.

Sep 8th

Jenny Mummert

Such an interesting topic and discussion!

Jul 14th

Sorry Soup

a hopeful deacon who wants to work with boyscouts? hide your sons.

Mar 6th


The problem is overwhelming because of animal agriculture! 50% of water use in the US is for animal agriculture. It also uses 83% of US farmland, causes 60% of global warming yet only provides 18% of total calories.

Feb 16th

mia blu

Now listened to this program twice and still just as incensed. The author assumes a post feminist world when we still have a very long way to go. I personally am from a family where the males are catered to and females are on their own! I make half as much money as my partner when I have a masters degree, he has "some college." What is the distribution of male versus female top executives even now in 2023.? Maybe if we stop catering to men and boys and favoring then. Realize we're finally in a society where the bar isn't kept artificially low for men at the cost of women, we'll see change!? It's women who have always carried society, we're just now seeing the results of a society where women aren't financially shackled to a lifestyle of servitude!

Feb 1st

mia blu


Jul 22nd


The guest states that 80% of water use is from agriculture, but how much of that is specifically animal agriculture. In the U.S., 50% of all water use is for animal agriculture only. The amount of water it takes to make just one lb of meat is equal to the average American showering for 4-5 months! Reducing meat consumption can help with the water scarcity issue in the west!

Jun 20th

mia blu

Disappointed! Talked only about black victimhood while not addressing "replacement theory" in it's modern context at all.

May 25th

mia blu

they really pummeled this guy when I feel he had some good points.

May 5th

mia blu

absolutely excellent worth a listen

May 4th

mia blu

Most insightful program I have heard in a very long time.

Apr 26th

mia blu

They missed a real opportunity here. Why do politicians and academics always want to throw money at a problem!? How's about they work on generational poverty by ensuring less disparity in education? Some common sense programming like I had in school, how to balance a checkbook, pay taxes...add in job skills etc. I personally grew up in desperate poverty, left home to join the military at 17 pursued college and a career now have a master's degree and 18 year career under my belt. These things are not learned through osmosis, had I not had these experiences in my education I would have had zero life skills too...wealthy and upper middle class people don't realize that not every one has a dad who takes them aside to learn how to pay bills or change a tire! The problem is the policy makers have no personal experience with these issues. The first caller was correct just listen to the half baked lifestyle of "Violet" she is on her FIFTH child!!!!! But insists on doing a "fun" job while her h

Mar 7th

Chak Olate

I really dislike these first person additions to the feed. I heard the person during the regular program, I don't want to sit through it again. I'd just go past it, but it always seems to happen while I'm driving. I wonder if there's a way to filter it out.

Aug 26th

Laurie Klemme

Strange timing to invite this discussion. Strange to listen to the shadenfreude of your Kenyan satirist while the country at such a serious moment.

Nov 11th

Michael Ackley

Thank GOD these people are out there. Sad state of affairs obviously, to need such a group.

Jul 29th

Blendi Salaj

Very important topic.

Apr 16th

Elham Davoodi

This was the best episode I've ever listened in on point; The hope will blossom in the time of the current Corona disaster.

Mar 31st

dj faires

short shaft?

Mar 30th

dj faires

dot minnow effect?

Mar 30th