On Second Thought

Hi I'm Jaya, host of On Second Thought, the podcast where we dive into navigating your 20s balancing a career while prioritizing wellness.

that girl tips for healing your anxious attachment

In this episode I share how I’m working on healing my anxious attachment style and give you tips on how to work on yours.  Throughout the years I struggled with anxiety especially in romantic relationships and it was after I read the book Attached I decided to take control of my life and work to become more secure.


Break ups, Glow Ups and Life Updates

In this episode Jaya shares how 2023 was the most pivotal year in her life putting her on this journey of self discovery.


Solo Living: Navigating Independence in Your 20s

In this episode Jaya talks about how she embraces the loneliness of living alone


How to let go of people that no longer serve you

In this episode I share my tips on how I let go from friendships/relationships that no longer serve you.


I'm back + 2024 Goals

In this episode I dive into where I've been for the past 8 months + exciting new life updates. Ringing in the new year with my 2024 goals.


Guneet Sandhu on Friendship, Social Media and Work life balance

This episode is super special it is my first time doing a cross-over podcast with my good friend Guneet. In this episode, we get into work-life balance, adult friendships and social media! Check out Guneet's podcast on Spotify with the link below: https://open.spotify.com/show/4hM8YOBAoTLDnWYwaVwpiQ?si=15b202115fe34b91


All about my Skin: Hormonal Acne, Going off the pill and Current Skin care routine

In this episode, I vent about my skin journey I've dealt with acne since I was 13 and this is my biggest insecurity. Its important to know you are not alone in your skincare journey I share how I've been feeling and tips I've found helpful. If you need someone to talk to my DMs are open 


Answering your questions around dating & relationships

In this episode I talk about my Valentines day plans, answer your questions about dating and tips on having a long term relationship


How to break into tech sales

In this episode I talk about Coffee Chats, Cold outreach and Interview steps related to the world of Software Sales. 


My Favourite Podcast Recommedations

This 10 minute episode breaks down all my favourite podcasts that I listen too. 


Life Update: Broken Ankle + Lucky Girl Syndrome

This episode is a quick one where I talk about my fall and how I truly believe I am a lucky girl! 


My 5:30 am Morning Routine

In this episode I talk about how I've always been a morning person and how I set myself up the night before to have the most productive morning routine. 


Tech Girly Rant: Working a 9-5 and dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Hey everyone in today's episodes I dive into work place friendships, dealing with isolation in remote work and imposter syndrome as well as my next steps in my career path! 


My Favourites: Beauty, Wellness and Everything in between

This episode I get into all my favourites from skincare to book recommendations I leave nothing behind. 


How to set yourself up with the best New Year's Goals

In this episode, I dive into New Year's Resolutions and goal setting. We talk about SMART goals and learning what motivates you to stay consistent. I get personal and share what my 2023 New Year's Resolutions and hope that this episode inspires you to manifest and work towards your best self and life in the New Year. 


Getting Comfortable being Uncomfortable

Hey, my name is Jaya and today is the mark of my first podcast episode where I quickly dive into why I started On Second Thought and what I hope to share in future episodes. I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave me a review or comment! 


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