La vacunación es la herramienta de medicina preventiva más importante en el mundo entero. Sin embargo, en los EE. UU. las disparidades en la vacunación siguen existiendo en grupos vulnerables como en el caso de los trabajadores migrantes hombres que hablan español como primer idioma. En este episodio, las invitadas, Nelly Salgado de Snyder, PhD, MA, científico principal de investigación del Instituto de Investigación Latino de UT Texas y Alma Galván, MHC, directora de Capacitación y Participación Comunitaria de MCN, hablarán sobre cómo los proveedores de servicios de salud pueden comprender mejor los determinantes sociales de la salud y las barreras que puedan estar en juego. Los oyentes también aprenderán sobre cómo pueden diseñar intervenciones equitativas, hiperlocales y culturalmente apropiadas para llegar a estas poblaciones. Vaccination is one of the most important preventive medicine actions worldwide. However, in the US, immunization disparities continue to exist in vulnerable groups like male migrant workers who speak Spanish as their first language. In this episode, guests, Nelly Salgado de Snyder, PhD, MA, Senior Research Scientist at the Latino Research Institute at UT Austin, and Alma Galván, MHC, MCN's Director of Community Engagement and Worker Training, will discuss how health care providers can better understand the social determinants of health and barriers that may be at play. Listeners will also learn how they can craft equitable, hyperlocal, and culturally appropriate interventions to reach these populations. --- Support this podcast:
The impact of long COVID on patients goes beyond physical symptoms. In this episode, Kaethe Weingarten, Ph.D. (she/her), Director of the Witness to Witness (W2W) Program for MCN, will discuss the impacts of long COVID which have been shown to affect patients, their families, and caregivers psychologically and relationally. The discussion will include ways for clinicians serving immigrants, migrants, and patients from other under-resourced communities to better understand the challenges patients and their families may face before, during, and after a long COVID diagnosis, and ways to assist them through the process of coping with illness. Episode resources: See the webinar - ‘Long COVID: Supporting Patients and Families, Understanding the Barriers to Care and Challenges Faced’: English, Spanish The podcast on YouTube – W2W webpage - Witness to Witness (W2W) | MCN Contact W2W - COVID-19 Resource Hub | MCN Upcoming Webinars | MCN Podcasts | MCN Connect with MCN! Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube! Sign up to MCN’s email list to get updates on W2W’s anti rhetoric webinar series on the power of words this Fall. --- Support this podcast:
How does COVID impact people differently across a lifespan? In this episode, Dr. Chanelle Diaz, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center and the Internal Medicine Medical Director at the Charles Rangel Community Health Center, and episode host, MCN’s Chief Program Officer of International and Emerging Issues, Deliana Garcia, will discuss how COVID treatment and care may vary across populations, particularly from underserved, immigrant, and migrant populations. Clinicians will learn about how to tailor care plans to best serve these populations, considering pre-existing health conditions such as chronic diseases, diabetes, cancer, obesity, asthma and tobacco use, occupational hazards, and other factors. Speakers will delve into strategies to improve patient-provider relationships to ensure the continuum of care across all ages and stages, from childhood to adulthood. Featured Resources: See the webinar and other resources - ‘COVID-19 Across a Lifespan’: English, Spanish Doctors for Immigrants Watch the podcast – COVID-19 Resource Hub | MCN Upcoming Webinars | MCN Podcasts | MCN Connect with MCN! Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube! For more information about the National Hispanic Medical Association, visit --- Support this podcast:
Questions about treatment and prevention strategies of COVID-19 remain as national cases of COVID-19 infections rise, and JN.1 becomes the dominant variant. In this episode, Dr. Laszlo Madaras, MD, MPH, FAAFP, SFHM, Chief Medical Officer for Migrant Clinicians Network, will discuss the latest update on COVID-19 and other respiratory infections, like RSV and influenza, with particular consideration for immigrant and migrant communities. Clinicians will learn about the JN.1 variant, COVID-19 vaccinations and other prevention strategies, considerations for anti-viral treatment options, and resources to support culturally contextual education and the clinical care of patients. Featured Resources: See the webinar - ‘COVID-19 Just Won’t Go Away! Updates & New Insights in Patient Care’: English, Spanish Watch the podcast - YouTube COVID-19 Resource Hub | MCN Upcoming Webinars | MCN Podcasts | MCN Connect with MCN! Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube! For more information about the National Hispanic Medical Association, visit --- Support this podcast:
How do comorbidities influence COVID outcomes? In this episode Dr. Susan Gaeta MD, FACP, Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at MD Anderson Cancer Center, will discuss the challenges posed by co-morbidities, particularly for low-income and low-resourced populations such as migrants and immigrants. Clinicians will learn about strategies for screening, prevention, and treatment of patients with COVID and underlying co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, some cancers, asthma, and other conditions. They will also learn as how the prioritization of preventative measures, vaccination, early treatment, and other strategies can impact health outcomes for patients with underlying co-morbidities and the needs of members of special populations. Listen to this episode, access resources and more on the MCN Podcast webpage: Addressing COVID-19 in Special Populations with Underlying Co-Morbidities Connect with MCN on our website: Resources Updates to Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility | Migrant Clinicians Network FAQ: COVID-19 and Migrant, Immigrant, and Food & Farm Worker Patients | Migrant Clinicians Network COVID-19 Vaccine Awareness Campaign Resources | Migrant Clinicians Network The COVID-19 Pandemic | Migrant Clinicians Network --- Support this podcast:
¿Cómo podemos proteger a los empleados, colegas y pacientes de las enfermedades infecciosas transmitidas a través del aire? La pandemia COVID-19 y otras enfermedades infecciosas que se transmiten por aire han traído la necesidad de revisar, mejorar e implementar los controles de infección. En este episodio, la Dra. Marysel Pagán Santana quien es directora de salud ambiental y ocupacional y, gerente principal de programas de MCN en Puerto Rico, y; nuestra anfitriona y miembro de la Junta Directiva, la Dra. Eva Gálvez, hablarán sobre las estrategias que existen para proteger a las personas de las exposiciones y sobre cómo mejorar la calidad del aire tanto en nuestros hogares como en el trabajo. Los proveedores de servicios de salud aprenderán cuáles son las estrategias de control disponibles, su costo, cómo pueden implementarse y sobre las ventajas y desventajas económicas que pueden enfrentar las poblaciones que sirven los proveedores a la hora de implementar estos controles de infección. Listen to this episode, access resources and more on the MCN Podcast webpage: Uso de prácticas de higiene industrial para prevenir y controlar COVID-19 y otras enfermedades infecciosas en el ámbito ambulatorio Connect with MCN on our website: Resources Ventilation and COVID-19 Resources | Migrant Clinicians Network Respirators and Masks Resources | Migrant Clinicians Network Welcome to Migrant Clinicians Network | Migrant Clinicians Network Dr. Eva Galvez (Host) Contact: Email - ; LinkedIn – Eva Galvez | LinkedIn Dr. Marysel Pagan-Santana (Guest): Twitter (X) - Dr. Marysel Pagán-Santana (@MaryselPagan) / X ( List N Tool: COVID-19 Disinfectants | US EPA English webinar: Using Industrial Hygiene Practices to Prevent and Control COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases | Migrant Clinicians Network Spanish webinar: Uso de prácticas de higiene industrial para prevenir y controlar el COVID-19 y otras enfermedades infecciosas | Migrant Clinicians Network --- Support this podcast:
How has COVID care evolved in underfunded communities at the US-Mexican border and what can we learn from it? In this episode, Dr. Roberto Johansson, MD, PhD, FAAP, known as Dr. Bert, General and Critical Care Pediatrician at Salud de Familiar La Fe in El Paso, Texas, and episode host, MCN’s Chief Program Officer of International and Emerging Issues, Deliana Garcia, will discuss what has changed with COVID testing, treatment, and management in border communities, and the national impacts it has had. Clinicians will learn about the current challenges of care in binational settings, the role stigma and discrimination have played in addressing COVID in unique border communities, and important issues for the future of COVID and other infectious disease. Connect with MCN on our website: Find episode resources and links here: COVID Testing, Treatment, and Management at the US-Mexico Border: Lessons Learned and National Impacts | Migrant Clinicians Network --- Support this podcast:
How has COVID-19 care changed after the end of the Public Health Emergency? In this episode, Esther Rojas, Project Coordinator at Migrant Clinicians Network, and our host and Founding Medical Director Ed Zuroweste, MD, will discuss how clinicians can navigate providing comprehensive COVID prevention and care despite the changing COVID landscape, waning public interest, and fewer resources. Clinicians will learn about changes in vaccines, treatment, food subsidies, and insurance access as well as the latest guidance on vaccines and what clinicians should know to best assist their patients, including knowledge about the Health and Human Services Bridge Access Program for the uninsured. Connect with MCN on our website: Find episode resources and links here: COVID Care After the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Vaccines, Testing, and Treatment | Migrant Clinicians Network --- Support this podcast:
How can clinicians prepare for the diagnosis, intervention, and treatment of COVID-19 to be primarily addressed in the outpatient setting? In this episode Dr. Trinidad Solis, MD, MPH, Deputy Health Officer at Fresno County Department of Public Health, will address the clinical presentation of COVID-19 with a particular focus on addressing the needs of high-risk, vulnerable patients who may not have access to health care outside the outpatient setting. The discussion will include strategies to evaluate the severity of illness with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 as well as factors impacting the risk of progression to severe disease, and COVID-19 treatment options. Clinicians will learn about the evolving recommendations for treatment and management of COVID-19 for vulnerable patients in the outpatient setting. Connect with MCN on our website: Find episode resources and links here: The Evolution of COVID-19: Moving Treatment to the Primary Care Setting | Migrant Clinicians Network For more information, visit: National Hispanic Medical Association Website Connect with NHMA: Twitter / Instagram Vaccinate for All/Vacunas Para Todos Campaign Vaccinate for All Virtual Briefing Series The presenters can be reached online: Dr. Trinidad Solis: LinkedIn / Instagram Dr. Elena Rios: Website / Twitter / LinkedIn / Facebook / Instagram --- Support this podcast:
How does COVID impact the experience of patient’s family members and family caregivers? In this episode, Kaethe Weingarten, Ph.D. (she/her), Director of the Witness to Witness (W2W) Program for MCN, will discuss a model of witnessing that can account for a range of feelings family members may experience, from helplessness and frustration to attunement and competence. The discussion will include ways in which COVID and Long COVID can impact families through changes in mind and body functioning, and how witnessing this suffering can impact family members. Clinicians will learn how they can prepare themselves to work with families of patients and how to guide couples through relationship challenges. Find episode resources and links here: Understanding the Psychosocial Impact of COVID On Patients and Family Dynamics | Migrant Clinicians Network Connect with MCN on our website: --- Support this podcast:
Named after MCN’s own Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM, MS and Founding Medical Director Ed Zuroweste, MD, the Kugel & Zuroweste Health Justice Award recognizes the frontline clinicians who are making an impact at the intersections of health and vulnerability within migrant and mobile populations, with the caveat that the individual must still early in their career and without any other national recognition or award to speak of. Caroline Johnson, FNP-BC, the clinical director of Proteus, Inc., an organization which provides advocacy, health, and support services to agricultural workers throughout the Upper Midwest, has been chosen as the recipient of Migrant Clinicians Network’s inaugural Kugel & Zuroweste Health Justice Award. In this one of a kind interview, Chief Medical Officer Laszlo Madaras interviews Johnson about her award, her career, and her hope for the future of healthcare. --- Support this podcast:
In this episode of "On the Move with MCN," Migrant Clinicians Network's Founding Medical Director Ed Zuroweste, MD, and Chief Medical Officer Laszlo Madaras, MD, address one of the hottest topics concerning the pandemic: vaccines. --- Support this podcast:
The elderly, those who are pregnant, and other underserved groups including migrants and immigrants, are at higher risk for contracting and becoming severely ill with respiratory viruses, adding to the importance of adherence to vaccine recommendations. In this podcast, speakers discuss the latest efforts of the ‘Risk Less. Do More.” Campaign from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the importance of vaccines in general and for high-risk patient groups. Episode speakers will discuss how HHS and its partners are using the “Risk Less. Do More.” Campaign to help reduce the effects that respiratory viruses have among individuals in the United States. They will also discuss variables impacting risk for illness in patients and the benefits of vaccination for vulnerable and underserved groups. Listeners will learn about how to identify risks in patients, and how they can connect their work to the “Risk Less. Do More.” Campaign to improve quality of care. --- Support this podcast: