One Faithful Mom

Are you ready to experience more joy and fulfillment in your mothering journey? Do you long to be a faithful mom, who lives out the Scriptures and teaches them to your children, but you aren’t sure how? If you need help navigating motherhood, building family bonds, and teaching your children God’s Word, you’re in the right place. Dawn Mole, bio mom of 10 and MayMay to an ever-growing brood of grandchildren, is here to help. Dawn helps women create family lives that bring glory to God, and joy to themselves and others. If you want to build close relationships with your children that extend to adulthood and beyond, listen in as Dawn shares wisdom and teaching from God’s Word and her own experience. For 32+ years, Dawn has devoted herself to full-time motherhood, with 25 years of homeschooling under her belt, as well. She will have you laughing out loud with her signature sense of humor, and nodding along as she shares Biblical principles that will enable you to build a family that blesses you, and others, for years to come. It only takes one faithful mom to change the world; let that one faithful mom be you.

How to Find Your Ideal Homeschool Rhythm

Whether you're a first-year homeschooler, or you've been at it for years, finding that daily rhythm is so important.Listen in as Dawn shares some valuable tips to finding that perfect balance of school and family life to make your days with your children the best they can be!


7 Lies Moms Believe

Do you believe any lies about motherhood? In this episode, Dawn touches on 7 specific lies she has heard over and over, some of which she has even believed at some point. Lie #1- I am responsible for how my kids turn out.Lie #2- I am not responsible for how my kids turn out.Is your interest piqued yet? Tune in to hear the other 5 lies Dawn addresses and the Scriptural truths that can set your mind free.


Practical Tips for the First-Time Homeschool Mom

Is this your first year of homeschooling?Do you have a houseful of littles? Maybe you're starting with Kindergarten and you've got a toddler or two and a baby tagging along.Or maybe you pulled your kids out of school and you have several children in multiple grades. Perhaps you got thrown into "crisis schooling" last year and decided you enjoyed the time with your children and are now moving into homeschooling.Whatever your situation, this episode will give you the help and encouragement...


Helping Your Family Through Crisis and Trauma- Our Story

If you have ever walked through a crisis, you know that it is one of the hardest things in this life. As a faithful mom, you need to know how to not only get yourself through trauma, but you have to help your children as well. And through it all, you must teach them to depend on the Lord to see them through.In this episode, Dawn shares how her husband being shot twice, a death in their immediate family, and multiple other crises have been handled over the past year. Listen in to he...


URGENT UPDATE- Trauma, and the Need to Step Away for a Bit

In this brief update, Dawn shares a bit about her husband's traumatic accident and the impact on their family.


How to Do Inductive Bible Study With Your Kids, with guest Abby Banks

Are you tired of having your children use fill-in-the-blank Bible curriculum? As Christian moms, we want to see more than our children filling in the blanks after reading what a textbook has to say about the Bible. We have a desire to see them study the Bible for itself.After all, the Bible says about itself, "For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword..."When we rely on a textbook to digest the Scriptures for us and then deliver us the interpretation, ...


How to Love Your Child (Even if You're With Them All Day)

I hear it all the time, "How can you stand to be with your kids all day every day?"Almost like being with the children we made a decision to bear is some kind of awful punishment. Why would anyone ever choose to spend their day with their children?And if we do stay with them all day, well, surely we deserve some kind of medal. And surely we shouldn't still have feelings of love when bedtime rolls around, right?In this episode, I am giving you some real tips on how to be with your kids


25 Lessons I've Learned in 25 Years of Homeschooling

Homeschooling isn't just for the children. It's for you, too, Mama. I have learned some pretty huge lessons in 25 years of teaching my children at home and in this episode, I am sharing 25 of those lessons with you. I even added a bonus lesson in there!If you think you know what learning at home is all about, listen in. I think you might be surprised by some of these lessons. God uses our children to teach us some pretty deep lessons. For a list of the 25 lessons, head over to:onefa...


4 Easy Tips to Become a Praying Family

Do you pray with your children? If so, fantastic! If not, why not?If you've never been a praying family, it's not too late to start! No matter how old your children are, or if they even still live at home, you can start being praying family today. In this episode, Dawn shares how her family began to pray together daily and how it has evolved over the years. She also shares 4 easy ways to get started if you've not been a praying family before. She closes out with tips on how to teach...


The Busy Mom's Guide to Finding Quiet Time, with Lisa Yvonne

In today's episode, Dawn chats with blogger, business coach, and mother of 8, Lisa Yvonne, about how a busy mom can find time to get into God's Word. Lisa shares some practical tips on how to spend time with the Lord even if you're surrounded by kids...or if you only have one or two.You'll be encouraged as you hear Lisa and Dawn talk about why God's Word must be a priority in your life and how to actually make it happen. Be sure to grab Lisa's FREE Grace-Filled Guide to Finding Quiet Time Eve...


It Is NOT Your Job to Work Yourself Out of a Job

It's a fairly common piece of advice given to moms. it's thrown out by your friends, older moms, at homeschool meetings, Mom nights out, baby showers, etc. Moms are told that it's their job to work themselves right out of a job.And it's not true. The Bible is very clear that we are all created to work. It is certainly true that our children of both sexes must learn how to manage a home; the cleaning, the cooking, the shopping, the finances. But it is definitely not true that our children...


Banish the Bad Dream Monster!

Do your children struggle with bad dreams? Do you feel helpless in how to help them sleep better and overcome the fear?In this episode of the One Faithful Mom podcast, I am sharing some very practical and specific suggestions on how I helped my children overcome bad dreams. I give you the exact methods I used from age 4 all the way up to the method I developed for my teen daughter that she still uses as an adult!Plus, a devotional thought on what we have to offer to God, from Elisabeth E...


You Don't Need Quiet to Have a Quiet Time

Quiet time. That elusive thing that people say you should have in order to be a "good Christian."The problem is, women skip time with the Lord because they just can't get up at 5:00 in the morning to read the Bible and pray without falling asleep. Maybe that's because, as moms, we are already so sleep deprived that it borders on dangerous. In this episode, Dawn shares some helpful and practical tips for spending time with the Lord that definitely don't require quiet. But first, she ...


Q&A- How to Know if Your Child Is Behind + Book Recs for Kids!

It's a question I get all the time: what do I do if my child is behind? The answer to that question depends on who says your child is behind. And behind in what? In this episode, I dive deep into what it means to be behind, why it doesn't matter most of the time, and what to do about it if you're concerned. I also give book recommendations to a mom for her 6-year old son and 11-year old daughter.


The 3 R's You Must Teach Your Children

No matter where your child receives his or her formal education, you as the parent are still responsible for teaching them many things. But you must give the highest priority to teaching them the 3 R's. I'm not talking about reading, writing, and arithmetic. I'm talking about Ruin, Redemption, and Regeneration.Your children have to know and understand that we stand in ruin before an Almighty God; that Jesus offers us the only solution for that state of ruin through His redemption; and that on...


Walking Away from Rule-Based Motherhood with Kendra Fletcher

Are you bound up in man-made rules that drive your parenting? Do you feel ashamed when your children disobey or act out in public? Have you ever wondered if your children are even Christians? If any of this speaks to you, listen in as Dawn Mole and Kendra Fletcher get honest about the years their families spent in communities where the rules ran deep and the shame ran deeper. They talk about the fear of not having enough children to satisfy other people, the fear of their children learni...


How to Homeschool Part 3- Gather Information

In Part 3 of this mini-series on heading into a new school year with your children, Dawn gives you the lowdown on all the information you need to gather. She starts with new homeschoolers and shares the unique information you will need as you embark on your homeschool journey. And then, she moves into the information you will need to gather every year thereafter. Homeschooling, or any type of schooling, is not a hands-off endeavor. You have to do the behind the scenes work to make thing...


Kimberley Godes

I get this but my 4 year old has a tendency of wanting to be attached to my hip all day everyday lol

10-16 Reply

Brittany Bishop

I am throughly enjoying this new podcast! Dawn is so full of wisdom and offers moms godly encouragement in their walk through motherhood. We all need a wise friend who offers us advice and gentle instruction on this journey and Dawn is that friend! Her podcast will be a blessing to every Christian mother who listens!

07-16 Reply

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