One Georgia UMC Podcast

Join Bishop Robin Dease as she connects with United Methodist clergy across Georgia! We’ll hear stories of brokenness, hope, and transformation with plenty of laughter, prayers, and thoughtful conversation.

Connecting with Abra Lattany-Reed

Welcome to the One Georgia Podcast! Today Bishop Dease talks with Rev. Abra Lattany-Reed about her call to ministry as a bi-vocational pastor, the ministry of presence, elevating the role of the church in diversity and justice matters, and the hard work of dismantling racism.    Abra serves in the South Georgia Conference of The United Methodist Church as Director of Diversity and Justice Ministries.    We are a community that does life together. As a way to strengthen our connection, you are encouraged to drive around your community this week and ask, "God, what would it look like for me to elevate your word here? What would it look like for me to dismantle the systems that are there, to disrupt with holiness and word, and how can we honor your kingdom?"   Discussed today:   Resources on Religion and Race -   Read John 14 -   Read Psalm 37 -


Connecting with Steven Usry

Today Bishop Dease talks with Rev. Dr. Steven Usry about going through a pain point as a church and rebuilding, about hiring and pouring into church staff, and about the prayer Bishop Dease utters daily.  Steven is pastor of Dalton First UMC.  More on topics discussed today: Staff support -  Listening to Your Community -  Browse Cokesbury's Bible Studies -  


Connecting with Adriane Burgess

Today Bishop Dease talks with Rev. Adriane Burgess about "Dessert Devotions," matching your passions with your calling, and letting the silo walls down to be the same person everywhere.  Adriane is pastor of St Mary's Road UMC in the Columbus area, an avid baker who loves to whip up easy dessert recipes along with an engaging devotional,     More about topics discussed today:   Dessert Devotions - Resources for Clergy Families and Those Who Care For Them -  What Are Your Spiritual Gifts? -   


Connecting with Ralph Thompson

Today Bishop Dease talks with Rev. Ralph Thompson about starting a new appointment, the value of intergenerational ministry, and being authentically yourself in the pulpit.  Ralph is pastor of Bethany UMC in Smyrna. He holds a Master of Divinity Degree (M.Div) from Candler School of Theology.   Resources on Topics Discussed in This Episode:   Community Partnerships   Intergenerational Ministry   Cross-Racial Appointments


Connecting with Jonathan Smith

Today Bishop Dease talks with Rev. Dr. Jonathan Smith about serving in a college town, transforming the world through campus ministry, and how the United Methodist connection steps up in disaster response. Jonathan is pastor of Pittman Park UMC in Statesboro. He has a Master of Divinity (M.Div) from Emory University and a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) focused in Church and Ministry from Columbia Theological Seminary.  In this episode: UMComission - Georgia Southern Wesley Foundation - Claflin University - UMCOR -


Connecting with Bishop Dease

In this episode of the One Georgia UMC Podcast, meet Bishop Robin Dease! Rev. Dr. Rodrigo Cruz asks Bishop Dease to share her story. It's a journey that begins in Brooklyn, New York. 


Trailer: Welcome to the One Georgia UMC Podcast

For the next ten weeks Bishop Robin Dease will be chatting with Georgia United Methodist clergy. Pull up a chair and join us! 


The Value of Multi-Cultural Ministry

In today's episode of At the Table, Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson continues the series of conversations with District Superintendents and lay leadership from around the Conference. She is joined by Central East superintendent Rev. Dr. Rodrigo Cruz and lay leader Jeff Fuller. They discuss the gift and value of multi-cultural ministry and how to get started.


Peace of Christ

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson invites Rev. Jimmy Moor to join her "At the Table" this week. Jimmy offers a sermon from the Gospel of John for the first Sunday after Easter then he and Bishop Sue discuss our connection, staying alert, and how grateful we are when peace and joy show up.


Reflections for Exhausted Clergy and Laity

This week Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson shares post-Easter reflections for exhausted clergy and laity.


In Good Hands

This week Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson invites Rev. Dr. Yvette Massey to share a Sermon on Psalm 31. Afterward, Bishop Sue and Yvette talk about what it means to be in God's hands.


All People

This week Bishop Sue invites seminary student Mychal Ellis to share a sermon and have a conversation on the lectionary text and Wesley's Covenant Prayer. This is Mychal's very first sermon! She and Bishop Sue discuss Jesus' journey and his desire to draw in all people. 


Back to Normal?

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson welcomes Rev. Black Trent to "At the Table." Rev. Trent shares a Lenten sermon and he and Bishop Sue ask the question, "Can we just go back to normal!?!" 


What's In A Name

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson continues the series, inviting a guest pastor to share a sermon on Wesley's Covenant Prayer and our lectionary text. This week she is joined by Rev. John Tomlin, a local pastor serving North Fayette UMC. They discuss John's interesting career path and what's in a name. 


Looking for Signs

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson begins a new series, inviting a guest pastor to share a sermon based on this week's lectionary and Wesley's Covenant Prayer, and then join her to discuss the message. This week she invites Rev. Blair Boyd Zant back to the podcast.


Ratified in Heaven

In today's episode, Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson is joined Rev. Dr. Yvette Massey and Rev. Blair Boyd Zant for the conclusion of our series of conversations on the Covenant Prayer. Hear about their joys, their calls to ministry, and their own "So Be It" moments. 


So Be It

In this episode of "At the Table," Bishop Sue is joined by her friend and colleague Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey. Bishop Harvey serves the Louisiana Conference and is President of the United Methodist Council of Bishops. They discuss the next lines of the Covenant Prayer: Thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.


Freely and Heartily Yield All Things

Bishop Sue is joined "At the Table" this week by Rev. Scott Parrish to discuss some of the most challenging lines of Wesley's Covenant Prayer. They contemplate just how much we could do if we joined together, freely and heartily yielding all things to Christ, and welcoming everyone to the table.


Employed by Thee or Laid Aside for Thee

Bishop Sue didn't have to look far to find a great conversation partner for this episode of At the Table. She is joined by her husband Rev. Allen Johnson. Allen is currently serving as Associate Pastor at Johns Creek UMC. They discuss the Covenant Prayer.


Put Me to Doing

In this week's episode of At the Table, Bishop Sue is joined by Rev. Dr. Jessica Terrell, Brandall Lovvorn, Rev. Joya Abrams, and Rev. Whit Martin. They discuss the United Methodist itinerancy and appointment process through the lens of the Covenant Prayer. 


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