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One Loud Voice

Author: Philip & Amber Noblit

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One Loud Voice is a discipleship community that empowers believers to share the love of Jesus with the world. The One Loud Voice podcast is the heartbeat of our discipleship program. It's designed to inspire and equip people to live like Jesus, to be His disciples. In addition to our Bible study content, we create opportunities for people to be the hands and feet of Jesus, partnering with local churches and mission organizations to help them reach the world. We believe it is time to take the challenge of Jesus and “Go into all the world and make disciples.” Together, we can be - One Loud Voice.

58 Episodes
Send us a textThis is the first podcast of our fall 2024 season. Through the fall semester we are studying the book of Galatians. This week, we are looking at Galatians chapter 1, verses 1-5. In each podcast we study scripture in context looking for truth, relationship, and purpose. Join us for a deep dive into this powerful book. We believe it will change your life!Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you are interested in joining or starting a group study, please visit ...
Send us a textIn this episode, we discuss Jesus' prayer in John 17. It's an amazing prayer that He specifically says is not just for His twelve disciples but for ALL who believe in Him. He prays for our protection, that we would walk in the truth, and three times, He prays for our unity. Obviously, unity matters to Jesus, and that should get our attention if we desire to live for Him. Join us as we break down this powerful prayer.Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you a...
Send us a textShow NotesThis is the last podcast in our series on the 12 big teachings of Jesus. We went a little different direction in this one. It was more of a discussion than a series of verses and breaking them down. That said, here are the scriptures we discussed so that you can follow along.Matthew 16:24 NIV, NLT, AMP, and EasyGenesis chapters 1 & 2Matthew 11:29-30 AMP1 John 3:16 NIVChallenge: Lay down your own will and way, do things God's way.Thank you for listening to the One L...
Send us a textShow NotesMatthew 25:34-40 NLTWe overcomplicate what it looks like to be a disciple. Most times, it’s just loving and serving the needs of the people in front of us.Question #1: What are some distractions or fears in your life that keep you from helping others?We have to be intentional about making other people a priority:Purpose to live like thisPay attention to people and what they are going throughBe willing to be inconveniencedQuestion #2: Do you sometimes/often make up excu...
Send us a textShow NotesMercy Definition:Mercy is the compassionate treatment of those in distress, especially when it is within one's power to punish or harm them. The word “mercy” derives from the medieval Latin merced or merces, which means "price paid."Luke 6:32-36 NIVWhen you include your enemies, showing mercy becomes a whole lot harder.Q1: Have you ever struggled with wanting someone who hurt you to suffer or fail?Our feelings are real, but Jesus asks us to move past our feelings to sh...
Send us a textShow NotesMatthew 7:1-2 AMPQ1: In what ways do making assumptions about people, limit, or impact our opinion of them?Examples of how Jesus accepted and loved people:Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Zacchaeus, Women at the well, Demoniac, Women caught in adulteryQ2: How do the ways that Jesus dealt with people, that most of us would quickly judge, challenge you to live differently?Colossians 3:12-15 NLTPaul tells us to "clothe ourselves" with mercy, kindness, humility, love, etc... Many ...
Episode 52 - Forgive

Episode 52 - Forgive


Send us a textShow NotesMark 11:25-26 NLTJesus encourages us to work out our un-forgiveness with Him, in prayer.2 situations where forgiveness is something we have to deal with:VictimRelationalLet’s talk about the root cause - or WHY we find ourselves hurt, broken, angry, etc.: Unmet expectationsQ1: What are some situations where unmet expectations have: hurt you, made you angry, changed your life?Exodus 32:1-4 NLTVs 2 - where did they get the earrings from?Vs 4 - who delivered them and destr...
Send us a textShow NotesMatthew 7:7-12 NASBJesus is saying that we need to put our trust and reliance in God for our lives and the things we need.This is a root issue. If we don’t trust God, then we will take control to gain what we want and need by our own efforts.This is where things go south. Selfishness, greed, comparison, self preservation, desperation, fear, extreme need - all cause us to treat others wrongJesus references the law and the prophets: He reminds them of their history. This...
Send us a textShow NotesMatthew 28:16-20 NIVWhat is a disciple?A disciple is a follower of Jesus who’s goal is to be like him and do the things he doesA disciple is supposed to act like Jesus2 Peter 1:3-8A disciple is supposed to do what Jesus didIn our day a disciple would be called:In the medical field - an internIn the construction field - an apprenticeIn the business world - a traineeIn theatre - an understudyWhat Jesus was saying to the disciples was: “I can’t be here, so you’re on. Take...
Send us a textShow Notes:Matthew 5:14-16 NIVCity on a hill - a place of refuge and safetyLight in the room - helps you see what you are doingQ1: How important is it to have people in your life that help you make good decisions? Do you have an example of someone that has been a light to you? We often think of good works as things like: feeding the hungry or helping the homeless. We should do those things, but Jesus speaks of our day to day actions and character as good works.Matthew 5:17-44 Su...
Send us a textHumility in our society is often viewed as a negative characteristic. We all like being around someone who is truly humble, but it isn’t a New Year’s resolution item that most of us make.Q1: What are some reasons you can think of that make people resist the idea of being humble?Q2: What does false humility look like?Q3: What does Biblical humility look like? Matthew 23:1-12 NLTVs 3: “So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t prac...
Send us a textWelcome to the One Loud Voice podcast. We are in a series on the 12 main teachings of Jesus. This week we are talking about Jesus' command of "Don't Worry". Join us as we talk about this important topic, discussing how to better navigate the temptation to worry.Show Notes:Matthew 6:25-34Worrying about our future or things going on in our lives is the result of not trusting God. In vs. 30 Jesus asks the question: "Why do you have so little faith?"How do we change that? How do we ...
Send us a textMark 11:22-24 NIVReading this scripture it would be easy to think that Jesus is offering us a ticket to Easy Street. We can send all of our problems into the sea; everything we want, we just ask and we get it. Q1: Does that idea line up with everything else that Jesus tells His disciples? What are some things he tells his disciples that don’t agree with the Easy Street concept?Having faith is not about getting what you want, it’s about following God and trusting Him to prov...
Send us a textEpisode 45 - Discussion NotesMatthew 22:37-40 NIVJesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’e 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’f 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Q1: What are some obstacles or challenges you face in making God a priority?Foundation scripture: Matthew 6:33 NLT - Seek the Kingdom of God ab...
Send us a textIn this very first podcast of 2024 We take some time to discuss Proverbs 4:23-27. These verses give us some very clear instruction on what we need to guard, and what we need to value. It was a great conversation and we believe it will encourage you to think about what you are prioritizing in your life.Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you are interested in joining or starting a group study, please visit our website, for more ...
Send us a textWe are taking a break from our normal format over the holidays. Continuing on from the last 2 weeks we are sharing the vision of OLV and where it all began. Join us for a look into the history and the making of One Loud Voice. This week: Unity among believers.Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you are interested in joining or starting a group study, please visit our website, for more information.If you like this content, we encourag...
Send us a textWe are taking a break from our normal format over the holidays. Continuing on from last week we are sharing the vision of OLV and where it all began. Join us for a look into the history and the making of One Loud Voice. This week: Making the big "C" (church), and discipleship our goal.Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you are interested in joining or starting a group study, please visit our website, for more information.If you like...
Send us a textWe are taking a break from our normal format over the holidays. For the next few weeks we are going to be sharing the vision of OLV and where it all began. Join us for a look into the history and the making of One Loud Voice. This week: A heart for making disciples.Thank you for listening to the One Loud Voice podcast. If you are interested in joining or starting a group study, please visit our website, for more information.If you like this content, we en...
Episode 40 - Represent

Episode 40 - Represent


Send us a textEpisode 40 - Represent - show notesAs followers of Jesus, He has commissioned us to go into all the World and make disciples … Matthew 28:19. Today, let’s talk about how we can carry out our commission to represent Jesus in our day to day lives.We are All Called to Represent Jesus to the World2 Corinthians 5:16-21Vs 16 - Regard no one according to the flesh.#1 - Are there people in your life that you have a hard time seeing their value, much less love them?Freedom from our past,...
Send us a textLight Up the World! - Show NotesHow can we effectively portray God’s free gift of redemption with the world around us#1 - How important is it to you for someone’s words and their actions to match? #2 - Do you make excuses or justification for yourself when your words and actions don’t match? Ephesians 2:1-10 NLT#3 - How much value, to you, is anything if you don’t use it? Even if the real value of the item is very high.Ephesians 2:3 NIV#4 - Are there things that you used to do, ...