forgot how fun Podcasts are..We are back! WooHoo! Hello everybody, my new microphone is on fire and I’ve made a podcast today period the subjects I’m covering are: Fall tour, Where have I been? Travel stories, Media overload, Suburb follies and what’s to come in 2023 All this and more on my latest podcast, sending love on my last week in California.
Happy International Women’s Day, All things Ukraine, rethinking first person shooter games, and fundraising for the homeless on Friday in Dublin Ireland. All this & more on this weeks episode of Onward with William McCarthy?
In this podcast I cover: Russian doping scandal, studio progress, Australia tour offer, Chlamydia, “Fungie” the Dingle dolphin and more! All this and much much more on this weeks addition of Onward with William McCarthy podcast
Hello Onward Amigos, Thank you all for sending your questions! I do a bit of Q&A in this episode regarding music in 2022. I also discuss nomadic people, members of the traveling community in Ireland, dialects, and what’s the deal with the horses in the middle of the city here?! All this and more on this weeks episode of Onward with William McCarthy! Xoxoxo BM
Drugs, California and the velvet pipes of Roy Orbison Hello Everybody it’s me out here in the world checking in with you. In this podcast I discuss my booster shot, antigen tests, methamphetamines and growing up. I hope you love it enjoy everyone I miss you! BM
Hello Radiant Autumn Rockers ? ☀️ ? It’s not special day where we give thanks here in America, I’m giving thanks for you in my life you all have been wonderful and really become friends and I adore our time together always. Kind of a long one yesterday recording, I went 12 hours and shut it down at like 10 o’clock at night. I’m heading back at it today before I get into eggnog and turkey later with my friends, I just want to send you a hug and let you know the gratitude I feel. This podcast is kind of a fun journey discussing songwriting, live music, living in a van for three weeks so far and lots lots more. OK back to work I go I love you guys
In today’s podcast I explore my film series project, migrant workers, the immigrant experience and recorded love the town I lived in until I was 6 years old. And all music made by me! All this and more in this weeks Podcast “Onward with William McCarthy: Live from Watsonville, California!” Enjoy it Ya November Warriors !✊? Xoxoxo BM
Well in this fine podcast I discuss: The joy of mispronouncing Irish peoples first names, my favorite pub on planet earth (that’s here in Dublin!), Red Eye flights, visiting my grandmothers house and the ZUNGA - the man thong of brazen Brazilian men worldwide
Chinatown, Manhattan New York City, How technology changes the face of a city, and tectonic shifts in a city’s cultural heritage all this and more on today’s episode of Onward with William McCarthy!
Thank You Colorado, Hello NYC, Winter projects, vanlife and more! All on this weeks Podcast- “Onward with William McCarthy!
Europe to USA, Summer abroad & new projects!
Um... This is a crazy world we are living in!
COVID-19 songs, do we even want to remember 2020? Fairytale of New York and how woke us too woke? All of this and more on this week's podcast.
You made it guys it’s Friday! So welcome to another episode of Onward with William McCarthy where I discuss topics such as: Dr. Chang RIP, The Vanishing Man, Surgery in December, Bill Burr’s stumble, Amazon music, jamming with Eric in the park and much, much more on this weeks episode. Love you guys Enjoy! Muah ? BM
In this podcast I discuss the release of my new EP, the world I left and the changes that have happened as I return to New York City.
Today’s podcast comes straight from my heart. To be honest it’s not easy right now because things are so raw, but I really did my best and decided to couple an impromptu podcast together with a live reading of my story “Skeleton Mask” for you all.
Happy midweek to everybody, I just finished this fine podcast and the accompanying video and graphics to go with it. Eventful day! In this fine podcast I discuss: Frank Sinatra in the 80’s, Growing up with dinosaurs (aging talk show hosts), a recording with Eric!!, To Grocery or not to grocery that is the question / Bill’s grocery store pilgrimage..
Wow feels like I haven’t talked to you guys in ages! Missed ya, I have been knee-deep in a three day editing session for a video for you all and I have lost touch with the world indeed. Well I crafted a document for the ages... Ladies and Gentlemen I give you The Bloodline Podcast!
In the year 2028 wolves roam New York City amongst the tundra and barren landscape that was once inhabited before the extinction...