Onyx Pathcast

Chat, interviews, and banter by Onyx Path Publishing’s in-house developers. Join Matthew, Dixie, and Eddy on the Onyx Pathcast!

Episode 330: Rules and Changes!

In which we talk about what was updated for Storypath Ultra, Curseborne, and others! * Gribblies * SPU Rules * Bonds * Adversaries * Investigation * Status effects * Curse dice Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 329: Curseborne Antagonists

In which we make some Curseborne antagonists! * One of us is Jigsaw * An axeman * Red Riding Hood * Technical dog-ficulties and Taken Out * Slashers * The Gentlemen * The Jingler * The Soul Sister * The Birds Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 328: An Alchemicals Preview!

In which we interview Chazz Kellner and Elliott Freeman about the upcoming Alchemicals book for Exalted Third Edition! * What are the Alchemicals? * Castes * The Hands of Autochthon  * More Castes! * Spicy assumptions of competence is my next Exalt character * Authochthonia * Tonal shifts * Alchemicals in Creation * Art and playstyles * What are we looking forward to? Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 327: Mysterious Happenings

In which we talk about mysteries within the RPG genre and other media! * Media inspirations * Mysteries in our books * Kinds of mysteries * How to set up an effective mystery * Crime scenes * Two types of mysteries Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 326: Storypath Ultra - Coming Soon!

In which we talk about the Storypath Ultra Core Manual! * We're all lovely * SPU work distribution * Instructions * Rules work * Pinfall from Piledrivers, Bodyslams, and other Wrestling Terms * Settings * News! * Speculation Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 325: Curseborne Campaign Ideas!

In which we talk about campaign ideas for Curseborne, and what we'd like to do with it. * We're excited about this! * CarTalk * The Flanaverse * Why work together * Youth campaign? * Closed-room campaigns * Murder mysteries * High-level organizations * Horror Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 324: Camp Matthew Dawkins!

In which Matthew takes you through his current game of They Came From...! * Enjoy the dulcet tones of Matthew Dawkins for the next hour! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 323: Curseborne Media Inspo!

In which we talk about various media we could use as inspiration for Curseborne. * Recommendations * Genres * Content in Media vs. Games * Buffy * Playing the heart * More Buffy * Succession and The Bear * Terrorizing? * Supernatural and Lovecraft Country * The Good Place * WandaVision * Horror movies Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 322: Kim Godwin on Mythic Shards!

In which we interview Kim Godwin about her work and Scion: Mythic Shards! * Who is Kim? * Playtesting at sea * Mythic Shards overview * Art notes and heroes * Proposed shards? * Mythic sharks * What else should people know? * Takes on the World * They Came from the RPG Anthology * Sci-fi inspirations * Adventures Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 321: Consulting Developers

In which we interview some of our consulting develoeprs about the process! * Framing * Interview with Victoria * Interview with Zak * More framing! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 320: Mythic Shards Interview!

In which we interview Hiromi Cota and Michele Masala about Scion: Mythic Shards! * Different shards? * After the End and post-apocalypse * Space shard! * Teasers * Divine Mechs * Farewell to Heroes * Teasers! * Boons and Relics * Stretch goals Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 319: Curseborne Questions

In which we answer some questions you've had about Curseborne! * Curse dice * Liminal spaces * Sorcerers? * Primals vs. Hungry * Entanglement * Aspirations * Primal shifting * Teamwork * Stacking * World book * Metaplot and Lore * Ages * Sorcerers * Foes * Ashcan PoD * Foundation spells Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 318: Curseborne at OPP Con 2024

In which we present the live Curseborne panel from Onyx Path Con 2024. * If you'd prefer to watch the panel, you can do so at twitch.tv/theonyxpath * The first 30 seconds or so of audio is cursed * No, I didn't curse it on purpose * I have no idea what happened there Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 317: What's Up With Onyx Path 2024

In which we present the live What's Up With Onyx Path? panel from Onyx Path Con 2024. * If you'd prefer to watch the panel, you can do so at twitch.tv/theonyxpath Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 316: Branch Riders!

In which we talk to Jack Berkenstock from the Bodhana Group about their ongoing Branch Riders Kickstarter! * What's the Bodhana Group? * What's Branch Riders about? * Working with OPP * First-time game design * Branch Riders playstyle * Different realms * Gameplay * SAVE Against Fear Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 315: A Con-ventional Episode

In which we talk about UKGE and the upcoming 2024 OPP Con! * At the Gates * Other conventions * UKGE and travel * Running games at cons * UKGE Panel * Onyx Path Con * Games and panels! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 314: Live(ish) from UKGE!

In which Matthew Dawkins, Danielle Lauzon, Eddy Webb, Michele Masala, and Chris Jones talk about freelancing for Onyx Path in a panel recorded at UK Games Expo! * Enjoy the panel! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 313: At the Gates Writers' Roundtable

In which we talk to Claire Weaver, John Burke, and Steffie de Vaan about their work on At the Gates! * What did everyone write? * JRPG experiences! * Finding JRPGs in AtG * Favorite parts * Themes and plots * Professions * Final Fantasy * Minigames Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 312: At the Gates AP 2

In which we play At the Gates! * Recap! * Information * Diving in * Under the sea * Electric! * A battle Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


Episode 311: At the Gates AP 1

In which we play At the Gates! * Characters * Intro * Merfolk * Fight! * Outro Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk


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