Open Discussion

An informative show that will discussed world issues, social issues and personal problems people face in their every day life. A show that expresses the options and views of other.

Who Wears the Crown

Send us a Text Message.Not long ago, the roles of a man and a woman were define carefully, now things have changed. there’s a battle within the relationship as to who should lead and who is the head of the house, with this continuing fight a man battles for his seat, only to lose to a woman who doesn’t feel a man shouldn't lead. How can a relationship exist if two people are fighting for the crown, Let explore this situation and find out why Women feel they wear the Dar...


Blurred lines

Send us a Text Message.No matter what we do in society most men are groomed on how he should treat a woman and what he should do to respect a woman, but not many woman who come from single family houses are ever give the same words of wisdom on how they should treat or respect their man or husband. Unfortunately most woman find out the hard after many years of failed relationships. Some how there is a Blurred Lines between the twoHost: Darryl Carr Questions or comments...


What's on the menu

Send us a Text Message.There is no question that the dating game is different. In our minds we have our own meaning on what love is or how we love others but at the end of the day it's a matter of what on the Menu. In this Episode Symphony and Vick debate on the matters of relationship and one nightstands Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


The Struggles of a Man PT2

Send us a Text Message.We as Men fight every day, but who is there to fight for us ? the battle ground leaves us beat and broken to a point where we want to end it all. How do we continue to fight knowing the world and everything in it stands against us? With depression on the rise the only answer to our problems is to end it all, that can't be the answer lets take a look on another Episode of Open Discussion.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email: Dmproduction7...


The Difference in being Right Pt. 2

Send us a Text Message.Nay and Nas team up once again to express the difference they has in Part 1. With everything going on in the world is there always a double standard with it comes to black people? why is it, Black people can talk against their race but the moment Black people talk against another race it becomes a problem. Sit back and let discuss this on Open Discussion.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


The struggles of a Man

Send us a Text Message.Men carry the world on their shoulders, some men die trying to become a better version of what they think they should . All this is done while trying to maintain their sanity so suicide doesn't become an option.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


The Difference in being Right

Send us a Text Message. We go out of our way just to make others happy, and no matter how hard we try we will never be met with the same energy we give. In This Episode we discuss the issues men and woman have trying too met each other needs. Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:



Send us a Text Message.We live in a time where people feel a need to follow others. Dave Chapelle almost became a victim of an armed assailant after one of his shows, could he be following after Will smith, if so he got what he didn't expect.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


The one thing, we don't talk about.

Send us a Text Message.We travel around the world, we set our goals and we outline our hearts desires, but there is one thing we shy away from and that's planning for the day we will no longer be here . having that one conversation help prepare you and your family. So the question is, do you have life insurance? On this episode with sit down with an insurance specialist to talk about the importance of having insurance and the differences between term life and whole life.&nbs...


The Games we Play

Send us a Text Message.So you find love? Now you don't believe it's true, so you find ways to sabotage just so you can stay in control. In this Episode of the Games we Play we discover one of the things women do just to stay in power. Men take notes while the woman figure out what they can do to change their ways.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


Living in the world of cancel culture

Send us a Text Message.Should we be forced to understand something we don't understand? Things are changing in the world around us and for the most part we are told we have to accept who and what people are, if we don't there is a label placed on us forcing us to be quiet. If we don't they cancel us. Dave Chappelle showed us empathy goes both ways. The only way we can fully understand is to sit down and have a conversation. is it right for us to understand you, without...


What's between those legs

Send us a Text Message.Women are struggling against the odds when trying to find love, we all realize once you hit a certain ages finding love can be hard, and sometime even difficult . At some point women in the world have to realize they are standing in their own way when it comes to finding love they need. Do you know the real power that you have, or do you think the power god gave you in between your legs? You are the gate way into this world let...


my right your choice (Navi Continue) Part 3

Send us a Text Message.In this episode we continue where Navi left off... could it be big business and pharmaceutical companies that's behind the rush of the vaccine let's continue.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


MY Right your Choice PT 2 looking covid in the eyes

Send us a Text Message.In This Part two discussion of My right Your Choice we sat with Navi Robins who talked about getting Covid, along with his thoughts and option on taking the vaccine. with so much going on right now while cases on the rise , most of us are left standing in the middle being forced to take the Vaccine or choosing die from the virus.Email: Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email: Dmproduction78@gm...


My Right Your Choice

Send us a Text Message.When do we Neglect ourselves just to satisfy others? Granted no one wants to get sick, but why should we take a vaccine we know nothing about. As of this Date Vaccinated people are being affected, but they continue to enforce taking the vaccine. when is my right to stand up for what i feel is right even tho you made your choice.Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


The inner workings of a Man

Send us a Text Message.A man is complicated, that all anyone has ever heard in their lifetime. Most people would say that's true. in the world a man has so many obstacles he face every day, and some times, the one thing he need is the one thing no one will give him. In this episode we explore the inner working of a man. Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


polyamory pt 2

Send us a Text Message.why is it so difficult for people to talk about Polyamory. in this episode we talk we explore the reason why people shy away from being one with one person. Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


Polyamory, could this be the new way of relationships Pt 1

Send us a Text Message.Could you be with one person for the rest of your life, or would you rather have multiple partners? Multiple partners that could fill the void that's missing in your life, allowing you to be free to be who you are. In this episode Latoya and Darryl try to under stand the reason behind Polyamory. Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


Where we go from here

Send us a Text Message.With the recent Verdict of Derek Chauvin, we are faced with we a major problem, it a problem that leaves us wondering what's next. How do we get to a point, where we can ever trust the Police again, with all that's going on in the world. It's a question I ask myself, where do we go from here?Darryl@devonmilesproductions.comHost: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


Women Wear your Crown

Send us a Text Message.What defines a woman? is it the way she walks or is it the words that come out of her mouth. Darryl and Latoya explores how The "B" word is placed upon woman, and how woman took that word and used it to give them strength. Host: Darryl Carr Questions or comments Email:


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