Opening the Door to Magic ✨

Opening the Door to Magic ✨

<p>Exploring myths, stories and lessons from the most magical planet in the universe. Opening the Door to Magic is a pathway of learning to believe in magic and seeing magical doorways into mystery love, wonder, abundance and adventure available to us whenever we are present to see them.<br><br>This collection of stories, interviews and solo episodes is here to help you free your mind reclaim your power as a magical being and keep pushing the boundaries on what it means to live a magical life. It's my prayer that you leave here, feeling inspired to co-create heaven on Earth, enjoy.</p>

Why Mangos are the Reason We Came to Earth

Send us a text In this solo episode, Ashley shares how the humble mango might just be one of humanity's greatest teachers about pleasure, purpose, and why spirits choose to incarnate on Earth. Through personal stories, ancient tradition and geeky mango facts, she explores how these sacred fruits have shaped both her own journey and humanity's relationship with earthly delights. Join us as Ashley shares: Why mangoes are truly the "King of Fruits" - prized by royalty and used as the highest for...


Spirit Baby 💜My Conscious Conception Story!

Send us a text In this solo episode, podcast host Ashley takes us on a deeply personal exploration of her path to conception and early pregnancy. Through vivid storytelling, she unveils a tapestry of spiritual encounters - communing with her spirit baby, embarking on a sacred pilgrimage in France, and experiencing a magical moments at the White Spring in the mystical land of Avalon. Join us as Ashley shares: The challenges and grace notes of her first trimester, including intense nausea, fati...


Cultivating a Culture of Joy - An Interview with Kathleen Dolan (my Mom!!)

Send us a text This is a super special episode - an interview with my Mom! This is a real and loving conversation between a 36 year old daughter and 60 year old mom... She drops wisdom about relationships, business and life from her years, and inspiration from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I hope you enjoy this conversation!! To connect with her find them on instagram at @culturedbrilliance, and order Lab-Grown Diamonds at Thank you Mam...


How I Healed My Chronic UTI's for LIFE! (Miracle Story)

Send us a text MIRACLES ARE REAL! In this episode, I tell the miracle story of healing regular, chronic UTI's for LIFE! I was living in a tent at 23 years old, with the most excruciating UTI of my life (peeing blood on my tent floor) when I was guided to one of the most powerful physical healing experience of my life. I hope this inspires you and helps you see the miracles that are possible when you follow your heart!! Love, Ash Cockatoo Paul's Travelling Song https://www.youtu...


Dancing on your Edge to Realize your Dreams

Send us a text In this episode I share from the basic truth of Trust in the Self, Trust int he Universe, Trust in Life and how to continue developing this trust! I tell the story of going up the highest ski lift in North America, hiking to the top of the world and snowboarding down. This metaphor serves to teach us to take risks in our lives, knowing that we are safe and that taking these risks helps us to realize more of the life we are meant to live, and accelerates evolution. I offer a s...


Generosity and the Overflowing Chalice ⚜️

Send us a text This is a journey into Generosity, the law of attraction and the principle of reciprocity, that is found throughout every major spiritual tradition and every successful civilization! You can take this episode as a masterclass on Generosity - get out your notebook and pen, get ready for some killer journaling questions and amazing material for your contemplation practices. Today's Track is Punjab by Karunesh <3 Enjoy! Support the show on Patreon


Worshipping the Goddess of Practice with Shira Ziv

Send us a text This interview is a full circle transmission on what healing truly is, embodiment of self, and a return to balance on our beautiful Earth. We jam about unity, polarity, masculine and feminine healing, and what pleasure truly is, and how it's going to heal the world. I love Shira's passion and eagerness, and the confidence that oozes from her in every step of her journey. She is a true definition of embodiment and she boldly trusts her path and keep putting the puzzle pieces of...


Pilgrimage: My Magdalene Journey in France and beyond

Send us a text I believe that Pilgrimages are an ingrained part of our DNA, and that these journeys are important to do in order to integrate and forgive our history, receive the gifts that our past has to offer us, release patterns and write a new story or freedom, love and abundance, together. In this episode I share about my trip to Colorado, Philadelphia, Atlanta and France - a personal pilgrimage and joining an organized Pilgrimage on the Magdalene Path in France. I talk pilgrimages a...


SC 20: A New World of Wealth for Women with Sarah Rose D'Angelo

Send us a text In this episode I interview my Business Coach and Money Mentor Sarah Rose D'Angelo. I'm so excited for you to tune into this amazing discussion around breaking the scarcity and lack cycle, stepping into the unknown with conviction, and how to totally transform your relationship with doing hard stuff. Check out Sarah on her Instagram Come join us at Embodied Live in Denver 1-2 April And Check out her course PROSPER Support the show on Patreon ...


SC 18: Multidimensional Reality with Michele Channels

Send us a text In this episode I got to interview the incredible Michele Channels, a healer, channeler and Ascension Guide here to help the Ascension of humanity. We talk about guides, the healing process, and living your purpose here on planet earth! To connect with Michele, ask questions, join her meditation classes or book a session with her, find her here: Website Facebook Instagram Support the show on Patreon Let's connect!


SC 17: Sacred Business

Send us a text In Episode 17 I jam about the balance of Feminine and Masculine, Sacred Business as modern day Mystery School, being a portal of between Spirit and Earth, through the technology of our Sacred Business. Your Sacred Business is a way in which you study yourself and bring your unique codes to this Earth. The book I mentioned is Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak <3 Today's featured track is Elven Bell by Somatoast, a musical project by Mark Rubin from Austin, Texas. Traversing a mul...


E 16: Hila Dekel - Living from the Soul Blueprint

Send us a text This is our first ever interview on the show! I'm so excited to have hosted Hila Dekel, Shamanic Energy Practitioner and Galactic Guide. She is an important teacher of mine, friend and colleague who I often recommend for her expertise in healing and soul work. We discuss the Soul Blueprint - your essence and source of well-being, how to keep that blueprint clean and clear from external negative influences such as limiting beliefs and toxic relationships, and how to upgra...


E 14 : My Sisterhood Journey

Send us a text Back in 2015 in Tel Aviv, I ran my first ever Women's Circle. I was a yoga and meditation teacher, and felt the calling, even though I didn't even know what it was! I searched on Google "How to Run a Women's Circle", and bravely ran this circle, not knowing that these circles would absolutely change my life, and that I would be hosting womens circles for 7 more years (and counting!). In this episode I talk about my journey into Sisterhood starting with women's circles, a...


E 13: Witchcraft and Dharma

Send us a text In this episode I jam on the overlap between Witchcraft and Dharma - sovereignty, freewill, and our ability to use our intention to create our reality. We are in the choose-your-adventure novel, where all possibilities exist. We are the masters re-learning our own mastery. The Egg Theory Youtube Video: I hope this episode inspires you! Today's Featured Artist is Eyal Izhari, a music producer based in Israel. The track is called El Kamino ...


E 12: Ritual to Transform the Mundane into Magic ✨

Send us a text In this episode we talk about the resurgence of Ritual - an ancient practice that has been all but forgotten, and is now a big buzz word in the spiritual community. Ritual is resurging because we all crave a deeper connection to ourselves, each other and the world, and we all want to start making more meaning out of life. Rituals happen every single day, and when infused with intention they have the power to shift our reality, create new worlds, and support us deeply in living...


Episode 11: Breathwork, Altered States and Soul Purpose

Send us a text * Correction! Stan + Christine Grof are from the Czech Republic, not Russia like I said in the episode. Welcome to Episode 11: Breathwork, Altered States and Soul Purpose In this show I discuss the origin of breathwork in ancient culture and religion, and it's modern re-emergence in the 1960's with Rebirthing founded by Leonard Orr and Holotropic Breathwork founded by Stan and Christine Grof. Leonard Orr is said to have learned advanced ancient Yogic techniques from Sri Maha...


Episode 6: Spirit Guides

Send us a text Spirit guides us to listen to our Spirit Guides. In this episode, I discuss how each of us has access to a team of archetypes, or powerful personalities that are constantly available to us. This team has guidance and protection for our souls on their mission on planet Earth. Even if you don't believe that there are energies or spirit guides within and around you supporting you, know that these archetypes can be powerful tools for you to access deeper layers of awareness and w...


Episode 3: Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Send us a text This episode is about my story - going from a Physics major in college to traveling 2x around the world and living in Israel as a Visionary Coach and Yoga Teacher Soulpreneur. Anddd.... I'm so excited to introduce our first featured artist on today's show! Rinat Shaydubenov who goes as Mineral Chemical, is a trance artist from Israel who has recently began experimenting with more psychedelic down-tempo and bass genre tracks. Today's featured track is a melodic, down tempo mus...


Episode 2: Sacred Geometry + Co-Creation

Send us a text In this episode, we dive into the history and meaning of Sacred Geometry, the gap in modern physics and the use of Thought and Emotion to bridge the gap between Quantum Physics and Newtonian standard physics. You don't have to be a science nerd to enjoy this episode - use it to ponder the inner workings of the universe and your unique role in it! These are the folks and events that I have cited in this episode: My Free Guided Meditation on Creating your Reality Nassim Haram...


Dharma and Soul Purpose

Send us a text In this episode we explore the concept of Dharma throughout the ages and how to use this concept to make the most out of life today. We'll see the connection between finding and practicing our Dharma, and more peace and health in our lives. And we'll learn how Karma, Dharma and Samsara work together to take us on our own unique soul's journey. This conversation gets deep, so buckle in and get ready to get your mind blown. Support the show on Patreon


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