Optimal Relationships Daily - Dating, Marriage & Parenting

<p>Optimal Relationships Daily, steered by the insightful Greg Audino, a seasoned life coach, is a podcast dedicated to enhancing your personal connections. Greg explores the intricate dynamics of relationships, from dating to marriage and parenting. He handpicks and narrates insightful content from a variety of respected bloggers and experts, offering listeners a rich tapestry of perspectives on relationship building, communication, conflict resolution, and self-love.</p><p>Greg's approach is both compassionate and pragmatic, blending his life coaching expertise with relatable experiences and actionable advice. His warm, engaging narration makes even the most complex relationship topics accessible and understandable. By focusing on dating, marriage, and parenting, each episode provides you with the tools needed to improve your personal connections. Whether you're looking to deepen your existing relationships, navigate challenges, or understand the subtleties of human connections, Greg's guidance offers a daily dose of wisdom and inspiration to help you foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships in all areas of your life.</p><p>This podcast is designed for those passionate about dating, marriage, and parenting. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on managing your dating life, strengthening your marriage, and effective parenting. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster healthier relationships, emphasizing the importance of dating, marriage, and parenting in achieving a balanced life.</p><p>Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...</p>

2317: Getting Started with Intentional Parenting by Shawna Scafe of Simple On Purpose on Motherhood

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2317: Shawna Scafe explores the concept of intentional parenting, contrasting it with the autopilot mode many parents often fall into. She emphasizes the importance of modeling the behavior and values we wish to instill in our children, focusing on mindfulness and deliberate choices in daily parenting. By setting clear goals for the kind of adults we want our kids to become, we can take meaningful steps toward raising them with purpose and intention. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://simpleonpurpose.ca/starting-intentional-parenting/ Quotes to ponder: "Unless we are raising cheese-eating, floor-sweeping, laughing women who randomly break into song, let’s hope they pick up some more useful traits from their father and the people we surround ourselves with." "Like Lisa and her husband, making their kids travel companions for a life-changing adventure, the best way to teach them is to model it." "A part of me is overwhelmed by getting this list to become lesson. The other part of me rolls her eyes and sips her coffee, my kids will be fine, I know." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2316: The Re-Negotiated Relationship by Keith Wilson on Breakup & Divorce Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2316: Keith Wilson explores how relationships endure even after love fades, emphasizing that emotional ties remain long after separation. He illustrates how former partners often need to re-negotiate their relationship dynamics, especially when kids or shared responsibilities are involved, offering valuable insights into how to maintain a functional, if altered, connection. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://keithwilsoncounseling.com/2018/01/05/the-re-negotiated-relationship/ Quotes to ponder: "You’ll never be indifferent about a former partner, no matter how hard you try to fake it." "These can be very satisfying and valuable relationships, nonetheless, for both of you and, especially, for the kids." "Love may not be eternal, but relationship is." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2315: [Part 2] Missed Connections by Colin Wright of Exile Lifestyle on Relationship Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2315: Colin Wright explores the challenges of being an independent individual in a world designed for pairs and families. He highlights the shift in relationship norms, especially among Millennials, who reject traditional life paths in favor of personal fulfillment and diverse, modern relationship models. This evolution, he argues, should be embraced as it allows for more authentic, custom-fitted lives. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://exilelifestyle.com/missed-connections/ Quotes to ponder: "There are no wrong steps in this dance, and even if we sometimes feel that we’re in the middle of a competition there are plenty of other yardsticks by which we can measure our own, independent growth and progression." "It’s not scary, it’s wonderful. It will result in a greater number of happy people enjoying custom-fitted lives, rather than the majority of us trying to squeeze into something clearly sewn for someone else." "A complete individual has trouble dating anyone except other complete individuals, and this is not something we’re encouraged to be." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2314: [Part 1] Missed Connections by Colin Wright of Exile Lifestyle on Dating Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2314: Colin Wright reflects on the complexities of being single in a place like Boracay, where relationships are central to the culture. As he contemplates his own non-traditional relationship model and the benefits of solitude, he touches on the importance of self-awareness and personal growth. His introspection is fueled by the desire to break away from societal norms and focus on what truly brings fulfillment. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://exilelifestyle.com/missed-connections/ Quotes to ponder: "I keep stringent tabs on my state of mind, my habits, my purpose. These are things I allowed to gather cobwebs for a significant chunk of my teens and twenties." "Sometimes I say, 'No, let’s just focus on me for a while.'" "Why would you fight to propagate something that isn’t helping you get where you want to be, and that isn’t allowing you to live the life you desire?" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2313: The 3 Crucial Steps You Must Take After Your Breakup by Eddie Corbano of Love's A Game on Dating Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2313: After experiencing a devastating breakup, Eddie Corbano outlines three pivotal steps to achieve emotional freedom. His journey highlights the importance of breaking all contact with an ex, accepting the finality of the relationship, and consciously letting go. By navigating through these stages, you can emerge stronger, rediscover your own happiness, and find a new beginning. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://lovesagame.com/crucial-steps/ Quotes to ponder: "Burning bridges behind you is understandable. It's the bridges before us that we burn, not realizing we may need to cross, that brings regret." "I decided that I would use this breakup experience as a catalyst to change who I was and thus, my life’s journey." "Letting go is breaking the self-limiting belief that this one person holds the key to your happiness and that you cannot find new love." Episode references: Watch Helen Fisher TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/speakers/helen_fisher Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2312: What If My Spouse's Eating Habits Are Triggering to Me? By Crystal Karges on Marriage & Healthy Living

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2312: Crystal Karges explores the challenges of maintaining a positive relationship with food when a spouse's eating habits are triggering. She offers practical strategies, such as setting boundaries and seeking support, to help individuals navigate the dieting behaviors of loved ones while staying committed to their personal recovery journey. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.crystalkarges.com/blog/what-if-my-spouses-eating-habits-are-triggering-to-me Quotes to ponder: "Ultimately, your motivation factors are stronger than a trigger." "Establishing healthy boundaries with your spouse is essential to not only your relationship but to your journey toward finding peace with food and your body." "A trigger can feel overwhelming in the moment, but remember to fall back on your positive coping skills to help you work through a challenging situation." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2311: When What's Good for Me, Isn't Good for Us by Dr. Gwendolyn Seidman with Luvze on Marital Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2311: Pursuing personal goals with single-minded focus can lead to an unintended consequence: neglecting your relationships. Dr. Gwendolyn Seidman explains how the mindset we adopt when chasing goals can make us more one-sided, not just about the goal itself, but in how we view and maintain our relationships. By becoming aware of this, we can better balance our personal ambitions with nurturing healthy connections. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.luvze.com/when-whats-good-for-me-isnt-good-for-us/ Quotes to ponder: "Once you’ve committed to the decision to take the job, you’re no longer weighing the pros and cons, but instead figuring out how to break the news to your current boss." "The implemental mindset may make you consider everything, not just that goal, in a one-sided manner." "When pursuing a relationship goal, personal goals are put on the back burner." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2310: How to Fit Self Care into Your Day by Cara Harvey of A Purpose Driven Mom on Motherhood

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2310: Cara Harvey emphasizes the importance of self-care for moms, highlighting that it's not about indulgence but about sustaining your well-being. She shares practical advice on integrating self-care into a busy day, even if it means finding small moments for yourself. Prioritizing self-care, according to Harvey, is crucial not just for personal happiness but for creating a positive home environment. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://apurposedrivenmom.com/how-to-fit-self-care-into-your-day/ Quotes to ponder: "We find time to do things that are priorities to us. The things that we think are important are the ones that get done during the day." "We deserve to take some time during the day to center ourselves and do what makes us happy." "I’ve never regretted doing something that I know will make me happier for myself, my family, and my kids." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2309: 10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist by Angela Pruess with The Gottman Institute on Parenthood

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2309: Angela Pruess, a seasoned family therapist, shares ten powerful insights for parents to nurture healthy child development. From respecting a child's natural learning process to fostering creativity and connection, these strategies emphasize the importance of understanding, patience, and modeling positive behavior. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.gottman.com/blog/10-insights-of-remarkable-parents-from-a-family-therapist/ Quotes to ponder: "Immature behavior is normal for immature human beings with immature brains." "Kids want and need to be heard, and feel understood. Just like the rest of us." "Recognize that connection, fun, and creativity are the best ways to promote positive behaviors and a cooperative attitude." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2308: How to Let Go of Anger When You've Been Hurt by Irene Elias of Self Love Junkie on Self-Compassion

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2308: Irene Elias offers a compassionate guide to letting go of anger and resentment by embracing forgiveness and understanding. Through a series of actionable steps, she encourages self-reflection, emotional release, and empathy, helping you find inner peace and reclaim your energy from negative emotions. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://selflovejunkie.com/how-to-let-go-of-anger-when-youve-been-hurt/ Quotes to ponder: "Look at forgiveness this way, you agree with yourself that you are no longer willing to carry around pain in response to someone else’s bad behavior." "Just imagine with empathy. Visualize that this person has a 5-year-old child within them who are wounded and in need of desperate love." "Every relationship we encounter, friendship, romantic, relative etc, our hearts get connected by an energetic cord and we need to be cutting these cords." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2307: How Do You Put Intimacy into an Intimate Relationship? by Evan Marc Katz on Dating Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2307: Evan Marc Katz explores the disconnect between dating advice and real-life relationship experiences, emphasizing that true intimacy can't be forced in a relationship that lacks natural chemistry and connection. He advises that if a relationship fails to make you happy or fulfill your emotional needs, it's better to seek someone who genuinely aligns with your values and communication style. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.evanmarckatz.com/blog/dating-tips-advice/how-do-you-put-intimacy-into-an-intimate-relationship Quotes to ponder: "It’s not your job to ‘put intimacy’ into an intimate relationship; it’s your job to find a guy who organically does the things that your co-workers do." "The reason to exit your relationship swiftly is because it does not make you happy." "Good relationships should be easy, but that doesn’t mean one should be in an easy relationship that doesn’t make you happy." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2306: 12 Relationship Truths I Wish I Knew 12 Years Ago by Marc Chernoff of Marc And Angel on Personal Growth

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2306: Marc Chernoff shares twelve profound relationship truths, learned through personal experience, that highlight the importance of self-love, emotional resilience, and the power of forgiveness. These insights serve as valuable reminders for nurturing healthy and meaningful connections in life, emphasizing that love should be freeing, supportive, and a source of mutual growth. Read along with the original article(s) here: http://www.marcandangel.com/2012/10/08/12-relationship-truths-i-wish-i-knew/ Quotes to ponder: "You have to love yourself first. It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you." "Love doesn’t hurt. Love is not the problem." "Forgiveness is always the right choice." Episode references: Marc & Angel Books: https://www.marcandangel.com/book/ The Art of Non-Conformity: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Non-Conformity-Chris-Guillebeau/dp/0399536108 The 5 Love Languages: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Languages-Secret-that-Lasts/dp/080241270X The Mastery of Love: https://www.amazon.com/Mastery-Love-Practical-Relationship-Toltec/dp/1878424424 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2305: Why You Should Consider an Adventure Honeymoon by Ali Cornish of Everthrive on Wedding Planning Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2305: Ali Cornish shares the story of her unconventional honeymoon, where she and her husband chose to camp around Iceland instead of opting for a traditional beach resort. This adventure brought them closer as a couple, teaching them to embrace challenges together and shaping their identity as a team. It's a powerful reminder that sometimes the road less traveled offers the most rewarding experiences. Read along with the original article(s) here: http://everthrive.org/blog/why-you-should-consider-an-adventure-honeymoon Quotes to ponder: "Sometimes the best experiences come from working through hard times." "Conquering tricky situations paves the way for potential opportunities to become better people, and becoming better people together is the best gift of all." "Even though we didn’t choose to relax together at a tropical resort, we were still able to slow down and be present with one another." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2304: 8 Questions About Your Money and Your Spouse by J. Money of Budgets Are Sexy on Marriage & Finances

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2304: J. Money from BudgetsAreSexy.com dives into the intricacies of discussing finances with your significant other. He shares his thoughts on when and how to approach these crucial conversations, highlighting the importance of being on the same page about money in a relationship. Through eight reflective questions, he explores scenarios like merging finances, dealing with debt, and the impact of differing money views on a partnership. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.budgetsaresexy.com/questions-about-your-money-spouse/ Quotes to ponder: "Money affects everything though from homes to cars to lifestyles, to even having kids, so it’s crazy important!" "We can all change our habits whether it’s money-related or not, but the more important question is 'do you WANT to change your habits?'" "Money is an incredible tool that we can use to build a rich life experience, but if we don’t have our priorities straight, we might unintentionally use it to build a wall around our hearts." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2303: How to Build Your Self-Worth after a Breakup by Jess Chua with OLD Podcast on Recover from End of A Relationship

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2303: Jess Chua's guide offers powerful steps to rebuild your self-worth after a breakup. By focusing on self-love, setting personal boundaries, and surrounding yourself with supportive people, you can reclaim your identity and confidence. The article provides practical advice to help you heal and grow, ensuring that your sense of self becomes stronger than ever before. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://oldpodcast.com/self-worth-breakup/ Quotes to ponder: "Shift the focus back onto yourself. Do the things that truly bring you joy and inspire you." "Acknowledge what you learned from the relationship, but see it for what it is." "Knowing your personal boundaries is an act of self-respect which contributes to your self-worth." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2302: [Part 2] How to Stay Active When You Have A Family by Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness on Raising Healthy Children

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2302: Steve Kamb shares practical ways to stay active with your family, focusing on making exercise fun and effortless. Through community insights, he highlights how activities like hiking, playing games, or even completing household chores can seamlessly integrate fitness into family life, fostering healthy habits without the need for formal workouts. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/how-to-stay-active-when-you-have-a-family/ Quotes to ponder: "We tend to have the most success when they don’t realize it’s exercise." "You are your kids’ (or your partner’s) biggest hero; it’s time to decide what kind of superpower you have." "My six year old daughter and I do things together. She rounds up us adults for walks and we’ve done daddy/daughter kettlebell workouts together." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2301: [Part 1] How to Stay Active When You Have A Family by Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness on Parenting Advice

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2301: Staying active as a parent can feel overwhelming, but Steve Kamb from NerdFitness.com shows that it's not only possible but can be a fun way to bond with your family. By turning exercise into play, such as hiking, creating games, and even doing push-ups with your kids, you can integrate fitness into your daily life without it feeling like a chore. Embrace a mindset of flexibility and creativity to make fitness a family affair. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/how-to-stay-active-when-you-have-a-family/ Quotes to ponder: "Exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore. In fact, exercise can be damn fun." "It’s about finding a way for you ALL to enjoy healthy habits." "Become MacGuyver, and exercise anytime, anywhere." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2300: Can We Change in Our Relationships? by Dr. Lisa Firestone of PsychAlive on The Power of Personal Growth

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2300: Embracing the power of personal growth, Dr. Lisa Firestone explores how understanding our attachment styles can transform our relationships. By becoming aware of our emotional triggers and challenging negative self-talk, we can foster more secure and loving connections, ultimately allowing for meaningful change and healthier relationship dynamics. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://www.psychalive.org/change-in-relationships/ Quotes to ponder: "By taking charge of our half of the dynamic, we give our relationship at least a 50 percent better chance of survival." "Making sense of our experiences leads us to no longer be ruled by them." "Everyone struggles to some degree when it comes to getting close to someone else." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2299: Listen to Your Lookout by Keith Wilson on Mutual Trust & Communication

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2299: When life's challenges threaten to overwhelm you, it's crucial to have a vigilant partner who acts as your "lookout," offering a unique perspective that helps prevent repeat mistakes. Keith Wilson emphasizes the importance of mutual trust and communication, reminding us that recognizing and addressing our blind spots is a shared responsibility in healthy relationships. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://medium.com/hello-love/listen-to-your-lookout-371df07cb8c0 Quotes to ponder: "Your own type of problem and mistake is yours because it’s the very thing that sneaks up in your blind spots. It fits you like a glove." "It takes hard work to eradicate problems and eternal vigilance to keep them away." "To be sure, many lookouts don’t understand their role too well. When they see problems coming, they often make accusations, rather than observations." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


2298: How I Found The Definition Of True Love by Eddie Corbano of Loves A Game on Finding the Right Partner

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2298: Eddie Corbano explores the concept of "true love" and challenges the notion of finding "the one." By reflecting on his own experiences and examining six types of love, he encourages a realistic view of relationships. True love, he suggests, is rooted in self-love and altruistic giving, rather than seeking fulfillment from another person. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://lovesagame.com/how-i-found-the-definition-of-true-love/ Quotes to ponder: "I've developed a realistic, not glorified view, of love and relationships, which helped me tremendously to concentrate on what I really want and what I don't." "The definition of true love for me is loving yourself and thereby giving love without asking for anything in return." "Abandon a glorified, unrealistic view of 'true love' and 'the one.'" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


Golnoosh Sabery

this was all I had to hear ❤️🫂

01-20 Reply


this is a quick and easy listen I like to keep a copy of it downloaded to my phone so I can listen to it while I'm in the car during times where I'm feeling anxious or stressed about a certain social situation or things get tense at home.poignant!

07-28 Reply


wow that was perfect , l think u change alot lives with youre episodes . thank you✨

08-30 Reply

Mohammed Mehrvand

Hello I am an English teacher and a YouTuber, i just wanted to use some of your podcast on my channel for practicing engish and I can invite them to subscribe to your channel. that would be great if I had your permission. thank you

10-14 Reply

Ron McKinley

completely disappointed in this pod cast, twisted views of what a man really is.

06-16 Reply







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