Order ON The Courts with Scott Ficks

Career tennis & pickleball coach Scott Ficks discusses various topics in the tennis, pickleball, coaching, and business world along with other life lessons and current events. I have made a career out of making stuff up, this podcast might have something for players and coaches looking for new ideas. It could also be an incredible waste of time that you will never get back.

Episode #80: Stealing From Church

Episode #80 is all about tennis and I left out all of the random stuff that I enjoy. I took several lessons from various church services and turned them into coaching ideas. Wrestling pigs, being offended, and keeping your spoon in the cup is all discussed. Enjoy! https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.facebook.com/FicksTennis


Lazy Piece of #@*&! Conversations with Kayla

Episode #79 welcomes Kayla Jaskowiak. We discuss a variety of topics involving life in the club world, leadership, being uncomfortable, and here her story of how she got here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.facebook.com/FicksTennis


Politics, Religion, & Puppies!

Episode #78 covers a wide variety of topics including hockey, puppies, Seinfeld, & fixing cars. The coaching part discusses how politics, religion, and puppies help us choose things that fit our lifestyle, tennis game, and current situation. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.facebook.com/FicksTennis


It's Just A Drill, French Open, & 5th Grade Graduations

This short episode covers my thoughts on elementary school graduations, the French Open, Caitlyn Clark, and Jerry West. Also, the puppy arrives next week! https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g


Mistakes Matter, But Not All Of Them

Don't focus solely on the number of mistakes you make during a match. Pay attention to when you are making them because that can be far more important than the total number. Just don't miss on game point, set point, or match point, and you can still be successful. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ scottfickstennis@gmail.com


What Am I Paying You For?

Episode #76 is the first in almost 2 months. It's not very good but does cover some coaching topics in addition to the usual random stuff. https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g scottfickstennis@gmail.com


Dumb Analogy Series: Swanson It!

If you are uncertain what shot to choose or where to move on the court, pick something and commit to it. Don't try and do multiple things average, do one thing great. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis


The Medical Podcast: Transfusions, Busted Ankles, & A Man Called "W"

Episode #73 is my story of 5 days in the hospital. I had never been in the hospital before and my adventure was full of fun activities. There is no tennis talk on this one. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis


Dumb Analogy Series: Spend More Time Being Clark Kent

Many players focus on trying to do amazing things and take too many risks. Sometimes it's best to spend more time as Clark Kent than Superman. https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.facebook.com/FicksTennis


Dumb Analogy Series: Lead Singers and Drummers

Good lead singers get to have all the fun, stage diving, jumping off of stuff, lighting guitars on fire....but behind them is a great drummer, who keeps the band rocking no matter what the lead singer does. Know your role in a doubles match and be great at both. https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.facebook.com/scottfickstennis/


My Dad Joins Me Again....#70 Is The Most Random So Far

Episode #70 is easily the most random of them all. My Dad joins me again and the topic list covers....post it notes, one pill to cure all issues, bad driver solutions, girl scouts, equal prize money, silverback gorilla's vs. teenage boys, jury duty, and more. https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


Dumb Analogy Series: Just Fix The Flat Tire

Sometimes a major mistake has a very small solution. If you get a flat tire, most normal people do not immediately purchase a new car. It is likely a quick fix that can be done without assistance. https://www.tiktok.com/@scottfickstennis?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc https://www.instagram.com/scottficks_tennis_and_pickle/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g


Dumb Analogy Series: Faster Than The Bear

This analogy talks about how you don't have to play the greatest tennis ever, you just have to be better than your opponent. If they are playing like garbage, you just have to be less garbage. Easy. Click the link below to follow on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g


Dumb Analogy Series: Serve Like The Space Shuttle

I like to tell stories and create memorable and dumb analogies on the court with the hope that students will remember them. This is one connecting the Space Shuttle launching to your serve. Like I said, it's dumb.....and probably not memorable. Enjoy!


Scorpion Venom, White Christmas, & Questioning My Age

Episode #66 covers how I've been contemplating my age and career, beating my brother in Madden, and scorpion venom. I also tell 3 stories of how I got here that include all of the following: Weed, White Christmas, and the National Anthem.


Snow Sucks, Shaving at the Gym, & Blowing Wind

I discuss the dude shaving his chest in the gym locker room, my disaster of a snow day, and is all wind "blowing" wind? Lots of random stuff and probably useless. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNBVvpoR-mB9V_ASnX5V62g


Fluid Fingers, The Demonstration Method, and I Didn't Pick Up Balls For A Full Year

Episode #64 discusses a guy named Seaman Knapp, who invented the Demonstration Method in 1903. What liquids would you shoot out of your fingers if you could and accepting who you are on the court. Plus, the Colts are the greatest team to ever play!


Home Runs, Drilling Holes in Racquets, & Living In The Dark

Episode #63 discusses "whats wrong with people", do people living in remote locations care about the state of our country, and more gibberish. Also, how do you want your partner to talk to you when you go to a dark place, do you warm up differently in a lesson than a match, and sometimes we need to let a plan work before changing it.


The Wisdom of Jack Watermolen & Random Other Things

I'm joined on episode #62 by Jack Watermolen! Jack is a coach at the WAC, has saved lives, fought bears, hits a smoking forehand, and believes he can hit an MLB distance homerun with one month of training. This is one of my favorite conversations and you will understand why Jack and I get along. Enjoy!


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