Ordinary Heroes

Short stories about ordinary people who transform into heroes. Moments shared to inspire you to become one yourself.

#WORK - The EDGY Empire - Track 1

#WORK - The EDGY Empire - Track 1 by The EDGY Empire



What is commitment? Is it just something you say when you're getting married? It's something you feel when you're joining a team or trying to win a big game? Being "all in" is a phrase we often throw around when it comes to achieving goals. You tell yourself that you're going to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. But when it takes longer than you expected, you decide that maybe you're not as willing to be is committed. You're just making excuses. "Obviously it wasn't meant to be," you tell those around you. Somehow you must have it harder than everyone else around you. Your goals must be a little tougher -- a little more difficult -- than everyone else's goals. Your excuses get louder than your effort. When no one is looking you stop trying. When everyone else starts to notice you make sure you have a good story ready to tell. You get good at whining. Whether it's falling in love or trying to get rich, digging your way out of debt, paying off your house, raising good kids, or trying to lose weight -- success demands commitment. All you have. Whatever it takes. You can be assured of setback and you're guaranteed to have problems. There is no easy road. If you're not committed it's never going to happen. Are you in?


6. The Warrior's Morning

There are going to be a lot of days when you don't feel like doing what needs to be done. There are going to be all too many mornings where you're sick and tired of the grind. You don't want another conflict. You don't need another problem. You're not looking for trouble or heroism. You just want to recover. To heal. To get a little extra spring back in your step. And those days you are faced with a choice. A simple choice. But an important one. Do you waste the day or use it to get things done? -- Find us online: ordinaryheroespodcast.com Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


5. Debi Lowery. No Regrets.

We are all running from something. Fears from our past. Frustration in the present. Unrealized expectations for the future. It can be all-consuming. The thought that no matter what you do it's not good enough. The fear that you might never get to where you want to be. The regrets of failure from the past. It's all too easy to miss out on the possibilities of the future when you're drowning in the regrets from your past. You have to manage those regrets. But how do you get past your own failures and mistakes and be productive even when you don't feel like it? -- Find us online: ordinaryheroespodcast.com Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


4. Before You're A Somebody Too.

Just because you have to grovel and grind right now doesn't mean you'll need to do that forever. Just because you're tired and beaten down from the battle you're in right now doesn't mean there won't be a day soon where you feel refreshed, motivated, and inspired by all the progress you've made. It's easy to get discouraged when you're doing all you can and you still feel stuck. It's hard to imagine that what you're doing matters. That you're making progress toward your goal. That things will get better if you keep your head down and continue to grind. All of your instincts tell you that you're doing the wrong thing. Every successful person has had to go through that valley. They felt the exact same way you do -- discouraged, frustrated, angry and depressed. -- Find us online: ordinaryheroespodcast.com Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


3. Rick Sabo. Justice Fighter.

Progress requires a struggle. Success demands a fight. You won't get to where you want to be without standing your ground and pushing back against the obstacles in your way. But just because you fight doesn't mean you're guaranteed to win. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes the guy doing the right thing isn't the guy who ends up as the hero of the story. Sometimes he is. -- Find us online: ordinaryheroespodcast.com Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


2. Do The Hard Things

The question we get asked the most is: "How do you do it all? What's your secret?" The answer is one that most people don't want to hear. We work more. Sleep less. And we obsess about how to make each moment matter. There's no secret other than that. Not for us. Not for any massively successful person you'll ever meet or read about. This was the first episode we ever made. This is where we started. This whole podcast was a series of hard things. That seems to be the way it works for us at The EDGY Empire. -- Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


1. Headstrong

Being called "headstrong" usually isn't a compliment. It's the polite way to say that you're stubborn. Unwilling to change. But when you take a deeper look at this idea of being headstrong you realize the brilliance of the terminology. Strong mind. Strong goals. Strong vision. Headstrong. This is the story of Anthony Iannarino, who writes the most popular blog on sales on the planet, aptly called The Sales Blog. He's a partner in a multi-million dollar staffing agency, a worldwide business speaker, and author. But he used to be a rockstar...


0. Where Legends Begin

An audio collage of clips from a few upcoming episodes...a podcast dedicated to help you achieve awesomeness by providing an oasis of Ordinary Heroes: small stories of extraordinary choices. -- Follow us on social media: Dan Waldschmidt, host: @DanWaldo Matt Williamson, producer: @MattCWill Can you do us a favor & rate us on ye ole' podcast app of choice? Thanks :-)


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