Orlando World Outreach Center

Listen for the most recent sermons from Orlando World Outreach Center.

Of Being Free

Fear is a trap designed to keep us from experiencing the fullness of God. Even though we know this is true, many of us still end up trapped in fear. We don't know how to get out. Have you considered that fear is afraid that we will escape its trap? The presence of Jesus is not only a promise we receive, but the power we carry in order to overcome fear. Each week, we will explore how the presence and power of Jesus frees of from things we fear in life.


Of The Future

Fear is a trap designed to keep us from experiencing the fullness of God. Even though we know this is true, many of us still end up trapped in fear. We don't know how to get out. Have you considered that fear is afraid that we will escape its trap? The presence of Jesus is not only a promise we receive, but the power we carry in order to overcome fear. Each week, we will explore how the presence and power of Jesus frees of from things we fear in life.


Of Trusting God

Fear is a trap designed to keep us from experiencing the fullness of God. Even though we know this is true, many of us still end up trapped in fear. We don't know how to get out. Have you considered that fear is afraid that we will escape its trap? The presence of Jesus is not only a promise we receive, but the power we carry in order to overcome fear. Each week, we will explore how the presence and power of Jesus frees of from things we fear in life.




Game #4

For the entire month of July, the OWOC Staff OWOC Youth will come together to battle it out in a series of thrilling challenges. But the stakes are even higher because the winning team doesn't just claim victory – they get to decide what movie we watch for At The Movies! That's right, it's not just about the glory of winning, it's about the bragging rights and the power to choose!


Game #3

For the entire month of July, the OWOC Staff OWOC Youth will come together to battle it out in a series of thrilling challenges. But the stakes are even higher because the winning team doesn't just claim victory – they get to decide what movie we watch for At The Movies! That's right, it's not just about the glory of winning, it's about the bragging rights and the power to choose!


Game #2

For the entire month of July, the OWOC Staff OWOC Youth will come together to battle it out in a series of thrilling challenges. But the stakes are even higher because the winning team doesn't just claim victory – they get to decide what movie we watch for At The Movies! That's right, it's not just about the glory of winning, it's about the bragging rights and the power to choose!




Game #1

For the entire month of July, the OWOC Staff OWOC Youth will come together to battle it out in a series of thrilling challenges. But the stakes are even higher because the winning team doesn't just claim victory – they get to decide what movie we watch for At The Movies! That's right, it's not just about the glory of winning, it's about the bragging rights and the power to choose!


The Sandlot




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