Other Than Motherhood

<p>A "feelings-based" podcast that seeks to expand the discourse around the decision to be childfree and an exploration on the influences and messages that impact our thinking, and all of the possibilities of a life that is other than motherhood.  This Podcast series focuses on bringing unique perspectives and interrogating the difficult questions, as well as elevating the importance of identity for women who do not choose to become mothers. </p>

Adventure Woman with Emily Chappell

My guest today is Emily Chappell, author and adventurer who's passion is exploring the big wide world on two wheels. In this episode, Emily brings her perspective on personal challenges, doing the things that scare her, and what ultimately brings her joy in life. And of course, it wouldn't be an Other Than Motherhood podcast without bringing a childfree perspective into the discussion as well.Emily is an inspiration in so many ways, and I hope that you enjoy listening to this episode as...


Learned Wisdom with Marcia Drut-Davis

One of the childfree trailblazers is visiting the show today! I'm honored to speak to Marcia Drut-Davies and learn more about her experiences in her own words, and much of the wisdom she has picked up along the way. We should all aim to be a bit more Marcia! Instagram: @childfree_guruRead Marcia's books:Confessions of a Childfree Woman: https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Childfree-Woman-Swimming-Mainstream-ebook/dp/B00C9RHQHC/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CF5Y9Q0X6G3S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.E3Hy-fSe7pui3N1m...


Donating My Eggs with Charlotte Holmes

This week, I am joined by Charlotte Holmes, a proudly childfree person who is helping other women to become mothers by donating her eggs. In this episode, Charlotte talks about the process behind this decision, the practical implications of doing so, as well as her wider outlook on life and love. This was a fascinating conversation and one you should not miss! You can find more from Charlotte and her businesses below:Instagram: @misscharholmes Online yoga classes: https://fitw...


"Instead" with Maria Coffey

Hello everyone! I am very excited to introduce this week's guest - Maria Coffey is an author of 13 books, including her most recent publication - "Instead - Navigating the Adventures of a Child Free Life." Today, Maria will be talking with me about her experiences and how she came to write the book and some of the major themes within it, including a number of incidences that have had a big impact on her life, as well as treating us to a couple of readings too. Outside of wri...


Friendship Dynamics #2

We're back! To kick start season 2, I'm revisiting a conversation with a previous guest, to explore the themes and tensions that can arise between friends, once babies are introduced into the dynamics. For those of you who have listened to Season 1, Episode 2, you will recognise the voice of my good friend Jemima, and whilst our first episode covered the direct impact that her becoming a mum had on our friendship, this time we are exploring the wider contexts of those themes and attempting to...


Campaigning for Change with Samantha Walsh

We’re back after a brief hiatus and this week we’re joined by Sam from the Non-Mum Network, whose story went viral last year after she decided she wasn’t going to spend yet another Christmas covering for her colleagues with children over the holidays. What happened? Listen to find out.Sign Sam’s petition: https://chng.it/dxyTRZSgM8Follow Sam on Social media @thenonmumnetwork


My So Called Selfish Life with Therese Shechter

Today I am visited by Therese Schecter; the writer, director and producer of the documentary film 'My So Called Selfish Life'. Therese's film delivers personal stories and professional perspectives from people from all different walks of life. If you haven't seen it yet, you can check it out (as well as her other films) via Therese's webpage - www.trixiefilms.comOther resources mentioned in the episode: Go to https://myselfishlife.com to watch the film and learn more about Therese'...


The 4-8 Scale with Childfree Millennial

Prepare for some absolute GEMS this week from Marcella, aka the Childfree Millennial. This episode contains all of the soundbites that will just make you go ‘Ahhhh, of course!’ Marcella has been creating space and building communities with childfree people for several years now and has a lot to say on the subject. She brought a fresh new perspective and views that I have never even considered before, so I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!You can follow Marcella on Insta @chil...


I Need YOU

This week I am putting out a call to action. I need you, the listeners to get in touch if you are interested in sharing your experiences for a special compilation episode that I am planning. Would you be happy to share your childfree story? If so please do get in touch via Instagram at Otherthanmotherhood_podcast.Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!All my love Elizabeth xxxx


A Christmas Compilation

An end of year compilation of some of Other Than Motherhood Season #1 best bits. This is by no means exhaustive, but is a sample of some of my favourite moments and soundbites from the last 20 episodes. Special thanks once again to all of my featured guests: Laura Carroll, www.lauracarroll.com. @lauracarroll88Emma Duval - Childfree History Museum - Childfreehistory.com @millenialemma @ChildfreehistorymuseumAmie - Living the Spinster Life - @livingthespinsterlifeHelen Thompson - @au...


Gumption: 'A Special Sisterhood' Special, with Laura Carroll

Laura Carroll is revisiting the podcast today to talk about the release of her new book, "A Special Sisterhood" - just in time for Christmas! Laura's latest project looks at the unsung lives of women without children throughout history, who have achieved many amazing things and made huge contributions towards society - many of them names unknown to us, but whose endeavours we continue to benefit from. Below is a review that I left on Amazon for Laura's book. You can also purchase this p...


Small Acts of Resistance with Maya Williams

Today, I'm speaking with Maya Williams https://www.mayawilliamspoet.com/Maya is a published poet and a writer, openly nonbinary and a suicide survivor. In this episode, we get into the 'whole self'; the unashamed parts that make us up, and the importance of owning what we ARE rather than feeling deficient in what we are not.


Millennial Mindsets with Angela Gentile

Todays' guest is public speaker, life coach and founder of Empowered Millennials, Angela Gentile. In this episode, we are going to be getting into just WHY our particular generation thinks like we do and the motivators and inhibitors that we have thanks to the unique period of time in which we grew up. This is a conversation I have been wanting to have for a while, so I hope you enjoy it! You can find out more about Angela at https://www.theangelagentile.com


The Social Challenges

In this episode I am speaking with Ali Hall, writer and Creator of the Abnormally Normal newsletter. Ali and I really get into the dynamics of changing friendships and the challenges that Childfree people often face when it comes to changing social circumstances. This is an absolute gem of an episode, with some really personal insights from Ali that definitely made me re-think some of my own positions. You can find Ali's content on the below links:X (formerly Twitter) https://twitter.com...


Caitlin Durante Talks Tube Tying

I'm delighted this week to host Caitlin Durante, comedian, writer and one half of The Bechdel Cast podcast. In this episode, Caitlin talks of her experience of elective sterilisation, and the long road it took to get there. If you would like to read or listen to more of Caitlin's content you can check out thePodcasts: The Bechdel Cast and Sludge: An American Healthcare Story Website: https://www.caitlindurante.com/Instagram/ X(Twitter) : @Caitlindurante


The Red Pill with Laura Carroll

Follow the White Rabbit Join childfree researcher and author Laura Carroll and myself as we unveil the Matrix of Pronatalist assumptions that have been hardwired into today's society. I was delighted and privileged to have been able to speak to Laura about her long history of work in this field. We talk about her many studies and arising themes as well as her her exciting upcoming project.


A Brief Lesson in History

today I'm speaking with Emma Duval, otherwise known as @millenialemma and curator of the newly launched Childfree History Museum, to learn some more about Childfree representation over time - and why it matters! PS - still searching for that 1990's article referenced. Will update these notes when found!


It's Jennifer Flint!

So excited this week to speak to Jennifer Flint, @wildegg21 author of Wild Egg - A Story of One Woman's Search for her Child Free Life. In this episode we talk about Jennifer's journey in writing the book, the influences that played into it, and the response she has had since publishing it. This was an AWESOME conversation, and I hope you enjoy it too!


Deciding Factors with Margaret O'Connor

Join us today as Margaret O'Connor walks us through some of the conscious and sub-conscious conditioning and factors that feed into our confusion about whether having children is right for each of us as individuals. Margaret is a trained coach and psychotherapist and you can find her on Instagram at @arekidsforme and her website arekidsforme.ie


Cultural Pronatalism

Join me for today's episode where I meet Shweta, who is going to talk about her childfree story, and the cultural influences she had growing up in a southern asian family and wider community.


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