DiscoverOur Blue World (formerly Big Blue Planet)
Our Blue World (formerly Big Blue Planet)
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Our Blue World (formerly Big Blue Planet)

Author: Nancy Wilson

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Environment nature earth science Nancy Wilson meditation
11 Episodes
The late writer C.S. Lewis said in his book, Miracles, there are two kinds of people, those who believe in miracles and those who don't. This is the story of the gray whales and their birthing sanctuary in San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja Mexico. It begins in the early 1800's, when the Grays suffered mass slaugther there at the hands of American whalers, which didn't end until 1946. By that time the whale population was critically endangered. The mother whales fought valiantly during those days to save their lives and the lives of their babies, and were nicknamed "Devilfish" by the whalers, due to their ferocity. Understandably tensions between whales and humans remained long after the whaling stopped, but then, in 1972 something wonderful happened. A miracle. Special thanks to the wonderful musicians who contributed to this episode of Our Blue World: David Arkenstone "Yosemite," Deuter "Heaven and Earth,"Alasdair Frasier "Lament for Hetch Hetchy," Andrea Centazzo "A Nord Dell Egeo," and Avalon Strings for Breakfast." Natural sounds from Lang Elliot and Paul Lloyd Warner. Recommended reading: Doug Thompsons "Whales, Touching the Mystery," and Dick Russell's "Eye of the Whale."
I have had the privilege of visiting the Great Bear Rainforest of British Columbia two times and plan on going back every year. Many people have not heard of this region - a vast network of islands - stretching along the coast of B.C. to Alaska. This magical kingdom, where salmon is the foundation of the ecosystem, is a last bastion for everything wild and wonderful in Canada - from Orcas to Grizzlies - Humpback Whales to Wolves -and, of course, the legendary Spirit Bear, found only in the Great Bear Rainforest. This bio-treasure should be cherished and protected, but surprisingly, the Canadian government could risk it all - for oil.Calgary-based Enbridge Inc., wants to run an oil pipeline from Alberta through the Great Bear Rainforest,and the government supports it. Fortunately there is a growing coalition of First Nations, Environmentalists and concerned citizens who oppose the project, knowing that all it takes is one spill and goodbye salmon...which means goodbye Spirit Bear. I would like to give special thanks to Ian McAllister from Pacific Wild, for acting as a consultant on this podcast. Please support Ian's efforts to save the Great Bear Rainforest by visiting I also want to thank the great musicians and natural sound artists who contributed to this show: David Arkenstone "Yosemite," Attilio Casati "Reflections," Peter Buffett "Northern Morning," and Peter Davidson "Soft Light." Natural sounds by Dan Gibson.
Thanks for joining me for this special episode of Our Blue World. This is an interview I did in 1998 with old timer Fred Ramey, who grew up in the back woods of Northern Idaho. It's fascinating to hear about the plentiful wildlife and fish of those days. We talk about one fish in particular...the Bull Trout...which was abundant back then...but now threatened with extinction. Thanks also to U.S. Fish and Game's Chip Corsi. I hope you enjoy. Nancy.
Two hundred years ago, the larger than life abundance of animals and wilderness in this country lent itself to superstitions and tall tales. Myths grew up around animals and people which weren't always accurate, but alot of fun to tell. One animal which became the object of fear and mythical evil was the wolf. We now know that wolves are far from evil and play a very important role in forest ecosystems, keeping deer and elk populations in check. But perhaps equally as important is the role the wolf played in the lives of native people for hundreds of years. Tribes like the Nez Perce of Idaho greatly admired the wolve's hunting prowess and familial structure, and adopted many of the wolve's traits into their own tribe. Join me now for a journey into the world of wolves. Special thanks to the wonderful musicians and sound artists who contributed to this episode of Our Blue World: David Arkenstone "Yosemite," Peter Buffett "Yonondio," Alasdair Fraser "Lament for Hetch Hetchy." Natural sounds from Dan Gibson and Lang Elliott.
The Amazon rainforest gets over nine feet of rain per year. Add to that it's perpetual spring climate, and you've got the perfect conditions for an explosion of life. Indeed, rainforests are home to over half the world's species. One of it's most mysterious lives in the Amazon River, the pink river dolphin, or Boto. People of the rainforst believe the Boto posesses magical powers and lives in a great city beneath the water, called Encante. Take a journey with me now into the realm of the Boto and see if the surreal beauty and sheer magintude of life makes a believer out of you. Deep thanks to the musicians and natural sound artists that contributed to Our Blue World: Mannheim Steamroller's "Chakra 4" from Fresh Air 7, Himikami's "Eldorado to the East" from Journey to Zipangu, Richard Souther's "Return to Emerald Forest" from the Narada Wilderness Collection, and Peter Davidson's "Soft Light" from Winds of Space. Bernie Krause provided Amazon Days Amazon Nights and we heard Dan Gibson's Solitudes.
To have the patience of an egret. That would be something. To stand on one spiney leg for hours at a time, waiting for the perfect shrimp or crab to wander by and then to strike with long, pointed beak at incredible speed. Egrets, like ducks and geese, need wetlands to survive. But unlike waterfowl, whose flocks can number into the thousands, Egrets perfer to be alone. To add to the mystery, Egrets spend much of their time in two worlds. They love the delicate balance of a salt marsh with it's fresh and salt water, and dine on the same seafood that we do - shrimp, crab and fish. Egrets were nearly hunted to extinction at the turn of the century for their beautiful plumage. They are now protected and their numbers have recovered. The next time you go to the beach, wander into the tidal flats. If you see a majestic white bird, about three feet tall, standing impossibly still and starring intensely into the water, count yourself as lucky. You've just encountered the magical Egret. Thank you to the wonderful musicians and natural sound artists who contributed to this episode: David Arkenstone's "Yosemite" and "The Spirit of Olympia," Wayne Gratz "Ocala," Peter Buffet "Yonnondio," and "Nota Bene" from Imagine Records. Natural sounds from Lang Elliot and Dan Gibson.
In Minnesota, North and South Dakota, and parts of Canada, there are millions of shallow holes and crevices of all shapes and sizes, covering thousands of miles. This vast network of wetlands is known as the "Duck Belt" of North America, because of it's great significance to millions of migrating and nesting waterfowl. Come with me for a visit to the "prairie pothole region," after a spring rain, as we look in on a pair of mallards returning from their winter migration. Thank you to the great musicians and natural sound artists who contributed to this episode: David Arkenstone "Yosemite," Peter Buffet "Northern Morning," Spencer Brewer "Wonderland," Avalon "Strings Before Breakfast," John Jarvis "Lyrica." Waterfowl sounds from Dan Gibson and Lang Elliot.
It's amazing how many fascinating creatures live all around us, yet we are often times too busy or distracted to notice them. For instance, the Great Horned Owl, North America's greatest predator, lives right in our neighborhood trees. Take an evening walk with me and let's listen for owls, the most mysterious yet human like of birds. A special thank you to the musicians and sound artists who contribute to the sound of Big Blue Planet: David Arkenstone, "Yosemite," Mannheim Steamroller,"Eagles," "Wolves," Himekami, "Maharobi," S. Nardell and G. Bodossian, "Nota Bene." Sounds of Great Horned Owl, Western Screech Owl, Elf Owl, Northern Pygmy Owl and Great Gray Owl courtesy of Lang Elliot.
Sometimes we forget how miraculous this world is. Children remember, every moment of the day! This episode celebrates the uniqueness of the planet and every person on it. There's Only One You, and Only One Earth. Thanks to the wonderful musicians and sound artists who allowed me to use their music: David Arkenstone, Michael Jones, and John Jarvis. Natural sounds from Dan Gibson's Solitudes and Bernie Krause's Wild Sanctuary Habitat Series.
A walk through an ancient forest has been described as a spiritual experience. Perhaps it's the trees, some as high as cathedrals. Or the delightful sounds of many species of birds, many of which can live only in old growth woodlands. Mark Twain found the air invigorating, calling it "Air the angels breathe." Feel the magic, and escape with me now into the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest. Thank you to the wonderful musicians who contributed to this piece: David Arkenstone, "Yosemite," William Aura, "Serenity," "New Dawn," and Michael Jones "Wildflowers." Marbled Murlett, Eagle and Northern Spotted Owl sounds courtesy of Lang Elliott.
Big Blue Planet

Big Blue Planet


Ever hear the buddhist phrase,"There is nothing to do, only something to see,"? When it comes to an ordinary pond of water, we don't need to "do" anything. Life happens all on it's own in a most mysterious and miraculous way! This episode won the Silver medal at the New York Festivals International Radio competition. Thank you to the wonderful musicians who provided music for "A Pond is Born:" Peter Buffet, "Northern Morning," Mannhiem Steamroller, "Wolves," "Twilight at Rhodes," "Sirens," and William Aura, 'Serenity." Produced and narrated by Nancy Wilson.