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Our Father's Heart
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Our Father's Heart

Author: Jesus M. Ruiz

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These weekly podcasts are intended to nurture, instruct, and help you understand what the Lord has said in His Word that you may walk in the manner worthy of your calling in Him. We pray that you are blessed, not merely in the hearing, but more so in the doing. Simply put, our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart, and express the Father's heart to you. 

141 Episodes
This episode promises to enrich your understanding of prayer and faith through the inspiring stories of biblical figures. As illustrated by the Syrophoenician woman's encounter with Jesus in Matthew 15, her unwavering faith and relentless pursuit of Jesus' help serve as a powerful testament to the answered prayer of Solomon's heartfelt plea in 1 Kings 8.Moving further, we dissect the themes of faith and authority, highlighting the centurion's story and the wisdom found in James 4:1-4. We conf...
Hosea - Salvation | Ep. 140

Hosea - Salvation | Ep. 140


Join us as we unravel the profound metaphorical and historical layers of the prophetic book of Hosea, exploring his mission through the reigns of four kings of Judah and one king of Israel. Discover how Hosea's life, including his marriage to Gomer, serves as a poignant symbol of Israel's unfaithfulness to God, what this ancient narrative can teach us about spiritual adultery and redemption, and God's faithfulness to His remnant. Consider with us through the vivid imagery used by Hosea a...
What if your understanding of love and knowledge was completely turned upside down? Join us as we unravel the profound journey from living under the influence of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to experiencing the transformative power of the tree of life, made accessible through Jesus' death and resurrection. We'll reflect on Jesus' critique of the Pharisees and the limitations of merely knowing right from wrong, exploring instead the depths of God's love, mercy, and faith that oft...
Drawing from personal experiences and the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, we bring to life the importance of making thoughtful decisions that foster unity, especially during pivotal transitions like heading off to college. Wisdom and insights from God play a crucial role in this journey, helping us navigate challenges and strengthening our familial bonds. Embracing growth and change in relationships is no small feat. We share personal stories that highlight the necessity of flexibi...
Have you ever felt like your personal desires were leading you down a path you never imagined? My wife's journey, filled with unexpected pain and joy, serves as a poignant illustration of how personal ambitions can obstruct a higher calling. We discuss her initial motivations that led to her first marriage and the subsequent experiences that led to her finding Jesus. This detour led to her obtaining her true desire and divine purpose. Modern society's quest for identity and morality lead...
In the latest episode of our podcast, “Womanhood and Motherhood,” we delve into the multifaceted roles of women. Patricia shares her journey emphasizing the natural and spiritual significance of these roles while exploring how the nurturing role of a mother parallels the nurturing role of the Church, which brings forth the descendants of Jesus. She speaks on the spiritual responsibilities of women, highlighting the deep connections between family dynamics and faith communities. Patricia ...
Doctrine, a term that might seem archaic or even daunting to some, holds an indispensable role in the Christian faith. It is more than a set of dry rules; it is the lifeblood of belief, the framework upon which the salvation experience rests. This pivotal topic was the focus of a recent podcast episode that shed light on the intricate relationship between doctrine, salvation, and the believer's journey of faith. Discover how Jesus' teachings, as shown in John 7:14-17 and John 8:47, can help u...
Can trials and temptations actually be blessings in disguise? Tune in as we unpack the profound lessons from the book of James, revealing how the challenges we face are designed to cultivate patience, steadfastness, and a perfected character. Discover how enduring these trials can lead to spiritual maturity and the ultimate reward of the crown of life. We’ll also tackle the nature of temptation, reflecting on the story of Adam and Eve, and discuss the importance of guarding our hearts against...
Discover how the power of the tongue can transform lives as we unpack the profound teachings of James 3. Walking through historical examples, we explore the immense impact speech can have and the responsibility that accompanies it. We'll also discuss the unique challenges Christians face when their words are perceived as offensive, and why shedding light on darkness often leads to backlash, even from fellow believers. By reflecting on Jesus' teachings in John 3, we delve into why those practi...
Embark with us on a voyage through the rich tapestry of Jesus' parables, as we unravel the profound spiritual insights they hold. With each narrative, from the Parable of the Sower to the mustard seed, we uncover how these timeless teachings act as a spiritual compass for navigating the complexities of faith, morality, and the human heart. Prepare to engage with stories that transcend mere words, enlightening the path to a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God and the transformative powe...
In this episode, we examine the fascinating and at times unsettling narrative of the Levitical priesthood. From Eli and his wayward sons to the golden calf debacle, we journey through the complexities of ancient Israel's spiritual leadership. The levity of the stories brings us to a somber reflection on the sacred duties of the Levites and the consequences that occur when those duties are neglected.Venture with us as we scrutinize the downfall of Eli's household, a sobering account of judgmen...
We're digging into the core of what it means to walk the narrow path of a true disciple, a Christian. The supposition of our faith walk in life are the baby steps of repentance, water baptism in Jesus' name, and receiving the Holy Ghost. These are the essentials of Christian doctrine. We consider the profound statement found in 1 Timothy 4:16, discussing the implications of sound doctrine in both personal salvation and collectively as a whole for the body of Christ. Venture with us as we...
This episode takes you on a journey, weaving through the moments when scripture and life's trials test our beliefs. From the comforting resilience of Abraham in the face of uncertainty to the steadfast obedience of Joshua at Jericho, we explore how the experiences of these patriarchs of the faith mirror our own spiritual growth. Whether it's navigating the complexities of our own hearts or standing firm through the trials that shape our faith, the stories from the Bible offer profound in...
The Lord's Prayer is not merely a set of words to be recited; it is a blueprint for understanding our relationship with God Almighty. This podcast progresses from a study on Daniel 7, drawing connections between the Old Testament visions and their New Testament counterparts. Through this exploration, we encounter the Ancient of Days, whose divine judgment and eternal presence permeate the pages of scripture. This imagery paints a picture of the eternal self-existent One who is both timeless a...
Our deepest roots are not tethered to this earth but to the Kingdom of God. The role of the Church is the physical manifestation of the eternal Kingdom. We're peeling back the layers to reveal the core function of the Church in our lives and the world, emphasizing its nature as a vessel to spread the gospel rather than being a final destination. The discussion takes a turn towards authenticity in faith, focusing on the need for belief anchored in the scriptures. We traverse through time,...
We navigate the sacred relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ. Like blood cells that bring life-sustaining oxygen to our bodies, the revelations in this episode will breathe new understanding into your faith. Prepare to connect the dots between scripture verses as we dissect Jesus' identity as the image of the invisible God and the firstborn over all creation. Uncover the biblical narrative that paints Jesus as the embodiment of God's fullness, inviting us to know Him more intim...
Embark on a profound exploration of faith as we journey through the impactful teachings of "A Walk Through Acts" and delve into the heart of the Gospel message and our response. Witness how the Holy Spirit's transformative power can redefine personal and familial ties, challenging believers to embrace truth with unwavering conviction. This episode shines a light on the complexities facing those who tread the path of faith—navigating the internal struggles that arise when the Gospel's radical ...
This episode is an introduction to the vital importance of the Holy Spirit as the Gift and the fulfillment of prophecies of old concerning the new covenant, using the backdrop of my relationship with my friend from 7th grade onward and the varying experiences we shared. Over the years we were like iron sharpening iron as we tried to figure out this faithwalk with Jesus. Central to the episode's theme is the exploration of the Holy Spirit and its role in the lives of believers. The discus...
This episode takes you through a journey of spiritual discovery, where we unravel the divine intricacies of marriage and the church. We delve deep into the scriptural teachings about the roles of spouses, finding wisdom in verses like 1 Peter 3, and we cross-examine cultural symbols like veils and uncut hair to reveal their proper spiritual significance and meaning.Marriage, a divine dance of humility and respect, mirrors the relationship Christ fosters with the church. Our conversation explo...
Embark on a profound journey into spiritual leadership as we uncover Paul the apostle's legacy of selfless ministry. His letters to the churches set a standard for genuine pastoral care, free from hidden agendas and self-promotion. As we unpack this, you'll glean insights into the early church's formation and the essence of Christian leadership that prioritizes God's will over personal gain.Feel the parental warmth of Paul's affection for his spiritual children as we explore his longing to se...