Our Journey Podcast

Salam! Welcome to the Our Journey Podcast, a podcast about our collective journey of growth and self-improvement through Islam. The Our Journey Podcast is a space for all Muslims no matter where they are on their own journey. This podcast will cover a variety of topics, openly and honestly, all while relating them back to how we can use them to strengthen our relationship with Allah SWT. I want to use this podcast to share knowledge and a bit of my own journey to help others connect back to their creator and their deen. The goal of this podcast is to create a loving and righteous community <3

PT 1 Lets talk about the hijab: My journey and lessons learned

The hijab is such an important and meaningful topic, so this episode marks the first of a two-part series! In it, I share my personal journey with hijab—the highs, the lows, and everything in between. I touch on many topics such as fixing your intentions, embracing modesty, stepping away from makeup, and the importance of surrounding yourself with good friends. Each of these reflections comes from a place of honesty and deep sincerity in my heart. I truly love sharing what I’ve learned with all of you! I pray that each listener can take something valuable from this episode. join me on my SOCIALS: Instagram: @podcast_ourjourney https://www.instagram.com/podcast_ourjourney?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== TikTok: @ourjourney.podcast https://www.tiktok.com/@ourjourney.podcast?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc


Dua is your best friend!

Dua is truly your greatest tool in this life, and it’s a reminder of just how powerful raising your hands and calling upon Allah SWT can be. In this episode, I share one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had through Dua. I focus on three key aspects: Tahajjud, Salah Al-Duha, and Dua itself as my experiences with all three have been so beautifully intertwined. Allah answers our prayers in ways beyond our comprehension, which is why Tawakul (trust) and Yaqeen (certainty) are essential parts of our faith.


"Come to prayer, come to success"

In this episode, I share all which I have learned through my journey with Salah. I touch on various topics such as our relationship with Allah, the reality of death, dua, friendships and dhirk, which have all helped me understand the significance of Salah. Our deen consistently reminds us that Salah is the key to success, making it our duty as Muslims to truly grasp its importance.


Learn to love

This episode is a conversation and reflection about the real meaning of self-love and how our relationship with Allah SWT plays into it.


Where our journey begins: Hi friends!

Welcome to the Our Journey Podcast! This episode I talk a bit about myself, a girl finding her way back to Allah SWT, and the story behind this podcast. I am so excited to start our journey together, Inshallah.


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