PA Dairy Summit

<p>Listen back to your favorite keynote sessions from the 2024 Pennsylvania Dairy Summit!</p>

Navigating Shifting Market Dynamics with Phil Plourd from Ever.Ag - 2024 Keynote Session

When the only constant in dairy markets is the never-ending shifts, learning how to navigate change and uncertainty is crucial. In this Keynote Session, hear the latest updates on shifting market dynamics and factors you can control.


Innovating a Producer-Led Marketplace, a Panel Discussion with Ken Smith, Jason Frye, and Joel Riehlman - 2024 Keynote Session

We might dream about controlling our own destiny and creating a producer-led milk market, but bringing an idea like this to fruition takes cohesiveness, creativity and persistence. In this Keynote Session, hear how these panelists approached the idea, found a market, and formed a cohesive group of producers.


Cultivating a Multi-Faceted Family Farm, a Producer Showcase with Rob Noble and Sarah Moag of Noblehurst Farms - 2024 Keynote Session

As farmers, good stewardship ranges from our animals and natural resources to the employees we work with every day. In this Keynote Session, hear how Noblehurst Farms takes a team approach and cultivates a multi-faceted family farm.


Building Trust Inside and Outside the Farm Gate with Roxi Beck from the Center for Food Integrity - 2024 Keynote Session

How can we think differently about what it means to earn trust, both inside and outside the farm gate? In this keynote session, hear about the varied pressure points that shape today’s food system and ways we can build deeper transparency.


Dairy Innovation Forum: Engaging in Export Opportunities with Dominic O’Brien, Kristina Watson & William Loux (2023 Dairy Summit)

 Learn about export opportunities for Pennsylvania dairy products and the potential to grow our market share through moving product overseas.


Young Professionals Panel: From Internships to the Real World with Shara Allman, Beckie Burns & Aaron Harbach (2023 Dairy Summit)

Our speakers for the Young Dairy Professionals Reception have all completed the On-Farm Internship program during their college years and now have meaningful, full-time careers serving the dairy industry. They share fresh, real-world perspective to high school and college students who are interested in pursuing careers in herd management, nutrition and beyond.


Moving Milk 101: Dairy Processing Supply Chain Logistics with Chuck Turner (2023 Dairy Summit)

Learn about dairy processing supply chain logistics by getting an insider’s perspective on how milk moves from your farm to the retail space and the channels and challenges it encounters along the way.


Climate Smart Solutions: Practical Answers and Funding Sources for Your Dairy with Peter Hughes, Mauricio Rosales & Charlie White (2023 Dairy Summit)

Now that we know why environmental sustainability is linked to your business’ sustainability, come learn which on-farm practices are likely to get you the best bang for your buck, and where to find the resources and funding to get them implemented on your operation. There is more funding being committed to reducing agriculture’s environmental footprint than the total budget of some countries, and there are several projects and ways you can tap into some of that. Learn about the treasure trove of information on where the Climate Smart money is and what practices it will fund toward a win for the environment and your operation.


Digging Into Regenerative Ag Planning with Shawn Saylor, Sue Ellen Johnson & Katie Sattazahn (2023 Dairy Summit)

This session features an insightful panel discussion about how we can cultivate regenerative agriculture to increase biodiversity, improve soil health, protect waters, and support high-yielding livestock and growing businesses.


Linking Your Business’s Sustainability with Environmental Sustainability with Brett Reinford, Stan Erwine & Katie Morison (2023 Dairy Summit)

If we can’t meet the environmental demands and expectations of our customers, our industry isn’t going to be sustainable, and if our industry isn’t sustainable, it jeopardizes the sustainability of each farm business. Recognizing what “customer demand” means to your farm’s future is the first step. This panel discussion features professionals from all sectors of the food chain to discuss the interdependency of the environmental agenda and the viability of the dairy industry.


Boosting Your Mental Fitness with Monica Kramer McConkey (2023 Dairy Summit)

All too often we pour ourselves into caring for our animals at the expense of our own well-being. Being physically strong doesn’t matter if we aren’t mentally fit as well. This session equips you with strategies to effectively take control of your mental fitness, manage stress, take care of yourself, and be available to others in this high-demand field.


Minimizing the Impact of Heat Stress with Dr. Geoffrey Dahl (2023 Dairy Summit)

This session discusses the physiological impact of management interventions, including heat stress abatement, at various stages of the lactation cycle to help you harness that knowledge and optimize your herd health and performance.


Creating a Biosecurity Plan for Your Operation with Miquela Hanselman and Danelle Bickett-Weddle (2023 Dairy Summit)

We learned from our poultry partners the risk of not having a biosecurity plan for your operation. With National FARM’S new secure milk supply agreement, it’s easier than ever for dairy producers to put together a biosecurity plan that could protect you from a potential crisis. This session offers updates on what is involved and provide a clear-cut checklist for biosecurity planning on the farm.


Breeding for Enhanced Profitability with Harrison Hartman, Clint Burkholder & Bryon Graybeal (2023 Dairy Summit)

By remaining laser-focused on breeding and genetics, many dairy producers are not only improving their herd’s performance but also enhancing their overall profitability. During this panel discussion, hear from multiple dairy producers who are infusing breeding and genetics into their herd management decisions.


An Outsider’s Look Inside Your Business with Dale Brown, Kate Kulp & Mark Mosemann (2023 Dairy Summit)

Even professional athletes rely on coaches to assess their performance and advise them on how to up their game and achieve their peak performance. The same is true for dairy farming. This producer panel has tapped a second set of experienced eyes to look at their operations and bring an outside perspective to improving their operations and enhancing profitability. They share their personal experience on the best ways to stay open-minded when it comes to business coaching, consulting, and mentoring.


Redirecting Your Business Plan for an Evolving Future with Rob Goodling, Amy Brickner & John Esh (2023 Dairy Summit)

Developing a detailed business plan can help ensure your dairy business remains profitable, but your business plan isn’t something you can stick on the shelf once you finish it. It’s a living and breathing document that must evolve alongside your business– whether you open a farm store, install robots, bring on the next generation, or enter the retail space. In this panel discussion, hear from two dairy producers who have used their business plan to grow their businesses.


Evaluating ROI on New Tech Tools with Greta Halahan, Ben Peckman & Duane Stoltzfus (2023 Dairy Summit)

Technology is continually evolving, but how do you know if the “latest and greatest” dairy tech tools are worth investing in? What’s the true return on investment? In this panel discussion, several dairy producers have an honest conversation about their firsthand experience with tools like activity monitors, precision farming technology, feed watchers and more.


Adding to Revenue With Diversification with John Dickinson, Daryl Martin & Corey Mellot (2023 Dairy Summit)

Diversifying the family farm can not only strengthen your dairy operation, but it can lead to future revenue streams. During this panel discussion, multiple dairy producers share their unique journeys, roadblocks they have encountered along the way, and the opportunities they have found with diversification.


Spinning the Wheel of the Future with Andy Junkin (2023 Dairy Summit)

What are the most common questions dairy farm families ask during the succession planning process? In this session, Andy Junkin has a candid conversation with real-world examples of how to solve some of the most challenging questions related to managing a family business and finding fusion as a team.


Investing in Your Future with Lamar King (2023 Dairy Summit)

It’s not my farm or your farm – it’s the family farm that’s going to continue for another 50 years. Investing in your own future typically involves retirement planning, but how do you invest in your kids’ futures as well? This session with Lamar King focuses on strategies you can consider to secure a solid financial future for yourself, your children, and your farm.


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