PDX Sucks

Recorded in one take on an irregular schedule comes Portland, Oregon's 4th longest-running podcast, in which our hero struggles to make sense, play nice, or use proper grammar. Enjoy!

A Holiday Tradition Broken, Featuring Bone Marrow Ice Cream

The Black Friday deals might have been fantastic, but that doesn't excuse the lack of idiot-on-idiot violence this year. Fortunately, sportscasters are still angry, the World Cup is still nap-inducing, and great podcasters still need great podcaster friends.


A Blue Bird Dying, featuring Mastodon

It's been a minute but rather than wait for this feed to die like an Elon Musk platform investment I decided to go ahead and make an episode. Sorry, not sorry? Topics today include: Catching COVID (finally), Mastodon is stupid unless we're talking about the band, Instagram e-commerce addiction, and a whole lot more.


An Endless Corporate Meeting, featuring Denzel

Gone are the days when you can rely on your government to get anything done, but can you honestly rely on Corporate America to save your heatstroked bacon? No. No you cannot.


A World of Hopelessness, featuring the Supreme Court

Positivity is difficult to find unless you're at the 2022 Portland Blues Festival. Think about that for a moment. We've reached a place where the effing BLUES are the most positive thing going on in the lives of the average Portlander. That's sort of sad, is it not?


A Fender-less eBike, featuring Russell Wilson and the White House Easter Bunnies

A post-Easter, rainy day podcast for my 16 Twitter friends, er, followers. Topics include: eBike regrets, a cardboard box full of dinner, the evils of candy and Russell Wilson, and buying miniaturized versions of almost anything.


A Country Without Metal, featuring Vlad Putin

Plague, racism, and now war...and nary a single shred of purposeful art or music to be found. What's wrong with this place? 


A World Without Children, featuring Costco

On the 10th Anniversary of becoming responsible, a trip to Costco causes some self-reflection. I'm kidding. I saw a billboard and it irked me, so I did some digging and laughed at how stupid people are.


A Funeral for Journalism, featuring Howard Jones, er, Johnson

Frequent-flyer guest Betsy Richter joins to discuss the slow, painful decline of proper journalism, with a stop along the way to talk about the pros and cons of staying in Portland vs. moving to Mexico.


A Pandemic Protested, featuring Eric Clapton

In which our hero (me) laments the utter lack of protest music in a time when we need it most - and when the only music that sells appears to be old music. But wait! There is one among the musical masses who dares stand up to oppression, whose voice will be heard whether it makes him unpopular or not! His name: Eric Clapton, guitarist with holes in his brain large enough to accommodate your fist.


A Holiday Tree Torched, featuring Master Chief

Ah, the holidays. That ever-so-wonderful time of the year for burning conservative trees, insulting an entire country or two, enjoying the end of another entertaining sports season, and playing an unhealthy amount of video games. 


A Spotify Wrapped, featuring Omicron

No Seasonal Greetings is complete without the choice data delivered unto thee from Spotify, the world's third best music streaming service - now Unwrapped for your giddy self-pleasure. Other fun topics include: traveling to Florida because why not, the smelling of ones own breath, and the dumpiest airport in the lower 48...and SPORTS!


A Birthday Celebrated, featuring Wayne

Short and sweet, much like life, this episode features a 20ish minute deep dive into mental health, comfortable recliners, the "L" word, and the beauty that is a man on YouTube by the name of Wayne. 


A Facebook Friend Forgotten, featuring Geoffrey

Whilst pondering my place in an increasingly politicized media world and lamenting an upcoming and unavoidable NFL football game, my sister reintroduces me to my long-forgotten past.


An Open Podcast, featuring an Open Letter

An open letter from the owner of a professional sports team (or two) rubs the wrong way. 'nuff said.


I Fathered Dave Grohl's Illegitimate Love Child, Featuring a House Pet Buffet

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.In which our hero endeavors to make sense of celebrity excuses, acquire a chicken sandwich slathered with hot mayonnaise, defends the right of every entrepreneur to create their creations, and laughs at what a loser the loser of last night's Presidential debate is.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.


A Fred Meyer Without Employees, Featuring Ungrateful Podcasters

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.It's back to school day! And what better way to celebrate than to learn all about how bicyclists don't have to stop at stop signs anymore (except for when they do), how Fred Meyer employees dare ask for more and better, how the Supreme Court doesn't care about you whatsoever, and how entitled podcasters can all go f**k themselves.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.


A Fanclub Without Teenagers, Featuring Mario & Luigi

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.My quest for a mostly analog existence continues but that would mean a dramatic reduction in stupid social media arguments over whether or not Nintendo is making worthwhile video games in 2024. Why this matters I do not know but fanboys are going to fanboy. In other news, Pearl Jam rocks. Thanks Tom.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.


A Criminal Released, Featuring the Ultimate in Shmexy!

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.Frustrated with a) people's inability to hold themselves (or others) accountable and b) the ever-growing problem of drug-fueled crime in our fair city, our hero decides to go for a walk, clear his head, and try to make sense out of the world. Spoiler Alert: he doesn't succeed. Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.


An Electric Scooter, Hipsterized, Featuring the Number 11

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.Health scares, dog scares, future scares, and maybe a few other random scares. Scares are the topic of this one. Bottom line: I don't want to die, I don't want to talk about my scooter, and I don't want the guy at the food cart to give a woman a discount that she doesn't need nor deserve. That is all.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.


Someone is at the Front Door, Featuring THE COPS!

Complain here. Go on, you know you want to.What began as a simple Happy Holidays episodes turns into a complete trainwreck thanks to Gary the Cat, the Portland Police Department, and the DLZ Creator Super Duper Podcast Recorder by Mackie.Follow me on Threads + Instagram @SwedeTrap.



I don't host it - but I like it anyway.

10-21 Reply

Swede Trap

I have to like it. I host it.

04-20 Reply

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