
Portland Story Theater delivers a potent blend of vulnerability and heart. Real, true stories told by real people; face-to-face, eye-to-eye, and heart-to-heart. Stories that offer a glimpse into the human experience and this journey we all share. Exhilarating. Energizing. Empowering.

Forever Young: Beth Weissman

I will forever miss my mother, Elaine Beth Levine. May softness embolden me. When I’m with beloved family and friends, I feel so fortunate. As a native Northeasterner, I have equally come to appreciate the arts, culture, nature, and flavors unique to the Pacific Northwest. Why is it that I forget how lucky I am sometimes? URBAN TELLERS November 2, 2019 BE HERE NOW Beth Weissman live at Nordia House in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Seed Of Truth: Kathy Gillis

Kathy Gillis lives in Portland, OR. She enjoys golf and playing board games with friends. Kathy is a regular listener to NPR (even during pledge drives), and loves consuming podcasts hosted by smart and compassionate people. As a primary goal in life Kathy strives to be the best possible version of herself. Kathy is telling the story of how two simple words from an acquaintance moved her to uncover a seed of truth, allowing her to step more fully into herself. URBAN TELLERS November 2, 2019 BE HERE NOW Kathy Gillis live at Nordia House in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Unseen: Sally Berg

Using public storytelling for the first time to find and share her voice, this is a tale of duality and the cycle of life. It’s the story of creating meaning out of chaos and finding the courage to connect and build deep relationships. URBAN TELLERS November 2, 2019 BE HERE NOW Sally Berg live at Nordia House in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


I'm Here: Debz Briske

A trip to Brazil leads to the question 'where is home?' Debz is a Pacific Northwest writer and storyteller. URBAN TELLERS November 2, 2019 BE HERE NOW Debz Briske live at Nordia House in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Chop Wood, Carry Water: Roland Jarka

How does a former university professor handle living alone in a hunting cabin? Roland spent three years in that cabin in Marlboro, Vermont, 45 years ago. He now lives in Portland, plays tennis, writing a book and does public speaking. URBAN TELLERS November 2, 2019 BE HERE NOW Roland Jarka live at Nordia House in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Sink Or Swim: Warren McPherson

It's a way of learning, it's a way of living, it's a way of drowning. Tonight, Warren would like to thank Gigi, the lady down the street who allowed him and all the other neighborhood kids to swim in her backyard pool. Marco....Polo! URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Warren McPherson live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Nothing To Prove: Lynne Duddy

Oh that nagging feeling of not being enough can drive you mad until you simply let go and be... Lynne is curious about all branches of human learning. She has an inexhaustible amount of creative energy that she channels into evangelizing about story and the importance it plays in our lives. A true urbanite and Portland native, Lynne co-founded Portland Story Theater with Lawrence Howard 15 years ago. URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Lynne Duddy live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Uncle Rick: Penny Walter

Uncle Rick was a very special person who changed Penny’s life for the better. She feels like the support and love of her family growing up made her the person she is today. Penny is a professional puppeteer and has been since 2002. Visit her on the web at www.Pennypuppets.com URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Penny Walter live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


The Picasso Gorilla: Lynn Fitch

Sometimes, it is a single event that forever changes your life. This will be Lynn’s last story with Portland Story Theater. She is leaving Portland and heading to parts unknown. Being a part of Urban Tellers and sharing a dozen stories with all of you, has been the best time ever. But, her gypsy soul beckons and new adventures await. So...goodbye, farewell, adios, sayonara, auf Wiedersehen, bye-bye, so long, cheerio, ta-ta for now! URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Lynn Fitch live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


When I'm 64: Lawrence Howard

A gentleman of a certain age wonders about the unknown and unknowable future as he enters the third act of his three- act play. Lawrence Howard has been a hippie woodworker, a legal researcher, an Armchair Adventurer, a lover of limericks, and the self-proclaimed but undisputed barbecue king of Nassau County, NY. He is also a co-founder of Portland Story Theater. URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Lawrence Howard live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


So This Is How The World Works: Frank Engel

Is karma immutable? Can we change our perspective, our outlook on life and the meaning of past experiences? Frank explores the possibility of a life that isn't "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short," but rather rich and kind, forgiving and full of promise. Frank's careers run the gamut from construction site go-fer to professor of English, from bridge tender to wedding photographer. As he cruises through his golden years, he looks for ways to brighten each day. URBAN TELLERS June 7, 2019 SO IT GOES Frank Engel live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Reclaiming Home: Amanda Starr

This is the story of growing up in a beautiful and isolated place in the country, and a series of childhood encounters that obstructed that beauty for many years. But new experiences of love and connection helped me find my way back home. A psychologist in private practice, Amanda spends much of her free time hanging out with her cute husband and dogs, reading fun books, and thinking about taking a nap. This is her sixth story with Portland Story Theater. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Amanda Starr live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Proof Of Kinship: Niani Dünner

Niani has called Oregon home for more than half her life. She enjoys putzing around her garden, biking around town, and hiking with anyone who is willing to pick up and go. If, heaven forbid, anything should happen to her, Niani hopes this story stands as proof of kinship to those she considers her family. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Niani Dünner live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Be Yourself. Be Courageous. Be Happy. : Oksana Davletshina

Oksana grew up in Russia and moved to Portland with her husband and three children in 2016. It was a big change in every aspect of their lives. In Russia she was a lawyer. Here, in America, she started her career again. She joined Russian Oregon Social Services as a Sexual Assault Advocate in 2017 and was promoted to the Program Manager position within a year. As an immigrant herself she is passionate about helping people from the Russian-speaking community to build new lives here. She wants them to feel safe in the US and learn how to embrace a new culture. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Oksana Davletshina live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


Privilege & Place: Matt Coburn

Matt's bi-coastal, mono-cultural journey to Portland was a meandering path, which led to a personal reckoning concerning his place in the world, and ultimately his past, present, and future self. He is a New York native, whose happy accident of landing in Portland has opened his horizon to a world of possibilities in life, work, and personal growth. He’s called Portland “home” since 2013, but in reality it always has been - he just didn’t know it yet. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Matt Coburn live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org


My Origin Story: Duncan Wyndham

Duncan shares a story of love, pain, and discovery that helped him to find the life he was meant to lead. Duncan is a poet, educational consultant, faculty in the Portland State College of Education. He is also a longtime member of ECKANKAR, Path of Spiritual Freedom. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Duncan Wyndham live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®


Good Enough: Bill Stenson

Bill has been living in two countries for the last 40 years. He says, “It’s like having one foot on the dock and the other on the boat.” As he approaches retirement and prepares for this next stage of life, he has chosen to embrace his ‘inner artist.’ Tonight marks his debut as an Urban Teller with Portland Story Theater. From an early age, Bill believed he would never be able swim, so when life presented him with an opportunity to overcome the fear he had carried for more than 50 years, he determined to challenge his fear by making a long distance swim that changed his self-image and outlook on life. URBAN TELLERS May 3, 2019 ALL THESE MOMENTS HAVE LED ME HERE Bill Stenson live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®


The Most Important Lesson: Oksana Davletshina

This personal story of a Russian immigrant is about how hard work and persistence can bring personal and professional success. Oksana Davletshina came to America with her husband and 3 children in November 2016 seeking asylum. It was a big change in every aspect of their life. In Russia she was a Juris Doctorate (JD) in Law, her husband was a judge. They were happy and successful. In America they started their life again, doing dirty jobs to provide for their kids. But, working hard and with all their hearts, they have overcome all challenges. URBAN TELLERS April 5, 2019 IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE SHOW Oksana Davletshina live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®


The Great Escape: Luzi Moreno Gilson

This is a story of a little girl who becomes the grand hero by saving the day. Luzi Moreno Gilson was brought to the US at age 16. She has lived in Oregon since then traveling the world at any chance she gets, usually in the summer. She teaches 2nd grade Spanish immersion at PPS. URBAN TELLERS April 5, 2019 IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE SHOW Luzi Moreno Gilson live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®


How To Make A Website And Not Die: Katerina Ingraham Perfilova

Katerina Perfilova is a web-developer from Russia, who moved to America only three years ago. She tells the story of one of her unusual projects that occurred 10 years ago in Moscow. This story involves Russian gangsters, precious treasure, difficult tasks, and human values… and a happy ending. ***All names and locations are fake. If you recognize yourself, keep calm. Don't try this at home! Visit her website: www.websputnik.biz (Spoiler: this project is NOT in the portfolio) URBAN TELLERS April 5, 2019 IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE SHOW Katerina Ingraham Perfilova live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®


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