Ejen Hartanah Bertauliah Neeza Ali ( R009487D) dan Nizam Adli (R009461J) yang lebih dikenali sebagai NEEZANIZAM - SGRealEstateDUO, ejen pasangan suami-isteri yang berpengalaman dalam isu hartanah Singapura sejak 2008 lagi. Podcast ini adalah kompilasi perbincangan ataupun pengkongsian mengenai semua perkara tentang hartanah di Singapura (Raw - No edit). Neeza & Nizam are licensed real estate agent in Singapore since 2008, a husband-and-wife team and have many experiences dealing with clients from all walks of life. In this podcast, all sharing here are used to empower more clients out there to know what's the right thing to do in managing their assets - property. With more than over 20 years experienced combined, you can trust NEEZANIZAM to assist you in all your real estate needs in Singapore. HDB, Exec Condo, Private Condo , Landed or Cluster housing - we've got you covered. Contact us at Nizam Adli +65-96704504 or Neeza Ali +65-97876959 To know more abt NEEZANIZAM, pls visit Follow and Subscribe with u: IG YOUTUBE

Ep 65: BTO Take Up Rate Muted! Why You Need To Be Concern If You Are Selling Your HDB.

This episode NeezaNizam discussed the impact of the muted BTO launch in December 2023 and how it will affect HDB resale market come 2024.  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 64: Higher Property Tax 2024 - What You Need To Know Before Renting Out Your Property?!

This episode NeezaNizam discussed the impact of higher property tax for both owner occupied and non-owner occupied property in Singapore.  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 63: Manner of Holding - Why It Can Be Complicated When It Comes To Selling?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed the impact on manner of holding between non-spouse.  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 62: Cash Over Valuation. Why Paying COV Might Just Be Worth It ??!!

This episode NeezaNizam discussed why it might just make sense to pay COV especially if the unit checks all your boxes including renovation.  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 61: Right Price or Pricing It Right!! Why HDB Selllers Must Manage Expectations

This episode NeezaNizam discussed HDB sellers should price their unit RIGHT and not be too EMOTIONAL on getting the HIGHEST price.  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 60: Is It A Buyers' Market Today?! Is Property Market in SG Shifting?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed whether the property market in SG is shifting to a buyers' market or it has also shifted?!!  No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 59: Are Your CPF Funds Working Hard For You? Why it is world’s top 10 Retirement Scheme

This episode NeezaNizam discussed why Singapore's CPF scheme is among the top 10 in the world. But the question is are we taking advantage of it?? No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 58: Fully Paid Flat. Is It Really A Wise Move?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed why fully paying your flat might not be the best option for you. Understand the fundamentals of fully paying your flat with the RIGHT resources. CASH or CPF? No sugar coated stuff, just the hard truths.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 57: CPF Accrued Interest. Why Are We Still Talking About It?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed why people are still clueless about the use of CPF an its accrued interest. Why do we need to "pay back" when we sell our flats. Is it our own money? No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 56: Manner of Holding. Does It Really Matter To You?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed the misconception of estate distribution especially when it comes to islamic faraid law. The difference in the manner of holding  determines what happen to the asset when death occurs. No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 55: Can My HDB Fetch $1M?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed probably the dream of every Singaporean whether their HDB flat will fetch $1M in the resale market. Or is it just a dream.... No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 54: 15 Years Wait To Buy BTO. Is It Worth it?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed whether the 15 years wait for a fellow Singaporean to buy his first BTO was worth it. His video went viral and we salute his determination. But what could have been done to shorten the wait?! No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 53: Sole Breadwinner. Too Risky to Upgrade to a Bigger HDB?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed about whether as a sole breadwinner or single income family, you are able to realise your family dreams for a bigger home. Is it just too risky knowing the current economic climate? No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 52: Fire Insurance - Is it enough to protect your property today?

This episode NeezaNizam discussed about Fire Insurance and what exactly does it covers. Well, is it enough especially if many a times fire occurs not to your own doing? No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg


Ep 51: Home Protection Scheme (HPS) ... Why Many HDB Owners Are Still Not Covered??!!

This episode NeezaNizam discussed about Home Protection Scheme (HPS) and why many still are not covered fully. We share why its important and why home owners are clueless about it. No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg.


Ep 50: Can I Pay Off My Accrued Interest Without Selling My HDB Flat?

This episode NeezaNizam disucussed about can you pay off your CPF accrued interest without selling your HDB. We share the pros and cons of such a move and whether it is beneficial to HDB flat owners. No sugar coated stuff but the hard truths!!If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg.


Ep 49: What The .......!! HDB Buying Process Getting More Tedious?!

This episode NeezaNizam talks about the new HDB process called HFE.  Does it mean HDB buying process is more tedious or cumbersome? What you need to know before embarking on that flat hunting that you don't get caught in not doing the process right.If you have any queries on any real estate matters, DM us today at 96704504 or 97876959. Follow us in all social media platforms @neezanizamsg.


Ep 48: Swapping Property? Apa Manfaat Yang Boleh Diraih ??!! (PART 2)

Episode kali ini dipetik dari koloborasi bersama Kisah Ruqyah SG di mana kita bincangkan tentang konsep "Swapping Property" - Part 2. Perbincangan kami secara ringkas memberi pendapat kami dari perspektif yang berlainan supaya anda dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak tentang perumahan.Jika anda ada soalan tentang perumahan, DM kami di media social @NeezaNizamSG or there's only one number to call 967 04 504!!


Ep 47: Swapping Property? Apa Manfaat Yang Boleh Diraih ??!!

Episode kali ini dipetik dari koloborasi bersama Kisah Ruqyah SG di mana kita bincangkan tentang konsep "Swapping Property". Perbincangan kami secara ringkas memberi pendapat kami dari perspektif yang berlainan supaya anda dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak tentang perumahan.Jika anda ada soalan tentang perumahan, DM kami di media social @NeezaNizamSG or there's only one number to call 967 04 504!!


Ep 46: Usia Dah Senja, Hutang Flat Belum Habis!!

Episode kali ini dipetik dari koloborasi bersama Kisah Ruqyah SG di mana kita bincangkan tentang implikasi masih ada hutang flat di usia senja. Perbincangan kami secara ringkas memberi pendapat kami dari perspektif yang berlainan supaya anda dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak tentang perumahan.Jika anda ada soalan tentang perumahan, DM kami di media social @NeezaNizamSG or there's only one number to call 967 04 504!!


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