Pacific Review

A comprehensive roundup of the major stories from the region and the people involved and affected by them.

Papua New Guinea counts cost of Enga landslide as aid flows in

Papua New Guinea counts the cost of a devastating landslide in Enga Province, as humanitarian partners rush aid into the area.


France's President lands in the Pacific to deal with a rioting colony

French President Emmanuel Macron has met with New Caledonia's leaders in a bid to restore law and order and end rioting in the territory. 


French reinforcements land in New Caledonia after days of rioting and looting

Up to a thousand French security personnel have been deployed to New Caledonia as the territory is placed under a state of emergency following days of rioting and looting.


Hundreds stranded as Vanuatu's national carrier goes into liquidation

Vanuatu's national carrier Air Vanuatu has gone into liquidation with dozens of flights cancelled and hundreds of passengers stranded.


Solomon Islands elects new prime minister, as Manasseh Sogavare makes way for new leadership

Manasseh Sogavare has stepped aside as Solomon Islands MP's vote in former diplomat Jeremiah Manele as the country's new prime minister.


PNG and Australia's prime minister walk the Kokoda Track to mark ANZAC day

The prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand marched a 16km trek along the Kokoda Trail to commemorate ANZAC day. 


Pacific Review

A roundup of major stories from across the region and the people involved and affected by them.


Pacific Review

A roundup of major stories from across the region and the people involved and affected by them.


Papua New Guinea counts down to its all important census

It's a few years late but the Government of Papua New Guinea has officially launched the country's biggest population survey.


Magnitude seven quake destroys homes in PNG region hit by floods

Up to a thousand homes have been destroyed after a magnitude seven earthquake struck the Sepik region, already feeling the effects of major flooding.


Election campaigning heats up as Solomons PM praises China and slams democracy

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has slammed the democratic system and has praised China as a model of development. 


High Court finds Fiji's former prime minister guilty of perverting the course of justice

Frank Bainimarama the one-time military strongman and former leader of Fiji has been found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice by the country's high court.


Tuvalu's new PM seeking clarity on security terms used in Australian treaty

A group of indigenous people are calling for Australian citizenship as they wait for the government to approve visas for their family members.


Tuvalu's new prime minister signals a potential review of Australian security treaty

Tuvalu's new prime minister has signalled that a landmark security treaty with Australia could be up for revision.


PNG's internal security under the microscope following highlands massacre

Papua New Guinea's police and security forces have come under the microscope after 49 people were slaughtered during tribal fighting in the highlands.


No confidence motion against PNG's Marape stalls in parliament

A no-confidence motion against Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister has been delayed by a typo in a key document. 


PNG PM makes historical address in Canberra as he prepares for a political fight back home

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape has made history by becoming the first Pacific leader to address Australia's parliament but back home a political fight is brewing. 


Palau's president rejects allegations of collusion between his government and a prominent NGO

Palau's President denies reports that fishing rights have been awarded to a US conservation group in return for backing plans to reduce the country's marine reserve.


Boy killed as wild weather lashes PNG's north eastern islands

On this week's program: In PNG a young boy has drowned during coastal flooding that's devastated islands in the country's far northeast; a lack of rain in parts of the Cook Islands is prompting calls for people to conserve water with reservoirs running low; frustration in Timor-Leste at extremely slow internet; and the battle for Pasifika rugby players to win the right to play for their countries of heritage captured in a new documentary.


Port Moresby businesses pick up the pieces after January 10 riots

On this week's program: Port Moresby businesses and residents pick up the pieces after the January 10 riots; the CEO of retailer Brian Bell says the company is fortunate despite the loss of its massive warehouse in Port Moresby; surprise at Nauru's decision to cut diplomatic ties with long time ally Taiwan; and two years on from the massive Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcanic eruption in Tonga, some residents are still living in tents and some islands may have to be abandoned altogether.


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