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Author: Todd Howard

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Conversations with experts of holistic wellness and sustainable living practices!
76 Episodes
In this episode, Angeli Chitale and I discuss Ayurvedic medicine, past and present, and across cultures. From her grandparent’s home in India to her naturopathic practice on the west coast of Canada, Ayurveda has had a major influence on her view of health. Speaking about her relatives both as medical practitioners and as patients, she shares much that she has learned from them. We also cover topics such as the dangers of self prescribing herbal medicines, diabetes and various approaches to treating those afflicted, and milk, from enzymes to digest it to cultural traditions and ancient preservation practices. Angeli is a faculty member at Pacific Rim College in Victoria, BC, and an instructor in the Holistic Nutrition Online Certificate Program offered through PRCOnline. She first embarked on a career in molecular biology and genetics before finding her passion in Naturopathic Medicine. After graduation with her naturopathic degree, she obtained further qualification in restorative medicine for the treatment of thyroid, adrenal, and other endocrine/metabolic conditions. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Dr. Angeli Chitale. Episode Links: Holistic Nutrition Online Certificate Program at PRCOnline Learning Links: School of Holistic Nutrition at PRC Online Holistic Nutrition courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Judy Becker Worsley and David Berkshire return for another episode and a deeper dive into the Worsley Five Element lineage. Judy continues to share with us the impact on her life of the philosophies of the Five Elements system and how it has always served as a compass for her. The teachings of JR Worsley, that she and David continue to passionately share, help to liberate practitioners from the brainwashing of society, including the fallacy that by labelling people, we better understand them. Foundational to JR’s teaching are the practices of humility, curiosity, and presence. These not only are hallmarks of impactful practitioners of medicine but also of practitioners of life as they help the individual transform into state of freedom and peace. We also explore more technical details of Five Element medicine, especially through an examination of the differences between constitutional factors and causative factors. And we conclude with the power of Five Elements in helping us to better understand the natural order of all. Judy Becker Worsley has been a devoted student of Professor JR Worsley since 1973, and was designated by JR to succeed him as Master of the lineage upon his death. Prior to his death, they founded the Worsley Institute, which is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Worsley Five Element Acupuncture tradition that is rooted in natural law. Joining Judy in this episode is David Berkshire, President of the Worsley Institute, located in Portland, Oregon, where David also has a busy clinical practice. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Judy Becker Worsley and David Berkshire. Episode Links: Worsley Institute Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
I waited a very long time to have this discussion with Bill Porter, and it was well worth the wait. Bill is a prolific writer and adventurer, and also, under the pen name of Red Pine, a renowned translator of ancient Chinese works from Cold Mountain to Lao Tze. Bill has written and translated dozens of books over many decades, and his radio shows in China were tuned into by millions a day. Those shows featured the accounts of his ambitious adventures, including travelling the length of the Yellow River from its mouth to its source. Bill also sought out and found hermits living in the mountains of China, and his book, Road to Heaven, has sold over 2 million copies in China and is credited with helping to revive the Taoist hermit tradition there. We spend some time talking about not only Bill’s adventure in finding hermits, but also hermit life, then and now. Bill continues to translate today, still as Red Pine and is nearing completion of a new book of poetry. We talk about how he acquired his name Red Pine and his inspiration for translating in the first place. Bill is a fascinating interviewee, having interviewed hundreds of guests himself on a radio show in China, and has lived a life of incredible cultural explorations and the subsequent sharing of their details. His storytelling is superb, and his material endless. I have no doubt that you will enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Bill Porter. Episode Links: Red Pine Facebook page Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
In this episode Elham Ansari takes us on a millennia-long journey inside of Ayurvedic medicine. In expert fashion, she distills down what can be a dauting philosophy to make pragmatic into a practice that anyone can adopt into their daily routine. We spend a lot of time covering Ayurvedic nutrition, from the exotic to the local, including animal-based food medicine. We also discuss other aspects of Ayurveda including marma points, which are similar to acupuncture points, and other therapeutic tools, and the philosophical foundations of Ayurveda, including the doshas and elements. From within this philosophy, we find the spiritual roots of Ayurveda and how it applies to our personal journeys in this life, the scientific roots that allude to genetics and DNA long before those terms existed, and the similarities to other traditional medicines. Elham has been an instructor of Ayurveda at Pacific Rim College for nearly a decade and has been in practice far longer. She studied under the renowned Ayurvedic practitioner Vasant Lad, and we talk about how that experience impacted her. Her Ayurvedic nutrition courses and clinics at PRC are all live online and thus her teachings and therapies can be accessed from around the globe. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Elham Ansari. Episode Links: 10 Opposite Pairs of Attributes Learning Links: School of Holistic Nutrition at PRC Holistic Nutrition courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Judy Becker Worsley has been a devoted student of Professor JR Worsley since 1973, and was designated by JR to succeed him as Master of the lineage upon his death. Prior to his death, they founded the Worsley Institute, which is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Worsley Five Element Acupuncture tradition that is rooted in natural law. Joining Judy in this episode is David Berkshire, President of the Worsley Institute, located in Portland, Oregon, where David also has a busy clinical practice. Judy shares with us her quest to find something more meaningful in life than her law studies, which led her to England in 1973 to find her mentor in JR and eventually her life partner. We talk about the five element system of acupuncture that he created, his unparalleled clinical acumen, and his genius for understanding and integrating many forms of medicine. Fundamental to the Worsley system is the mastery of the sense organs, and David and Judy discuss the reawakening of the senses, especially smell, but also sight and hearing. We also explore the spirit of acupuncture points, which JR devoted much of his life to understanding and mastering, and now Judy and David also work extensively to preserve and expand upon this ancient knowledge. There is so much to explore of the history and impact of JR Worsley and the Worsley system that we only scratch the surface in this episode. We expect more episodes to follow. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Judy Becker Worsley and David Berkshire. Episode Links: Worsley Institute Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Julian Scott is a legend in the field of acupuncture and holds special distinction in pediatrics. He has more than 40 years of practical experience and has authored numerous books including Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children and Acupuncture for the Eyes. We enjoy a very easy-going conversation exploring Julian’s path to becoming an influential figure in the spread of acupuncture to the West, along with some of his well-known colleagues. He shares stories of and lessons from multiple mentors from whom he gleaned much of his knowledge and clinical acumen. Julian explains how he was sought out as an expert in both pediatrics and ophthalmology before he considered himself to be worthy of such distinction. We also talk about many other timely topics such as the impact of vaccinations, childhood anxiety, degenerative conditions, and the stages of aging. Julian shares incredible insights in all these areas. Although now nearing 80, Julian still aspires to help others heal and to educate. His bank of online courses can be found at, which include many of the topics above as well as a course on pain free needling. His teachings have inspired countless, and his heart-centred, humorous personality warms the spirit. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Julian Scott. Episode Links: Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Sajah Popham is a renowned herbalist, educator, and author committed to the balance of the science and spirituality of plant medicine. As the founder of the School of Evolutionary Herbalism, he trains herbalists in a holistic system of plant medicine that encompasses clinical Western herbalism, medical astrology, Ayurveda, and spagyric alchemy. Spagyric alchemy might not be something you are familiar with, and so we go to some depth exploring what this field of herbalism is and how it is applicable in modern practice. From his laboratory on a homestead in the foothills of Mt. Baker, Washington, Sajah and his wife Whitney combine philosophies of astrology, alchemy, spirituality, and modern science to create unique and powerful spagyric plant medicines. Sajah and I geek out on many things herbal and healing including the value of symptoms, the power of the patient in the healing process, astrology, archetypes, and vitalism. Sajah focuses on using plants to heal and rejuvenate the body, clarify the mind, open the heart, and support the development of the soul. His teachings embody a heartfelt respect, honor, and reverence for the vast intelligence of plants in a way that empowers us to look deeper into the nature of our medicines and ourselves. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Sajah Popham. Episode Links: School of Evolutionary Herbalism Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
7Song is a renowned herbalist who has been studying and practicing herbal medicine for nearly 40 years. Having studied under legends such as Rosemary Gladstar and Michael Moore, he opened the Northeast School of Herbal Medicine in Ithaca, New York, and is the Director of Holistic Medicine at the Ithaca Free Clinic. 7Song shares much of his wisdom in this episode. We talk about herbal first aid and many of his favourite herbs for conditions such as fever, pain, and anxiety. We explore the genesis of the Northeast School of Herbal Medicine and the physical herbal medicine that he focusses on in his teaching. And we talk about his many years of experience and enjoyment in providing herbal care for patients of the Ithaca Free Clinic. The science of herbal medicine is something 7Song is quite passionate about, and he explains his approach to herbal practice versus an energetic approach. He also talks about the great importance of counselling skills to the practitioner and shares his passion of photography of plants. This is a candid interview with a great herbalist who is dedicated to the ongoing study and research of herbal medicine and to the dissemination of herbal knowledge. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with 7Song. Episode Links: Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Angela Hicks is joint principal and co-founder of the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, England, and author or co-author of six books including the textbook Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture that she co-wrote with her husband John Hicks and previous podcast guest Peter Mole. Angela has been a profound inspiration in the field of acupuncture for nearly fifty years. We explore her experience starting a prominent college and her leadership role there for more than three decades. We also discuss her current PhD work and the research that she is compiling to help show the long-term benefits of acupuncture. And we talk about her writing career and influential books. Angela reveals intimate details of her personal journey into acupuncture. We discuss the impacts of mental health problems on many of her family who had bipolar. This resulted in her interest in treating the mind and spirit and influenced her personal acupuncture practice. In her early years she trained under J.R. Worsley, and she also shares some of her pivotal experiences studying under him as well as his help with her treatment. If you are interested in learning about options for treating mental health or tracking the nearly five-decade-long career of a leading acupuncturist, this is an episode for you. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Angela Hicks. Episode Links: College of Integrated Chinese Medicine Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Lorie Eve Dechar is a legendary alchemical acupuncturist, a pioneer who has inspired countless through her teaching, writing, and clinical practice. She is perhaps best known for her book Five Spirits: Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and Spiritual Healing, which for 15 years has helped guide a generation of acupuncturists into deeper levels of healing, personally and for their patients. Within this episode is profound treasure. Lorie guides us along a rich exploration of alchemical acupuncture, and alchemy in general, which has at its roots the concept of transformation and not restoration. Through its framework, we can extract from our deepest, darkest wounds – known as our prima materia – our most luminous treasures to ourselves and the world. In this fascinating discussion, we excavate concepts such as hun tun, chaos, and its transformative energy; entropy and negentropy; wu wei, action through non-action; and the general merit of practices that have helped Lorie and her clients to do their inner work. We also highlight some of the profound topics of all 3 of her books, including The Alchemy of Inner Work, and her newest, Kigo, which explores the essence of acupuncture points. In my opinion, these are all must-reads for practitioners who intend to lead their patients into psychological healing. Along with her husband Benjamin, who co-authored The Alchemy of Inner Work, Lorie is co-founder of A New Possibility, a learning and healing community designed to help people develop a conscious relationship to their inner life. Her insights are priceless instruments in the quest for inner transformation. I know firsthand as she has had a massive impact on my own transformative journey. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Lorie Eve Dechar. Episode Links: A New Possibility Instagram: @anewpossibility Facebook: @anewpossibility  Books by Lorie Eve Dechar Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Rebecca Avern is the author of two pediatric acupuncture books including the newest, Chinese Medicine for Childhood Anxiety and Depression. Anxiety and depression are conditions we talk about extensively in this episode. Through her Oxford-based pediatric clinical practice, Rebecca has amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience, much of which she shares in this episode. We cover a wide range of topics including the surge in teenage anxiety and possible contributory factors such as screen time, boarding schools, family trauma, vaccines and medications, and the excessive use of labels. And we discuss the role of five elements in treatment. We also explore some exciting advances in collaborative research opportunities for practitioners and her newly launched "Hub of Paediatric Acupuncture". Stay tuned to the end for her discount offer to the Hub for listeners of the podcast. Rebecca is a long-standing senior faculty member of the College if Integrative Chinese Medicine in Reading. She mentored under the late Giovanni Maciocia and assisted him in the writing of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine. She has also completed post-graduate training with renowned author and pediatric expert Julian Scott. Rebecca is passionate about the health of children and a pure joy to listen to in this podcast. If you have any interest in acupuncture, anxiety, or the treatment of children, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Rebecca Avern. Episode Links: Hub of Paediatric Acupuncture ACU-Track College of Integrated Chinese Medicine Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Kampo is Japanese herbal medicine influenced by the classical Chinese tradition. In this episode, renowned Kampo and Shiatsu practitioner Nigel Dawes and I discuss all things related to its practice and so much more. Nigel began studying Kampo in Japan forty years ago and has been practicing and teaching ever since. He is the founder of the London College of Shiatsu and NY Kampo Institute, the latter of which he still runs today. His most recent book published in 2020 by Singing Dragon is entitled Fukushin and Kampo and discusses the topics of abdominal diagnosis and herbal medicine. Here we talk at length about the culture of traditional Japanese medicine and the influences of Han Dynasty Chinese classical texts such as the Shang Han Lun. We also explore both the energetic and physical aspects of harashin and fukushin abdominal diagnosis, compare the Japanese styles of herbal medicine and acupuncture practice to those of China, and touch upon the topic of Shiatsu. Nigel also narrates some of his personal journey living and studying in Japan and learning in hospitals in Beijing. For the enthusiast of Asian medicine, this is a fascinating interview of unique styles, including their modern-day practice and their roots. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Nigel Dawes. Episode Links: Fukushin and Kampoby Nigel Dawes Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Although not by design, this conversation with renowned acupuncturist Peter Mole continues in a similar vein of five element acupuncture that was introduced in my last podcast with Dr. Peter Eckman. Peter Mole began his acupuncture training under the legendary J.R. Worsley at Leamington Spa in England in the late seventies and has been in clinical practice ever since. In the early nineties, Peter helped set up one of the world’s most influential colleges of acupuncture, the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, England. Nearly thirty years later, he is still the Dean of the college while also maintaining an impactful clinical practice. He is also author of Acupuncture for Body, Mind and Spirit and co-author of the major textbook Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture. Peter emphasizes human connection, potentially above all else, and we spend a great deal of time exploring what that looks and feels like to him and the role it plays in his clinic. We also talk about the value of intention in any treatment and how that can often be more influential than point selection or location. Peter is drawn to psychosomatic approaches to health, and we peel back the lid on the inner world of humans that manifests in outer illness. As practitioners, we might find we have to initially treat symptoms to get the results that gain patients’ trust, and once trust is established, much deeper healing can be fostered through examining the inner milieu. This is a timely episode about human connection, non-judgmental empathy, and, above all else, love. Peter is an inspirational mentor and a kind-hearted individual who, through his craft of acupuncture, is awakening beauty in the world. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Peter Mole. Episode Links: Wolvercote Acupuncture Clinic College of Integrated Chinese Medicine Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
This is a fascinating conversation with a truly unique doctor. Dr. Peter Eckman earned both his MD and PhD in Physiology in the early 1970s. Having never heard of acupuncture, an early job offer as a staff physician in a Los Angeles acupuncture clinic changed his life, as well as the trajectory of acupuncture in the West. There he received on-the-job training from a group of Korean acupuncturists and became quickly enamoured with this healing art. Peter has trained under many legends over the years, including a decade of periodic study with J.R. Worsley. His book In the Footsteps of the Yellow Emperor is an intriguing account of the history of Chinese Medicine as well as the genesis of the lineage taught by J.R. Worsley. We open this episode talking about both that book and Peter’s experience studying under Worsley, which includes a detailed analysis of building patient rapport. Peter then takes us through his Korean acupuncture roots and the mentorship he had in Seoul that revealed for him literal secrets of cancer treatment strategies that he is adeptly using and refining in his clinical practice today. Our discussion includes his passion for his oncology practice and the nuances of a pulse signal that he believes is common to all cancer patients. Never feeling satisfied with one style of medicine or acupuncture, Peter shares with us his studies of other approaches such as those from Japan, China and Viet Nam, and even his studies of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. This was a most enjoyable conversation for me with a man who is wholly dedicated to his craft and the service of others. With nearly 50 continuous years of acupuncture practice and having authored 3 books, influenced licensing standards, and taught at numerous institutions, Peter has demonstrated a level of commitment that few others have. His stories are engrossing and his wisdom rich. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Dr. Peter Eckman. Episode Links: Peter Eckman Acupuncture Books by Peter Eckman Article on Cancer in Journal of Chinese Medicine by Peter Eckman Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
It is an honour to have Kenneth Cohen back on the podcast after our last engrossing conversation about Qigong and Taoism. As passionate as he is about those topics, Native American medicine is his way of life, and that is what we explore in this episode. Ken is a traditional healer who has lived, practiced, and studied indigenous ways for most of his life. He has mentored under many noted medicine men and women and maintains close ties to his adoptive Cree family. With inspiration from all of them, Ken wrote the profound book Honoring the Medicine: The Essential Guide to Native American Healing that was published by Random House in 2003. Ken opens this discussion with a beautiful and heart-warming acknowledgement, and from there we cover many topics such as indigenous values, animals and nature as teachers, respect for culture, wisdom of elders, and interconnectedness to all beings and things. He also shares with us a deeply moving protocol that is part of erecting a teepee, with each pole representing a crucial life value. His stories are captivating, his knowledge deep and diverse, and his energy grounding. Ken is like no other human being, and I am grateful to have been able to spend more time in his company, and to share his teachings with you. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Kenneth Cohen. Episode Links: Honoring the Medicineby Kenneth Cohen Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Ecuador is a wonderland of botanical diversity and tradition, and Rocio Alarcon takes us on a plant-based journey through its jungles, people, and ceremonies. Rocio is an incredibly grounded and gifted protector of land and ancestral knowledge. With a doctorate in Ethnopharmacology, she is the founder of the IAMOE Center, a 100-hectare region of biodiversity with a dedicated team that leads research projects, educational expeditions, and experimental workshops aimed at healing and land and knowledge preservation. Rocio specializes in work with master plants, and we examine what it means to be a master plant. We explore examples such as cacao, tobacco, and ayahuasca and how each is used in special healing ceremonies, especially by curanderos, traditional healers who journey with master plants. Rocio provides fascinating detail of ceremonies with these plants and how they are woven into the fabric of indigenous people. We also discuss the environmental challenges that are facing her people and the work she is doing to protect the jungles. Some of her conservation work is centred around hummingbirds, and we talk at length about the magical healing powers of hummingbirds, their endangered habitat, and the work IAMOE is doing to bring awareness to them and preserve their territories. Rocio is a powerful storyteller and brings the listener into a world of healing that is hanging on by tendrils to survive in this modern period of scientific and economic ‘progress’ that uproots all in its path. She is a beacon of hope and a staunch protector of traditional values and knowledge. If you are looking for a planetary champion to support, Rocio might soon climb to the top of your list. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Dr. Rocio Alarcon. Episode Links: IAMOE Center Hummingbird Oracle Cards Rosemary Gladstar Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
I waited many months for this interview with Chanchal Cabrera as she kept at bay all distraction while on a self-prescribed writing retreat to work on her book about herbal oncology. And the wait sure was worth it. Despite Chanchal’s long history lecturing on herbal medicine at Pacific Rim College, this was our first opportunity to meet. I doubt it will be the last as there is still so much richness for us to unearth. Even though the focus for this interview is relatively limited to cancer and herbal medicine, through tangents, we diverge into a significantly broader view that captures topics such as preservation of plants and old growth forests, the concept of collaborative medicine, journeying with ayahuasca, personal development, and dying with dignity and celebration. Chanchal established a connection with herbs as a young girl with flower presses and her personal spice collection. A family cancer scare led her into the clinic of renowned herbalist David Hoffman, and David welcomed her into his dispensary, giving her a glimpse of herbal medicine in action. She has been enamoured with herbs ever since and a professional herbalist for more than 30 years. Among an impressive list of credentials and accolades, Chanchal is the author of the book Fibromyalgia – A Journey Toward Healing and a certified Master Gardener. She and her husband farm 7 acres on Vancouver Island at Innisfree Farm and Botanical Garden. Whether your interest lies in natural cancer care, herbal medicine, or Chanchal directly, you will not be disappointed with this episode. She shares with us some incredible stories of both life and death and plants seeds for many future herbalists to sew. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Chanchal Cabrera. Episode Links: Innisfree Farm and Botanical Garden Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Cordelia McFadyen’s lifelong battle with chronic health issues changed swiftly in outlook when a doctor suggested she eliminate a few potentially problematic foods from her diet. The previous 20 years, marred by dozens of courses of antibiotics, copious medical testing, and even surgery, had offered little to be optimistic about, but with the elimination of gluten and dairy, hope finally started to appear. Cordelia is the Dean of the School of Holistic Nutrition at Pacific Rim College, where she overseas Canada’s, and possibly North America’s, most comprehensive program of holistic nutrition. Two decades after her trial elimination of gluten and dairy, she has settled into a comfortable rhythm of attuning to her body’s nutritional needs and teaching others to do the same. Now in her forties, she feels better than ever and is a sought-after educator and practitioner of nutrition. Cordelia holds nothing back in sharing her health journey during this episode. As debilitating as her physical issues were, arguably the psychological challenges were as equally damaging. After years of the allopathic medical institution not validating her health concerns, she eventually stopped talking about it, leading to deep emotional scars, a lack of self confidence, and an unhealthy body image. Simply picking an outfit became a daunting chore that required foresight into what foods she might eat that day. Through Pacific Rim College and her company, Inspired Living Nutrition, Cordelia is helping others navigate their nutritional needs and empowering people to discover health and vitality. Her journey has not been easy, but she would not have it any other way. She is one gutsy goddess on her path to serve up a hearty dose of wellness. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Cordelia McFadyen. Episode Links: Inspired Living Nutrition @inspired_living_nutrition Cordelia’s Holistic Nutrition 101course at PRCOnline Learning Links: School of Holistic Nutrition at PRC Holistic Nutrition courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
Yarrow Willard has become a highly respected herbalist and educator, not because of the legendary status his father Terry has garnered, but because Yarrow set out to blaze his own path. In 2008 he and his wife began Harmonic Arts, a rapidly growing plant medicine company that first sprouted on Vancouver Island and now has spread its influence far and wide. Yarrow is also Director of Wild Rose College of Natural Healing, which his father Terry founded in 1975, and a Director of Levitee Labs, an emerging multidisciplinary integrative wellness company with an emphasis on psychedelic therapies. He is a gifted plant educator, which is evident from his wildly popular Herbal Jedi YouTube channel. With his trademark enthusiasm, Yarrow shares a bounty of wisdom on topics such as the emergence of the highly successful Harmonic Arts brand, lessons of early entrepreneurialism, and his formative years with both parents ensconced in the natural health industry. Yarrow takes us on his own journey with plants as medicine, including his love for fungi and the powerful healing potential of entheogens. He concludes the conversation with timely and sage advice on reconnecting with nature and finding the medicine within us. In only four decades, Yarrow has had an immeasurable impression on the culture of plant medicines in Canada. He has some rousing goals for the immediate future, and I can only wait expectantly for the impact he will generate over the remaining four to six decades. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with the incomparable Yarrow Willard. Episode Links: Harmonic Arts Wild Rose College Herbal Jedi Levitee Labs Learning Links: School of Western Herbal Medicine at PRC Online Herbal Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC
In this episode with Ethan Murchie, we talk about all things martial arts and the classic texts of Chinese medicine. Ethan is the founder of the Montreal Gongfu Research Center (Gongfu, more commonly known as Kungfu). He is a veteran practitioner of many Chinese martial arts including Taichi, Xingyi, and Bagua and has practiced Chinese medicine or 20 years. His path into Gongfu and Chinese medicine began as a teen when a rapid growth spurt gave way to lung complications. Where surgery saved his life but left him debilitated, ancient practices steered him onto a path of healing. Now Ethan is a student of classical Chinese language. We talk about his recent teachings of the Shang Han Lun, his research and ongoing passion for the Huang Di Nei Jing, and his captivation with the Yi Jing. And we explore how for the last 5 years he has expanded his vocabulary, use, and understanding of Chinese. This is a captivating episode for the Chinese medicine enthusiast who wants to bring the medicine inward for personal growth and healing. Please enjoy this episode of Pacific Rim College Radio with Ethan Murchie. Episode Links: Montreal Gongfu Research Center North American Tang Shou Tao Xinglin Institute Sabine Wilms at Imperial Tutor Learning Links: School of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at PRC Online Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine courses at PRCOnline Student Clinic at PRC