Pakistan, Thinking under Siege

Dear Pakistanis. There was a time, we had a peaceful and progressive Pakistan, a leading developing country in asia. In this podcast we will be discussing what the so called glorious religion Islam has done to this country, its past two generations and the bleak future ahead. All because freedom thinking, asking questions and expression is totally forbidden...

Mother Of All Victims - Economic collapse of Pakistan

Folks the brain dead Hafiz jee has said that real freedom can not be achieved without an economic stability. This idiot should know that he and his gang is the reason why economy is in disarray and will never get better.


Mother Of All Victims - How new generation of Pakistan is being corrupted.

Folks all over the world people are using internet, social media to learn. entertain and create harmony and understanding between Nations to progress. In Pakistan the internet preachers in hundreds are making young kids stupid, radical and poor because Islam, Quran and 7th century culture can only create stupid like GHQ gang and mullahs and 45% poverty.


Mother Of All Victims - The shit of Net Islamists

Folks Islam, Quran, Mohammed Hadith are Being ditched by Arabs while Stupid Pakistani Net Islamist are trying to become Arab dogs and preachers of 7th century barbaric tribal era..


Mother Of All Victims - New drama, New day

There is no day left which will not expose the thuggery and stupidity of 3rd Class inter pass low IQ gangsters in GHQ


Mother Of All Victims - Story of a Jungle called Pakistan

Every Pakistan is in absolute disarray where every dept is beating other and it is chaos.


Mother Of All Victims - Every day same shirt in Pakistan

Folks Pakistan has lost every moral standing to remain as a country v and has become serious threat to the world. It must be eliminated and boundaries re aligned to Save 230 million innocent Pakistanis


Mother Of All Victims - Bad luck Of Pakistanis

Folks enslavement of every Pakistani from cradle to grave with Arab tribal ideology which does not allow any human right, women right and exploitation of minority will not allow them to ever progress..


Mother Of All Victims - Curse of Ramazan

Folks Pakistan going back to cave age and the thug Arabs who forced the shit of religion through. 3rd class interpass idiot Zia are sending their woman to Miss World competition..


Mother Of All Victims - judges Revolt

Folks it is now clear to the world that the terrorist Generals of Pakistan are out of control and world need to act to free 230 million Pakistanis...


Mother Of All Victims - Hearing in Congress with Donald Lou

Folks todays Congress hearing about the sabotage of Pakistani election andmi Donald Lou's testimony clearly shows the weakness and stupidity of Foreign office who has such low IQ officers in the department. No wonder 90% of Pakistanis hate US for no reason. It should have been other way round if we had supported democracy, human rights, rule of Law and constitution. Instead we are ignoring the Pakistani Generals terror on its own people. He should be fired for being so ignorant.


Mother Of All Victims - Curse Of Ramazan

Folks Pakistanis should no Ramazan is an absolute waste of time, money, and resources and ditch this useless ritual and work double to get rid of serious poverty


Mother Of All Victims - tragedy Of Pakistan

Folks Pakistan is undoubtedly the most unlucky country ever.


Mother Of All Victims - Curse Of Ramazan

Folks First it is impossible to create jobs in Pakistan due to Shit of religion and then we have the curse ok Ramazan a crime against poors of Pakistan and bankrupts the country.


Mother Of All Victims - Pakistan in 1947 . A reasonable country

Pakistan today. An absolute piece of garbage under Islam


Mother Of All Victims - GHQ gangsters have no self respect.

Anwar Maqsood said it right. Imrans struggle is bigger than Jinnah. Because English soldiers were not shameless.


Mother Of All Victims - Pakistan's Destruction.

US can not absolve itself from this tragedy for supporting Killer Generals.


Mother Of All Victims - Super powers to be blamed.

Folks World will be historically blamed ft or the destruction of Pakistan as they looked the other way when GHQ terrorists gang was destroying it.


Shabana Khan


06-12 Reply

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