Paleo Baby

The Paleo Baby podcast is a new show about growing up Paleo. From fertility, pregnancy, and lactation, to weaning, first foods, and primal living, we explore what it's really like to live Paleo from day one. As a Paleo and AIP family, we want to share what we've figured out as we've found health, started a functional medicine practice, merged families, and had a baby. We'll talk to experts in the Paleo community to learn how their families make it work, and learn from other leading minds in nutrition and health, to keep you up to speed. Join us as we document the trials and victories of living Paleo and raising our Paleo baby, Ivy Kay.

How to Wean Your Paleo Baby

Worried you might be starting your baby off on the wrong foot by weaning onto all the foods that ended up causing you so much trouble? Are you tired (or frightened) of stick blenders, ice cub trays and sippy cups? Are your instincts telling you "there must be a better way to wean"?  The minimalist approach to baby-led weaning Cara and Julia discuss in this interview is both simple and effective, listen in and then send us your questions! Here’s the outline of this interview with Julia Kelly and Cara Champeny: [00:00:18] Both Julia and Cara have been through the paleo baby weaning process. [00:00:53] Cara, like me, has had her own personal health issues that were resolved by a paleo-type diet. [00:01:44] Cara's older son Wills was weaned in the usual way (onto cereal grains). [00:02:36] Wills also ended up with GI issues. [00:02:58] Cara was sure she wanted to do things differently with her youngest daughter, Maisie. [00:04:02] Baby-led weaning. [00:04:15] Avoiding exposure you things you'd rather they didn't develop a palette for. [00:04:43] Babies shouldn't need special food. [00:05:39] Creating problems for yourself. [00:06:00] Confidence and being different. [00:06:27] Cara is able to get her own way at home when it comes to food. [00:07:23] Julie initially looked to The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care. [00:08:16] Trading one dogma for another. [00:08:29] Trust your instincts. [00:09:37] The NT book was way too regimented. [00:09:55] Julia waited until Ivy was sitting upright. [00:10:24] Letting baby use their gums. [00:11:37] Cara thought Maisie would be ready for food at 6 months, not so. [00:12:40] Ivy was properly eating food at 8-10 months. [00:13:12] You shouldn't need to prop them up for feeding. [00:13:43] Introducing something other than sweet. [00:14:04] The window of opportunity, [00:14:23] Ivy started eating whole fruit age 2-3 years. [00:15:02] Ivy loved holding things, e.g. a lamb chop bone. [00:16:02] Gagging vs choking. [00:17:18] Maisie got really good at "gagging food forward". [00:19:50] Pre chewing food at 8-9 months. [00:21:25] Wild Planet Wild Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. [00:21:32] US Wellness Meats. We particularly enjoy their liverwurst, braunschweiger, head cheese and pemmican. [00:22:12] Pre chewing donates digestive enzymes. [00:23:40] Maisie loves meat, loved pre chewed food. [00:24:30] Could the absence of meat early cause aversions later? [00:27:05] Simplifying things in the kitchen. [00:28:04] Real food negates the need to worry about excess salt. [00:29:36] Looking for the most nutrient dense foods possible. [00:29:57] Special "stuff" for parents. [00:30:57] Skip the mesh things, they're too hard to clean. [00:31:22] Breast feeding is as easy as it gets, bottles and pumping are hard. [00:32:06] No sippy cups. [00:32:21] Klean Kanteen. [00:32:42] Throwing out the daily schedule to reduce stress. [00:34:13] Eating larger meals less frequently with a lot of fat. [00:34:58] Eating for sustained energy and stable blood sugar. [00:35:27] Ivy tended towards a 4-day cycle, eating more some days, less on others. [00:36:05] Don't force feed. [00:36:28] The importance of mindfulness. [00:38:17] Emotional attachment to food. [00:38:47] It Starts With Food (but doesn't end with food) [00:39:53] Try not to project your own wants or needs onto the child. [00:40:51] Surviving birthday parties. [00:41:53] Not using treats as a tool. [00:42:22] Gluten-free products. [00:44:11] Cara tries to make light of the inevitable slip ups. [00:44:50] The more you say don't eat that, the more they want it. [00:46:39] Being reminded of the mistakes of the past. [00:47:19] Laying the foundation early. [00:47:53] The goal of a healing diet is the reintroductions. [00:49:15] Not everything your paediatrician says has to happen. [00:49:36] Baby-Led Weaning: The Essential Guide to Introducing Solid Foods-and Helping Your Baby to Grow Up a Happy and Confident Eater. [00:49:56] Real food Mamas podcast. [00:50:06] Babies by science part I and Vaccines with Dr Tommy Wood. [00:50:32] Avoiding egg white and nuts early. [00:50:55] Our babies like good dark chocolate. [00:51:22] Avacado. [00:52:00] Squash and yam. [00:52:10] Homemade jerky. [00:52:30] Maisie loves fruit. [00:52:51] Grain-, Gluten-, and Guilt-Free Pancakes by Chris Kresser. [00:53:53] Ivy doesn't like things too sweet now. [00:54:26] Root vegetables, winter squash cooked in bone broth. [00:55:22] Ivy likes liver. [00:55:41] Maisie likes salmon and venison. [00:56:15] Salad bowl with sardines, mixed leaves capers, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, Seasnax. [00:57:17] Kids in restaurants. [00:57:40] Food culture is not the best in WI. [00:58:22] Eating in a nice restaurant is easier when your kid doesn't like chicken tenders. [00:58:58] Send us your questions!


The Human Milk-Oriented Microbiota: Babies and Beyond

Megan Sanctuary, MS, PhD candidate, is a student at the University of California, Davis. She is a member of the Milk Group that has been decoding mother’s milk for clues to lasting health for the past decade. She is currently using this basic science information to develop effective clinical interventions. A feature of the evolution of lactation is the explicit development of a symbiotic relationship between microbes and the mammalian host. This relationship is emerging as a key process of proper development. Human milk feeds and guides the colonization of the infant gut microbiota and nourishes the phenotypic state and metabolic processes of bacteria evolved to this unusual ecological niche. A milk-oriented microbiota (MOM) sets the infant up for a lifetime of health. The crosstalk between maternal milk and the infant gut has been the focus of research of an interdisciplinary and highly integrated team, the Milk Group, at UC Davis, for the past decade. Megan's group have used the insights gained from basic science research to steer the development of clinical solutions. Interestingly, one of the most abundant components of human milk, oligosaccharides, provides no direct nutritional support to the infant. Instead, they have shown that these complex sugars actually selectively promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut while excluding potential pathogens. The specificity of this interaction is a key principle to understanding how the microbial ecology of the intestine goes wrong promoting conditions like irritable bowel syndrome in adults and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. This paradigm has been utilized in recent clinical trials with success, and we have also began to examine the gut microbiota-brain axis in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. [00:03:32] Milk-oriented microbiota presentation at AHS 16. [00:06:15] Implications for the microbiota. [00:06:58] Critical periods of development. [00:08:34] The functions of the microbiota. [00:08:54] Oligosaccharides in milk are prebiotics for bacteria. [00:10:16] Immune factors in milk, lactoferrin. [00:12:56] "Lock and key" milk specificity. [00:15:07] Donor milk. [00:16:24] There is no substitute for human breast milk. [00:17:55] Pasteurisation. [00:19:06] WAPF milk formulations. [00:22:57] Should we be consuming the milk of other animals? [00:24:36] Raw dairy from a cow that you know. [00:27:31] Other hormones in milk. [00:27:50] Type 1 diabetes. [00:29:19] Gut health could be the deciding factor. [00:31:53] Necrotizing enterocolitis. [00:32:34] Bifidobacteria supplementation (probiotics). [00:33:35] Autism and antibiotics. [00:35:03] Neurotransmitters and short-chain fatty acids. [00:37:06] Environmental toxicity. [00:41:54] Megan is consulting, email her.


Whole Life Detox: A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment

Please join me and my dear friend Toréa Rodriguez, FDP-P, as we introduce you to our upcoming project: The Whole Life Detox. This podcast will give you the inside scoop and an invitation to our free online mini-class: Whole Life Detox | A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment. On October 4th – Whole Life Detox: A Holistic Approach to a Clean Environment -FREE Webinar!  5pm PT / 8pm ET Ever think about detoxing your home?—you should. More toxins than you can possibly imagine permeate the average home, but it is possible to get your home completely clean WITHOUT getting overwhelmed. On October 4th, Toréa and I are hosting a live Q&A Webinar to help you clean out your home simply and easily! Register for the event here.


Understanding How We Evolved to Parent

How do you approach big parenting decisions? Do you find yourself confused and conflicted with what the “experts” say? Have you wrestled with the idea of “sleep training,” bedsharing, or nursing schedules for your baby?  What if there was a way to approach all of the important topics so you were empowered to make the best choice for you and your family? My guest Tracy Cassels offers a sound and unique perspective that I think will help a lot of parents. Tracy has an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science, masters in Clinical Psychology, and PhD in Developmental Psychology. She is the founder and lead author of the site Evolutionary Parenting. Evolutionary parenting is the idea that we have evolved and coevolved with our infants to create a unique relationship between babies and their caregivers. When we approach parenting challenges with the idea that these co-evolved relationships may, on a lot of levels, be at odds with our modern culture and way of life, it becomes clear that alternative solutions to these challenges may be imperative. How much do you know about your baby’s basic biology and physiology? Enough to know what’s normal or abnormal when it comes to development? Join us as we dissect infant sleep patterns, how to approach sleep “research,” what ‘normal’ really means, and healthy sleep for modern families, all from the perspective of Evolutionary Parenting.


What Is Disordered Eating?

In this episode we take a detour through a slightly different topic for Paleo Baby. Disordered eating effects many people in many different ways. Eating too little, eating too much, body image, dieting, exercise, are all wrapped up in the definition and treatment of disordered eating. Unfortunately, those seeking help for this issue, and other mental health concerns, are often treated without regard to the person's biology, health challenges, or lifestyle, often leading to a long and bumpy recovery. At Nourish Balance Thrive, we’ve learned that nothing can be treated in a vacuum. As alternative health care providers, we understand the importance of treating the whole person to get to the root cause. It’s rare to find mainstream practitioners who are willing to concede that diet and lifestyle might contribute to your overall health concerns, especially mental health. As a therapist, Erika Holmes defies the status quo and is a breath of fresh air in this important conversation. Join us as we break down a holistic approach to disordered eating- it’s main drivers, recovery, common questions, and a great discussion about what “normal eating” really is. From Erika: I’m a native Californian but now live and work in beautiful Denver Colorado. I have a Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) license in Colorado and California and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University. I graduated with honors as a member of Psi Chi Honor Society. With over 10 years of clinical experience both in agency work and in private practice, I have extensive experience working with clients in a wide range of ages, struggles, and goals. I believe that therapy is great, but shouldn’t last forever. My goal is for us to work hard, work smart, and then work myself out of a job. I want to empower you to make changes in your life that decrease suffering, increase awareness, and assist you in creating a life worth living and relationships worth having. Learn more about me and my practice at or Email me at


How to Protect Your Family from Environmental Toxicity

Did you know? For personal care products, the European Union have banned 1,400 chemicals, Canada 600, and the US just 11. Do you think the FDA is safety testing your personal care products? They don’t. If someone asked Dr. Walsh, “what is the most important thing to for your health other than being positive and happy,” it would be that you absolutely have to get toxic chemicals out of your life. There is a growing body of evidence that chemicals in our environment are contributing to to cancer, autoimmune disease, allergies and asthma, obesity, hormone issues, and more. She firmly believes this is one of the largest contributing factors to the plague of diseases we are facing today. Women, in particular, seem to be extremely vulnerable because of all of the personal care and cleaning products they come in contact with on a daily basis. Listen to this podcast and Dr. Walsh will show you how easy it is to get the chemicals out of your life while still feeling, looking, (and smelling) fantastic. Julie Walsh is a Naturopathic Doctor & Mom of four adorable blue eyed kids. She knows a few things about health. Part of this is due to a formal medical education, but most can be attributed to her personal 20 year quest (or obsession) for "perfect health". It wasn't until she learned that perfection is the antithesis of health that I was actually able to help herself and other women achieve true well-being. Here’s the outline of this interview with Julie Walsh, ND: 0:00:00 0:01:50    Dr. Walsh came to doctoring from the modelling industry. 0:02:24    EWG Skin Deep database. 0:05:30    Indicator species are animals that act as a “canary in the coal mine.” 0:06:11    Cancer is now the second leading cause of death in children aged 5-14 years. 0:09:17    NuvaRing prevents conception at .35 parts per billion. 0:10:53    Halifax project on 0:11:19    The EU has banned 1,400 chemicals, Canada 600, the US just 11. 0:13:49    No federal law governing the personal product industry since 1938. 0:17:11    Step one is know what you're using. 0:17:58    Get rid of everything that is ranked higher than 2 in the EWG database. 0:20:21    The average woman puts on about 12 products on their body each day. 0:20:36    Please stop using perfume! 0:24:20    The Internet has created the era of information and confusion. 0:27:22    Essential Oils: I'm Calling Bullshit. 0:31:54    Beauty Counter. 0:38:23    Ask yourself: do I need it? Is it safe? 0:38:39    Biokleen Laundry Liquid and All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate. 0:41:04    Don't go crazy on this! 0:42:50    Fill out the contact form and claim a free prize.


A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

The autoimmune paleo diet described in Eileen Laird’s new book reversed occult blood found on my stool test result and brought my Hs-CRP blood test for inflammation back into the normal range. I was already eating a paleo-type diet before I made the switch to AIP, and with hindsight I suspect that seeds, nuts and eggs were the main foods still causing me problems. I’m not alone, and process of eliminating common food allergens and then doing careful reintroductions is frequently helpful for the athletes that we work with. We’ve recommended Sarah Ballantyne’s book to hundreds of people. My mother in law owns two copies and lends them to strangers all the time. No doubt it’s a fantastic book, but sometimes I feel badly for burdening people with the task of reading it, especially if they’re not feeling good. You’ve probably noticed that most of the volume of any book comprises of the argument to support the prescription. What if you don’t care about the argument? Just tell me what to do. Eileen's new book: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol does exactly that. You can read it in a couple of hours and know exactly what you should do next. Most people think of AIP as a diet but that’s not true, AIP is a lifestyle and the important lifestyle factors are described succinctly in Eileen’s book. Eileen Laird is an amazing women: deep tissue massage therapist, outdoors lover, author and podcast host. Eileen has been using autoimmune paleo diet (AIP) to successfully manage her once debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. Getting help. In this episode, Eileen is interviewed by the women who introduced me to AIP. Julia is my wife, and a food scientist, and I’ll be forever grateful to her for enabling me to execute the dietary rules so effortlessly, something she now teaches other people professionally. Are you struggling to make AIP work? Book a month of coaching with Julia. Julia doesn’t do food allergy testing or chronic food logging. Instead, she teaches via the phone or Skype and then follows up on a three-day food diary stored in Google Docs. Here’s the outline of this interview with Eileen Laird: 0:00:20    Eileen's book: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). 0:00:38    AIP was originally an elimination diet. 0:00:51    Nightshades and eggs were a problem for people with autoimmunity. 0:01:15    The second phase is reintroduction. 0:01:41    Seeds and spices. 0:01:58    People are started to appreciate the lifestyle component. 0:02:18    Sleep, stress, self-talk. 0:02:51    The goal is to live the best life possible with autoimmunity. 0:03:03    Who is AIP for? 0:03:39    Do you need a diagnosis? 0:04:17    Over 100 autoimmune diseases are classified. 0:04:33    Multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus. 0:04:41    Diabetes. 0:04:46    Skin diseases. 0:04:57    Eczema is an immune reaction. 0:05:05    Lichen planus. 0:05:52    Sometimes a diagnosis is hard to make. 0:07:06    If you've already tried paleo and there are lingering symptoms then AIP can help. 0:07:53    Eileen was healthy, active, fit. 0:08:35    Woke up one day with pain 0:08:51    Same problem on both sides is classic RA. 0:10:12    Eileen has been lucky in not needing medication. 0:10:36    Eileen reclaimed joy in her life within a few months. 0:11:08    Now back to working full time and hiking. 0:11:41    Eileen took things in steps. 0:11:58    Tried vegetarian and veganism. 0:12:18    Paleo is a good starting point for people intimidated by AIP. 0:13:07    Eileen waited 5 months on paleo before going full AIP. 0:13:47    Bland food is not sustainable! 0:14:06    Now there are lots of good resources. 0:14:39    Dairy, even the best dairy were a problem. 0:15:28    AIP can be complex, how can we make it simpler? 0:16:12    Book: Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits--to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life. 0:17:36    Planning is essential. 0:17:49    Out of sight, out of mind. 0:18:28    Household support is important. 0:19:01    Angie at Autoimmune Paleo. 0:20:08    AIP is not supposed to be forever but the reintroduction phase can be hard. 0:22:12    The reintroduction of eggs was important to Eileen. 0:23:33    Reintroduction requires patience. 0:23:44    Being the focus of a science experiment  is incredibly empowering. 0:24:20    If you get it wrong, you've got to back to square one, another 30 days. 0:25:01    Symptoms are the guide. 0:25:47    Until you clear some of the inflammation, everything is noise. 0:26:40    Struggling emotionally is a consideration. 0:27:12    Eileen reintroduced at six weeks. 0:27:28    Some wait a year. 0:27:36    You should reintroduce! AIP is not necessarily healthier. 0:28:14    There's a risk of disordered eating. 0:28:51    Don't let your food become another stressor. 0:29:46    I don't have any emotional connection to food. 0:30:03    But I hate feeling like crap! 0:30:22    It's not orthorexic to want to feel good. 0:30:57    We've been doing modified AIP for nearly 3 years. 0:31:10    I go back to AIP after hard training or racing. 0:32:03    Qualify using the Bristol Stool chart! 0:32:31    People want meal plans but Julia hates to produce them. 0:32:58    Encouraging people to take ownership. 0:33:16    Book: The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body. 0:33:30    Why another AIP book? 0:33:38    Eileen enjoys making complex information accessible. 0:34:19    Phoenix Helix blog. 0:34:36    The book is a simple package and is for people thinking "just tell me what to do!" 0:36:12    Sometimes we feel bad about burdening people with the AIP Bible. 0:37:16    Eileen wrote the book with people with autoimmunity in mind. 0:37:35    But her family understood AIP in a way they hadn't previously after reading the book. 0:38:09    The book is unintimidating. 0:39:25    What about AIP as a healing diet (without autoimmunity). 0:39:53    Eileen thinks it's a great reset diet. 0:40:10    Reintroductions are typically very successful. 0:40:15    We use a combination of AIP plus supplements to address the specific problems that we find on lab tests. 0:40:59    What are the other things apart from diet? 0:41:11    People frequently focus exclusively on diet. 0:41:43    The lifestyle factors are equally important. 0:42:00    AIP dieters are perfectionists. 0:42:26    Diet is a good place to start. 0:42:34    Sleep is likely to improve after you change your diet. 0:42:48    Worry about the things that you can change. 0:43:03    Meditation works wonders. 0:43:29    Even 5 minutes a day can make a difference 0:43:40    Yoga, being outdoors in nature. 0:43:54    Heart beat slows, tightness softens. 0:44:54    Circadian rhythm is very important. 0:45:07    Setting a bedtime and awakening time reduced RA inflammation. 0:45:28    People are harder on themselves than they need to be. 0:45:41    Ask yourself, would you talk to someone else like that? 0:47:11    Eileen's podcast. 0:47:26    Eileen felt like her joints were on fire, hence the Phoenix. 0:47:49    The podcast is in iTunes. 0:48:00    Recipe roundtable on Eileen's blog.


Is the Paleo Diet Sustainable?

Engineers get into a lot of trouble when their designs fail. Think about the consequences of a collapsing bridge or a broken aeroplane wing. Failed software systems can also have catastrophic consequences for human life. Why is nutrition science any different? Poor food choices have far reaching consequences for both the individual and society as health care costs spiral out of control. Yet still we have obese vegan nutrition professors sipping diet coke as they teach dogma with no basis in science to impressionable young students. This madness has to end! Diana Rodgers is helping with bringing an end to the madness by embracing the traditional Registered Dietician education, whilst practicing everything she’s learnt through her interaction with real food pioneers Robb Wolf and Matt LaLonde. Diana has found that by working from within the system, with a credible certification, she’s likely to affect much more change in our current establishment nutrition policy. This isn’t her only concern though. Diana has also become a champion of sustainability. She’s fighting the good fight when it comes to paleo-bashers, and meat haters, who say this way of eating isn’t sustainable for our environment. As the owner of a working farm, Diana is here to show us just what it will take to not only eat for our optimal health, but also the optimal health of our environment. From her interesting perspective of nutritionist and farmer, Diana has some great insight into the Paleo State of the Union and where we must go from here. Thinking about sustainability is part of a logical progression that starts with adopting a real-food diet. Are you at that point yet? What plans do you have for keeping your paleo sustainable? Let me know in the comments below. Here’s the outline of this interview with Diana Rodgers: 0:00:00    Sustainable Dish website. 0:00:33    Diana's story on her site. 0:00:45    Robb Wolf. 0:01:18    Diana has coeliac. 0:01:32    Diana is close to becoming a Registered Dietician (RD). 0:01:48    Paleo State of the Union Paleo FX panel. 0:02:21    Chris Kresser is teaching practitioners. 0:02:34    Mark Sisson. 0:02:50    Robb and Diana are more interested in sustainability. 0:03:05    Savory Institute. 0:03:28    Paleo convention in Berlin. 0:03:53    Veganism is popular in Germany. 0:04:09    AHS New Zealand talk. 0:04:40    Julie has converted vegetarian and vegans for health reasons. 0:05:04    How do you reason with these people? 0:05:31    Religion is out. 0:05:46    Diana's rebuttal of the Outside Magazine's article. 0:06:10    WHO Red Meat causes cancer. 0:06:24    Well managed cattle improve soil quality. 0:06:48    Herbivore poop is required for a healthy soil microbiome. 0:06:56    The soil retains more water. 0:07:05    Monocropping damages soil quality. 0:07:43    Diana's farm just outside of Boston is mostly a vegetable farm. 0:08:04    Chickens eat the vegetable matter. 0:08:59    What is holding people back from the sustainability questions. 0:09:18    Sustainability doesn't sell books, it’s not not lucrative. 0:09:57    Sustainability is not including in an RD education. 0:10:25    Diana works at a hospital that still uses styrofoam. 0:12:09    Why become an RD? 0:12:22    Blood sugar and digestion has always been a problem for Diana. 0:13:18    Weston A Price. 0:13:35    Sally Fallon and Robb Wolf said go get your RD. 0:14:23    Diana started a practice but didn't feel like she had the tools. 0:14:51    Wanted credibility. 0:15:05    Matt Lalonde. 0:16:31    Most of the professors are obese vegans. 0:16:58    Biochemistry is sound. 0:17:11    There's no coaching included in the syllabus. 0:17:32    Diana got rejected from internships with a 4.0. 0:17:51    Lawyer thought it was related to Paleo. 0:18:25    Real Food Radio podcast. 0:18:42    Blog post about house call rotation. 0:20:35    Lack of critical thinking in the younger, more impressionable students. 0:21:04    Weight Watchers not working. 0:21:23    Now she's doing a Whole30. 0:24:20    How do we make sustainability into Paleo from the start? 0:24:48    It's a natural progression. 0:25:08    The Homegrown Paleo Cookbook. 0:25:25    Container and community gardens. 0:26:18    Community gardens bring people together. 0:26:35    Volunteer at a farm in exchange for food. 0:26:53    On the East Coast, you go to the farm to collect your food, not the other way around. 0:27:26    This creates a sense of ownership. 0:27:56    Education programs including sheep shearing. 0:28:15    Growing farm lovers. 0:28:37    Small farms face a lot of pressure from housing development. 0:30:15    Local versus sustainable. 0:31:09 0:31:25    CAFO (industrial farmed) beef versus CAFO chicken or pork. 0:32:13    Go to the farmer's market and talk to the vendors. 0:32:42    CAFO chicken and pork never see the light of day. 0:33:00    Antibiotic resistance. 0:33:59    Defending Beef. 0:34:06    Interview Modern Farm Girls podcast. 0:34:46    Local might trump organic in some situations. 0:35:25    Chickens do pretty well on grain. 0:36:05    Pigs also do well on grain. 0:36:17    No soy. 0:37:00    The Whole30 works because the rules are very clear. 0:37:20    Real life is grey. 0:38:48    Julie has got to the place where she can consider sustainability. 0:40:40    Diana recommends fixing yourself first. 0:41:37    Modification not radical change. 0:41:50    What about parenting. 0:43:31    Knee jerk reactions when first adopting Paleo. 0:43:49    Kids can end up food hoarding. 0:44:24    Whose breakfast is healthier? 0:44:48    Old beliefs die hard. 0:45:08    Kids can get stressed by not being able to articulate. 0:45:33    The kids eat whatever on play dates. 0:45:57    Diana encourages the kids to think about how they feel after making poor food choices. 0:46:25    Food and sleep are means to an end. 0:47:13    A little moderation goes a long way. 0:48:18    Really great market is called Staff of Life. 0:49:13    Ivy already recognises the gluten free concept. 0:50:03    The gift of being able to make the connection with the way you feel. 0:50:56    Michelle Tam's Nom Nom Paleo. 0:51:55    Sustainable Dish website. 0:52:08    Paleo Lunches and Breakfasts On the Go. 0:52:52    Diana is focussing on finishing her RD. 0:53:09    Sustainability book in the planning.


The Truth About Fertility and the Fertility Awareness Method

It’s a scenario we’ve all experienced. You go to your OBGYN for your scheduled PAP smear just to get the box ticked on your health check up list, and wait for the Doctor to give you the “all clear.” Is that the best you can do? Is it the best you should do? Let me ask you a couple of very serious questions... How would your confidence, sense of empowerment, and self esteem be different if you knew how to be a more active participant in your own feminine health? What if you could truly understand your hormonal and reproductive health, and know the right steps to take in order to keep yourself in a state of optimal health in those areas? That may sound like a pipe dream, or something that’s going to require a lot more minutia than you want to invest. But think about it for just a second… This is YOUR health we’re talking about. It’s YOUR privilege and RIGHT to be able to take an active role in your own reproductive and hormonal health. There are things you can do to make improvements in your health and even prevent issues that often arise as your body ages. Doesn’t that feel good… to know that you can actually DO something to help yourself before things become major issues? On this episode, Julie is chatting with her friend and self-identified “Functional Medicine Nerd,” Torea Rodriguez ( Torea introduced Julie to the “Fertility Awareness Method” which is an all natural form of birth control and so much more (not to be confused with the rhythm method). The conversation today should not be seen as a “how to” instructional but rather an overview and examination of FAM, including the basics of the method, how and why it works, and the benefits that come from using this approach. Much more than a birth control method. Both Julie and Torea stress that FAM is not only about birth control… and that’s where you’re able to take an active hand in your own health. The FAM enables you to keep track of your own hormonal levels and monthly cycle on a level you probably won’t believe. You can catch hormonal imbalances before they become serious, notice even the slightest changes in your cycle and health so you can be prepared for changes in your body before they happen, and even detect issues (like cervical cysts) when your health care provider may not even be concerned about such things. One of the ladies in today’s conversation did exactly that, to the amazement of her Doctor. If you want to throw off the depency you have on your health care provider in favor of a smart, informed, accurate degree of self-care that most women have never thought possible, you can do it. The Fertility Awareness Method could be the answer. Find out more on this episode. What you’ll hear on this episode: [0:02] Julie’s introduction of her friend, Torea Rodriguez, a fellow “functional medicine nerd,” and why they decided to chat about the “fertility awareness method method. [1:54] What is the fertility awareness method? (FAM) [5:20] Issues both women see with their clients. [7:00] Why today’s episode is not a “how to” guide but rather an overview. [7:54] How the FAM method works in comparison to taking the pill, using an IUD, etc. [10:10] What drove Torea to investigate and try the Fertility Awareness Method? [16:43] Understanding the basics of how to use FAM. [20:00] The importance of knowing the truth and passing it on to your daughters. [22:10] The facts about cervical fluid and how these facts are used in FAM. [26:06] Understanding cervical position and its importance in FAM. [27:23] The facts about basal body temperature. [30:00] How the FAM can be used to detect possible hormonal imbalances and make corrections for the sake of hormonal health. [33:00] The importance of becoming an active participant in your own health. [34:34] How FAM has helped with personal health issues. [36:46] Typical questions and objections women have with the Fertility Awareness Method. [43:20] The fertility coaching options being prepared by Julie and Torea. [47:40] How you can connect with Torea and connect with Julie. Resources and concepts mentioned in this episode Taking Charge of Your Fertility the book. - app and interactive infographic to help you track your fertility.


Anne Margolis: Nurturing a woman’s instinctive knowledge of how to birth her children

Should you have your baby at home, hospital, or birthing center of some sort? It’s a very important question to consider. If you’ve never found yourself pondering this question, perhaps one day you will. I was only a few weeks pregnant when I started to consider my options, I wish now I’d started thinking about it sooner. I needed to find care practitioner for my pregnancy and I knew I wanted a midwife. On a referral from a friend, and eager to have my first appointment, I picked the first one I met, she was lovely, warm, compassionate, grandmotherly, and kind. When I told her I was also considering a birthing center and home birth, and she quickly preyed on the fears I had shared with her and guided me away from those options. Because she was a former home birth midwife, I trusted her opinion on the subject even more. Her experienced guidance was a relief for my worried pregnant brain in those early days. Unfortunately, her advice should have been a red flag. Instead of being concerned about getting to know me and figuring out what was best for me, she lumped me into her practice and stamped me for hospital delivery before I even had enough time to double check the outdated and misguided statistics she’d given me about home birth. A sure sign of her devotion to protecting her relationship to the hospital, not to me. I wish I’d done some more soul searching about what was really important to me before I picked my midwife. I’m even more sure of that now after talking with Anne Margolis. Anne Margolis is a Home Birth midwife with a fabulous practice in New York: Home Sweet Homebirth. Naturally, she feels that home births are a beautiful, healthy, and safe option for all moms. But one of the most important beliefs she holds to is that the mom in question has to feel safe with the place she chooses to have her baby. If she chooses a home birth because she’s pressured into it or feels guilty if she doesn’t, but doesn’t feel safe, she’ll wind up having trouble even in a home environment. The opposite is true as well--a hospital or birthing facility will not be the best place for that woman if she doesn’t feel comfortable and safe. Anne knows… she’s had some difficult experiences of her own to draw from… To say that Anne’s experiences in giving birth to her children were traumatic is to understate the issue. She was an OB nurse practitioner when she had her first two children, so she felt she had a pretty good handle on what to expect and how things would go in the hospital. She had her first child long before she even knew home births were a viable option and during the experience many decisions were made for her without her even being consulted. A pitocin drip, episiotomy, C-section… all of it came barreling toward her, presented as unavoidable decisions. After being rushed into an operating room for an “emergency” C-section, Anne waited for an hour for the surgeon to arrive then decided on her own that she was going to birth her baby… and she did. The fact is that in all of Anne’s in-hospital experiences, things could have been handled very, very differently. At the suggestion of a friend, Anne met with a midwife and discovered that there were other options, and that opened up the door to a brand new world of considerations for her. And luckily, Ann gave birth to two more children in much better circumstances. It was those experiences that were used to nudge her into the role of midwife and a thriving home birth practice. Today, Anne has extensive training and clinical experience in women’s health and maternity care, in both in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings, including water birth. She is skilled at using an integrative approach—one that combines the best of modern medicine with natural, mind-body and other holistic modalities. Anne is a doula and a childbirth educator, and incorporates the art of labor support and teaching into her midwifery practice.  She is one of the most passionately dedicated homebirth practitioners I know. Her approach is sensitive, personal, and family centered. She believes that every healthy woman possesses an innate ability to give birth normally and naturally; her body knows what to do. As a result Anne is devoted to protecting undisturbed physiologic labor and birth, and the precious moments after birth when parents are meeting and connecting with their newborn babies for the first time. If you’ve ever considered working with a doula or midwife, or the option of homebirth, you owe it to yourself to listen tot his episode of Paleo Baby. I think you’ll love Anne Margolis’ compassionate, passionate approach to pregnancy, prenatal care and preparation for childbirth, and how she views the birthing process itself.. You can hear our entire conversation on this episode of Paleo Baby. Here’s the outline of this interview with Anne Margolis: [0:01] Julie’s introduction of Anne Margolis: Home birth midwife. [1:05] How Anne decided to become a midwife and specifically a home birth midwife. [6:22] How Anne was recommended to a midwife and the impact it had. [11:20] Starting a home birth practice with a friend. [15:00] The difficulty of midwives being tied to hospitals and hospital care. [16:50] Dispelling myths surrounding women’s health issues. [18:40] The importance of interviewing many homebirth midwives. [20:32] Things to ask about and think about when considering a homebirth midwife. [22:40] Silly things that kept Julie from considering a home birth at first. [24:52] The importance of the close connection you need to have with your midwife. [25:54] What are things a woman can do to approach the idea of birth and what kind of birth they want to have? [29:36] Birth plans… a good idea? What else can a woman do to prepare? [34:46] Building up confidence during the 9 months before birth. [37:40] Anne’s viewpoint on diet and nutrition during pregnancy. [40:16] Issues surrounding testing during pregnancy and what should and can be done. [41:49] How prenatal yoga impacts Anne’s clients during childbirth and beyond. [49:00] Specific advice Anne would like to pass on to women. [50:25] How you can connect with Anne. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Anne’s Home birth practice: My Home Sweet Home Birth Instagram and Facebook: HomeSweetHomeBirth The Business of Being Born - video Orgasmic Birth - video Birthing From Within - book  - Ask the midwife


Beverly Meyer: The Importance of Vitamin K and Why You're Probably Not Getting Enough

Today’s podcast is a conversation I had with a wonderful fount of knowledge, Beverly Meyer. Beverly has been a client of natural health therapies since 1972.  After a successful but exhausting career in business (with interviews in Glamour, Venture, Entrepreneur and Inc.), she devoted herself full-time to the study and practice of health therapies. She’s been helping clients with a wide variety of health problems ever since. On today’s show we’re chatting about the very undervalued vitamin - Vitamin K, and the role its lack plays in all kinds of physical conditions from facial and mouth bone abnormalities to fertility and pregnancy. No matter what you’ve heard about Vitamin K in the past, you’re sure to hear something you didn’t know on this podcast episode. Beverly’s story of the discovery of Vitamin K’s importance in the human diet. Around the age of 61 Beverly discovered that her narrow palate was at the root of issues she was experiencing - anxiety, heart issues, etc. The shape of her jaw (V-shaped instead of U-shaped) was pushing back on her skull causing undue pressure on her brain. Wearing a particular kind of mouth guard for a while corrected the problem but she wasn’t satisfied. She began questioning why the last few generations of people have had more narrow palates than those in the past. What she discovered was that our diets in the last decade have been deficient in Vitamin K2 in particular, an essential vitamin in the development of bones and facial structures. The is a very intriguing conversation that will uncover the importance of Vitamin K and explain why everyone needs to be on some kind of supplementation to provide Vitamin K to their diet. What is Vitamin K? Vitamin K is one of the fat-soluble vitamins… and the way these fat-soluble vitamins work is that they all move and work together. If any of them is missing the function of the others are compromised. Vitamin K is the most neglected and misunderstood of the bunch. It’s lack is now being traced to health problems of all kinds. It’s a vitamin most people in the western world don’t get much of in their regular diet. What should you do in light of this information? Today’s guest, Beverly Meyer, is an expert on Vitamin K and shares a great deal of actionable information on this episode, so set aside some time to hear what she’s got to say, and what she recommends for the average person to do about their lack of Vitamin K. The main function of Vitamin K2: It’s all about Calcium. Beverly Meyer’s way of understanding what Vitamin K does in the diet is a clever, 3-word sentence she’s come up with, and all of the words begin with the letter “K,” (Isn’t that Klever?) Here it is: K Karries Kalcium (K carries calcium). Vitamin K is the delivery truck that picks up calcium and delivers it to the proper address. When you get deficient in K, the places in your body that need calcium don’t get it. So what happens to the calcium? It could float around aimlessly in your bloodstream causing plaque in your arteries. It could turn into plaque on your teeth. It could contribute to gallstones or kidney stones. Find out more about why K is so important in your diet by listening to this episode. The importance of supplementing with Vitamin K every day. There are foods you can add to or increase in your diet that will give you additional Vitamin K2. Animal organs, pastured eggs, blue cheese, and many others are on the list of the best foods to include. But even then you won’t likely get enough to prevent the abnormalities that come from a diet deficient in Vitamin K. That’s why Beverly Meyer, today’s guest, recommends that everyone from age 3 through all stages of adulthood, use Vitamin K supplements. In today’s conversation Beverly recommends a couple of different brands of Vitamin K supplements that are natural and safe and shares more foods you can eat to help make up for any Vitamin K deficiency. Here’s the outline of this interview with Beverly Meyer: [0:19] Welcome and introduction of today’s guest, Beverly Meyer. [1:02] Beverly’s interest in Vitamin K2, and why it’s important. [3:00] What is Vitamin K (1 & 2) and what do they do in the body? [5:35] The research of Dr. Weston Price and how it revealed the importance of “activator X” - vitamin K2. [8:50] Some of the sources of K2 and why we don’t get enough of it in modern times. [10:36] The facial structure changes that a lack of Vitamin K2 can cause. [13:30] One of the big problems with Vitamin K - we don’t store it in the body. [14:20] The importance of supplementing your diet with Vitamin K2 daily. [15:41] The main function of Vitamin K2: K Karries Kalcium. (K carries calcium). [19:20] How Vitamin K can prevent the need for braces and oral surgery. [20:16] Other problems that come from a lack of Vitamin K2. [23:13] A quick test to see if erectile dysfunction is a lack of Vitamin K2. [24:37] The role Vitamin K2 could play in keeping your blood and blood pressure under control. [26:46] How does Vitamin K impact fertility and pregnancy? [30:39] Malabsorption issues can be a reason Vitamin K is not being utilized in the body. [34:08] The vital need to chew food properly and thoroughly. [34:58] Reshaping a child or teen’s jaw shape. [38:53] What are general amounts of Vitamin K2 that should be taken? [45:01] Where you can connect with Beverly. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Dr. Weston Price On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved Nutri-West GB-Plus Biotics Research Beta Plus Vitamin D3 Complete, with A and K2 Walkabout Emu Oil Vitamin K2 with MK-4 - Beverly’s website Primal Diet, Modern Health - Beverly’s podcast


Chloe Archard: Paleo advocate, mom, and host of the “Eat Better” podcast

Chloe Archard is one of the founders of Paleo Britain, a website dedicated to promoting and highlighting British companies that are producing real, high-quality, truly healthy, sustainable foods. The site was established by Chloe and her 4 sisters and has become an important resource for those in the UK desiring to find out more about the Paleo way of life. In this conversation Julie talks with Chloe about the basics of Paleo and how she became interested in it in the first place, gut biome testing and how it can be used to optimize personal health, nursing, natural childbirth, and much more. You’ll enjoy hearing this experienced mom’s perspective on raising children to be healthy in an unhealthy world. The advancement of the Paleo diet in the UK is not without its struggles. One of the questions Julie asks Chloe Archard, co-founder of Paleo Britain in this conversation is how the Paleo way of life is being accepted in the UK. Julie’s answer reveals that the misconceptions about Paleo there are similar to what is happening in the U.S. and other places around the world. The media has become one of the most difficult hurdles with its constant characterization of Paleo as completely “non carb” or “caveman” in its approach. Chloe says it’s a matter of patient education and personal integrity that will make the difference over time. She’s a wise woman and you will learn a lot from her about how you can help the Paleo community make inroads into the culture by learning how to respond well, yourself. “What would our ancestors have done?” - a clarifying question. The basic belief of the Paleo way of eating is that we should consume real, whole, unprocessed, and nutrient-dense foods that nourish our bodies. It’s a way of eating that naturally excludes nutrient-poor and processed foods known to have detrimental effects on health. One of the simplest ways to assess whether a food falls into those categories is to ask “What would our ancestors have eaten?” You don’t have to go back too far in history to realize that much of the foods consumed today are not only fairly recent developments in the history of human food consumption, they are not even close to what has traditionally made up a healthy human diet. In this episode, Chloe Archard, founder of Paleo Britain chats with Julie about how to make good food choices yourself and how to help your children understand and adopt a healthy food lifestyle themselves. Your gut microbiome is vital to good health. Chloe Archard has been doing her own little experiment to show the benefits. The healthy human microbiome is a balanced ecosystem that fuels many things in your body like digestion and vitamin useage. Some studies have also linked the microbiome to human mood and behavior as well as gut health, human development, and metabolic disorders. Chloe Archard became interested in the importance of the gut biome and began doing testing on herself to determine how healthy her gut was and what she could do to improve the quality of her health (and therefore her life). In this episode Julie and Chloe have an extended conversation about the gut biome, it’s importance, and how testing from companies like uBiome can help everyday people get a detailed look at the true state of their health so they can take control of their health once and for all. You’ll enjoy the conversation and learn a lot in the process. You may believe that “breast is best,” but do you know why? The “breast is best” campaign has been very successful in the UK. Chloe Archard, co-founder of Paleo Britain is thankful for that. But she feels that most women who adopt the slogan and the practice of breastfeeding their children have not clearly understood “why” breastfeeding their children is best, and are therefore more prone to abandon the practice under the cultural pressures that are sure to come. In this episode Chloe chats with Julie about why breastfeeding really is best, how mothers can stick with the practice for the long term health of their children, and how she thinks about the weaning process in light of her commitment to Paleo. Here’s the outline of this great chat with Chloe Archard: [0:19] Julie’s introduction of Chloe Archard, founder of Paleo Britain. [1:09] Get to know Chloe: family details. [1:53] How Chloe got into the Paleo scene and how it won her over. [4:23] The place Paleo is establishing in the UK and the hurdles it’s facing. [6:11] Chloe’s experience eating a Paleo diet when she was pregnant and nursing. [13:00] The journey Chloe has been on to use uBiome testing to track her gut microbiome while on the Paleo diet. [19:37] Adjustments Chloe is making based on her uBiome testing results. [23:25] The “why” behind breastfeeding as the healthiest option. [25:54] The differences in how Chloe weaned her various children and the things she’s noticed as a result. [34:13] The clarity and common sense that comes by asking, “What would our ancestors have done?” [36:30] Dealing with the horror stories you hear about natural births. [40:36] Chloe’s thoughts about teaching her children to make food choices in the real world.   RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Wellness Mama Chloe’s blog post, “Can you prevent morning sickness?” uBiome The Eat Better Podcast


Real Food for Gestational Diabetes with Lily Nichols

Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE, CLT is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, Certified LEAP Therapist and Certified Pilates Instructor whose approach to nutrition embraces real food, integrative medicine, and mindfulness. She helps people with digestive issues heal from food sensitivities and helps pregnant women with gestational diabetes have healthy babies. Lily is the author of the new book Real Food for Gestational Diabetes: An Effective Alternative to the Conventional Nutrition Approach, a guide to an alternative to the conventional nutrition approach that embraces nutrient-dense and delicious foods that nourish you and baby without causing high blood sugar. Lily blogs over at


Who Else Wants to Know How the Greenfield Family Does It?

Julie on the interview this week, but this is Chris writing here. It was my idea to get Jessa onto the podcast; I thought it'd be great to find out what makes the Greenfield household tick. I wondered if, like me, Ben doesn't do much of anything except the eating part! Starting kids out in the right direction is one of the biggest challenges we face. Listen in to find how the two health and athletic performance guru parents behind Ben Greenfield Fitness and Inner Circle make home life run smoothly with young twin boys.  My favourite quote from the show: "the boys know how we eat. So they're pretty helpful that way too, telling their grandma, 'No, mommy doesn't like this. Dad isn't going to like this.'" Love it! Our Ivy is 18 months now, won't be long Grandma!


Rubies and Radishes with Arsy Vartanian

What's even better than chatting with the author of two awesome cookbooks? Chatting with the author of two awesome cookbooks who happens to live right down the street and has a wonderful little paleo baby herself! Join Julie as she sits down with Arsy Vartanian, author behind the beautiful blog Rubies and Radishes, the Paleo Foodie Cookbook, and the Paleo Slow Cooker. They dish on life paleo life with toddlers, walking the walk with the paleo lifestyle, and finding inspiration to cook in all the chaos. Find out how Arsy does it all on this episode of Paleo Baby!


Depression with Kelly Brogan

This week Dr. Kelly Brogan joins Julie to shine light on the physiology and treatment of depression. Listen in as they cover how depression is mistreated in Western Medicine, understanding its causes, and what to do about it. A great discussion complete with an exploration of postpartum depression and the importance of deep nutrition for pregnancy.


Paleo for Women with Stefani Ruper

Calling all women, this is a don't miss episode! Julie sits down with Stefani Ruper, founder of the blog Paleo for women, and author of the best-selling paleo women’s health manifesto Sexy by Nature: The Whole Foods Solution to Radiant Health, Lifelong Sex Appeal and Soaring Confidence.  Join them as they discuss tackling body image issues, getting out from under PCOS, making sense of female hormones, and how the Paleo Diet is different for women.


Dr Tommy Wood on Vaccines

Dr Tommy Wood is a qualified medical doctor, graduating from Oxford University in 2011. He has a previous Bachelors degree in Natural Sciences and Biochemistry from Cambridge University. After working as a junior doctor in the UK for two years, Dr. Wood is now working towards a Ph.D. in neonatal brain metabolism at the University of Oslo, Norway. In this episode, we discuss vaccines! Since recording, I've read the book we mention in the show. It’s called The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child. It's a well thought out book, providing just enough information to make an informed decision without getting overly political or bogged down in the details. Clearly the details are important, but let's start by at least understanding the contents and schedule of the vaccines. See also The Problem With Dr Bob's Alternative Vaccine Schedule. In the interview, Tommy states that Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, contains thimerosal, but it doesn't, and he has since asked me to correct that statement. In the show Tommy refers to the following references: Confounding in Studies of Adverse Reactions to Vaccines Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization and sudden infant death syndrome Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?


Paleo Pregnancy with Tarah Chieffi

Tarah Chieffi is an author, freelance writer, blogger, and holistic nutrition educator in the Louisville/Southern Indiana area. She is working toward her Masters of Science in Health and Nutrition Education from Hawthorn University. She also teaches aqua fitness classes at the local YMCA. Tarah’s passion is working with pregnant women, new moms, and families to achieve health and happiness through physical fitness and a “real food” lifestyle. She uses a hands-on approach by joining families at the grocery store and in their homes to educate them on how to shop for and prepare whole foods. Tarah enjoys any activity that gets her outside, reading, and spending time with her husband and one-year-old son. Tarah’s writing has been featured in Paleo Living Magazine and Southern Indiana Fitness Source. Her first book, The Everything® Paleo Pregnancy Book, is available through and nationwide in Barnes and Nobles stores. From morning sickness to eating to prevent postpartum depression, pre-pregnancy nutrition, breastfeeding, blood sugar control and gestational diabetes, and getting the support you need, this is a great preview of all the great information in Tarah's book and the topics she covers on her blog. You can learn more by visiting her website,


Babies by science part I with Dr Tommy Wood

Dr Tommy Wood is a qualified medical doctor, graduating from Oxford University in 2011. He has a previous Bachelors degree in Natural Sciences and Biochemistry from Cambridge University. After working as a junior doctor in the UK for two years, Dr. Wood is now working towards a Ph.D. in neonatal brain metabolism at the University of Oslo, Norway. In this episode, Tommy discusses the Paleo diet and nutrient density for pregnancy, fat metabolism, ketones, neonatal temperature, missing microbes, RF/EMF toxicity and much, much more. Do you have questions for Tommy? We must have him back on! Email them to me, and I will do my best to get your questions answered. Tommy and Chloe from Paleo Britain have now started their own show called the Eat Better podcast.  


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