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Panic Attack Meditation

Panic Attack Meditation

Author: Panic Attack

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Panic Attack meditations lovingly created for relief and healing during times of intense anxiety, stress, overwhelm and panic attacks. When our creator, Katie Krimitsos, created her first meditation for panic attacks, she asked thousands of people about the experience...what it was like for them, how they felt, and what they needed most in those moments. Each of these meditations have been created with those experiences in mind, with the hope that they provide you with the comfort, love and healing you need to help you in dark moments. Brought to you by the Women's Meditation Network and created for everyone who needs it. 💗

68 Episodes
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Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> With just a single breath… You can touch the space, That pulses with magic inside.  With just a single breath… You can connect to, All the Universe provides.  LONG PAUSE So let yourself fall, Into the stream,  The movement of breath in and out.  Let yourself go, And trust in the flow, That weaves its way throughout.  LONG PAUSE Now see if you find, What floats in your mind, All those thoughts can release.  Let them enter the stream, Of your breath exiting, And feel your inhale bring peace.  LONG PAUSE Each part of your body, Relaxes and melts, The tension has faded away. What’s holding you up, Is soft, yet firm, Allowing you to be here today. LONG PAUSE Let gratitude fill, Each inhale right now, As time stands still for you. You realize that now, This moment right here, Is all that exists and is true.  LONG PAUSE You’re filled with a wave, Of freshness and love, You see all the beauty around. You see all the magic, The energies collide, You see that your life is profound.  LONG PAUSE So breathe in again, And this time, smile wide, Let all that’s been heavy dissolve. You get to choose, How you’ll live this day, So choose to love and evolve.  PAUSE With just a single breath… You can touch the space, That pulses with magic inside.  With just a single breath… You can connect to, All the Universe provides.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, it’s Katie and I’m here for a mid-month check in. How are you? How’s your month coming along? How’s your mental health?  We’re well into Mental Health Awareness Month and I hope you’ve really been enjoying all the bonus and guest meditations we’ve been providing across the network. The team and I have been working hard to make sure you have a wide variety of meditations and voices to support you!  I’m sharing honestly today about why we need to “slow down to speed up” and what that’s actually looked like for me this month (single mommying with hubs out of town, end of school extra activities and moving!). It ain’t been pretty y'all.  But I’m sharing because we all have these heavy seasons and I’ll walk you through what worked for me to lighten the load and helped me slow down, all in the name of preserving my mental health.  I also share a poem/meditation I wrote recently called “A Million Little Reasons” that I hope really speaks to your heart.  ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) Tuesday, May 21 is World Meditation Day! We’re celebrating with a special “World Meditation Day Meditation” going live on all our podcasts. Come meditate with us!  2) FREE MASTERCLASS: On June 18 at 1pm est, I’ll be co-hosting a Live Masterclass with my friend JJ Flizanes called “The Roadmap to Emotional Healing.” You can find out more and sign up for free here: Lastly, if you’re enjoying our meditations, we would be so grateful for your rating and reviews on Apple Podcasts! It always helps others just like you find us easily.  Thank you so much for listening and I love you!  Katie  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Allow your eyes to close,  And your body to gently soften.  Breathe… Deeply, Completely.  And let your breath bring its soft waves of peace into you, Deep within your center. Cleansing you, Calming you.  In,  And out, Collecting every grain of anxious sand, And releasing it with every exhale.  LONG PAUSE Breathe… And let your shoulders drop, Your eyes become heavy, Your cheeks soften.  PAUSE Feel the cool flow of your breath, Travel from the top of your spine,  Down,  Down, Down, Till it reaches your tailbone,  Filling your spine with space, Stretching you tall,  Releasing all the tension,  And filling you will stillness.  PAUSE Now find the heaviness in your chest, Where the buildup of anxiety might be.  Breathe deeply into it,  Feeling your chest expand, And create more spaciousness inside.  PAUSE Imagine your breath encompassing the hot spots of anxiety and worry, Massaging them gently, Until they dissolve, And disappear, As you sink further into relaxation.  PAUSE Release and relax, Release and be free.  Release and come back, To the you you’re meant to be.  LONG PAUSE Right now, In this moment,  Everything is fine.  Stay here, In this moment, One with your body, One with your soul, One with the Divine.  PAUSE Sink even further, Into the comfort of the present moment. Surrender yourself to it,  Honoring any discomfort,  And then giving it permission to release. PAUSE Let go of your tight hold, On all the things you want to control, All of the details that you want to organize, All of the unknowns.  PAUSE Let them gather in your mind, Gather in your body, And release with every breath out.  LONG PAUSE Loosen your grip, On all of the shoulds,  All the expectations,  All the judgments.  Watch them gather as you inhale,  And release as you breathe out.  PAUSE Let it all go.  PAUSE Release and relax, Release and be free.  Release and come back, To the you you’re meant to be.  LONG PAUSE You are exactly where you’re meant to be right now. Exactly who you’re meant to be. Follow your breath inside,  And touch the divine you who knows, Who feels, Who sees, Who creates your own world. Overflowing with love, And peace.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> To all of you mothers,  Whose babies are new, Who sleeplessly hold your sweet ones. May you find rest, And know in your soul, You can handle whatever comes.  PAUSE To all of you moms,  Who have little kids, Whose values you’re trying to mold.  I know it is heavy, But Divine is right here, Helping you to carry the load.  PAUSE To all of you mothers,  Deep in the teens, Doing your best to survive. Keep showing up, As the mother they need, And watch as they thrive. PAUSE To all of you mamas, Whose kids are grown up, Carving out paths all alone. It can be tough, As you learn to let go,  And let them live lives of their own.  PAUSE To all of you souls, Who have said goodbye, To your mother whose time had come. That hole will remain, Inside of you, Grief braids itself in who you become.  PAUSE Breathe and relax, I deeply honor you.  Breathe and sink in, To your motherly truth. LONG PAUSE Feel your motherly essence,  Swirl with the past, With the women who’ve mothered your soul.  Let it surround you, As you mother your own, Beautiful mama, you are whole.  LONG PAUSE There is sweet comfort, Knowing there is, An invisible, unspoken bond. Between all us moms,  Who won’t judge or pry, We’ll do anything to bring calm.  PAUSE So imagine your kids,  And your mother too, And all of the mamas around.  We’re connected with love, That moves mountains, The magic is truly profound.  PAUSE Dear mama, I wish, For you to feel me, When I say I truly love you. I honor your soul, And on this Mother’s Day, May you feel loved and full.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Breathe… And slow it all down.  Relax… And just notice what’s swimming around.  LONG PAUSE Like grains of sand, they gather, All the worries and fears. Heavy boulders slowly roll in, Filling you up with tears.  PAUSE The what if’s and the questions, The why’s and the pain. You’re drowning in the suffering, So much you can’t contain. PAUSE It crescendos real high, With winds of a mighty force. Uprooted and helpless, You must let it take its course.  PAUSE The outpour of emotions,  The exhale of all that’s dark. All that’s been pent up, Releases with quite a shock.  PAUSE Let it go and let it be, Feel your body collapse. Let it go and you will see, You will gently relax.  LONG LONG PAUSE Feel into the stillness, That fills up every cell. Now that you’ve let go,  You can breathe and be well.  PAUSE In the exhaustion of the breakdown, In the rubble at your feet, There’s wisdom that awaits you, It’s subtle and discreet.  PAUSE Open your ears to listen, The whispers are quite soft.  Your soul is finally saying, What it knows is in your heart.  LONG PAUSE The beauty of the breakdown, Is that the noise subsides, So you can finally hear, What fear and worry hides.  PAUSE And when you’re raw and open, You’ll see the pain was good.  For in it was a purpose, And all is understood.  PAUSE Break through, and be free, No longer are you in pain. Gather up the lessons, Live vibrantly once again.  PAUSE Feel into the stillness, That fills up every cell. Now that you’ve let go,  You can breathe and be well.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, it's Katie, and today, I'm here to say hello and give you a little update.  It's May 1st today, which means we're stepping into Mental Health Awareness Month.   What have you been doing to be kind to your mind lately?   On today's solo episode, I'm sharing about some fun, extra meditations we're putting out for you across the network, some for mental health, some for moms, and some to share about other podcasts the team and I love to support our mental health.   I'm also sharing the two things that are working really well for my mental health lately! And...I'm sharing a poem I wrote in one of those "ugly" moments of life. I hope it resonates and that you are inspired to continue on your perfectly imperfect journey of being you!   Namaste, Beautiful,  Katie  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Knots in my belly,    Storms in my mind, The pressure is rising high.  The world is shrinking,  As I try to scream,  I crumble heavily and cry.  PAUSE… It feels like my brain,  Is exploding inside, Trying to figure it all out.  It feels like my heart,  Will burst at the seems, Aching with pain and doubt.  PAUSE… I guide my hands up,  To touch my sweet heart, They’re burning with so much fire.  They find the fast beat, Inside my chest, Peace is what they desire.  So I slow down my breath, And soften my face, And sink a bit further until, My hands and my heart,  Have found pace, And slowly, I become still. LONG PAUSE… My mind wants to scream,  That no one really gets,  The mountains I carry around.  My heart wants to cry, And give it all up, Walk away without a sound.  PAUSE… But instead, here I am, Trying to find peace, Believing the chaos will fade. I have to be willing, To sit in the fire, Without feeling dismayed.  PAUSE… So breathe with me now,  Slower and slower,  Let your breath calm you down.  Feel your mind ease,  From all of that stress, Feel yourself melt in the ground.  LONG PAUSE… Layer after layer, Slowly peels away, Releasing the mountains of pain.  Layer after layer, Slowly reveals,  The vulnerable me that remains.  PAUSE… Right here in this space, Naked and raw, I see what I need the most. And just then I feel, The arms of the Divine, Hug me like a beautiful ghost.  LONG PAUSE… She whispers her words, So I can feel loved, There’s comfort that she’s here to bring.  When you’re falling apart,  I’m right here with you, I’ll gather up everything.  PAUSE… I let myself cry,  I let myself go, I release it all out with each tear. The more that I free, Everything inside,  The more I feel light and clear.  LONG PAUSE… So breathe with me now,  Slower and slower,  Let healing cover you whole.  Feel your mind clear,  And dissolve what is left, The Universe is protecting your soul.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Meditation:  Burnout

Meditation: Burnout


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> You melt into the ground, Your energy is gone. You can barely lift your eyes, You feel so withdrawn.  PAUSE… Your brain has slowed down,  Like you’re wearing a mask. You feel overwhelmed, By the slightest little task. PAUSE… All the motivation, Can’t help you right now. All the inspirations, Are useless little vows.  PAUSE… So slow down now, And honor this season of pain. There’s something to learn, Deep wisdom to gain.  You’re burnt out because, You ran way too fast.  You tried to hold it all, You did everything that was asked.  PAUSE… You’re fried because you let, Others’ goals become yours.  You listened to the voice, That said you’d endure.  PAUSE… Breathe in forgiveness, Breathe in waves of peace. You thought that your worth, Accomplishments would increase.  PAUSE… Slow down and come in, To the voice that is true, The one who knows, That it’s time to renew.  PAUSE… Breathe and relax,  Let the air fill you now. Breathe and release,  Let go of the how.  LONG PAUSE… Imagine the waves of air,  Collecting all that’s burnt. The emotions and the thoughts, That are in pain and hurt.  PAUSE… Then exhale it all, All that’s broken inside.  Breathe it all out, Feel it all subside. PAUSE… Breathe in and collect, Breathe out and release.  Breathe in and collect, Breathe out and release.  LONG PAUSE… Now as you feel the space, Open up inside, Make a silent promise, You’ll protect it with pride.  PAUSE… The moment that you feel, This feeling arise again, Recognize the damage, It brings to you times ten.  PAUSE… Let that be the wisdom, You’ve learned from this pain. Let it guide you to say no, When you feel it’s a strain.  PAUSE… You’re going to be okay, All will feel right real soon. Love yourself deeply now, Wrap yourself in love’s cocoon.  PAUSE… Breathe and relax, Let the air fill you now. Breathe and release,  Let go and allow.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Meditation:  Let It Go

Meditation: Let It Go


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Slow down now… And bring yourself home.  PAUSE… Let go of the movement of your mind, And fall deep into the center of you.  PAUSE… Feel your body melt. And your mind clear. As you surrender to the gentle rhythms of calm.  LONG PAUSE… You wrap your arms around it all,  As much as you can grasp.  You gather it all in close to you, Believing this gives you control. PAUSE… You hold on tightly, To the plans, The responsibilities, The fears, And of others.  If you can keep it all close to you, You think it’ll all be okay.  PAUSE… But this is just an illusion.  Your arms cannot hold it all together.  You cannot control all the pieces.   So let it go… PAUSE… Let go of the worries, That have resided in you for so long. You’ve become accustomed to their presence, But they don’t belong here.  So breathe them out, Let them go, And feel the space open within.  LONG PAUSE… Let go of the plans,  Those details that feel ever present, That your mind wants to organize, And strategize,  And perfect.  Let them go… And feel your mind clear, And lighten.  LONG PAUSE… Let go of all those responsibilities piled upon your shoulders. They do not control you.  They do not have power over you.  So let them go… And let your shoulders rest,  As you release the heaviness.  LONG PAUSE… Gather up the fears inside. The ones you know, And the ones that hide.  And as you sink deeper,  Let them go… And feel the darkness release. LONG PAUSE… Breathe… And let it go.  Relax… And let it go.  LONG PAUSE… All that exists, Is right here is this moment.  So open your arms,  And release everything. And sink deeper into you.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Meditation:  You Matter

Meditation: You Matter


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> You may think that no one, Will notice you here. You may think your presence, Isn’t missed by your peers.  PAUSE… You may not be aware, Of how much you mean, To others all around you, Some even unseen.  PAUSE… It’s easy to get lost, In your own busy life. And forget that you matter, There’s light in your eyes. PAUSE… You matter so much, To others around you now.  You matter so much, To those you don’t even know.  LONG PAUSE… So Let’s Begin... GRAPHIC HERE SLEEPY OCEAN SLEEP MEDITATION SCRIPT When darkness starts to call, And tells you you’re alone, Whispers you’re unlovable, And slows your lively tone.  PAUSE… Take a deep breath, And remind your weary soul, That you are deeply loved, And you are beautifully whole.  LONG PAUSE… Come now,  Deep in the center of you. Who you are is magic, Who you are shines true.  PAUSE… Allow those thick layers, Of expectations and norms, Peel away one by one, And settle all your storms.  PAUSE… You’re allowed to be you, You’re allowed to be free, To live life your way, To enjoy and just be.  LONG PAUSE… Perhaps you’ve raised your voice, You began to really sing. But no one seemed to notice, Your song turned into a scream.  PAUSE… Loneliness and sadness, Will wrap you in their cloak, Don’t let them remain here, In self-pity, you’ll start to soak.  PAUSE… The whispers will tell you, That no one really cares, The truth is love surrounds you, Be open and prepared.  LONG PAUSE… You matter so much, To others around you now.  You matter so much, To those you don’t even know.  PAUSE… In the canvas of life,  We each are just one piece.  The space that is yours, We depend on to be complete.  LONG PAUSE… So keep on singing,  And keep on being you. I promise others are listening,  They’re singing along with you. PAUSE… You matter so much, To others around you now.  You matter so much, To those you don’t even know.  💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> When your heart begins to race, And your head begins to spin.  When the hurricane of emotions, Blows outside and within.  PAUSE… When frustration takes hold, And tension tightens you up. Your words and your demeanor,  Can become really corrupt.  PAUSE… Just take a deep breath, At the moment you want to shout. Shut out the noise, And invite peace throughout. LONG PAUSE… You don’t have to do, One more thing that brings stress. You don't have to complete, One more task on your list.  PAUSE… Your value doesn't come, From all the things you do. It’s who you are and how you love, So let your soul shine through.  PAUSE… Breathe and relax. The calm will slowly return. Breathe and be still. The storm will stop its churn. LONG PAUSE… Let your feet touch the Earth, Let the wind graze your skin. Let the sun warm your bones, And calm you deep within. PAUSE… Let go of the tasks, That dance inside your head. Let go of the things you think, Will get you far ahead.  LONG PAUSE… Come deep into this moment, The only you’re guaranteed. Surrender to the stillness, Everything is here that you need.  PAUSE… Breathe and relax. The calm is here right now.  Breathe and be still. Invite it in and allow.  LONG PAUSE… Your roots have dug in deep, To the dirt below your feet. Your branches can’t be broken, You’ll bend, but won’t be beat.  PAUSE… The strength that holds you up, Amidst the harshest storms, Is always here within you, It comes in many forms.  PAUSE… So when you feel like breaking, When anxiety fills you up, Breathe in and remember, To stop and fill your cup.  PAUSE… Breathe and relax. You’re one with the soothing calm.  Breathe and be still.  All those stresses are gone.  LONG PAUSE… Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We all experience stress, and I hope these meditations have helped you work through some of those stressful moments. Did you know we have an entire podcast dedicated to helping you deal with stress, anxiety and worry? It’s called Meditation for Anxiety. Every day, there’s a special meditation for you that can help you during those high intensity moments, the daily management of stress, and even help you sleep when your mind is racing with stressful thoughts. So follow Meditation for Anxiety on the same podcast player you’re using now so you can have these special meditations at your fingertips. Right now, I want to share one of my favorite episodes called Anxiety Release. I hope you really enjoy it.   To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Breathe now, dear one. Really breathe. PAUSE… Slow it all down, And know you are loved.  You are love.  PAUSE… When your mind feels like it’s about to explode, And your heart feels like it will escape your chest, When the tears beg to be released,  Let your breath bring you home.  LONG PAUSE… Let each inhale, Clear away the clouds. Over and over again. Until the blue sky reveals itself. Until the sunshine trickles through, And warms your heart.  Warms your soul. And reminds you that it’s all okay.  LONG PAUSE… Let each exhale release the gray, And make more room for the sun.  More room for the warmth. More room for love.  LONG PAUSE… For love is what you are. Beneath the layers of plans, Stories, Worries and fears, Who wrap you in their promises of importance.  PAUSE… You are love.  Energy that magically dances with the stars,  And sings with the wind.  PAUSE… You are perfect in this moment.   Nothing can break you. PAUSE… You are love. PAUSE… Surrender to your breath, And feel the layers of heaviness fall.   Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Invite yourself to settle, And calm your breathing down.  PAUSE… Bring your attention inside. Feel your face relax, Your neck and shoulders melt, Your chest open, And your legs soften.  Breathe… LONG PAUSE… Perhaps you’ve felt it a time or two, Perhaps you can recall.  That feeling of discomfort and pain, That made your world feel small.  PAUSE…  Your natural instinct is to writhe, And fight against what’s there. Your mind seeks to avoid, Escaping is your only care. PAUSE… But if you just breathe, And allow the discomfort to stay, You’ll see that evasion is futile. Through is the only way. LONG PAUSE… Once you accept, That your journey must proceed, Your shoulders will strengthen, You’ll find everything you need.  PAUSE… It won’t be easy, And there may be wounds you endure.  But those wounds will turn to scars, And the lessons will stick for sure.  PAUSE… So keep moving forward, Even when you want to quit. The only way out is through, So take a deep breath and commit.  LONG PAUSE… Once you’ve pushed through, After you’ve gone through the tough, The journey will have changed you, You’ll know you can handle more stuff.  PAUSE… It takes true courage, To look suffering in the eyes. And instead of running away, Accept that you’re allies.  PAUSE… So breathe in real deep, And know this much to be true. When discomfort comes your way, The only way out is through. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> When all of the shoulds, Fall down on you like rain.  When all the tasks, Pile up inside your brain.  When all of the worries, Bubble up and pop, When all of the details, Just won’t seem to stop.  PAUSE… Squeeze your eyes shut tight, And take a deep breath in. Fill yourself with air, And find your stillness within.  LONG PAUSE… Imagine all the clouds, Painted across the sky. The sun kisses their tips, As they slowly pass by. PAUSE… If you widen your gaze, And see the water around. The waves are slowly dancing, Reflecting light that surrounds.  PAUSE… The space is wide open, And nature brings you peace. This is where you’ll find, The quiet that you seek.  LONG PAUSE… Imagine the gentle wind, Brushing across your face. Let it carry away the thoughts, That take up so much space. PAUSE… Breathe in the sweet air, The trees so generously release. Feel the oxygen dissolve, Any heaviness till there’s peace. PAUSE… More space opens up, The quiet spreads out wide. It fills your beautiful body, All the noise subsides.  LONG LONG PAUSE… Your mind, your body, your soul, Are yours to love and protect.  You can say no to the noise, Refuse its disruptive effect. PAUSE… All you have to do, Is remember you’re in charge. Breathe out all the noise, And feel the quiet grow large. PAUSE… Let your soul feel refreshed, As nature brings you home. Your mind is calm and clear, The quiet has lovingly grown.  Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, it’s Katie and I’m so excited to share this bonus episode with you. So many of you, over half of our listeners, come to use our meditations and sounds to help you fall asleep. So, in honor of Sleep Awareness Week, I want to make sure you know about our most popular podcast Sleep Meditation for Women that millions of people, just like you, fall asleep to every single month. Tonight, I’m sharing a fan favorite called Healing Waves of Sleep. If you love it and want more, follow Sleep Meditation for Women on your favorite podcast player.   Love, Katie To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Lay your head down softly, And let your body melt.  PAUSE… Ease into comfort, Allowing yourself to move and adjust, Stretch and contract, Until you find your favorite sleeping position. PAUSE… Now breathe, Deeply and fully, Telling your body and your mind, That it’s time to rest.  And as you exhale,  Imagine sinking further into your bed, And deeper into comfort.  Find the rhythm of your breathing. And see if you can inhale just a little deeper, And exhale just a little longer, Slowing down your breathing,  Slowing down your body, Slowing down your mind. Breathe… LONG PAUSE… Surrender yourself to the night. Bring all your pain and woes, All the worry that grows, Give her all that’s broken tonight.  LONG PAUSE… Hand your body to the gentle arms of sleep. All those places that need healing, All the emotions you’ve been feeling, Need the night to heal them real deep.  LONG PAUSE… Recovery mode will soon be upon you. Anything broken or bruised, Any part of you that’s confused, Will slowly repair and renew.  PAUSE… Breathe in and collect, All that needs repair.  Breathe out and protect, Recover with sweet care.  LONG PAUSE… Sink deeper and deeper into your dreams. As your body gets quiet and heavy, As your breath gets slower and steady, Let healing come upon you in streams.  LONG PAUSE… Feel the peace and stillness spread. Every breath calms you down more, Every minute here helps you restore. As you melt deeper into your bed.  PAUSE… Breathe in and collect, All that needs repair.  Breathe out and protect, Recover with sweet care.  LONG PAUSE… Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> We hold on so tightly, To the outcomes that we want. Our fingers squeeze around them, And our hold locks into place.  PAUSE… Our vision hones in on what’s within our grip, And suddenly everything else is invisible. PAUSE… We wait and we watch, Counting the moments as we stare, Completely oblivious to anything else around us. PAUSE… What we don’t realize, Is that we’re suffocating our desires,  The tighter we hold. And we become blind to the manifestations of our dreams, That aren’t born inside of our fists. PAUSE… So dream, sweet one, Visualize and hope, And take action every single day. But peel back those fingers,  And loosen that grip. Widen your gaze, And detach from the outcome. So creativity can flow, And you can breathe. Breathe now, Pulling the air in deep into you, As it fills you up. And then release, As you exhale all that air out.  PAUSE… One more deep breath in, Expanding your belly and chest to their max, Gathering up those details, Thoughts, And worries, And then releasing them all, As you breathe out. PAUSE… Now, bring your breathing to a soft, easy rhythm, And be here for a bit. One with the movement of your body, One with the openness of your mind. LONG PAUSE… Holding on tightly to the outcome we want, Will not ensure we get it.  But it will steal our attention, Intensify our emotions, And cause our minds to obsess. PAUSE… So imagine your hand opening gently, On the outcomes it desperately holds. Imagine your fingers slowly peeling back. PAUSE… Watch those petals of desires,  Unfurl and expand, Free from the pressure, Free to breathe. PAUSE… Breathe here with them, And find a gentle rhythm that nourishes. PAUSE… Feel the soft breeze kiss your face, And dance with the colorful petals in your open hand. PAUSE… Slowly and beautifully, The petals ride the waves of the breeze, As they float away in all directions,  Free to land where they’re meant to be.  LONG PAUSE… And here you are, Light and peaceful, Relaxed and calm. Surrendered to the magic of the petals, That will dance and spin, Until they’re ready to land. Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player.  Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> It’s all here inside. The answers. The peace. The why. PAUSE… But the mind is loud, And fills your head with noise. Fills your body with stress. None of it is needed.   Everything you need is inside of you. PAUSE… So find the quiet, And touch the pools of calm water inside. Breathe… And come inside.  Riding the waves of your breath, In… And out. PAUSE… Let it pull you away from the thoughts, As the emotions dissolve into the background.  As you come here, And just breathe. LONG PAUSE… Listen for it, The soothing songs of the quiet, That open up space, Release the pressure, And let you float. LONG PAUSE… Listen for it, The voice that is heard by your heart, Not your ears. The sounds of love, That saturate your soul. It’s all here, Waiting for you. PAUSE… So find the quiet inside, And touch the stardust. PAUSE… The water is still here. And all is made clear.  Namaste, Beautiful 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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