Paranormal Analytical

Eddie Hill, Rick Warren, and James Toups, Host of Paranormal Analytical, discusses all things Paranormal, from Haunting's, UFOs, Cryptids, and Missing People. This is a show you won’t want to miss.

Bigfoot, Werewolves, and UFOs

Werewolves, Bigfoot, Dogmen, and UFO's.   All the same topic?  Maybe?  Maybe Not?  Hard to say for sure.    Sometimes we connect all topics into one!   Why?  Well, many times they they are all seen together.  UFOs along side or in the area of a Sasquatch sighting, or a Dogman sighting.   I have also heard of a fight between a Sasquatch and  a Dogman.   Guess what happened?  Listen in and please share!   Thank you everyone!


Werewolves, Dogmen, and other Shapeshifters

Join us on this fascinating interview with Pamela K. Kinney, author of Werewolves, Dogmen, and other Shapeshifters Stalking North America.  An interesting and fresh look at the stories behind the stories of Dogmen encounters and other creatures that lurk and share the shadows of our imagination.   Please share this and get a copy of her latest book.   It's defiantly a must for the Paranormal Researcher.       


New Dogman Page

Paranormal Analytical has created a new Deadly Dogman Page where we will be keeping everyone posted on our new documentary film, dealing with an A-Pex Predator known as a Dogman.   Please check out our Facebook page at: Please pass this around and we hope you enjoy our show!   Be ready for more to come.


Halloween Special with Troy Lillie, Host of The Motley Croc Show!

Join Paranormal Analytical and The Motley Croc Show, as we discuss the Myth of the White Alligator and other Cryptids!   Live animals on the show tonight!   Be ready!   Please share and thank you for watching!   


Paranormal Round Table Host, Josh Turner Joins Discussion on Cryptids.

Paranormal Analytical welcomes Paranormal Round Table Host, Josh Turner.   Join us as we explore Cryptids and the Close Encounter Josh experienced with a Dogman.   Join Josh Turner as well on Paranormal Round Table, an incredible and informative show that will leave you questioning everything you know about reality.   He is an awesome host/guest and really knows what he is talking about.      Please share and as always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated!    


Special Guest: April Busset "The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey"

April is a Celebrity Psychic Medium, Natural-Born Clairvoyant, Remote Viewer, Automatic Writer, Ghost Hunter and Shaman.  April was featured on the Travel Channel's hit series "The Holzer Files."  She is the host of "Live Readings with April The Psychic Housewife of New Jersey, where she preforms live readings to a live audience.   This show airs on Paranormal Warehouse every Tuesday at 8:00 PM.    April has been communicating with Spirits since the age of four, after she was visited by her deceased father, who passed away two years prior.   She has investigated some of the most haunted places in the Unites States and accurately relayed messages from spirits who inhabit these haunted locations.  Visit:  Please share and as always. Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone.


Special Guests...Dallas Lovato and Brittany Barbieri

Dallas Lovato and Brittany Barbieri join the Paranormal Analytical Cast on an amazing journey through all things Paranormal.   This will be an explosive show with many twists and turns.   Join us LIVE for an exciting adventure!   Let's see where these two Professional Ladies take us and what they have in store for the future of Paranormal Documentation.  Please Share, and as always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone.



U.F.O.s are being spotted more and more, and to be honest, ALOT more over the state of Texas.   What are they looking for, and why are they here.   Texas has long been a Hot Spot for U.F.O. sightings and the sightings are continuing to grow at a rapid rate.   Fleets of U.F.O. are being witnessed all across the world.   Is something on the horizon?  Join us as we talk about and discuss this fascinating topic.   Please share this and remember that Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you so much everyone and we hope you enjoy the show. 



Is Stigmata a spiritual thing or is it something controlled by ones mind?  How can it be explained?  Please listen in!   This is a topic not often discussed in the Paranormal world.   Feel free to share with friends and family!   Listener Support is Greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone!  



What are the Prophecies surrounding World Events today?  Is Prophecy real or is it all a Coincidence?  Join us as we dive into this subject and try to make sense of it all!   Who do you believe and what will come our way as we travel down this uncertain future!  Please share with all your friends and family and as always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone and thank you for listening!  


Special Guest: Brittany Barbieri

Cryptozoologist, UFOlogist, Paranormal Investigator...Tonight we welcome the lovely, Brittany Barbieri, who studies all forms of Paranormal Anomalies.  Join us as we dive into all things Paranormal!   Please SHARE on your pages with all your friends and family!  Topics of discussion?  Well, let's just say that we hit on ALOT!   You won't want to miss this show!   Brittany is a wealth of knowledge and you really need to listen to her.   She will also be making television appearances, so you will want to watch for her.    Please share and follow us!  We are on Anchor.FM, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts!   Listener Support is greatly appreciated!  Thank you all so much and we hope to hear from you all soon. 


Paranormal Mix

Join us tonight as we discuss...Pacts with the Devil, Resurgence of the Ouija Board, Conjuring, and Spell Casting!   This was a very interesting show of the different things involved within the Paranormal.   Listen in and please feel free to share!   Listener Support is greatly appreciated!  


The Beast of Bray Road

We had a great show tonight with Donna Wells Fink.   She is putting together a conference on The Beast of Bray Road!   October 2, 2021.  Join us for an exciting show on Werewolves, UFOs, Cryptids, and Gremlins.  After learning that the Beast of Bray Road and other cryptids were right in her own backyard of Wisconsin, Donna went on the hunt. That was in 2011 and she is still out in the woods and fields experiencing the unimaginable. In their adventures they have run across Dogmen, Bigfoot, UFOs, orbs, Gremlins and even a Wereboy.  Her quest continues, hoping to uncover other reclusive cryptids reported in the area such as Flying Man-Bats and Flying Witches. With all of her experiences and investigations, she knows to expect the unexpected. Donna can be found on her YouTube channel, Donna Wells Fink, interviewing eyewitnesses and searching locations of sightings.  She is the Midwest Director of the North American Dogman Project and has her own paranormal group, Southern Wisconsin’s Wild Ones Ohio Michigan Illinois. Donna participated in the documentary “Wisconsin Werewolves”, and also in the Small Town Monsters documentary, “The Bray Road Beast”. She is writing a book on her paranormal adventures.  This year for the first time ever, Donna is holding a Beast of Bray Road Conference 2021 right here in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.   Vendors More Vendors will be added. If interested in being a vendor, please contact Donna Wells Fink at


Atheism and the Paranormal & U.S. GOVT. U.A.P. (UFO) Report

We welcome special guest, Jason Alexander, as we discuss Atheism and the Paranormal.  We will also be discussing the Latest United States Government U.A.P. (UFO) Report, just released!  What did it tell us?  Well, besides...Nothing!    Please share our Podcast with friends and family and as always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you so much to everyone who listens and shares our show.   


Dogmen Encounters with Special Guest Mark Garroutte

Mark Garroutte is an Army Veteran who lives in Oklahoma City.  He has been searching for proof of Cryptids over the last four (4) years.   Join us as we discuss his latest encounters with Dogmen as well as some Bigfoot stories.   He is knowledgeable and his thirst for the truth motivates all his expeditions.   Please Share and we hope you enjoy!  Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   


Interview With Cheryl Lynn Carter

Nevada Triangle- Area 51 and S4 Little Egypt Triangle (IL) - Cahokia Mounds Alaska Triangle - Plane Crash of House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, wanted to reopen the Kennedy Assination & links to the death of Marilyn Monroe BOOK- Dimensions...Mysterious Triangles of the U.S.    Listen In and Follow Us on Spotify, Anchor.FM, and Apple Podcasts.    Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone!


UFO Disclosure & The Church of Satan

More and more UFOs are being brought forth by the U.S. Govt.  When and what will the disclosure show us?  We will be discussing this and bringing you the latest on this subject!   Honestly, we can't wait!   This is the biggest news to hit the United States!   The Church of Satan influencing the world of Politics and infiltrating the schools our children are attending.  They are now offering scholarships which will give them a foot hold on our children...If we let them!   Join us as we discuss these topics and bring to light what is happening and what is going on.   Please share our Podcasts and follow us on Facebook, Spotify, and  As always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated.   Thank you all so much!   



Sightings of UFOs have been increasing greatly over the last six (6) months.  The United States Navy is releasing (Slowly) UFO footage for all to see!   What does this all mean?   Why all the UFO Activity?   Join us as we discuss this mega interesting topic!  Please share and pass along our Podcast!   Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   


Todd Neiss Bigfoot Encounters

Paranormal Analytical would like to welcome, Todd M. Neiss to the show.  We will be discussing his encounter with Bigfoot and much, much, more!   Be sure to join us for a VERY interesting show.  Please share with your friends and family and follow us.   We did have a few audio glitches at the beginning of the show, however, we did get them worked out.   We have to love electronics!  LOL    Listener Support is greatly appreciated!   Thank you everyone!   


Paranormal Open Mic!

Paranormal Open Mic was the topic of tonight's show!   Dillan Holliday joined us for a blast from the past conversation on some of our favorite shows.   Listen in and have some fun as we always discuss all things Paranormal!   As always, Listener Support is greatly appreciated!  Please share and enjoy the show!


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