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Parenting Well Podcast

Author: Parent Engagement Network

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Welcome to the Parenting Well Podcast with the Parent Engagement Network! I am Dr. Shelly Mahon, your host. This podcast provides perspectives on parenting, so that you can fill your parenting well with information, strategies, and resources that help you raise healthy, happy humans. Filling your well will leave you more engaged, educated and empowered to support your children in being strong, resourceful, confident and resilient in the face of life’s challenges and adventures. Let’s fill that well!
45 Episodes
Comments (19)

Lawrence McPherson

Loved this podcast. . . . !! There was a point in the discussion where something was said that made me think of one of my cornerstone beliefs of working with kids. "Before kids care how much you know, they want to know how much you care". Showing up humbly, caring, and respectfully is so important.

Oct 19th
Reply (1)

Lawrence McPherson

Jesse LeBeau was a great guest. . . . ! I enjoyed listening to his story. Jesse is Right. Attitude is Everything . . . . !!! "The World I'd a Bumpy Road". Don't bubble wrap your kids. Confidence has to be earned! It can't be given. Stumbling forward. . . . Great Concept. πŸ‘πŸΏ

Jan 10th

Lawrence McPherson

Big take aways for me . . . Be Honest and Open. Slow Down and spend time with kids. Take Care of Yourself. (Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, and I'm gonna add Spiritually) Be aware of "red flag" warning signs. This was a Great Podcast!!! πŸ‘πŸΏ

Feb 5th

Lawrence McPherson

Big Emotions. . . . ! Awareness is something that we need to practice all the time. . . . Drama is the fire I don't fan the flames. . . Conflict is something not to be avoided, but to be resolved. It needs to run its course. Makes perfect sense.

Nov 30th

Lawrence McPherson

Great Podcast!! I especially liked the two pats on the back and one kick in the pants! (reminds me of the quote, "when I do good, no one remembers. When I do bad, no one ever forgets". ) I always remind others we have to celebrate the "little things" with our kiddos. Being there to just celebrate the successes in their lives is huge. . . !!

Nov 29th

Lawrence McPherson

Nina Cruz talked about focusing on the opposite of Control parenting. Being more aware of our own place where we were in our own emotions. I think that there is a certain age where this is very appropriate. That age can vary from child to child. I liked the idea of "holding on to the Child's essence". Allowing children to be on their truth. Again this seems more appropriate for older children. The idea of molding children into something instead of acknowledging they already are something struck a cord with me... There were some great points made, and great ideas brought up. The catch phrase that this all could be used to sum up the discussion was to "Show up for your kids". That is what it all boils down to...Everything else is a work in progress.

Jun 2nd

Lawrence McPherson

I like the concept of C.O.L. (Connection, Open Awareness, Love) as a way of "Showing Up " to be present for our children (youth). The idea that even in our imperfections we can show up and be present and be an example for our children (youth), and allow them to see us as someone to attach is Powerful...

Dec 15th

Lawrence McPherson

This was a Great Reminder. . . . my big take away, is take time to listen, and value the voice of our young ones. . . . !!! Thanks for sharing this Dr. Mahon.

Nov 23rd

Lawrence McPherson

Best Episode yet!!! found myself saying ouch a lot. Meaning I have some work to do on how I handle, or deal with different situations. I am going to "adopt" that mantra, "Everyone has a good heart, and Everyone deserves to be trusted." if I use that approach, how differently will the world around me change???

Sep 17th

Lawrence McPherson

two things I liked (1) Authenticity vs. Perfection. . . Relate that humans make mistakes. We have to acknowledge that to ourselves and our kids. (2) talking with our kids not trying to "fix" things. Rather listen to what our kids with the intention of listening to what is being said. . . Huge insights....!!

Jul 28th

Lawrence McPherson

Normal Sucks. . . ! Great Podcast!! As a Special Education Teacher, this is right up my Alley. I love the distinction between services and Accommodations. I advocate for my students being kids in the school. I love the notion of investing in what makes the individual excited. I guess my question is how do I get parents to advocate (and kids) for themselves. especially in the age of distance learning.

Oct 10th

Lawrence McPherson

What a Great Podcast!!! I will be interested in learning more about the archetypes discussed. I have a question. . . Can/Do Archetypes change between homelife (as a parent) vs. professional life (as an employee)? Or are Archetypes static between the two settings? Is this addressed by "masking" Archetypes? Dr. Mahon, Great Podcast.

Jul 24th

Lawrence McPherson

I very much enjoyed Wendy Gossett 's podcast. Her explanation of personality traits, ( the lion. Dorothy, the tin man, and the scarecrow) made so much sense!! Lots to think about in approaching my kids and to better communicate with them, based on their strengths.

Jun 6th

Lawrence McPherson

I like the use of "creating a space". . . That is powerful! It is full of the acknowledgement that there needs to be a leveled field when talking to our college aged kids. I have become aware that I can no longer control my kids, but now I can only influence the decisions they make. In doing this it is important that I not judge, shame, or guilt them. The risk that leads to is to be shut out of their lives.

May 9th

Lawrence McPherson

I like the idea of the coaching model. In this day and age, our kids NEED to be empowered. This is a natural way of allowing the kids to be given more control over their environment with our support, instead of us fixing things for them. Good Podcast πŸ‘

Apr 25th

Lawrence McPherson

Resilience is a long hard road. . . ! I don't think that any two roads will look the same. Finding and accepting help along the way is necessary. . . No one does it totally by themselves. Good Podcast. . . !!!

Apr 24th

Lawrence McPherson

This is a Wonderful Podcast!! Great information shared here.

Apr 4th

Lawrence McPherson

Very Informative, Valuable, and Helpful . . . !! πŸ‘πŸΏ

Apr 3rd
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