Send us a text We've got more sexy anthropomorphic animals than most people are probably comfortable with.
Send us a text Oh no, why is there something about a coroner in the title, does someone die?
Send us a text Information-sharing, character backgrounds, weapon-acquiring, and descriptions of big cool houses -- all the DnD basics in this episode! Also, a small child is *almost* saved from getting his fingers burned, a beautiful salamander gets to do rad stuff, and once again, someone knocks on a door BUT WHO COULD IT BE???
Send us a text Finally, answers to the question ~whattaya do when a salamander comes to your door at one am and asks for... h e l p ? ~ a truly relatable scenario for all.
Send us a text What is this? Another episode? An episode of a podcast? An episode of a D&D podcast? Huh? What does any of that even mean? Whatever it means, you should tell your friends about it. You can even send them This Link so that they can choose their favorite podcast? platform. And if you think you're real hot stuff, you could be so much hotter (and even pretty sexy) by giving us a rating and review.
Send us a text The story of the spooky man in basement-jail continues. Drop us a line at to ask questions or just to say hi! And if you're feeling generous, give us a sweet lil review on Apple Podcasts and maybe even throw us a like and/or a comment on YouTube!
Send us a text What the dang heck was that noise? Drop us a line at to ask questions or just to say hi! And if you're feeling generous, give us a sweet lil review on Apple Podcasts and maybe even throw us a like and/or a comment on YouTube!
Send us a text What does the title mean? You will just have to listen and find out. Also, we are now on YouTube, if that happens to be your podcast listening platform of choice!
Send us a text In this, the second episode of PFTT: Agency, we continue our adventure with Marmalade, Smooth, and Friday. Everyone is on a luxury boat in the tie-dye beanbag and hookah level, an entirely commonplace thing for boats to have. Then, something violent and weird happens and at least one thing catches on fire.
Send us a text Welcome to the first episode of PFTT: Agency! This is the episode where we meet our main characters-- as well as some other characters? My goodness, this episode truly has it all. Also there's a boat somewhere around here, if you can believe it.
Send us a text This is just a fun little summary of who we are and what we're doing! Just in case you're one of those people who enjoys information (presented in a chaotic fashion, of course).