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Passion by Choice

Author: Dave & Denise

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A podcast devoted to helping you choose to be more Positive, more Passionate, and be Present in the moment
33 Episodes
Wow, 25 years together! In this episode we talk about our 25 year journey of being together, what we've learned, and the Do's and Don't of a relationship. We even throw in some dog poop humor!
Tips to help you enlist quick and powerful daily affirmations into your life to help boost your confidence, and deal with Dinks at work!
In the follow-up to episode 30, Shannon Wood talks about how to allow your children to succeed in school, how to prepare them for those challenges, and how to not freak out and embrace the empty nest!
Today Dave interviews Maggie Wood, an incoming Sophmore to Oregon State University. Maggie talks about how to physically and mentally prepare for school, being away from home, and all of the challenges that come with school!
Negative self-talk can sabotage your day, your attitude, and your progress. Positive self-talk can be the spring board to success and happiness.
Burnout at work can lead to health problems and just generally hating life. Let's talk about how to fix this, believe in yourself, and avoid burnout!
Burnout happens to everyone! Let's talk about progress over perfection, giving yourself a break, and avoiding the dreaded burnout!
It's time to check in on those New Year resolutions. Have you found success, struggles, or a combination of both? We share our personal updates and also talk about how it is ok to NOT hit your goals too!
The "A" word- Adulting! Ooof, this one can be tough, but stay positive! We'll give you some tips and tricls to make "Adulting" easier!
Bit-by-bit, day-by-day. Consistency wins the race. Let's talk about why slow and steady progress is so important
Ahhhh, Vacations! We all love them, but let's talk about how to make the most of the vacation, how to be present, and some tips for successful relaxation!
The key to marketing, attracting the kind of people you want to attract, and having great friends is to simply be YOU. Embrace the weird, and lean into your uniqueness
Ep 021: Talk to Me!

Ep 021: Talk to Me!


Communication is the key to everything! We discuss ways to be a better listener, be more present in conversations, and some differences in communication styles.
We dive into an athlete's psyche, and discuss how to stop limiting yourself so you can grow from good, to Great!
We all do it: we worry about a future outcome, and we suffer before it even happens! Let's talk about ways we can use the proper mindset to help us not pre-suffer.
Let's talk about all things relating to body image! Don't beat yourself up about how you look! Set goals and be happy with progress. It all starts with the proper mindset!
Stop taking yourself so seriously! Laugh, enjoy the moments, be FUN! Science proves that the benefits of NOT taking life too seriously are huge. Let's Go!
How much is enough? When will you start prioritize living the life you want to live over money, status, and material possessions? Join us for a powerful episode on changing your life.
Money- it makes the world go round...but does it really buy happiness? Tune in for ways to find that happiness and create the lifestyle you want
Follow-through is tough, especially when we don't want to! We'll help you remember why that follow-through is so important, and how to stick to your word!