DiscoverPassive Profits on Etsy | Sell Digital Products, Make Passive Income Online, Side Hustle
Passive Profits on Etsy | Sell Digital Products, Make Passive Income Online, Side Hustle
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Passive Profits on Etsy | Sell Digital Products, Make Passive Income Online, Side Hustle

Author: Jacqueline Butler | Etsy & Digital Products Coach + Top 0.1% Etsy Seller

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The Go To Podcast for Ambitious Women Who Want to Start Selling Digital Products on Etsy

Do you want to start selling digital products on Etsy but have no clue where to begin?
Are you stuck in information overload without taking any action?
Think you don’t have the time to start an online business that actually makes you money?
Do you wish you had a consistent stream of passive income coming in while you sleep?

Well - there’s a way. This podcast will help you start your own online business, generate passive income on autopilot, and free up your time so you can bring in more money and spend your energy focusing on the things you love.

Hey! I’m Jacqueline. A boy mom, wife, and shameless Bravo TV fan. For years, I was relentlessly searching for a profitable side hustle to make extra money online. I tried everything from virtual assistance to MLMs. None of it felt right; I was chasing the dream of side hustle success, but all I found was burnout and frustration.

I finally realized that if I was going to break free from trading my time for money, I needed a passive business model that would earn for me even as I slept.

I developed a strategy of selling digital products on Etsy that allowed me to leave behind a teaching job I didn’t love and become a Globally Ranked Top 0.1% Etsy Seller reaping the rewards of passive income every single day.

Now, I’m more present with my family and have the freedom to live life on my own terms. I’ve mastered a strategy that not only changed my life but has the potential to transform yours too. And I can’t wait to share it with you!

If you are ready to generate passive income by selling digital products on Etsy, implementing strategies that align with your values and fit into your schedule, and that doesn’t demand your constant presence on social media...
Giving results that mean real financial freedom and the joy of running a business that makes money while you sleep - this podcast is for you!

It’s time to give ourselves permission to redefine success and start living a life of freedom on our own terms.

So, reheat that coffee and pop in those earbuds, it’s time to start binge-listening to your new favorite podcast. Welcome to Passive Profits on Etsy.


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19 Episodes
Hey love!   Something just recently happened in my life that really affected me and got me thinking about this little thing called life. And it really shifted my perspective on the reality of living life on your own terms. On our really, really short life. Truth is, we are all going to die. I hate to get morbid, I really do, but it’s the truth and we all know it.    Imagine what your life could look like if you made the decision to take action on what you truly desire?    Whether you want to make a big move like changing countries, start a business, or simply have the time to sip a hot coffee alone quietly every morning - this episode is for you. Because although it’s a total cliché, life really is short, and creating the life you want is going to fill you with the energy that comes from spending more time in creating the life you actually want to live in.   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE 5-Step Starter Guide:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love!   If you are totally confused and overwhelmed with what is even legal on Etsy with all that not so fun stuff like…. TAXES too?! You aren’t alone. It’s part of the reason why some people get scared of the unknown and would rather not jump into the world of online business. But the fact is - we can’t play ignorant to rules, policies, and laws… or we face consequences. We have to be aware of what is going on if we want to be successful on Etsy - or any business for that matter!   I dive into Etsy’s Legal Considerations and Tax information in this episode - because… we can’t play ignorant. You are going to want to hear the do’s and don’ts of Etsy in this episode. Enjoy!   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE 5-Step Starter Guide:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love!   I am so excited to have this conversation with you today. Getting over that fear of starting an Etsy business. I have four very easy mindset shift hacks that I’m going to be going over with you right now and these are things that that personally helped me get over my fear of jumping into online business and more specifically, Etsy when I started 4 years ago. Like that was a hot minute ago in June it will be 4 years and I remember being super afraid of starting this business. I thought no one was gonna buy from me. I was afraid of the tech I didn’t know I didn’t understand which software to use I didn’t know what I was gonna create. I had shiny object syndrome and wanted to create all the things. I thought I was gonna take so much time But none of that actually ended up being true. It actually ended up being so simple and so easy, but really we have to mind our minds so that we can actually start and overcome those fears. Alright let’s get into it!   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE 5-Step Starter Guide:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love! No clue on where to even begin with starting to sell digital products on Etsy? This is the episode for you. I am going to be walking you through 9 different steps on exactly what to do to get your Etsy digital products journey started the right way. Even if you have ZERO experience selling on Etsy or creating a digital product. These are the steps I took to create my first listing and what led to over 90,000 sales without any social media, paid ads, or experience - and I KNOW that you can do it too.    xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | MENTIONS | 40 FREE Listings on Etsy  Canva  Creative Market (mockups + design elements)  Creative Fabrica (mockups + design elements)  PlaceIt (mockups)    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE 5-Step Starter Guide:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love!   Welcome to the Passive Profits on Etsy Podcast. You may have noticed a name change - YUP, just like you're here learning how to sell digital products on Etsy, I'm learning how to do this whole podcast thing… and I decided that naming my podcast “Passive Profits on Etsy” just sounded more aligned to what I talk about here - which is how to sell digital products on Etsy for passive income.   And speaking of the word “passive” - that’s what today’s episode is all about… the truth about the coveted and elusive “passive income” business models out there online.   Is it real? Is it attainable? Is it a myth? Is it a LIE?! In this episode, I’m going to dish out the truth on what passive income means and the reality of what it really looks like.   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love!   If you’ve spotted the terms “faceless influencer” or “faceless creator” or “faceless instagram” popping up on your feed, you’re not alone.    These kinds of accounts are full of aesthetic lifestyle shots and growth tips and the #facelessmarketing has over 150K posts on Instagram and 18K posts (and counting!) on TikTok.    This is a rapidly growing business model that so many people are interested in jumping into… but the reality is - the concept of being “faceless” goes so much deeper than just not wanting to show your face. And I know of the BEST faceless business model that DOESN’T require you to post on Instagram or social media - and I’ll let you in on it in today’s episode.   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program  Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love! So for about 3 years, especially in the beginning of my Etsy business, I was incredibly quiet about it. I didn’t talk to anyone other than my inner circle which was pretty much just my family and best friend about it - and I think it probably had a lot to do with the fact that I had failed in the past at so many side hustle opportunities. I didn’t want to feel that sting of public failure again. So when I started my digital product Etsy business, I loved the fact that it was faceless, I didn’t have to market my product on social media or ask for the sale through any cringy DMs. When I ultimately saw the incredible success that it brought me, enough to even leave my cushy and secure teaching position (that I didn’t love) - everyone was shell shocked that this was all happening behind the scenes in my life. And the fact that I became a Globally Ranked Top 0.1% Etsy Seller while hiding in the shadows, that came off as an overnight success, when it wasn’t.    So the question that I get asked all the time after I went public with my story - I mean how much more public can you get than a podcast amiright? Is just simply HOW? How did you create this successful business? How do you even create digital products? How did you market it all without social media? How can I do that too? Well - in this episode, I’m going to be explaining the two different ways that you can learn from me - a top 0.1% Etsy Seller - and how this behind the scenes faceless business model can work for you too.    xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hello love! Hitting page one in search results is the holy grail not only on Etsy, but in Google, amazon, and even on social media. That's where we ultimately want to be and the reason is simple - the more eyes on us, our products, our business, the more exposure and ultimately sales coming into your bank account. That's what we all really want… and our ranking can help us get there.    Of course paid ads are going to get you ranking high. That's the whole point of paying for that spot. I would MUCH rather save my money, figure out how to rank as high as possible ORGANICALLY and free. And there is a way to do this on Etsy… actually 7 different ways to do this, and I’ll explain each of them in this episode. And here’s a little insider tip - KEY to actually getting your listings on the first page every single time is implementing the proper strategies for EACH one of them.   xo, Jacqueline   | MENTIONS | eRank    | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love! I didn’t know it at the time… but when I look back at what REALLY happened to me and my path to making over 90,000 sales on Etsy with just digital products, hitting my first 6-figures in a year and a half of my shop being open, AND retiring from my 14 year career in teaching… it was something that I 100% believe was manifested. I was doing very specific things that I didn’t know at the time was called manifestation. All I knew is that I needed to do them. I had no idea the POWER behind this… but when it became a reality and I reflected back on the things I did to get to where I am today… all I know is that I’ll never stop doing them.    In this episode, I will ask you the three most important questions you can ask yourself regarding your current job situation - and share the exact steps I took to manifest my happiness and leave my 9-5 for good… Because you deserve it too.   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hello love!    It’s no surprise that I think that selling digital products on Etsy are the bee’s knees - it’s what made me 6-figures in less than a year a half and allowed me to retire from my 14-year teaching job that I didn’t love. But… I sold physical products for years before I starting aligning my values and what mattered to me personally with my business. When I started to focus on that alignment, I noticed that physical products didn’t and couldn’t serve me the way I needed it to. HOWEVER, that isn’t to say that you are the same.    This episode is going to explain the fundamental differences of what selling digital and physical products on Etsy actually looks like in your daily life. and I’ll even discuss how you can align what is important to YOU and which type makes the most sense for your lifestyle. Because the bottom line is creating a business that truly aligns to YOU, your values, and your happiness.   xo, Jacqueline   | MENTIONS |   Canva:    | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love! So you want to start an online business and you’re a bit overwhelmed with all of the options. There are so many options out there from starting an Etsy business, to creating your own ecommerce shop, to social media management, to freelancing, to MLMs and everything in between. How do you figure out which one is best for you? What if you are a beginner? Which is the best place to start? What if you are techy and want to challenge yourself in the wild world of the internet.    I’m pretty clear on my stance of not trading my time for money, so you won’t hear me say that anything other than selling digital products online is worth your time. Virtual assisting, freelancing, social media management, selling physical products, working a pyramid scheme MLM - that’s not my jam. Remember - lazy entrepreneur - I want to work smarter and not harder. That’s just bottom line - so really we are going to dive into the question of “where is the best place to start and build you digital product business”. This episode is going to break it down for you to see which avenue works best for YOU. I’ll also give you my hot take on if I truly think Etsy is the end all be all…    xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hey love!   So you’ve got your Etsy business plan OR maybe you already have your Etsy business set up but it feels really BIG - or maybe you have so many product ideas or shop ideas that you are stuck on what the right niche would be… (stuck in that analysis paralysis we touched on last episode?!)   If you have been hanging with me for even a few episodes, you know that I hammer in the importance of being super niched in. Why? Because the tighter you have your niche and brand strategy… the faster you are going to connect with people who will buy from you. (cha-ching!)   If your goal is to grow a customer base who feels truly seen and heard who sees you as a trustworthy Etsy seller, you really need to be speaking specifically to that person. Otherwise - guess what? they ain’t buying.   So in today's episode, we are going into a cool formula that I’ve crafted for you which is the Niche D.O.W.N. formula that is going to help you niche down to where you need to be to start seeing those sales roll in effortlessly.   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hello Love! Do you like easy? I like easy. I'm talking… I LOVE easy. Remember I like to consider myself a lazy entrepreneur. And what can be easier and lazier than selling PLR products? Maybe you have heard of this but have no idea what it really means. In a nutshell - Private Label Rights or PLR are templates you can buy, edit, and resell as your own product.  And this concept is SO big right now because let’s face it… we like easy. But can we sell it on Etsy? Should we be selling it on Etsy (or let alone… anywhere?)? Is it even legal?   I’ll get into what you can, can’t, should, and shouldn’t do when it comes to PLR and Etsy. I’ll even give you my hot take on it… and I think you might be a bit surprised as to what that might be…    xo, Jacqueline   | MENTIONS |   Etsy: Creative Market:  Creative Fabrica:    | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:   *some of the links are affiliate links, which means no additional cost to you, but just a little kick back to me 🤍
I know what you want. And it is as simple as this - you want to be successful in your online business, maybe even more specifically, your Etsy business. Unfortunately… the odds are working against you. That’s because the majority of Etsy sellers fail. And you will too if you continue to do this one thing… In this episode - I’m revealing what it is and how to overcome it… and guess what - it’s so much simpler than you think!  xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Tell me if this sounds like you… you get super excited about the idea of opening an Etsy shop, you have tons of ideas of what to create, you get super motivated and open a shop, you put up one listing, and then…. You forget about it. Or maybe… you got so stuck in the analysis paralysis of figuring out what to even create to sell in your shop that you just never opened the shop all together? Listen, I get it… but I got you.   In this episode, I’m sharing the 3 BEST types of products you can have in your shop so that your customer buys from YOU and no one else… but let’s dial back the overwhelm and start thinking strategically. Oh… and… These 3 types of products will have you making sales ALL YEAR LONG…   xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Today’s episode answers a question I get ALL the time - “How did you get so many sales in your Etsy shop so quickly?”. I could say that it was because I got lucky… but the truth is, I did 8 very specific things to get there (and to be honest, I wish I knew about them earlier!) I’m doing a deep dive and walking you through each of the 8 things I did to get over 90,000 sales on Etsy in less than 4 years. Plus - I’ll even give you my hot take on a very common marketing misconception (spoiler: you don’t have to sell your soul to the social media gods!) Reheat your coffee + sneak in those earbuds, it’s time to dive into today’s episode! xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hello Love! Is it even possible to have a successful online business without social media?! The short answer - yes. The longer, more helpful answer - well…. you’ll need to listen to this podcast episode. I can’t wait to share with you the power of NOT using social media and still having a wildly thriving online business (... and I can prove it!) I’ll walk you through the exact business model that brings in passive profits every single day without social media. I even explain how using social media can actually hurt your business! Breathe a sigh of relief… because what I’m about to share in today’s episode might just align to your values more than you thought possible… Reheat your coffee + sneak in those earbuds, it’s time to dive into today’s episode! xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
Hello Love! In today’s episode I am sharing the raw, honest, and true story of WHY I left my 14-year teaching career to become a full time Etsy Entrepreneur and HOW I tripled my teaching salary and became a Globally Ranked Top 0.1% Etsy Seller. Although not a smooth road - I love my story so much because when I look back at where I started, I am so grateful for the freedom that came from all of the things I went through to lead me to where I am today. I want that for you too - whatever that freedom looks like for you, whether that looks like a few extra bucks every month to help pay for ballet classes or if you are ready to fully leave your 9-5 (like me!) and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. I walk you through every step on how I did it and I’ll even explain how you can get there too! Reheat your coffee + sneak in those earbuds, it’s time to dive into today’s episode! xo, Jacqueline   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram:
The Go to Podcast for Ambitious Women Who Want to Start an Online Business Without Social Media ***HOSTED BY A TOP 0.1% ETSY SELLER*** Are you feeling stuck in this cycle of wanting more without knowing where to begin? And maybe you’ve been wanting to start an online business that actually makes you money? Preferably while sleeping, playing with your kids, or doing the things that you actually want to do. Do you wish there was a way to grow that business without being glued to your phone draining your time and energy on social media? Have you prayed for more time to be present with your kids and less time trapped in your 9-5? What if I told you that you could have more time and energy to spend with your family and do all the things that truly bring you joy and work LESS while making MORE. Well, spoiler alert - in this podcast, you will find the freedom and permission to do business the passive and profitable way.  Welcome to the Freedom Through Passive Profits Podcast, I’m your host, Jacqueline Butler - a devoted boy mom and Philadelphia sports fan, an Etsy and Online Business Coach, and a Globally Ranked Top 0.1% Etsy Seller. My mission for this podcast is to empower and equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to build a passive and profitable online business with Etsy digital products. This is about more than just business - it’s about redefining success on your terms, offering you the freedom to reevaluate your 9-5 grind, and find success in the online business world without the constant pressure of social media.  Learn from my failures - trust me, I tried all.the.things. Being $50,000 in debt, living with my parents, and pregnant, I fell into hustle-culture hard. I did craft shows, handmade products, POD, virtual assistance, MLMs, freelancing. Literally all the things. None of it felt right and honestly… it just led to burnout and frustration. It wasn’t until I realized that true freedom meant breaking free from the endless cycle of trading time for money. You can call me a lazy entrepreneur - but I wanted a business model that earned for me even as I slept, giving me back the things I really wanted… more time with my kids, free from a job I didn’t love, and the permission to spend my days how I wanted to. Selling digital products on Etsy was my answer. I made my first 6-figures in less than a year and a half, leading me to today - RETIRED from a teaching job I didn’t love and a Globally Ranked Top 0.1% Etsy Seller with over 90,000 sales.  If you’re ready to embrace the life of financial independence, carve out more quality time with your family, and discover how passive profits can completely transform your life, then you’re in the perfect place - this podcast was made for YOU. I’ve mastered a strategy that not only changed my life but has the potential to transform yours too. And I can’t wait to share it with you! It’s time to give ourselves permission to start living a life of freedom on your own terms, redefine success and create a business that brings you freedom and lights you up. So, reheat that coffee and sneak in your earbuds, it’s time to start binge-listening to your new favorite podcast. Welcome to Freedom Through Passive Profits.   | LEARN FROM ME | Etsy Profits Academy - Course Only    Etsy Profits PRO - Course + Coaching Program    | OTHER STEPS | FREE Masterclass:  FREE Facebook Community:  Website:  Get In Touch:  Instagram: