Pastors Talk - A podcast by 9Marks

Pastors’ Talk is a weekly conversation between Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever about practical aspects of the Christian life and pastoral ministry.

Episode 269: On The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation with Kevin DeYoung

Many pastors rightly desire to reach the next generation. But how should they?In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Kevin DeYoung on his new book, The (Not-So-Secret) Secret to Reaching the Next Generation


Episode 268: On Preparing to Plant with Jeri Choi, Welton Bonner, and Bobby Jamieson

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Jeri Choi, Welton Bonner, and Bobby Jamieson about preparing to plant a church.


Episode 267: On Biblical Covenants, with Bobby Jamieson

What covenant is the new covenant replacing? If your answer is the old covenant, what do you mean?In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Bobby Jamieson about the implications of biblical covenants in a local church.


Episode 266: On Raising Up Associate Pastors, with Bobby Jamieson, Mark Feather, and Deepak Reju

What makes a good associate pastor? How can he complement a senior pastor’s weaknesses and extend his strengths?In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Deepak Reju, Bobby Jamieson, and Mark Feather about their experience as associate pastors.


Episode 265: On Pastoring Frustrated Sheep

Pastors are called to lead their sheep, even the frustrated ones.In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about how pastors should care for frustrated sheep in the church.


Episode 264: On the Doctrine of the Trinity, with Bobby Jamieson and Mark Feather

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interview Bobby Jamieson and Mark Feather about why pastors should care about studying the doctrine of the Trinity.


Episode 263: On When You and Your Boss Have Different Philosophies of Ministry

What should you do when you disagree with your boss? Should you stay or leave? What are disagreeable philosophies of ministry? In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about what you should do when you disagree with your boss.


Counseling Talk—Episode 1: On Counseling Talk

Counseling Talk is here!In this episode, Jonathan Leeman interviews the hosts—Deepak Reju, Hayley Satrom, and Garrett Kell—about the what and why of Counseling Talk.


Episode 262: On Children's Ministry (Part 2), with Connie Dever

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman interview Connie Dever about children's ministry.


Episode 261: On Children's Ministry (Part 1), with Connie Dever

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman interview Connie Dever about children's ministry in a local church.


Episode 260: On Residential or Online Seminary?

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat about seminary training.


Episode 259: On Corporate Application in Preaching, with Cheston Pickard

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Cheston Pickard, a pastor in Louisville, about corporate applications in preaching.


Episode 258: On When May a Congregation Vote Against its Elders, with Jamie Dunlop

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Jamie Dunlop about when a congregation should vote against its elders.


Episode 257: On Congregational Singing

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about congregational singing in a local church. Why do Christians sing?What kinds of songs should we sing at church?What is congregational singing?What does Colossians 3:16 mean?How can I help my church to sing?


Episode 256: On Leadership and Church Size Dynamics

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman interact with Tim Keller's article, "Leadership and Church Size Dynamics"Tips for leading my church wellWhat program should I start in my church?How can I lead my church staff well?What kind of leadership skill should pastors have?What are some problems that small churches face?What are some problems that big churches face?


Episode 255: On Transcendence

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about transcendence in worship services.


Episode 254: On Interacting After Church Discipline

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about how we should interact with church disciplined members.


Episode 253: On Criteria for Church Discipline

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about different criteria for discipline.


Episode 252: On Catholicity

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about the newest edition of Church Matters, Catholicity: Churches Partnering Together.


Episode 251: On Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy (with Jamie Dunlop)

If your church is centered on Christ alone, unity will sometimes involve building genuine friendships with Christians with whom you honestly don't share much in common. In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever interviews Jamie Dunlop about his new book, Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy.


francis kirari

Thank you for handling this topic transparently & objectively~Frank,Kenya

07-08 Reply

David Green

Would love to hear a talk on the subject of ordination

09-06 Reply

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