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Patriots 4 Liberty Media

Author: Johnny Stone

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Hosted by Johnny Stone. An American Patriot that is tired of the lies from news media, and political leaders. With his No holding back and Calling it as it is or how he sees it, You can expect to be told the truth in a blunt, Straight forward manner. From News, Current events to Politics, and everything in between. All the arguments heard in this podcast is based on all the facts presented. If it cannot be backed up with facts, It will not be mentioned. The purpose of this podcast is to speak the truth, Expose the Lies, Honor GOD, and help protest our Constitutional Republic. This is why Johnny Stone Created Patriots 4 Liberty Media Media Network.
182 Episodes
Episode 196: The Radical Left and there storm Troopers Also Known as the Biden admin and the DOJ Strikes again. You will not believe how low these people will stoop. We also talk about more crap happening to our kids and so much more. the website
Episode 195:The left is attacking Gun owners in ways I never thought I would ever see. We talk about that and more tonight.. Check it out. the website
Episode 194: Biden's speech last week crossed a line. We need to tread carefully on this and I will share with you why. This in my opinion is a decoration of war by the radical left. I will share with you what is going on and how the radicals keep poking this bear and how it is important to stay PEACEFUL AT ALL COST! the website
Episode 193: While Biden talks trash, calling us MAGA patriots fascists, The left just keeps doubling down on there stupidity. We expose it herethe website
Episode 192: Our Government is so Corrupt, They will stop at nothing to not only secure their power but to hide how bad their corruption actually is. We go over some of the new facts that came out that our Government cannot hide anymore. Get ready, We are next. the website
episode 191 : in this episode, I'm sharing with you who the Radical Socialists Truly are. They are the VIOLENT ONES and I will prove that. Also what happened to MTG needs to be exposed as well... You do NOT want to miss this episode. Please sharethe website
They Betrayed us

They Betrayed us


episode 190 : Exposing how bad the Radical left that is in control of our country has made is something we no longer recognize. Will also share what they are doing to our KIDS! This and much more.. the website
Episode 189 : We are opening up about what is going on with the Raid at Trump's Fla home, As well as some shenanigans the FBI has done. We will talk about the 1 thing that the Left got passed right under our nose and how deadly it is the website
Episode 188 : We are exposing more lies from our Government. The FBI Leadership as well as the Left running this nation is Hiding something. I'm pulling back the curtain and exposing some of it. the website
Episode 186: Our government keeps Lying to us and they actually think we are stupid enough to believe them. In this episode, I will expose some of these lies as well as how they are destroying our Constitutional Republic. The website :
Episode 185: We are welcoming in a new audience, We once again expose the BS on the Jan 6th lies and what they are hiding, and a whole lot more.. The website :
I expose how this witch hunt J6 Joke is going after Patriots Time IRL aka Tim Pool, Salty Cracker, and Alex Jones. Also showing you videos From past episodes exposing the truth. Showing what is being hidden from you on purpose.
Potato Joe Owned by China

Potato Joe Owned by China


Episode 182: We talk about how Joe Biden is compromised and What he is doing Violates his oath of office and screws Us. We also talk about SCOTUS and how they are in danger as well as so much more.The website :
episode 181: It is July 4th, and the radical tyrants running this nation into the ground are at it again. We go over their latest nonsense as well as the 4th of July Annual reading of the Decoration of independence. Check it out.. The website :
episode 180: With the Roe Vs Wade overturned, the left is going to double down and really get radical. We are talking about what happened over the weekend, and what to expect as well as so much more.
episode 179: The left has a new bad guy and once again its all smoke and mirrors as they show just how vicious they really are. We are all under attack, most just does no know it. We will talk about This and so much more..
Episode 177: episode 177: we talk about the tragedy in Texas and the TRUTH of what happened. WE then talk about the real issue and so much more.
episode 175: In this episode we talk about a Vote that will happen this week in the WHO that will go Hand in Hand with the Great Reset and how it will Destroy America. Like I said before, It is all by design. We also talk what I learned in the primary Election and so much more..
episode 174: In this episode we talk about the Supreme Court Leak and what it is doing to the left. Also Talking more about stopping CRT and SEL as well as a small detail in my community that I was not aware of that may be an issue. This and alot more.. the website
episode 173: We are going deeper in this rabbit hole and finding our things that will make you cringe. This episode I'm Exposing more of what is hidden in plain site. the website