Paul Giamatti's School Of Hard Knocks Podcast

2 old high school buddies, one a NY banker, one an LA actor, reunite forces to discuss life, liberty, and Paul Giamatti (their favorite thespian).

Ep 23 Pizza Dads 8:27:20, 1.47 AM

Best of the best


Ep 22 School's Out 8:13:20, 1.45 AM

Best of the best


Ep 21. Bragadocious 8:5:20, 11.02 PM

Best of the best


Ep 27 Sal’s Sad Pizzeria vs Jesus’s Pizzeria of Holy Pies vs Bertha Finklesteins Weightloss 10/22/20

Which do you like better? Just off the title alone? Which would be a better name to start a business with? What’s the likeability factor? Does God exist? Do you like me? If not what can I do to change that? Should I care? Today the gents are talking about likes vs dislikes, why it’s important, and how to get on the likable express if you’re already riding the rude railroad.


PGSOHK EXTRAS: Frankie Smith 10/15/20

Actor Frankie Smith is on the cayshte today. Known by the nicknames "Frankie Goes To Hollywood", "The Boss in the Crawdad Sauce", "The Bayou Banger", "Paris, France", and "The West Bank Baller" he's a man of many talents. Him and Andy discuss a plethora of topics including The Oscars, nerves and acting, and a new segment called the Best Picture Quiz Show. Enjoy!


Ep 26 The Value Of The Shock Market 10/7/20

On today’s cayshte Justin and Andy discuss the grotesquities that capture our attention, dark web videos, conversation hijack defense training, and many more lucid topics. Warning: Don't listen while eating your dinner! Or lunch! Breakfast maybe if it's something light like a piece of toast with butter. We wouldn't!


Beyond The Stars With Tom Warner 9/24/20

Today we interview painter and writer Tom Warner, who most recently described his abduction experience in vivid detail on The Berkshires UFO episode of Unsolved Mysteries (Netflix, Episode 5, Season 1, 2020). Hold on to your butts people, you're in for a wild ride.


Ep 24 The Negative Episode 9/11/20

This one just gets dark. There’s no two ways around it. We bitch about mankind. We talk about death. It’s probably a mistake to publish it in all honesty. If you’re feeling upbeat and don’t want to be dragged through the mud maybe skip this one. If you’re feeling down and want some company, then come on in, the water’s shit.


Ep 24 The Negative Episode 9:10:20, 12.03 AM

This one just gets dark. There’s no two ways around it. We bitch about mankind. We talk about death. It’s probably a mistake to publish it in all honesty. If you’re feeling upbeat and don’t want to be dragged through the mud maybe skip this one. If you’re feeling down and want some company, then come on in, the water’s shit.


PGSOHK EXTRAS: Dash Barber 9/2/20

Today we have a special bonus interview with a good friend of the cayshte, Dash Barber. He's an actor who's recently appeared in Greta Gerwig's Little Women and the head of creative agency Moment Makers in NYC. There were some brief audio issues between minutes 47 and 55 so it might get a little quiet on Dash's audio then. We apologize about that! Please enjoy our interview with Dash!


Ep 23 Pizza Dads 8/27/20

In this life there are winners and losers. You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game! You don’t play to just play. No pizzas till you score 20.


Ep 22 School's Out 8/13/20

Class is in session for today's episode as Justin and Andy take on education reform in Murka'. Paul celebrates an August 12th global holiday.


Ep 21 Braggadocious 8/5/20

In today's episode Justin and Andy discuss bragging and why it’s uncouth. The term ‘hoaxception’ is also birthed.


Ep 20 Life Of A Salesman 7/30/20

“At the glass object store there are 2 main commandments of sales: 1. You break it you buy it. And 2. All sales are final. The rest is poppycock.” - Justin and Andy of PGSOHK Justin and Andy set out to have an honest discussion about self image in their milestone 20th episode, but it turned into a dissection of the modern salesperson. Is ‘Life Of A Salesman’ a masterpiece cayshte that will be remembered for decades to come like Miller's timeless classic? You'll have to decide for yourself.


Ep 19 Unlimited Breadshit 7/23/20

Lotta drama today on the cayshte. In our second interview ever, Dmart, a disgruntled listener of the show, takes the episode hostage with gripes on last weeks interview. For today’s topic Justin and Andy talk about good bad stuff and bad bad stuff. Paul might be replaced by another fantastic actor (Can you guess who it is? We’ll give you a hint: HJschoolofhardknocks).


Ep 18 Furby On Trial 7/16/20

On today’s long awaited episode (we’re a day late, apologies) Justin and Andy delve into fads and what makes them tick. Most likely cheap batteries and caving parents. We also have our first interview ever, a major moment in PGSOHK history, our resident lawyer and ally of the cayshte Phil.


Ep 17 Pissin’ Andy and Skeptical Justin: Work Life Balance 7/6/20

In today's episode the boys talk about what it takes to find harmony between work and play, especially in these quarantine times. Paul deals with the repercussions of 4th of July.


Ep 16 The Polarization Ice Caps Are Solidifying! 6/30/20

Polarization winter is coming...and two podcayshters shtand in its way. Who are we kidding, it's already arrived in America. Let's just hope it has a better ending then GOT.


Ep 15 The Cardigan Song 6/23/20

Just listen to the whole episode. We can’t really describe this one. It’s beyond description. The overarching event that comes out of it though could not have been planned for. A case study for the ages.


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