PeerVoice Oncology & Haematology Video

PeerVoice is an independent, professional medical publishing concern focused on gathering and reporting information pertaining to clinically relevant advances and developments in the science and practice of medicine. As publishers of PeerVoice Publications, PeerVoice is solely responsible for the selection of publication topics, the preparation of editorial content and the distribution of all materials it publishes.

Elizabeth Smyth, MD, FRCP - When They Need More Than Trastuzumab: Deciding on What’s Next for Patients With HER2+ Gastric Cancer

Elizabeth Smyth, MD, FRCP - When They Need More Than Trastuzumab: Deciding on What’s Next for Patients With HER2+ Gastric Cancer


Alon Altman, MD, FRCSC - Upping the Ante in Advanced Endometrial Cancer Care: Optimizing the Use of Immunotherapy to Improve Patient Outcomes

Alon Altman, MD, FRCSC - Upping the Ante in Advanced Endometrial Cancer Care: Optimizing the Use of Immunotherapy to Improve Patient Outcomes


Christine Brezden-Masley, MD, PhD, FRCPC - Navigating HER2+ Early Breast Cancer Care: A Multidisciplinary Roadmap to Better Survival

Christine Brezden-Masley, MD, PhD, FRCPC - Navigating HER2+ Early Breast Cancer Care: A Multidisciplinary Roadmap to Better Survival


Stephanie Snow, MD, FRCPC - Mastering HER2 in GI Malignancies: Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy Backbones for Optimal Patients Outcomes

Stephanie Snow, MD, FRCPC - Mastering HER2 in GI Malignancies: Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy Backbones for Optimal Patients Outcomes


Richard Kim, MD - From Trial Protocol to Routine Practice: Evaluating Real-World Evidence for Later-Line Treatments in Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Richard Kim, MD - From Trial Protocol to Routine Practice: Evaluating Real-World Evidence for Later-Line Treatments in Advanced Colorectal Cancer


Teresa Tiano, Honours B.A. - A Challenging Journey: A Patient-Centred Perspective on Gastric Cancer

Teresa Tiano, Honours B.A. - A Challenging Journey: A Patient-Centred Perspective on Gastric Cancer


Brandon Blue, MD - Challenging Racial Disparities in Multiple Myeloma Treatment and Outcomes: Local Solutions to Address an Endemic Problem

Brandon Blue, MD - Challenging Racial Disparities in Multiple Myeloma Treatment and Outcomes: Local Solutions to Address an Endemic Problem


Jacqueline S. Garcia, MD - Small Words, Big Differences: Best Practices in Supportive Care for Patients With AML

Jacqueline S. Garcia, MD - Small Words, Big Differences: Best Practices in Supportive Care for Patients With AML


Ravi Ramjeesingh, MD, PhD, FRCPC - Immunotherapy for Biliary Tract Cancers: Changing the Narrative in Rare and Aggressive Tumours

Ravi Ramjeesingh, MD, PhD, FRCPC - Immunotherapy for Biliary Tract Cancers: Changing the Narrative in Rare and Aggressive Tumours


Gilles Salles, MD, PhD - Differentiating Decisions in Transplant-Ineligible Relapsed/Refractory DLBCL: What Are Our Options, and How Do We Choose Between Them?

Gilles Salles, MD, PhD - Differentiating Decisions in Transplant-Ineligible Relapsed/Refractory DLBCL: What Are Our Options, and How Do We Choose Between Them?


Philippe Moreau, MD - Assessing Current and Potential Approaches in Multiple Myeloma: Updates From Madrid 2024

Philippe Moreau, MD - Assessing Current and Potential Approaches in Multiple Myeloma: Updates From Madrid 2024


Raffaele Califano, MD - At the Frontline in ALK+ NSCLC: Practical Approaches to TKI Therapy

Raffaele Califano, MD - At the Frontline in ALK+ NSCLC: Practical Approaches to TKI Therapy


David Malka, MD, PhD - Providing Cutting-Edge Care for Cholangiocarcinoma: Transforming the Patient Journey

David Malka, MD, PhD - Providing Cutting-Edge Care for Cholangiocarcinoma: Transforming the Patient Journey


María-Victoria Mateos, MD, PhD - Updates in Multiple Myeloma From Madrid: Data Surrounding BCMA-Directed Agents and Their Clinical Relevance

María-Victoria Mateos, MD, PhD - Updates in Multiple Myeloma From Madrid: Data Surrounding BCMA-Directed Agents and Their Clinical Relevance


Shaji Kumar, MD - Age Is More Than Just a Number: Tailoring Treatment Across the Multiple Myeloma Journey for Our Older and/or Unfit Patients

Shaji Kumar, MD - Age Is More Than Just a Number: Tailoring Treatment Across the Multiple Myeloma Journey for Our Older and/or Unfit Patients


Andrea Necchi, MD - Familiar Tools, New Uses? Assessing Novel Combination Approaches in the First-Line Management of Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma

Andrea Necchi, MD - Familiar Tools, New Uses? Assessing Novel Combination Approaches in the First-Line Management of Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma


Jonathan W. Riess, MD, MS - The Central Role of the Pathologist in Detecting MET Alterations: Enabling Multidisciplinary Teams to Do More With Less in NSCLC

Jonathan W. Riess, MD, MS - The Central Role of the Pathologist in Detecting MET Alterations: Enabling Multidisciplinary Teams to Do More With Less in NSCLC


Mohamed El-Hussein, RN, PhD, NP / Caitlin Carreau, MN, RN(EC) - At the Forefront of Cancer Prevention: Nursing Strategies to Optimize HPV Immunization

Mohamed El-Hussein, RN, PhD, NP / Caitlin Carreau, MN, RN(EC) - At the Forefront of Cancer Prevention: Nursing Strategies to Optimize HPV Immunization


Jeffrey Habert, MD, CCFP, FCFP - Steps Towards Earlier Detection of Lung Cancer: Harnessing the Power of Primary Care

Jeffrey Habert, MD, CCFP, FCFP - Steps Towards Earlier Detection of Lung Cancer: Harnessing the Power of Primary Care


Lindsey Roeker, MD - Differentiating Between BTK Inhibitors in CLL: Same Class, Distinctly Dissimilar Agents

Lindsey Roeker, MD - Differentiating Between BTK Inhibitors in CLL: Same Class, Distinctly Dissimilar Agents


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