PepTalks with Pepperjam

They say affiliate marketing is all about building relationships and we emphatically agree. Join us as we take this concept a step (or two) further when we sit down to interview brands, publishers and industry experts.

Steve Morales on Content and the Customer Experience

On this episode of PepTalks, we sit down with Steve Morales, VP of Marketing at NYDJ. You won’t want to miss Steve’s take on the importance of nurturing the customer experience in affiliate marketing by creating the high-quality content that fulfills the “wants” of both new and existing customers.


Brook Schaaf Talks Affiliate as the Recipe for Success for Marketers Everywhere

On this episode of PepTalks, we sit down with Brook Schaaf, CEO at FMTC. Listen in as Brook details how affiliate marketing has really proved its value as a strong performance-based channel by driving conversions, increasing spend control and bringing results for marketers everywhere.


Tom Straszewski on How SlickDeals.Net Satisfies Consumers’ Craving for Savings while Protecting Marketers’ Investment

On this episode of PepTalks, we sit down with Tom Staszewski, SVP of Business Development at Slickdeals. Tune in to hear how Slickdeals helps consumers to live their best lives by saving them time and money every time they shop while protecting marketers’ return on investment, thanks to the affiliate channel. Listen in now or visit to experience the savings for yourself.


Alex Kubo on the Affiliate Channel’s Secret Sauce to Social and 3 rd Party Validation

On this episode of PepTalks, we sit down with Adam Kubo, VP Commerce and Digital Marketing at Burrow. Hear Alex’s thoughts on the importance of putting the consumer at the center of the entire experience, affiliate’s acute ability to acquire new customers and how the two complement each other to drive success for marketers seeking social and 3 rd party validation.


Adam Weiss on Why Affiliate is an Agile Mainstay in Every Smart Marketers’ Arsenal

On this episode of PepTalks, we sit down with Adam Weiss, Affiliate Marketing Strategist, Advisor, Mentor and Principal Consultant at Weiss Digital Consulting. Listen in as we chat about the “wild, wild west” early days of affiliate and how the channel has grown over the past decades—overcoming stigmas and misconceptions—to become a reliable and agile mainstay in every smart marketers’ arsenal.


Opportunity awaits those brands concentrating energies in affiliate with Alejandro Chahin of Mott and Bow.

On this episode of PepTalks, we talk with Alejandro Chahin, Founder of Mott and Bow, about the business of high-quality denim at reasonable cost and all the opportunity that awaits those brands concentrating energies and resources in the affiliate space.


Real-life experience and grass-roots mentality sparked an eye care revolution with David Roger of Felix Gray.

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam chats with David Roger, Co-founder and CEO of Felix Gray, to talk about how a real-life experience and a grass-roots mentality toward combatting eye strain sparked an eye care revolution.


Affiliate marketing plays a critical role in DTC brands' name awareness with Laura Dowling of DSTLD.

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam sits down with DSTLD CMO, Laura Dowling, to talk about the critical role affiliate marketing plays in DTC brands’ ability to get their brands’ name and general awareness out there as well as ways a start-up can tackle classic pitfalls of setting up processes that work while making the most of everyone’s time.


Overcoming skepticism about the affiliate channel and customer acquisition with Larry Shaw of Mackenzie Childs

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam sits down with Mackenzie Childs’ CMO, Larry Shaw, to talk how they overcame skepticism about the affiliate channel and now credit it as one of their biggest channels for both sales and new customer acquisition—driving roughly 2/3 of the brands’ new-to-file customer sales.


Championing commerce content creators who have affiliate revenue in mind with Emily Noszkay of Conde Nast.

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam chats with one-time Senior Director at Conde Nast, Emily Noszkay, who continues to champion commerce content creators who have affiliate revenue in mind.


Influencers and incentive partnerships help brands' success within affiliate with Daniella Yacobovsky of BaubleBar.

On this episode of PepTalks, we chat with Daniella Yacobovsky, Co-founder of BaubleBar, about the important role brand advocates, influencers and inventive partnerships play to a brands’ success within the affiliate space.


The transition from traditional media to digital and social audiences with Lauren Newman of Skimlinks.

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam sits down with Lauren Newman, VP of Revenue at Skimlinks, and discusses the transition from traditional print-based media to digital and social audiences and how performance dollars have never been more important as budgets become more and more restricted while the demand for measurement, performance and guarantees continue to increase.


What do a fish and a toothbrush have in common with Ben Goldberg of Goby.

On this episode of PepTalks, Pepperjam talks with Ben Goldberg about what a fish and a toothbrush have in common with the opportunity a brand like his has in the affiliate space. 


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