Personality Lounge

Personality Lounge is a Discord Group's weekly podcast all about personality types and the differences between us. You can join and discover your personality type by visiting: or

Enneagram Type 1

Talking in detail about Enneagram type 1’s   overview strengths weaknesses   wings instinctual varients growth line stress line Open Discussion


MBTI Types

An overview of Myers Briggs Personality Indicator types.  Going over each one in a brief detail: INTJ INTP ENTJ ENTP INFJ INFP ENFJ ENFP ISTJ ISFJ ESTJ ESFJ ISTP ISFP ESTP ESFP


MBTI How to Spot Personalities IRL Part 2 SJs / SPs

Talking about tricks and tips on being an MBTI Type Watcher looking at each type and talking about: Facial features Body features Personality behaviors The way they walk Speech patterns Values Displays of personality traits


MBTI How to Spot Personalities IRL Part 1 NTs / NFs

Talking about tricks and tips on being a MBTI Type Watcher looking at each type and talking about: Facial features Body features Personality behaviors The way they walk Speech patterns Values Displays of personality traits


MBTI & Enneagram Types in Business Networking

I talked about different types I've met IRL and interacted with during my experience of helping put on over 1,200+ Networking events and creating over 60,000+ new relationships. (I run a networking events app in my professional life called  My general business observations of each type. How I've communicated to achieve good outcomes and opportunities with each type. How does Socionics play into networking? What types are worth making an introduction with when networking?


Enneagram Part 2 - Growth & Stress Lines

A revisit of Enneagram's Growth and Stress lines. My perspective on how each type becomes unhealthy and ways to get out of it. How can we help people in our life knowing their type?


Socionics - Relationships of Cognitive Functions

This will be less about the Socionics typing system and more about the 16 relationship styles: 1) Mirage  2) Identical  3) Mirror  4) Contrary  5) Beneficiary  6) Kindred  7) Business(look-a-like)  8) Quasi-Identity  9) Duality  10) Activation  11) Benefactor  12) Supervisee  13) Superego  14) Semi-Duality   15) Supervisor  16) Conflict


Big 5 & Hexaco Deep Dive

A scientific understanding of OCEAN's personality scale. What are the 25 scales of personality does Hexaco cover? Covering all traits: Honestly-Humility Neuroticism (emotionality) Extroversion Agreeableness Consscientiousness Openness to Experience What is the H Factor thing anyway?


Jung's Cognitive Functions

Episode 2: We talk about all 8 Jungian functions in detail and mostly go over and stick to Jung's descriptions in his writing: Psychological Types.  Ne Ni Se Si Fe Fi Te Ti Did Jung really see ENTP/ENFP as the same type Ne? And INTP/ISTP as the same type??? How does the order of functions work? What are the two types and four functions? How did Myers-Briggs come about creating MBTI from Jung's functions? And More.


Enneagram the 9 Types Deep Dive

A live Discord show from Personality Lounge. Let's talk about the Enneagram—Types, Wings, Instinctual Variants, Stress & Growth Lines, Tri-types of the HEART, BODY, MIND, and the relationships between them. Also, how does Enneagram fit in with other personality tests such as MBTI, Big 5, and HEXACO.


DISC - Communication Styles

What is DISC? How is it used in the business world? Going over each one in detail: - Dominance - Influence - Steadiness - Conscientiousness How do they mix into subtypes? What other test is it similar to? What can you get out of it?


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