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Author: Advocate S

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SERIES II - this is all about EMPOWERMENT, EMPOWERMENT & EMPOWERMENT! Fun filled and enthusiastic series which will be inspiring for the listeners!

SERIES I - The New Perspective during Covid 19
Which was all about staying positive and bringing positivity in everyones lives, with guests from different countries sharing their positive tips to handle such situations!
13 Episodes
Sydney Wong is an author and entrepreneur who enjoys helping others by giving life advice and self-improvement tips. Sydney also enjoy learning as much as she can about how to be productive and have a balanced life as she believes that this is the key to being successful. Due to the pandemic taking over our lives at this moment in time, mental health is becoming increasingly important and is a growing concern. To ensure that working individuals from all around the world are mentally and physically well, Sydney has come out with How To Have A Good Day, where she writes under the pen name of ‘David Adams’ to give her best tips and tricks on how to increase individual wellbeing whilst being locked down.
PR & Media ft. tracy

PR & Media ft. tracy


Interested in Earning from the premises of your home but don’t know how to? Listen to the podcast and learn it in few easy steps with Tracy!
Get to know your creative side
Our special episode is filled with inspiration and guidance for people who are interested in becoming an Entrepreneur. Learn from the best in today’s episode! Grab a copy of her books to learn and succeed!
Important and informative guidelines for both genders so a change can be brought in their lives for the betterment! People have closed their eyes regarding such important information which is a set back for everyone
Explore Jordan in today’s episode!
Journey of a passionate National Basketball Player and the fight against society to keep the dream alive ft. Amber Mohammadzai
Final Episode of series 1! In conversation with a Philanthropist and his challenge for the audience
Humanitarian at UNICEF

Humanitarian at UNICEF


In talks with a Humanitarian who already is working for the betterment and safety of children with UNICEF and plans to progress further by involving herself in other UN projects. Her tips for people who are interested in being part of the UN projects and much more!
Life in New York

Life in New York


Episode 3 is divided into numerous segments, each discussing different aspects in the life of a New Yorker and tips for students who wish to pursue education in the US. This and more, with lots of positivity and fun!



In talks with Monisa and basic discussion regarding the circumstances in Uzbekistan followed by violation of basic rights for women during interviews and how can a change be brought about #bethechange
While the depression rates arose during the COVID 19 period many tried to gather little moments and bring out a sense of positivity. It is the most challenging part during such a situation to gather the courage to change your perspective and make something good come out for yourself and the people around you. In the series, we will be talking to people from different countries and how they moulded their perspective to keep a sense of positivity in their lives. There is a new inspiring story in every episode and motivation. It can be possible once you change your #perspective In episode 1 we will be talking to an IT genius who worked for the betterment of the unemployed and those who could not afford the purchase groceries in one go, all from the confinement of his home through his skills in the IT. Working on major projects and thinking big has been shaping his personality. This and much more will be discussed with him and will get to know his #perspective Instagram: @podcast_thenewperspective Instagram of our guest today: @online.adil
Welcome back #perspective, this is series II! This series will be more fun filled and enthusiastic as it is all about EMPOWERMENT, EMPOWERMENT & EMPOWERMENT!