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Pete Cabrera Jr: All Jesus Podcast
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Pete Cabrera Jr: All Jesus Podcast

Author: Pete Cabrera Jr

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After 15 years of traveling the world and teaching believers and ministers through out schools and classes around the globe in walking in the supernatural, Pete Cabrera Jr finally realized that it was time to share it with the world. As founder and creator of Royal Family International University and The School of Identity and Lifestyle,  Pete is proud to be able to share with you, all that he has learned in his years of service to the body to help you become the best you can be in your walk with Christ.  So, he started a podcast to go deeper and to share his journey with you all.
The mysteries of God don't have to be so difficult to understand as long as we can all grow and learn from each other.
Pete Cabrera Jr is just a friend of a friend looking to make a friend along the way.
The All Jesus podcast is a long dream in the making and now is a reality. 
"Jesus is the real start I am just His hype-man" 

If you would like to help us expand the Kingdom of God and see value in this podcast please consider partnering with me.

42 Episodes
What Christ meant by I will build my church and how does he do it? Lets find out amen. Support the show
This episode focuses on the fire of God and how it destroys all that opposes who we are in Christ while refining all that we have been called to be in him. What is the wrath of God and how did Jesus talk about it? Why fire? Support the show
How do we transition into the faith of Christ? Many of us as Christians function with the old man's faith and this is why most born-again believers get frustrated with the process of learning to walk in the supernatural. let's begin our transition shall we. Let's walk in the faith of Christ amen. Support the show
How can I see break through can you help me? Support the show
Exposing the devil in your life and how Jesus destroyed him who had the power of death who is the devil in your life according to Heb 2:14 the mystery revealed in Christ. This is why the majority of Christians go in circles and see no miracles in their walk.This is one of the most power truths you can ever walk in, and you can start now!Support the show
Are you dealing with sickness as a child of God or are you wanting to learn how to live and walk in divine health? or maybe you just want to learn to walk in healing, or maybe you just want to experience all that Christ has for you, then this episode is for you. let's go Jesus! Support the show
What makes the man and why does God require animal sacrifice and what does all of this have to do with the fall of Adam? Let's find out! Unlock your true identity in Christ. Support the show
Addressing the thief in the mind, who is robbing you of all that God is for you and how? Support the show
This is the key to walking and living in Gods kingdom. The mindset behind your walk is vital to everything you will experience on earth. The mind is the planform in which we run the race.Let us make man in our image. What self-image are you seeing yourself in? Support the show
Now faith is. Now faith is what exactly? Are you functioning in carnal faith or are you living in the faith of Christ and how can I tell the difference? The missing key to turning your walk on fire! Watch and see!Support the show
The mysteries of the power in the Lord's supper and why we take communion.Support the show
What are you saved from really? Is it about where you end up or is it about experiencing salvation now? What is salvation? Are you saved, what does that really mean? Let's explore this together, shall we?Support the show
Power on series #3

Power on series #3


Speaking from the heart, what happens to those who begin to walk in power within the institutional church and no one is helping them grow. Why are the churches not equipping the body in this power?Support the show
Power on series #2

Power on series #2


Many ministers talk about the power of God and yet we forget to address the vessel that the power flows through.Addressing the vessel of God and how to bring it into full subjection to the power of Christ.Support the show
Power on series #1

Power on series #1


This episode explores Gods original design for man and his ability to house and carry the power that would ultimately be given to him as an inheritance in Christ. Gods power and purpose had you in mind by creating you as a soul that would unlock everything withing you in Christ Jesus. The soul has a part to play in salvation and this is it. Support the show
Exorcising true possession. The final episode of the three-part series.Support the show
Manifesting the truth VS manifesting the lie, what is going on?Is it a spirit is it a demon, what is it? Why are Born again believers manifesting the lie? And what's the answer?Support the show
What is deliverance and what does it look like on the other side of salvation and the cross? Why do believers confuse deliverance with the practices of deliverance? This series will show you what it is that you are free from in Christ Jesus and how to stay free. Support the show
What Jesus accomplished on the cross and how he destroyed the works of the devil.Support the show
Jesus was casting out devil and restoring us back to the father. This episode explains the mystery behind how Jesus rooted out the devil in our lives through the cross.let's go!Support the show