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Philosophy Podcast
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Philosophy Podcast

Author: ABC Radio National

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This podcast is closing. We really love having you listen to RN but we need to let you know that we’ll be closing our subject based podcasts (don’t worry—we aren’t cancelling any shows). To keep hearing stories and interviews from RN, search for your favourite shows in the ABC Radio App or subscribe in your preferred podcasting app. If you’re looking for something new to wrap your ears around, visit the RN website where there’s plenty for you to discover.
58 Episodes
We really love having you listen to RN but we need to let you know that we’ll be closing our subject podcasts (don’t worry—we aren’t cancelling any shows). To keep hearing stories and interviews from RN, search for your favourite shows in the ABC Radio App or subscribe in your preferred podcasting app.
The rise of science was more mess than method; the untold story of a glorious revolution.
Free speech

Free speech


Should there be limits to freedom of speech?
We really love having you listen to RN but we need to let you know that we’ll be closing our subject podcasts (don’t worry—we aren’t cancelling any shows). To keep hearing stories and interviews from RN, search for your favourite shows in the ABC Radio App or subscribe in your preferred podcasting app.
Is anger a sign of moral seriousness or a dangerous slippery slope?
Is love an illusion?

Is love an illusion?


Love and the philosophy of modern relationships
How would you like your reality? David Chalmers has some suggestions.
Lesson two of this radio instructional focuses on the nervous system and guides you to your 'vegetable body' to recuperate, rest and digest.
I’m just not myself

I’m just not myself


Buddhist thought holds that at core there is no real self—two philosophers at the junction of east and west, self and mind.
Hilary Putnam

Hilary Putnam


We mark the passing of Hilary Putnam—and explore some of his key insights.
As we lurch towards a possible referendum on constitutional recognition, at least one political theorist is asking some deep philosophical questions about what that actually means. The deputy vice-chancellor of research at the University of Sydney, Professor Duncan Ivison says we need to ask how an amendment to the Constitution would establish 'just relations' between Indigenous peoples and the state.
Susan Wolf counters the criticisms and fends off the antipathy directed towards the foodie.
Free will is on the run—so why not relax and enjoy a healthy dose of compatibilism.
Aileen Moreton-Robinson has spent her intellectual life exploring racism and power. But it all begins in the bush on Stradbroke Island when her grandfather taught her the skill of tracking. The latest idea to grip her considerable mind is possessive logic and the way it superimposes itself on the land by denying the sovereign will of indigenous people.
Why do we love to deride foodies?
Cicero on growing old

Cicero on growing old


Marcus Tullius Cicero on an undeniable fact of life—and how it fares in our modern utilitarian world?
What’s so wrong with the storehouse model of memory?
What can the plant world teach us about our attitudes towards sentient life?
Charles Taylor

Charles Taylor


Since its publication in 2007 Charles Taylor’s magnum opus A Secular Age has gathered great intellectual momentum. His analysis has never been more apt.
A public act

A public act


Doing it in public might seem like a good thing, but is the truth about philosophy hard to bear?