Photog Adventures Podcast: A Landscape Photography and Astrophotography Podcast

Photog Adventures is about chronicling and sharing the stories of Aaron King's adventures getting out there with his camera. Whether you have a full time job or demanding family responsibilities you just need to start now MAKING AN ADVENTURE A PRIORITY in your life! You don’t have to go far to get out on a photography adventure and you will never regret it even if you don’t come back with amazing photos. Listen along as I recount the funny, scary and weird stories from photography adventures throughout beautiful Utah and the surrounding areas. On the podcast I discuss what went well, what could have gone better and what I have learned as we were out there. When I’m not talking recent adventures, I learn from guest photographers worldwide who share the same love of landscape and astrophotography. If you are a beginning landscape or astrophotographer come along with me through my YOUTUBE CHANNEL and learn from my mistakes and my successes! If nothing else, seeing me out there will inspire you to find time to get out there too and have a photog adventure of your own! YOUTUBE: INSTAGRAM:

Jeroen Linnenkamp from the Netherlands joins me to talk Star Color & Europe Milky Way | Episode 175

This week on the podcast I am joined by my first guest in a very long time, Jeroen Linnenkamp! Jeroen and I were talking about star color and he had the question about whether shutter could ruin star color the way that high ISO will blow out star color. I wasn't sure if there was a threshold when the exposure would start clipping the star color by shutter alone and so Jeroen did an experiment and shared the results with me for Milky Way Wednesday and today he talks about what those results mean to him. Along with that Jeroen shares adventures of Milky Way Photography from the Netherlands and a story about a beast that could have killed him while out enjoying fields of heather. Whether you are in the southwest of the United States or the low lands of Holland, Astrophotographers are always risking life and limb for the shot! Say thanks to Jeroen for joining the podcast by subscribing to his YouTube channel and following his instagram! Links below! YouTube: Instagram:


Clarence Spencer talks Astro Mods on Milky Way Wednesday | Episode 174

This week on Milky Way Wednesday I was joined by Clarence Spencer of to answer all questions about Astro-modified cameras that the Milky Way Wednesday crowd could think up! In case you missed it and thousands of you most certainly did, here is a replay of the awesome breadth of knowledge that Clarence shared with my YouTube audience! This winter we all have been challenged to capture a Winter Milky Way Panorama and one of the most critical steps to a successful one is using an Astro-modded camera. Thanks to Clarence's business we all have an affordable way to get that camera to use this winter! In between questions from the audience, Clarence also showed us how he edits his astro-modded images to give you a head-start once you capture your own astro-modded Milky Way image! Link to YouTube Video Version:


FIVE TIPS you need for Winter Milky Way Panorama | Episode 173

This week on the Photog Adventures Podcast I give you the FIVE TIPS you need for Winter Milky Way Panoramas! I won't tell what they are here so you still have to listen to me :D but I cover everything from the perfect window of opportunity for panorama as well as what hours during the night you can expect to be out there to be able to capture that perfect panorama window. The absolute best news is what is happening in February and March and what incredible fun challenge those months are bringing! I hope you will all join me in taking on the challenge of Winter Milky Way and what we get to do in February and March!


Milky Way Photography in North Carolina | Episode 172

The challenges and successes of Milky Way Photography in North Carolina! I just got back from my first Milky Way Workshop out on the East Coast and enjoyed some successes and crazy stories while out there! In this episode, I will go over FIVE THINGS: 1- Depressing Meal 2- First Night Near Fatal 3- Blue Ridge Parkway Milky Way "The Good and the Bad" 4- Rocks at Fort Fisher Milky Way "The Good and the Bad" 5- Final Goodbye to the Milky Way core at Caswell Beach Next week's episode: Winter Milky Way Panorama!


Five Favorite Less Traveled Locations in Utah | Episode 171

WORKSHOP DEAL: Buckhorn Wash Pictograph Panel: Arches Trailhead: Hoodoo Village Parking: In this episode I share my FIVE FAVORITE less traveled locations here in Utah. Often we go to the famous landmarks but wish we were somewhere with less people! These five locations will provide amazing views and easy to love compositions for either Milky Way or Landscape Photography. Throughout the episode, I share stories from each location while also describing the terrain, challenges and benefits of photography in these off-the-beaten-path locations that are still nearby classic Utah destinations.


Aaron Martinez | From Hobby to Full-Time Journalism Photographer | Ep 167

Aaron Martinez joins me to give us the inside info on his rise from Hobbyist photographer to having a FULL-TIME CAREER as a "Visual Journalist" or Staff Photographer for one of USA Today's Circulation of Austin, Texas Newspapers. He shares what worked and what he was missing in his interview process and spills some secrets on how one can join him as a career Journalism Photographer in an industry that is getting tougher and tougher to find a good paying job in. We also here his story of a potentially life-threatening wildlife encounter while in New Mexico and the story behind my absolute favorite picture out of White Sands National Park that Aaron captured years ago! I just LOVE his image! See Aaron's Portfolio here: See that White Sands image: SAVE 50% OFF TEN OF MY WORKSHOPS HERE: This is a 1-DAY sale only, so if you are reading this on Friday, August 20th then CLICK ON THE LINK ASAP! Sale ends at Midnight Friday night! :D -Aaron


Tips & Info about the upcoming Perseid Meteor Shower! | Ep 168

Perseids are going to be great this year! The timing with the moon is working out really tremendous for us this year and so the annual Perseid Meteor Shower is going to be the best we have had in several years! So let's get ready for it! Know the best mornings to go out and tips on how to take advantage of it as best as possible! Kirk Keyes and Rhonda Pierce joins me on the podcast to talk the Perseid Meteor Shower and Rhonda's transition to a mirrorless Canon camera. Read Kirk's Perseid Meteor Shower article over on


Phil Sisto | Artist in Residence at Capitol Reef National Park in Utah | Ep 164

Phil Sisto joins me to talk Milky Way Photography in the less-mentioned Capitol Reef National Park here in Utah where he was the 2020 Artist In Residence! Phil shares how he got the gig and the secrets to a good application. While also dishing on the great situation he had there with the amazing house they gave him to use while working there! From amazingly deep mud cracks around Cathedral Valley to making a 45-minute hike THREE HOURS LONGER, Phil shares his successes and misadventures while being the Artist in Residence. Phil uses Star Trackers in his Milky Way Photography and shares his best tip for post-processing the masked blend of your foreground and sky in photoshop. If you are seeing the podcast cover art I used from Phil, you are NOT getting the full glory of that image and will need to go Phil's Website to see this amazing image from the beautiful Milky Way at the top and the incredible hyper-foreground of the deeeeep cracks in the mud! It is an amazing shot! Check out Phil's Work right away! Website: Instagram: P.Sisto.Images


Welcome Back, Aaron! Crazy 3-week Girlfriend story & Workshops Update! | Ep 165

I am back! It has been a long seven months while I have been focused on finalizing my Divorce and I am VERY HAPPY to report that I am 100% completely done! I am fully divorced! I am a single man again! In this episode I update you on my move, my 3-week girlfriend who went crazy on me, my goals for the future and the upcoming workshops which will be my LAST photography workshops for a very long while. I am so happy to be back in the saddle again without any of the weight of the divorce challenge looming over me anymore that I record THREE NEW EPISODES of the podcast that will all be released soon! I am really enjoying being back at it! I hope you enjoy it too!


How many PERFECT Milky Way Photography nights are there in 2021? | Ep 163

Using the data from my 2021 Milky Way Photography Almanac, I know exactly how many perfect nights there will be next year! Join me here or on Facebook where I recorded this LIVE today and I will share with you that answer! Also, I will teach about the unique differences of Southern Hemisphere Milky Way Photography and why they have a month-to-month advantage over Northern Hemisphere Milky Way Photogs. GET MY 2021 MILKY WAY PHOTOGRAPHY ALMANAC: FACEBOOK VIDEO LINK: Link to MaryBeth's Awesome Winter Panorama:


The Opposites We Pray For | Ep 162

If you want a great sunset and I want a great Milky Way and beg nature for clear skies, I am going to ruin your landscape photography. Skies. We constantly complain about them. We want the opposite sky than we are getting more often than not. Depending on our type of photography, we might benefit or lose. In this episode, I talk about the different conditions, goals, mindsets and challenges faced by Landscape Photographers vs. Milky Way Photographers. We all want light but there is this curious love we have of LIMITED light. We want the light we have to exist but also be uniquely limited in some way so that it looks even more awesome to us. Join me as I detail the differences in both disciplines of photography, share another story from the Upper Peninsula workshop and encourage all of us to get out there and enjoy the conditions coming up that actually gives BOTH types of photography really great skies!


I'd Rather be a Crack Addict than an Aurora Chaser | Ep 161

With three napkins filled with the scrawls of locations and weather predictions strewn around her, MaryBeth announced the next likely location for the workshop. Copper Harbor! A discussion and a decision later. We were heading West! MaryBeth had woken up early that morning to find us an opening in the skies so we had a better chance of seeing the Aurora should the conditions arise. The evidence of her hours of meticulously checking multiple weather models & predictions filled the napkins with data written in a legibility only MaryBeth was capable of reading. As she gathered her nearly falling apart napkins she laughed to herself and commented aloud, "See what I mean about rather being a crack addict than an aurora chaser?" Implying that it might be even less crazy to be on crack than participate in the chase she loves best. In this podcast, I share some of the what went wells and could have been betters about last week's Upper Peninsula Aurora Workshop. From weather and aurora chasing, to the sights and waterfalls of the Upper Peninsula and my first chance using a Tiffen Fog Filter to capture Orion in the darkest sky most of us had ever been under, this past week lived up to the Photog Adventures motto of getting out there on an adventure! Image of the before and after of the Tiffen Fog Filter on Orion: Tiffen Double Fog 3 Filter: !! Be sure to pick up one that matches your lens !!


Corona Holes & A-Holes | Talking Aurora Science, Tips & Night Photography etiquette | Ep 160

MaryBeth Kiczenski and Kirk Keyes join me as co-hosts to talk about the new Coronal Holes and what that means for Aurora Photography and they get to be my audience while I share a story about people being A-Holes to each other out doing Milky Way Photography. Aurora Season has begun and we are in a Solar Minimum. Which means we are in the valley heading back up to the mountain peak. The roller coaster that is the Aurora has an 11-year cycle as it goes up to the MAX and then down to the MIN and right now we are excitedly transitioning away from the min and heading towards the max again! During a Solar Minimum, Aurora Photographers pay close attention to when Coronal Holes open up on the sun and can plan on consistent Aurora activity while the coronal holes are pointing at us. We have the coronal holes coming back around to face Earth and we are about to head into some more exciting Aurora activity, so I have on MaryBeth on to give tips for beginner Aurora Photographers and learn more about how to predict aurora. Keep up on Aurora at Link to the Space Weather Woman YouTube channel:


Smoke & Mirrors talking Landscape & Milky Way Photography in Moab | Ep 159

Oh the smoke!! Car troubles in the thick mud at the Salt Flats & playing with water as a mirror in your composition! Milky Way Photography already has the Moon & Clouds to fight with, this year the smoke became more of a problem than most years! In this episode I begin with talking about dealing with the smoke during the Out of Moab Conference. Smoke Map at After two nights of perfect skies we started getting it really bad by the time we were in Arches National Park but as you can see in Royce's image down below, it still was possible to come away with a great image! Check out Royce's Image of Nic up inside the arch: Rounding out the podcast, I share a story of trying to get the mirror Milky Way out at the Salt Flats, dealing with car troubles and then a tip for making your own mirrors out in Moab. Join MaryBeth and I in the Upper Peninsula!


Erin Babnik | Story & Tips from the Keynote Speaker @ the Create Photography Virtual Summit | Ep 158

A fantastic treat for those of you who share my love of Erin Babnik! Erin joins the podcast to talk about her snowmobile workshop in the Dolomiti where she captured - BY HAND - an absolutely brilliant photo-stack of swirling snow and glowing Dolomite Mountains through the atmospheric clouds! Just love the image! You can see her image "Reverie" here: The podcast begins with us plugging the upcoming CREATE PHOTOGRAPHY VIRTUAL SUMMIT! It is an online-only zoom conference where Erin Babnik will be kicking off the teaching as our Keynote Address. The Conference is in February over Friday Feb. 19th and continues for three days ending in the afternoon on Sunday Feb 21st. After we talk about what she is teaching during her Keynote, I ask Erin about her process of finding images that match her quality level. Erin gets into detail about her process while at camera and then in post-processing to make the images we have grown to envy! Learn more from Erin here at her website: Direct link to her Workshop Reading List: Thanks for listening and get out there for an adventure of your own!


Alyn Wallace | For the love of Milky Way Photography | Ep 157

Alyn Wallace joins me back in June during the heat of the Covid-19 lockdowns to share his love of Milky Way Photography. After we bemoan the lack of opportunities to go out with our cameras, Alyn talks about what makes his Milky Way Photography stand out, his tip for clean images and we both geek out over what we both absolutely love about Milky Way Photography. Then Alyn shares his "what went wells" & challenges behind three of his favorite images. See if you can spot the very unique phenomenon that occurs in La Palma that is unique to Milky Way Photography in the Canary Islands. Thank Alyn for joining us on the podcast by checking out his content over at his Website & YouTube channel! Website: YouTube: Link to the Upper Peninsula Aurora Workshop with me and MaryBeth Kiczenski here:


Blake Fair's Milky Way Near Death Words of Caution & 4 Years! | Ep 156

To celebrate - in a slightly macabre way - the four-year mark of the Photog Adventures Podcast, I invite on Blake Fair to share with us his near-death experience capturing the Milky Way out at Corona Arch! Through his words of caution we all can be better prepared for going out on our for Milky Way Photography. You can read the news article about the experience here: Thank Blake Fair by following him over on his Instagram @FairImage! Blake's Instagram:


Michael Ver Sprill | Milky Way Mike joins me to talk our FIRST 2020 Milky Way Adventures | Ep 155

Michael Ver Sprill of Milky Way Mike fame on YouTube, joins the podcast to share the story of his Covid-19 Quarantine and tell us about his FIRST Milky Way of 2020! Mike went out to Assateague Island to get away from the New Jersey light pollution and captured three beautiful timelapses of the rising Milky Way Core over the Atlantic Ocean! In one of his captures, he had an incredible looking timelapse that starts on the inside of a tent and while watching the Milky Way rise through the open door of the tent it moves THROUGH the tent opening and out to reveal the entire horizon! It is a VERY COOL timelapse that you need to check out his YouTube channel and see for yourself! See his trip to Assateague & his timelapses here over on his Milky Way Mike YouTube Channel here: Trip to the Marshes & Wildlife Refuge: Follow Mike at Instagram and his website here: @Milky_Way_Mike and After sharing Mike's first Milky Way, I take him and you through the myriad of failures that led to me seeing my FIRST Milky Way of 2020 all the way in April! I share the fear that welled up in my imagination as I stood out there alone on that cliff wall capturing my SECOND SUCCESSFUL Dual-Exposure Milky Way Panorama! Be one of the 26 students to get my Milky Way Course at the $30 discount before it goes back up to the full price of $97!


Joshua Cripps | Our Out of Chicago LIVE Presentation & THE BEST IMAGE I did NOT know about! | Ep 154

Josh joins me to talk about the presentation we will be teaching together during this week’s Out of Chicago LIVE Conference and then he tells me about an image that I am STILL boiling with envy about! Join us at Out of Chicago LIVE! This weekend for three days of online global photography instruction! Get your access here before Thursday! After the fun of celebrating our chance to still teach during this Covid-19 craziness, Josh shares with me his story about an image of his that I had NOT known about yet and I can’t believe I had my head in the sand so much! I LOVE THIS IMAGE! I can’t believe how much I love it, such a fantastic composition and high quality execution that it was a lot of fun to hear the story behind this shot. Here are Kertu's and Dany's IGs:  Coming up on a future episode, Josh will join me again to talk about the FULL STORY of creating this shot and I cannot wait! See you at! Support Josh by going to and sign up for his email list so you can get in on his future online course offerings!


Covid-19 Derailment, 16-hours of Facebook Live Stream & Deep Sky Astrophotography PART ONE | Ep 153

Get your copy of my Milky Way Course at: 
For the first 30 minutes I talk about what the Corona situation meant for me and Photog Adventures. The derailment and the coming changes to Photog Adventures due to the Corona Virus. In classic Aaron King style I truly am an open book about the goings on around here and explain why the major change is coming. IF YOU CAME TO THE PODCAST FOR THE DEEP SKY DISCUSSION WITH IAN NORMAN SKIP TO 31:24. At minute 31:24 it’s TIME to think Deep Sky Astrophotography! This episode is part one of TWO EPISODES teaching Deep Sky Astrophotography. Part ONE is all Ian Norman & Diana Southern from joining me on my Live Stream to teach Deep Sky Astrophotography with your DSLR & the LRGB Post-Processing Method to bring the MOST out of your current gear without buying all the expensive trackers, telescopes, CCD cameras and EQ Mounts that will come with Narrowband DSO Astrophotography! This podcast includes highlights from the Live Stream, but you can go to Facebook with the link down below and watch the whole hour with Ian & Diana. Ian & Diana STARTS AT 5 hours 32 minute mark on the live stream here: Podcast 154 Coming VERY SOON with PART TWO of this Deep Sky Astro Get your copy of my Milky Way Course at $30 before it hits 100 sold and goes back up $97: Join the Guild at


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