Piano ReDiscovered

In this podcast, Serbian pianist Katarina Andjelkovic is discovering and presenting unknown, forgotten and underrepresented classical music for piano. You will hear the music and stories of some composers who didn't make it into the classical music mainstream, but certainly deserved to. Each episode brings a piano piece of one composer, played by Katarina, as well as a short story about them. Whether you are already a fan of classical music or not, after hearing these pieces, you will for sure start loving it (even more:) Enjoy!

The Music of a Heart: Nathaniel Dett

Robert Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943) brought an African - American folk tunes into the classical music. It wasn't just an unusual, innovative and refreshing creative choice: it was his mission, and a true calling of his heart to do so. Today we are left with several beautiful piano works (and many choral works) celebrating the African-American musical heritage, but also deeply resonating in their listeners regardless of geographic or cultural background. And describing his music, we just described who Nathaniel Dett was - a poet, idealist, romantic - who was building bridges and seeking to connect with all humans, in times that were challenging this idea on every step of the way.   Music: R.Nathaniel Dett "Prelude - Night" from the suite "In the Bottoms" Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic www.katarinaandjelkovic.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: www.facebook.com/pianorediscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano NextUs Festival: nextus.beyourownmanager.com


A tiny piece of Universe

If I would have to make this kind of comparison, I would say that Lili Boulanger (1893-1918) was Mozart of the 20th century. Like a bright comet, she passed by, leaving a beautiful trace of light on the night sky, and dissapeared somewhere in the Cosmos. Luckily, the light - her music - stayed forever. And whenever we have a chance, we should look up and enjoy that light, and experience how does it feel to have a tiny piece of Universe just for ourselves.   Music: Lili Boulanger "Prelude in D flat" Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic www.katarinaandjelkovic.com You can find my album "Quietudes" here: www.katarinaandjelkovic.bandcamp.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: www.facebook.com/pianorediscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


Tenderness and Sacrifice

The beautiful piano piece we are listening today is the only survived work of Viola Kinney (c. 1890-1945), an African-American pianist, teacher and composer from Missouri, USA. It was written when Viola was only 19 years old, and is dedicated to her mother. Rarelly we can hear a musical piece dedicated to the love of a child/person for their parent, and this piece is exactly that - one of the most beautiful forms of love expressed through music, and your musical hug for the day.  Music: L.Viola Kinney "Mother's Sacrifice" Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic  www.katarinaandjelkovic.com You can find my album "Quietudes" here: www.katarinaandjelkovic.bandcamp.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: www.facebook.com/pianorediscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


Scent of Chaminade

Cecile Chaminade (1857-1944) was a real superstar pianist-composer of her time. She was probably the first celebrity ever who inspired a parfume line. Her most popular piece was sold in 5 million copies during her life, and women around the world were gathering in "Chaminade Clubs", devoted exclusivelly to this great composer. How was it then possible, that her music simply dissapeared after her death? Tune in to find out, and also to experience one of the most beautiful (musical) meditations.  Music: Cecile Chaminade "Meditation" from 6 Romances sans paroles op.76 Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic  www.katarinaandjelkovic.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: www.facebook.com/pianorediscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


An Evening Walk at the Lake

Charles Griffes (1884-1920) is an outstanding American composer whose works don't stop impressing the lucky curious listeners who come across them. And we can only wonder what other masterpieces would come out of this genious mind if the Spanish flu pandemic didn't end his life way too soon - in his 35th year. I am inviting you to join me for some moments of silence with this meditative, almost hypnotizing melody, but also to give a thought about the situation of artists today - one hundred years later, but strangelly, still way too similar as it was back then.  Music: Charles Tomlinson Griffes "The Lake at Evening" from "3 Tone-Pictures" Op.5 Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic www.katarinaandjelkovic.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: Piano ReDiscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


A Song of Venetian Gondoliers - Finnish Style

Finnish composer Erkki Melartin (1875-1937) is a star of the second episode. And he is taking us for an unusual boat ride - from the Venetian canals all the way to the depths of his soul, in this lyrical and deeply emotional piece. Music: Erkki Melartin: "Barcarole" from "Lyric Pieces" Op.59 Piano, talk: Katarina Andjelkovic www.katarinaandjelkovic.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: Piano ReDiscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


Dreaming with Amy Beach

Did you hear about Amy Beach? The first female composer that her country, USA was aknowledging and celebrating. Join me today to hear about her dream, and how she turned every obstacle on her way into a chance to grow and make history remember her. Music: Amy Beach: "Dreaming" from "4 Sketches" Op. 15 Piano and talk: Katarina Andjelkovic www.katarinaandjelkovic.com For the updates on the next episodes follow: Piano ReDiscovered To support Piano ReDiscovered (thank you!) visit: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


Piano ReDiscovered: Intro

Why Piano ReDisovered? Get to know the idea behind it: Katarina Andjelkovic, pianist, is passionate about searching for the beautiful classical music for piano that left unheard or forgotten. In this episode, she is talking about the idea, background and the reasons for making a podcast that is all about this music.  More info about Katarina Andjelkovic and Piano ReDiscovered: www.katarinaandjelkovic.com www.facebook.com/pianorediscovered Support on: www.buymeacoffee.com/rediscoverPiano


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